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Suspected child rapist beaten to death in Thailand’s Nonthaburi prison


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The end of civilized criminal law and people applauding?


Those housed in jail have their own form of civilized criminal law. It is called Jailhouse justice. Rarely have inmates who met out their own form of justice (mainly to pedophiles, rapists and snitches) have been wrong in their assessments of the accused or convicted.
The voice of personal experience, no doubt...

Honestly, this place has become like a Roman circus. The news story is secondary to the sick entertainment provided by the gallery.

Remember, your neighbor in Thailand might be one of these sick f*cks posting about their murder fantasies, involving ant nests and beating people to death.

Give me sexpats, any day...

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to F/off!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.

and all started with "if".................sheesh

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Many are not familiar with the Thai consensual laws when money is not exchanged.

If you are a mature foreigner it is highly recommended to check the persons government ID to be certain that person is over 18 years of age, and pay particular attention to the photograph as many will use a family member's ID or buy a false ID off the street. That attractive person could very well be working with the police.

The age of consent in Thailand is 15 (with the below caveat) as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code. The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

When in doubt, avoid!

However, parts of the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, which disallow any sexual contact with prostitutes under the age of 18, are widely interpreted by some local authorities to cover sexual acts classed as "obscenity for personal gratification".Also from the Penal Code Amendment Actof 1997 Section 283bis, having sex with an adolescent under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the adolescent may file charges against the other side if they later regrets their own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

A high profile example of this application of the law was a statutory rape charge filed against the lead singer of the Thai band Big Ass for allegedly having had sex with a (then) 16-year-old girl. The charge was filed by the girl after the singer refused to take responsibility for her baby.

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I strongly suspect that he was on remand - he was only apprehended on 2nd January and beaten to death 3 days later. Anyone who knows the Thai judicial system knows that it takes weeks, months, and sometimes years, before a case gets to Court. He was innocent until proven guilty.

However, if my assumption is wrong and he was found guilty by the Court, he got what he deserved. All (convicted) child rapists and paedophilesshould be sent to Nonthaburi prison!

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

HOLD ON!!!! At this stage he was only SUSPECTED.

He deserved that if found guilty, but not before.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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The end of civilized criminal law and people applauding?


which country are you referring to. It happens in many western countries. Criminals hate pedophiles and child rapists.

While I do NOT condone any rape of anybody under any circumstances, and basically the penalty should be the same for all rapist AFTER they have been actually CONVICTED by trial - a harsh punishment that is, I do oppose wrong labeling by ignoring the facts. The girl in the OP is 15 years old, not an age qualifying for the pedophilia label (which refers to sex with pre-puberty children).

In Thailand the age of consent is 18, with some grayish definition for 15-18 where the young person can consent to the act, and then it's OK, but can also later change his/her mind and then it is considered as sex with a minor, but not pedophilia. Let me make my point clear - a rape is a rape, and should be punished harshly whether the victim is 15, 25, 35 or any other age, but only after a conviction by court!

BTW, in some European countries the age of consent is as young as 14:

In Europe, countries who have the age of consent set at 16 include Cyprus, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland. For Austria, Germany, Portugal and Italy it is 14, and in France, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Greece it is 15.Nov 17, 2013

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Correction officers at that prison need to be locked up as well for being so blatantly incompetent in allowing this to happen. Clearly there is no clear supervision of prisoners.

This guy had not even been given a proper trial before a barbaric mob decided to hold their own court and carry out the sentence. He might actually be completely innocent for all we know - and people applaud killing someone who might have done something wrong?

How anybody can applaud lynching of people is beyond belief.

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The end of civilized criminal law and people applauding?


Not "people", but a small minority of posters on the far right posting from their trailer parks ...............

When they are not busy spewing their venom here, they spend their days supporting Donald Trumph !!

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All those applauding and condoning this should take a serious look at themselves. Some even say they would do the same thing!

There are psychological reasons one would do this - from low self-esteem to being a psychopath.

Sorry Sir, but we absolutely don't care about psychological reasons of why someone become a pedophile, there's no excuses for this kind of behaviour.

Since you talk about it, you should better imagine the psychological damages of the kid/baby which was raped.

Pedophiles are not human, that's all.

Sorry for my bad English.

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I am appalled by the bloodlust of some contributors on this forum! This guy was a suspect, i.e. not convicted! He deserved a trial! Secondly, where were the Prison Officers while this was going on. Surely they must be implicated or at least negligent in their duties. Would all of you who applaud such barbarity be happy if the Koh Tao two were given the same treatment! I think not. It is no wonder the world is in such bad shape while there are people who advocate disbanding justice, however poorly administered, in favour of mob rule! Shame on you all!

to add to this, I know a guy personally who picked up a girl and went home with her to her house. She was all over him like a rash until the mother came home and then the girl started screaming rape. Lucky for that guy the cops sorted her before it went too far.

