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Sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel


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Sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel

BERLIN: -- Germany must look again at deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said "clear signals" had to be sent to those not prepared to abide by German law.

Gangs of men described as of North African and Arab appearance were reported to be behind the attacks. Meanwhile, similar incidents from New Year's Eve have been reported in Finland and Switzerland.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35259224

-- BBC 2016-01-08

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Growing fury in Germany over New Year’s Eve assaults on women in Cologne
By Seamus Kearney


"We must examine again and again whether we've done what is necessary in terms of expulsions from Germany"

BERLIN: -- There is growing fury in Germany over assaults that took place on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

Some 120 women said they were robbed, threatened and sexually molested after being surrounded by groups of young men.

The attacks have been linked to the controversy over refugees entering the country after police said the attackers appeared to be foreigners.

Some media quote what are said to be internal police reports that say 16 suspects have been identified and some are recent refugee arrivals.

However, other officials warn that no one has been arrested and there is no concrete evidence the attackers were asylum seekers.

Under pressure over immigration, and pressed for comments on the Cologne attacks, the German Chancellor said: “We must examine again and again whether we’ve done what is necessary in terms of expulsions from Germany, in order to send clear signals to those who are not prepared to abide by our legal order.”

Meanwhile, similar reports are emerging elsewhere.

Half a dozen women in Zurich say they were assaulted after being surrounded by young men on New Year’s Eve.

Finnish police have also said they received information that assaults were planned on women at New Year’s Eve celebrations.

The events in Cologne have cast a shadow over the city’s upcoming annual carnival.

Josef Sommer from Cologne Tourism said: “The situation is definitely a little tense in light of the many reactions worldwide, not just in the media but also from guests who had planned or are still planning a Cologne trip. They are now reconsidering whether they are coming.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-08

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Not refugees but immigration gone berserk without any checks. Plenty of real refugees in other countries that had no such attacks.

More reports; http://www.smh.com.au/world/they-touched-us-everywhere-victims-of-mass-sex-assault-in-cologne-describe-ordeal-20160106-gm0tmc.html

Here Merkel wonders if " certain groups have contempt for women..."

One thing the attackers have in common is they were all male.


Edited by Moonsterk
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Angela, it was you that welcomed the migrants with open arms and said all would be welcome.

Now step up and take responsibility. Thousands involved apparently. Police cover-up of a

criminal activity that shone a negative spotlight on her political agenda. Police officers

that covered this up should be fired (or at least sent to the Thai like inactive post) and Merkel

should resign. Women who were victimized should sue her. coffee1.gif

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Move along please. Nothing to see here.

For law-abiding Arab immigrants, Sharia takes precedence over the German legal code where there is any conflict.

Any unveiled woman out in public at that hour of the night is just begging for it.

Edited by Radar501
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Growing fury in Germany over New Year’s Eve assaults on women in Cologne

By Seamus Kearney


"We must examine again and again whether we've done what is necessary in terms of expulsions from Germany"

BERLIN: -- There is growing fury in Germany over assaults that took place on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

Some 120 women said they were robbed, threatened and sexually molested after being surrounded by groups of young men.

The attacks have been linked to the controversy over refugees entering the country after police said the attackers appeared to be foreigners.

Some media quote what are said to be internal police reports that say 16 suspects have been identified and some are recent refugee arrivals.

However, other officials warn that no one has been arrested and there is no concrete evidence the attackers were asylum seekers.

Under pressure over immigration, and pressed for comments on the Cologne attacks, the German Chancellor said: “We must examine again and again whether we’ve done what is necessary in terms of expulsions from Germany, in order to send clear signals to those who are not prepared to abide by our legal order.”

Meanwhile, similar reports are emerging elsewhere.

Half a dozen women in Zurich say they were assaulted after being surrounded by young men on New Year’s Eve.

Finnish police have also said they received information that assaults were planned on women at New Year’s Eve celebrations.

