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Suspected child rapist beaten to death in Thailand’s Nonthaburi prison


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Many years ago I knew a guy who was 35, and a very successful real estate agent. One day the cops show up at his office and arrest him. The charge? Three rapes. Evidence: His car was the same model as the rapist, who had attached police lights to his car, pulled women over and then raped them. They never found any police lights in his possession. Didn't matter. They put him in a line up. One of the victims gave a positive ID, the other 2 were not sure.

At his trial he produced verifiable evidence that he wasn't even in the state when 2 of the rapes occurred, and was at a party with other real estate agents, when the other one occurred. Didn't matter. He was convicted and sent to prison. In prison he was beaten, raped and stabbed, nearly dying. He lost his business, and just about everything else. Then they discovered this new thing called DNA. He finally got an attorney to re-open his case, and use DNA evidence from women's underwear and clothing. Guess what? DNA proved, beyond doubt, that he didn't do it. He sued the state, and the cops, for false imprisonment, and won big time.

Meanwhile, during the 5 years he was in prison, 6 more of the same type of rapes occurred, and the cops FINALLY arrested the right guy.

Did that really matter to him? Does that replace the five years he spent behind bars? Does that take away the memory of the multiple beatings, stabbing and rapes he had to endure? Like he said, no amount of money in the world can erase that from his mind.

Just something to think about.

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As to peadophilia... Come on... Anyone suggesting ( or hiding in loopholes) that the rapist of a 15 year old is anything but a pedophile needs to take a serious look at themselves... And maybe at their friends and families young daughters.

Of course any form of rape is wrong, horrendous, and needs to be punished. I think it is a matter of terminology. A pedophile has an attraction to pre-pubescent children. A 15 year old girl surely has already been through puberty, therefore he is not a pedophile. It's not a matter of judging what he did, it's just getting the terminology right.

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To all the do gooder TV lawyers, imagine that the girl was your daughter, and she had told you implicitly that she had been raped by the 'accused', how much sympathy would you have for him ?

I imagine, not a lot.

False argument and completely irrelevant!

Justice and laws should foot on principals and not depend on "having a bad day"!

IF I were the father, in the heat of the moment, I would be enraged and might want to kill the guy who did it- but when I come to my senses, one day, I would stand up against the death penalty, no matter what!

Since no one on TVF actually IS the father of this girl, the bloodthirst is even less understandable!

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I am appalled by the bloodlust of some contributors on this forum! This guy was a suspect, i.e. not convicted! He deserved a trial! Secondly, where were the Prison Officers while this was going on. Surely they must be implicated or at least negligent in their duties. Would all of you who applaud such barbarity be happy if the Koh Tao two were given the same treatment! I think not. It is no wonder the world is in such bad shape while there are people who advocate disbanding justice, however poorly administered, in favour of mob rule! Shame on you all!

Excuse me while I save your spot in the Mother Teresa conga line.....oh brother .......do bad, get bad...???

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Moral justice if he was guilty. Should be extended to all freaks of nature.

What a stupid statement. Should this be extended to those born malformed, with impaired minds, very fat people? Please engage your brain before you spout inane comments.

I am often reminded of an old Blues song which says something like: If you must say something, please say it right; because your mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime.

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As to peadophilia... Come on... Anyone suggesting ( or hiding in loopholes) that the rapist of a 15 year old is anything but a pedophile needs to take a serious look at themselves... And maybe at their friends and families young daughters.

Of course any form of rape is wrong, horrendous, and needs to be punished. I think it is a matter of terminology. A pedophile has an attraction to pre-pubescent children. A 15 year old girl surely has already been through puberty, therefore he is not a pedophile. It's not a matter of judging what he did, it's just getting the terminology right.

As my ole grandpappy used to say, "You just can't argue with a duck, because it will never understand."

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To all the do gooder TV lawyers, imagine that the girl was your daughter, and she had told you implicitly that she had been raped by the 'accused', how much sympathy would you have for him ?

I imagine, not a lot.

False argument and completely irrelevant!

Justice and laws should foot on principals and not depend on "having a bad day"!

IF I were the father, in the heat of the moment, I would be enraged and might want to kill the guy who did it- but when I come to my senses, one day, I would stand up against the death penalty, no matter what!

Since no one on TVF actually IS the father of this girl, the bloodthirst is even less understandable!

Is it really a false argument?

We develop opinions, ever changing, through life's experiences.... Having your daughter suffering rape, would certainly effect your opinion on rape as a crime.

So what?

So then your asked to be a juror on a rape case, and whilst the judge may instruct you to put personal opinions aside... Will you really be able too?

And the poster did not actually say he would take revenge on the culprit.

