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Jewish Group Forming In Chiangmai


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We are a Jewish family who moved to Chiangmai on a permanent basis about six months ago. We would like to form a group to meet to share shabbat, holidays and other times. We know there is Chabad in Chiangmai, and that they do an excellent job for the Israelis and young travelers who are generally here temporarily.

We are English speakers and envision a very inclusive, egalitarian group. We welcome people from the entire Jewish spectrum, including mixed couples and families.

We live centrally in the Nimmenhaemin area, with plenty of parking and lots of room.

If you are interested, please PM me, and feel free to email this to all who you feel might be interested. When we get enough responses, we'll arrange a meeting and take it from there.

You can also contact us at [E-mail and phone numbers edited out as per Thaivisa policy. Please use the PM button at the bottom of this post to get in touch with the poster. /Meadish :o]

Edited by meadish_sweetball
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Thaivisa.com is fantastic. We've gotten two replies already from families with kids. We have three kids ourselves, boys of 14 and 11 and a girl of 9. One of those who wrote us privately asked whether this group would be reformed, conservative or ultra relgious. This is a very valid question, so we thought we would take the liberty of sharing our response, below


"As for your question, the group as it develops will make its own decisions as to activities, etc., with inclusiveness, egalitarianism and Jewish warmth as our guiding principles. For our part, we believe that labels are only ways to divide people, and we think, no matter what our religious views and observances are, we can agree that one thing we don't need is more divisiveness, intolerance and finger-pointing. My wife and I were thinking of a very warm, inclusive kind of group, which hopefully could grow into a community"

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