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Muslim woman thrown out of Trump rally; group seeks apology


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Ah, now this is a different angle. Was there a different way to handle this? Maybe. But if recent management of such persons by Obama and HRC are any indication, Trump should bear no greater burden than they have- they often handle things the same way.

I have primarily said I dislike Trump least but with each passing day this quality of my affection changes. I increasingly like Trump more than the others. Sorry, I suppose I am a "wingnut." Those with interests in the status quo will not let Trump win easily. It is better to maintain the illusion of choice between two wings of the same party- Democrat and Republican. But if Trump does win, it'll be worth the ride. IMO, America is so far to the tipping point that anything is worth a shot to avoid the world Obama and Hillary are giving us.

What is it that you like about Trump, more and more as time goes by?

His inability to deal with simple political ploys such as this?

His unelectability is not a function of the stutus quo, his unelectability is a result of his mouth not communicating with his brain.

Now he is starting with his birther runt toward Cruz. He says born in Canada disqualify him,

Only wingnuts would not know that it is not where you are born, but if one of your parents is a US citizen. Trump knows that, only the wingnuts he is trying to convince to make him president do not. He is a dangerous demagogue and the sooner he exits this race the better.

I agree with the lack of choice between the two parties, bringing in a clown does not enhance the choice.

Claiming that HRC or Obama would. or does ,act similarly is arguable, but even if one was to agree, I don't see how their stupidity would in any way diminish Trump's.

Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

It was a rhetorical question,

I did not poison the well, I simply tried to tell you not to drink from a poisoned well

and IMO Trump is poison

As far as Trump's success at the pols is concerned, , remains to be seen, we will know soon enough. But even if he was successful, it would not be no indication of lack of poison, History is full of successful poisonous politicians.

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars"

Trump did not have the chance yet, Given his demeanor , give him a chance and he will.

This is not my opinion, this is his awn words. Again claiming that Others are bad does not make Trump good. Why change the subject to them , we are not talking about them here we are talking about Trump, I concede the point HRC and Obama have done bad things.

I watched the Video, and I will post it below for further investigation, she was not positioned behind his podium, she was to the left and higher, the camera had to pan to find her, if it stayed on Trump no one would had seen her.


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It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

It's obvious the woman is a political activist, but should not to be vilified just because she's an American from the Muslim faith.

But she was not vilified because she's... "from the muslim faith." If I wear a muslim skullcap and smack a cop am I arrested because I am muslim? No, of course not. Her accouterments are not a protective amulet from truth.

When I have someone over for dinner I have zero obligation to have a free speech area in my home. Say something impolite or steal the day's attention from Dad's wake service and we will kick you out. The abusive contortion you suggest of the 1st Amendment is hilarious. It is. I have zero duty to enable the free speech of others, only not to infringe upon it in the public space. In fact, the Bill or Rights are restrictions on governments primarily. Trump elected to provide a protest area so opponents could sycophantically suck off his media and it is far more than most would do.

Silent protest is protest; she broke the rules. This is a known fact of civil society/civil disobedience from Emerson/Thoreau era. Even here, however, the focus was on government not personalities. "Its obvious the woman is a political activist," yes. For this reason she was told to leave. Its evident from the footage and reports. As the onion layers of radical islam and its multifaceted Civilization Jihad are peeled away we will see the Regressive Left and Islamic Jihad frantically offer all manner of excuses, spin, howls and wailing and gnashing or teeth as they are both revealed for the world to really see- seditious bedfellows.

Perhaps you are right, but this is politics, and If Trump wants to be president, and prove his claim that he would be a GREAT negotiator for as, he needs to display his political skill, and not fall for simple political ploys such as this.

All this "great negotiator" had to say was :

" Now now people leave this lady along, this is America, and we all have the right to out opinion, let her stand and listen to as, and perhaps by the end of this rally we will change her opinion of as"

It would had made him look good, and her look stupid standing there.

"Politics, the art of telling some one to go F%#k them selves in such a way that they say thank you"

Trump is just an Idiot with money, please don't mistake wealth with intelligence

Edit, stupid laptop key-board dropping letters smile.png . dont buy an HP envy , a piece of crap for a lot of money

John McCain would have done exactly as you described. To my mind he was the last real Republican to run. But even he had to pander to to the wingnuts by bringing along the lady who could see Russia from her porch.

