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5 things i wish i knew before going to Thailand


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You've probably heard a lot about Thailand. The 'Land of Smiles' is known for it's warm hospitality, amazing cuisine and stunning landscapes. However, before heading off on your trip to Thailand there are a few things to take into consideration.

Here are 5 things you need to know, gathered from our friends in the travel industry - the ones who really know Thailand.

Watch out for dodgy deals

You know more Thai than you think

Beware of the buckets

Look before you leap

Stand your ground


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Find out which beer damages you the least

How to use an ATM if your girlfriend hasn't already shown you

That you can't, initially, eat most Thai food

That Pattaya and Phuket are to be avoided by decent human beings

How to recognise lady boys.

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1. Dont judge an entire Nation by one resort experience.

2. What you think is a girl ...may not be!

3. You are not really that handsum.

4. A fool and his money really are easily parted.

5. Dont leave your common sense in the departure lounge.

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1. It's not called Bangkok............it's KrungThepMahaNakhonAmonRattanakosinMahintharaAyutthayaMahadilokPhop NoppharatRatchathaniBuriromUdomRatchaniwetMahasathanAmonPhimanAwatan SathitSakkathattiyaWitsanuKamprasit.

2. Unless a Thai tells them something, then it isn't true.

3. Do not try to do your job well and change things for the better. You will be labelled a trouble maker.

4. All the good things you have done over 10 years will immediately be forgotten the moment you f@@k up just once.

5. Do not ask a Thai for directions. Rather than say they don't know (face), they will send you off on a wild goose chase. blink.png

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- Beware of the dangerous street dogs

- If you do get bitten get the 3843 shots against rabies

- Do not under any circumstances rent a scooter

- Do not rent a jet ski

- Cross the street only in group , or use a pram without a baby to stop traffic

- Long tall Thai girls with bigger chests are not girls at all

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Don't bother to learn Thai, they pretend they don't understand and are not worth talking to anyway most of the time

The one thing you cannot do without here are good ear plugs, you do not want to be listening to the Thai in laws rabbiting away about som tam or why it's hot/ cold.

Don't eat the food, Thai 'cuisine' really is the most ghastly repetitive stuff, but if you like lots of rice, veg, + fish served with some of the worst smelling stuff (plha ra) maybe OK

Never lend money to a Thai for obvious reasons, other foreigners even more so.

Never ever be tempted to marry a bar girl, most are as thick as a brick and as crafty as a fox.

The only thing Thais excel at are music and dance, that's the amazing part, the rest is not worth a mention.

Edited by jacky54
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Wish I knew :-

My woman IS different.

Thai's love us foreigners

No need to ever learn Thai as your girlfriend/wife will translate everything for you.

No need to rent a house instead its so easy to buy one under your wife's name. Let her do the paperwork while you put your feet up and open a cold beer Chang.

Thai's are naturally honest and truthful. If one asks to borrow money, go ahead and lend them. No need for a contract. Their word is their bond.

Any farrang telling you different, is just twisted and sick. Ignore them.

Edited by Lucifer
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Beware of farangs who drink Chang beer.

Beware of farangs selling real estate. No explanation necessary.

Don't fall in love more than once a week. Too expensive.

Your girlfriends 'brother' is actually her real lover.

Don't pay more than 6000 Baht for the non existant funeral of your Gfs non existant relative.

Once you accept the fact you are a walking talking ATM you will sleep better at night.

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1. It's not called Bangkok............it's KrungThepMahaNakhonAmonRattanakosinMahintharaAyutthayaMahadilokPhop NoppharatRatchathaniBuriromUdomRatchaniwetMahasathanAmonPhimanAwatan SathitSakkathattiyaWitsanuKamprasit.

2. Unless a Thai tells them something, then it isn't true.

3. Do not try to do your job well and change things for the better. You will be labelled a trouble maker.

4. All the good things you have done over 10 years will immediately be forgotten the moment you f@@k up just once.

5. Do not ask a Thai for directions. Rather than say they don't know (face), they will send you off on a wild goose chase. blink.png

Point 4 applies anywhere in the world.
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Some absolutely practical advice:

1. Thai king-size beds are the same size as U.S. king size beds, but for reasons totally unknown, good quality sheets sets in Thailand cost 10 times what they do in the western world and it's nearly impossible to find flat top sheets that match the rest of the sheet set. So, bring several sets of good quality sheets with you. (Isn't this stuff made in this part of the world?)

2. Ditto for good quality bath towels.

3. Ditto for good quality athletic shoes.

4. Ditto for good quality underwear, especially women's bras.

5. Ditto for good quality swimwear, especially for a woman who isn't toothpick thin and swims laps for several hours weekly.

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