Never believe anything you hear or read and only half of what you see with your own eyes.

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Moral justice if he was guilty. Should be extended to all freaks of nature.

Does it all depend on what your particular personal definition of a freak of nature?

She was 15 which raises all sorts of other possibilities in the event, not 7 years old as in a child.

I disapprove of both rape at any age, and the lynch-mob justice mindset in nearly equal amounts.

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Wow most of the posters here are responding with glee, did anyone read that he is accused and not convicted?

What the hell is someone who has only been "accused" of a crime doing in Prison?

Their supposed to be sent there after they are convicted.


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All those applauding and condoning this should take a serious look at themselves. Some even say they would do the same thing!

There are psychological reasons one would do this - from low self-esteem to being a psychopath.

Sorry Sir, but we absolutely don't care about psychological reasons of why someone become a pedophile, there's no excuses for this kind of behaviour.

Since you talk about it, you should better imagine the psychological damages of the kid/baby which was raped.

Pedophiles are not human, that's all.

Sorry for my bad English.

Very bad, you don't even understand what you're arguing against.

Often alarmed at the lack of intelligence in posts on TV, there are some very stupid people posting on this forum, clearly highlighted in this thread as they showcase their simple bloodlust.

Lets make it very clear, if you read a story like that and condone that behaviour then you're just as much part of the dregs of society, absolutely no better than anyone you accuse with your lynch mob mentality

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Never agreed with supporting prisoners attacking rapists etc.

Quite frankly these would be heroes are what drug dealers who sell heroine to kids?

Attacked some old lady scared the life out of her and robbed her of her pension?

Scarred some guy for life for a few pounds/dollars

And they dare to judge?

Scum killing or attacking scum is not justice it's just a bunch of animals pretending to care when really they are no better themselves

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Presumably, the official Thai investigation will conclude this guy committed suicide by beating himself to death in sorrow for his alleged offense... whistling.gif

But seriously, he was only a suspect, not convicted. And even if he would have been convicted, he deserved to serve whatever would have been his prison sentence. He didn't deserve to be beaten to death by fellow inmates while in a Thai prison.

Those applauding that kind of IN-justice better hope they never find themselves on the wrong side of a Thai criminal case -- guilty or innocent.

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All those applauding and condoning this should take a serious look at themselves. Some even say they would do the same thing!

There are psychological reasons one would do this - from low self-esteem to being a psychopath.

Sorry Sir, but we absolutely don't care about psychological reasons of why someone become a pedophile, there's no excuses for this kind of behaviour.

Since you talk about it, you should better imagine the psychological damages of the kid/baby which was raped.

Pedophiles are not human, that's all.

Sorry for my bad English.

Very bad, you don't even understand what you're arguing against.

Often alarmed at the lack of intelligence in posts on TV, there are some very stupid people posting on this forum, clearly highlighted in this thread as they showcase their simple bloodlust.

Lets make it very clear, if you read a story like that and condone that behaviour then you're just as much part of the dregs of society, absolutely no better than anyone you accuse with your lynch mob mentality

What i found very alarming, it's people who manage to find excuses to pedophiles like if they was the victim.

There's no stupidity here, just normal feelings from normal people. I have a 2 yo son, if something similar happened to him,

i will not try to find some crappy psychological excuses.

That's the problem in our society, some try to find excuses for everything even when there's no possible excuses.

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It's not "finding an excuse for phedophiles", if you want them to go to trial, be convicted (evidence and all that stuff) and then be punished for their deeds.

And one might discuss the way to punish these people- lynching them, beating them to death in a rush of self righteous self justice etc. is NOT what should be condoned!

If there is a death penalty for crimes like that (which I am against IN GENERAL), so be it!

But just get an angry mob together and "hang 'em high" is just not what should happen in a civilized society!

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Some barbaric comments.

don't worry about it, it comes with low IQ and insecurity. the funny thing is, nearly all guys I have met in real life who have strong barbaric opinions about rape and what to do with rapists are are (ex-/crypto) wifebeaters, sexists and misogynists themselves. whistling.gif

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

The hate that's in these forums is disturbing.

This is what happens when anonymity reigns; the true colours of the "contributors" shine in the open. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty" ? Judged by the 24 inmates ?

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The end of civilized criminal law and people applauding?


I fully agree.

When a child rapist or a rapist generally gets his sentence I would in no way feel sorry for him.

But killing him in the above mentioned way by inmates is one thing. Applauding this killing is another thing that put the rapist, the killers and the applauders on the same level. Disgusting and shocking indeed.

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