Not True, say what you may, McCain was/is a gentelman




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What she wants?
She has all rights to live out her religion freely.
She can also go to a mosque to pray.
Religion should be a private matter.
No one should tell another what he has to believe!
But it is precisely where the difference lies.
Islam is not just a religion, it also establishes rules as a state/community has to work.
Why she does not complain about the fact that in many Islamic countries it is not allowed to build churches?
The separation of church (religion) and state is being fought by many Islamists. So Lady you're in the wrong country!
This is not more than a PR stunt.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

She stood in order to elicit a response.

She got the response she was looking for.

Tell you what - next time you go to a concert and the person in front of you stands up and you can no longer see. Let me know how not responding works out for you.

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Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

It was a rhetorical question,

I did not poison the well, I simply tried to tell you not to drink from a poisoned well

and IMO Trump is poison

As far as Trump's success at the pols is concerned, , remains to be seen, we will know soon enough. But even if he was successful, it would not be no indication of lack of poison, History is full of successful poisonous politicians.

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars"

Trump did not have the chance yet, Given his demeanor , give him a chance and he will.

This is not my opinion, this is his awn words. Again claiming that Others are bad does not make Trump good. Why change the subject to them , we are not talking about them here we are talking about Trump, I concede the point HRC and Obama have done bad things.

I watched the Video, and I will post it below for further investigation, she was not positioned behind his podium, she was to the left and higher, the camera had to pan to find her, if it stayed on Trump no one would had seen her.



"It remains to be seen" what Trump's success at the polls results in but not his waging war? How absurd. You concede you do not know the measure of the future but offer the measure of another's potential, capability, possibility as a human being. Such a Wise Counsel should certainly advise us on all manner of things. But regarding the premise of the future and possibilities we do know Obama was presumed to be a peacemaker and we assigned this erroneous value to him. Look how that turned out. "Give him a chance and he will." I would not race to quick to know the future. Though in your defense I too warned of Obama long ago. J.R.R. Tolkein "Even the wise cannot see all ends."

This is one camera angle, CNN, that you reference. CNN (The Emotional News Network) has not had credibility since faking bomb attacks from a studio in the US. Its also not the only game in town. The fact remains, a seat behind the dais is desirable for protests. Its obvious. I did not claim others are bad to make Trump seem good; read the post thread. I responded to the assertion that Trump is "dangerous." Unquestionably, this has meaning only insofar as it has context- leadership and the executive- Obama and Hillary- previous and current stewardship. This is what "dangerous" pertains to so the context is valid. Its the only context for Trump to be considered against- the Executive or other candidates.

Lastly, one thing did disturb but not surprise me- the venom to which this woman was denounced. While it was markedly less aggressive than that at TNTC (Too Numerous To Count) liberal protests, I was disturbed. The woman should not have had her egress blocked by some redneck in her face. She achieved exactly what she came for. She was a total success. If one thinks she desired less of a spectacle they're delusional. I am not surprised. Left with no responsible central narrative by the Progressive Left "Islamic Jihad does not come from Islamic ______ " this is exactly how people's frustration will emerge. Obama policy predicts this and we have predicted this and more for several months here.

Saying "starlight does not come from stars" stretches credulity to the point of madness. Of course people will increasingly act out.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

Are you blind?

Make this in a mosque with a thick Christian cross around your neck, analogous to her headscarf.

Since you will not come out without having lost all your teeth!

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there is always the chance for mob violence. People that go out of their way to assert that they are muslims may be at risk. But they could be more subtle and change their dress to be more in line with the mainstream of the country they chose to now live in. It is up to them.

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Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

It was a rhetorical question,

I did not poison the well, I simply tried to tell you not to drink from a poisoned well

and IMO Trump is poison

As far as Trump's success at the pols is concerned, , remains to be seen, we will know soon enough. But even if he was successful, it would not be no indication of lack of poison, History is full of successful poisonous politicians.

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars"

Trump did not have the chance yet, Given his demeanor , give him a chance and he will.

