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Obtaining Thai Citizenship For 32 Yr Old Daughter


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Might anyone have insight into the possibility of obtaining Thai citizenship for a daughter of an American servicemember (now retired) and his Thai wife of 33 years? Our 32 year old daughter would like to obtain dual citizenship to give her added options when she decides to retire. We've been led to believe that any child born to a Thai woman is 'a Thai citizen', but in our case, our daughter was born while we were stationed in Taiwan. She has all her old passports, birth certificates, etc. Any information would be helpful.

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Broadly speaking you are correct - and the rule is still the same and for intents and purposes, age does not apper to be a factor. I know this because I am a member of a group that doesa lot to support the Hmong ethnic group, and as recently as last year some Hmong adults got Thai citizenship formalised after proving the maternal side of their parentage was Thai - so yes, the rule still appears to be the same i.e. "the children of Thai mothers are entitled to Thai citizenship"

The above italics are the actual words in the letter they normally get, and no distinction is made between male and female applicants, although I think in another posting a contributor did come across something that indicated male & female applicatants were treated differently. If I am not mistaken, males loose that automatic right when they become adults - but not females (I stand to be corrected on this last point) - but in any event, as far as females go, it appears the entitlement is retained into adulthood.


Edited by Maizefarmer
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