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How to write a negative review...

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How is it possible, if at all, to write a first-hand account of something that happened to you at a business that was quite negative.

In the newspaper world, for example, you will never see a negative review of a restaurant. Advertising will not allow it, because every business is a potential advertiser, either now or in the future.

But a national forum should have a way to express your valid grievances without having to redact all references to the actual place; what good is that information if you have no idea where it happened?

In this case, there is a car shop in Chiang Mai that is not only negligent and incompetent, but uses deceptive practices and cooks the books. If this were a Western country I would sue for fraud and most likely win -- I have all the documentation. Anyone who goes there will be paying a great deal and will have to expect to have all the work redone in the near future.

I do not want to see anyone suckered in because they trusted this owner and his shop.

I am posting this publicly because I know that others have this question. (My nephew and his wife were just in Chiang Mai on their honeymoon and went to a French restaurant in town. One main dish was incorrect and the foreigner chef/cook came out to give them the third-degree about it, took back the dish and then charged them for it. The rest of the meal, I was told by both of them was, "The worst restaurant experience we've ever had.").

They plan on posting their report on as many social media sites as possible to warn others away from this place. ThaiVisa could be one of them.

So what is the protocol? Can this be done?


Google the business name and see if they are on any review sites, and add your own if they're on any.


"In the newspaper world, for example, you will never see a negative review of a restaurant. Advertising will not allow it, because every business is a potential advertiser, either now or in the future. "

What rubbish.


And this is just one of many bad reviews or mixed reviews to appear in The NY Times. There are other good newspapers that give negative reviews of restaurants.


Even if you tell the truth,and are 100% in the right,you could

still be sued here,thats why dodgy businesses are still trading,

and they have no incentive to improve.

regards worgeordie


Just post it as your experience there. Do not try to say it is that way with all every time.

If it is that bad others will join in. Just be sure you make no accusations.

Most of them are over looked any how but you do run the risk.


I should have said newspapers in Asia. The ones that I have worked for would never touch a negative review. Large newspapers have the luxury of calling a spade a spade; they are not worried about a few small potatoes.

I am not talking about posting a negative review on other sites; I thought I was clear on querying about posting HERE.


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