IMHOpinion.. His comment is relevant, as is your second sentence

If we care not about someone's misdeeds and fail to react, we ourselves are as guilty of those misdeeds

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

The hate that's in these forums is disturbing.

It is indeed.

And no doubt it comes from people who never miss an occasion to call sharia law 'barbaric'.

But that's how most human minds function, and could be called 'everyday schizophrenia'.

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How do we know it was actually a "rape"? My 19 year old niece once told me that many of her 14 - 15 year old girl friends were regularly having sex. Usually with older guys for money. The mother of one of the girls found out that he daughter had had sex, and went ballistic. The girl quickly said the man had raped her. She later admitted the truth and all charges were dropped.

We live in a screwed up world, and all you can do is try to make sure you don't put yourself into a position like that.

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

The hate that's in these forums is disturbing.

It is indeed.

And no doubt it comes from people who never miss an occasion to call sharia law 'barbaric'.

But that's how most human minds function, and could be called 'everyday schizophrenia'.

It could also be called "consistency"

Rape... Murder ( of rapist even)... Stoning of women, is all barbaric, and I would applaud all who speak against such things.

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We can only hope that this becomes common practice in Thailand for pedo suspects worse than a simple beating to death if you are convicted and fund guilty and this might deter some foreign pedoes coming to Thailand to peddle their evil wares on innocent children .

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to F/off!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.

Funny, first I was aware that an accusation automatically confers guilt on the accused. There's a massive difference between being accused of paedophilia and/or rape, and actually being a paedophile and/or rapist. If that isn't the case, safe to say the Koh Tao judgement is watertight and everyone claiming RTP ineptitude is wrong.

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We can only hope that this becomes common practice in Thailand for pedo suspects worse than a simple beating to death if you are convicted and fund guilty and this might deter some foreign pedoes coming to Thailand to peddle their evil wares on innocent children .

Something of a stretch of fancy to presume a fifteen-year-old girl is innocent.

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...rapists are scum

...we do not know if he in fact raped anyone though...

..we know that he was arrested...

...headline says the 'victim' was 15....the charge says 'under 15'....

...moot point ...unless...in this 'special' society where they dress nursery girls up to look like women..

....the victim was 15....and........it was consensual*** (15 is the Thai age of consent)


....what were the other 24 cellmates in for.....giving them moral authority over this guy's life...


...could he simply have been 'set up'....

...could he simply have refused to pay the girl's family....

...could he simply have pissed off some of the other people present...

...nobody saw anything...so we will never know...unless the deceased's family has any 'clout'....


....having been slandered repeatedly in learning environments....resulting in loss of job...revenue...reputation.....

....simply because 'somebody decided to make it so'.....

...that is why I have to ask....

...God forbid any of us is 'accused of a crime'....

...if you cannot 'get justice' in a leaning environment.....if you get arrested.....'because someone said so'.....you are as good as dead...

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

The hate that's in these forums is disturbing.

It is indeed.

And no doubt it comes from people who never miss an occasion to call sharia law 'barbaric'.

But that's how most human minds function, and could be called 'everyday schizophrenia'.

The veneer of 'civilization' is very thin............The animal IN ALL OF US is not far beneath the surface.

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No sympathy for a child rapist. Only concern is that in Thailand you are tortured until you confess, guilty or not. The prisons are full of the wrongly accused bringing into doubt if this man was guilty or just another fall guy. How would we feel if the same "justice" was administered to the Burmese two?

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to F/off!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.

He was not 'accused', troll, he was in prison for the crime!

Why so aggressive??

My reading of both the op and news item tell me he had only been ACCUSED, not convicted.

He was put in the slammer only 3 days before he was killed, presumably awaiting trial, probably what some countries call "on remand".

Please read it again and let us all kmow if he'd been convicted, because mamy posters believe, as I do, that he had only been accused.

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to F/off!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.

He was not 'accused', troll, he was in prison for the crime!

Why so aggressive??

My reading of both the op and news item tell me he had only been ACCUSED, not convicted.

He was put in the slammer only 3 days before he was killed, presumably awaiting trial, probably what some countries call "on remand".

Please read it again and let us all know if he'd been convicted, because many posters believe, as I do, that he had only been accused.

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Dont <deleted> with kids.......All of us wont take kindly to it.....By us I mean Men. Fathers,Dad's Brothers.......If you find yourself in a questional posistion when it comes to kids....leave, or Pay.

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The end of civilized criminal law and people applauding?


Not "people", but a small minority of posters on the far right posting from their trailer parks ...............

When they are not busy spewing their venom here, they spend their days supporting Donald Trumph !!

That's an interesting interpretation, 'posters on the far right'.

BTW I guess you don't have a daughter around that age, or none who might be easily impressed by smooth talking males?

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