The events in Cologne have cast a shadow over the city’s upcoming annual carnival.

Josef Sommer from Cologne Tourism said: “The situation is definitely a little tense in light of the many reactions worldwide, not just in the media but also from guests who had planned or are still planning a Cologne trip. They are now reconsidering whether they are coming.”


-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-08

I'm surprised that Germany does not have an extensive CCTV system. Everyone in the EU should have an ID if not they are illegal and should be deported or put in camps until their ID known.

If a refugee or migrant commits a crime they should be deported.

Go to Iran or Saudi and steal, check the penalty. Try to walk down the street with a bible in either of these countries.

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Sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel

Nothing but hot air.

Deport them to where Merkel. If you do not know where they come from then there is no chance you will be able to deport them.

I agree... there are several catch 22s.

One you mentioned, but others are that human rights forbid to deport someone to a country where his life is at risk (which is the very reason people are granted asylum in the first place).

Here is a good summary of what happens to refused asylum seekers and the astronomic costs:


Basically according to the legal EU framework, Germany could legally push them back to countries from which the asylum seekers entered Germany, and then that country would have to again examine their claim, then push them back again, etc. until most refugees probably end up in Greece or Italy.

In turn, Greece or Italy could want to send them back, but they can't send anyone to war-torn countries or where the refugee's life would be at risk - that is, if it is known from where the refugee came at all...

So it seems refused refugees would then pile up in Southern Europe, but I cannot see Italy and Greece, possibly Spain, accepting to shoulder the burden, besides of finding areas where the refused refugees can be temporarily settled.

Current regulations foresee that "unreturnable" refused refugees be kept in immigration detention... indefinitely.

This whole affair makes me want to puke.

Europe is already struggling to cope with the economy, if any additional taxes must be levied to pay for this disaster, I think heads will roll, Merkel's first.

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Merkel should be jailed for her incomprehensible negligence.... The first job of any Head of State and government should be the safety of it's citizens.

To be negligent you have to be aware of what is going on and why, and do little or nothing to stop it. I think Merkel and her ilk are 'merely' guilty of execrably poor judgement and naivete, which you can't really prosecute for.

Let us hope the fine people of Germany sling her out on her fat ass at the next election, however...

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Firstly... Human Rights, everyone is entailed to them and that includes law abiding citizen who should expect protection from criminals, therefore I see no reason to deport those thugs.

Secondly... No one should expect asylum unless they provide details from where they came from.

thirdly... People who turn up in other countries without documentation should be held in transit camps until there country of origin is established and they are repatriated.

fourthly... Wealthy countries should be doing more to reduce the gap in the standard of living in poorer countries which is the the root cause of economic migration.

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RISK..........Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...............Europe has SERIOUSLY lost the plot.......Europe IS being laughed at, natives ain't laughing though....Heres a song for YOU controllers....Get my drift....?

While they think about Arabic rapists, the whole nation is raped by other Europen countries and Djhad friends, bomb experts and those who flee their country because the German government is one of the most incompetent ones on this planet.

It's only a matter of some months that many of them will show up in the UK, the all know more than the German politicians.

The youngest German people have to pay a bill that was alreay made a long time ago. Let a German factory worker in his little and old shitty Japanese car make his three shifts, paying up 40 to 50 % of his income for taxes, while all the Asylum seekers drive a big Benz and BMW paid by the government.

Third world country Germany. It's only a matter of years and Arabic will take over. They reproduce like rabbits, because they know the government will pay for, while real Germans think twice to have a child these days. Why do I want to throw up now?

More mosques for Germany, paid by the tax payers.

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The response by the stupid morons in Germany is to harrass and water cannon decent citizens that protest against third world migrants that have zero respect for women or western culture and have demonstrated their contempt for being given sanctuary and assistance by going out and commiting vile acts en masse. They deserve nothing less but (they and their co-religionists) cleansing from european soil forever.

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