This is not my opinion, this is his awn words. Again claiming that Others are bad does not make Trump good. Why change the subject to them , we are not talking about them here we are talking about Trump, I concede the point HRC and Obama have done bad things.

I watched the Video, and I will post it below for further investigation, she was not positioned behind his podium, she was to the left and higher, the camera had to pan to find her, if it stayed on Trump no one would had seen her.

"It remains to be seen" what Trump's success at the polls results in but not his waging war? How absurd. You concede you do not know the measure of the future but offer the measure of another's potential, capability, possibility as a human being. Such a Wise Counsel should certainly advise us on all manner of things. But regarding the premise of the future and possibilities we do know Obama was presumed to be a peacemaker and we assigned this erroneous value to him. Look how that turned out. "Give him a chance and he will." I would not race to quick to know the future. Though in your defense I too warned of Obama long ago. J.R.R. Tolkein "Even the wise cannot see all ends."

This is one camera angle, CNN, that you reference. CNN (The Emotional News Network) has not had credibility since faking bomb attacks from a studio in the US. Its also not the only game in town. The fact remains, a seat behind the dais is desirable for protests. Its obvious. I did not claim others are bad to make Trump seem good; read the post thread. I responded to the assertion that Trump is "dangerous." Unquestionably, this has meaning only insofar as it has context- leadership and the executive- Obama and Hillary- previous and current stewardship. This is what "dangerous" pertains to so the context is valid. Its the only context for Trump to be considered against- the Executive or other candidates.

Lastly, one thing did disturb but not surprise me- the venom to which this woman was denounced. While it was markedly less aggressive than that at TNTC (Too Numerous To Count) liberal protests, I was disturbed. The woman should not have had her egress blocked by some redneck in her face. She achieved exactly what she came for. She was a total success. If one thinks she desired less of a spectacle they're delusional. I am not surprised. Left with no responsible central narrative by the Progressive Left "Islamic Jihad does not come from Islamic ______ " this is exactly how people's frustration will emerge. Obama policy predicts this and we have predicted this and more for several months here.

Saying "starlight does not come from stars" stretches credulity to the point of madness. Of course people will increasingly act out.

removed video from my post to shorten reply.

I consider front to be that area of your head where your face is located and back the area where is not.

Perhaps you are right about the angle of the camera.

and from the video I provided it seems to me that she was to the front left and up, but I could be wrong. I searched for a video where the angle showed her behind him and honestly I could find non, not saying that is none , simply that I could find non.

If you could forward me a link to the video you are referring to, I would be happy to reconsider my opinion on this issue.

Edited by sirineou
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"It remains to be seen" what Trump's success at the polls results in but not his waging war? How absurd. You concede you do not know the measure of the future but offer the measure of another's potential, capability, possibility as a human being. Such a Wise Counsel should certainly advise us on all manner of things. But regarding the premise of the future and possibilities we do know Obama was presumed to be a peacemaker and we assigned this erroneous value to him. Look how that turned out. "Give him a chance and he will." I would not race to quick to know the future. Though in your defense I too warned of Obama long ago. J.R.R. Tolkein "Even the wise cannot see all ends."

This is one camera angle, CNN, that you reference. CNN (The Emotional News Network) has not had credibility since faking bomb attacks from a studio in the US. Its also not the only game in town. The fact remains, a seat behind the dais is desirable for protests. Its obvious. I did not claim others are bad to make Trump seem good; read the post thread. I responded to the assertion that Trump is "dangerous." Unquestionably, this has meaning only insofar as it has context- leadership and the executive- Obama and Hillary- previous and current stewardship. This is what "dangerous" pertains to so the context is valid. Its the only context for Trump to be considered against- the Executive or other candidates.

Lastly, one thing did disturb but not surprise me- the venom to which this woman was denounced. While it was markedly less aggressive than that at TNTC (Too Numerous To Count) liberal protests, I was disturbed. The woman should not have had her egress blocked by some redneck in her face. She achieved exactly what she came for. She was a total success. If one thinks she desired less of a spectacle they're delusional. I am not surprised. Left with no responsible central narrative by the Progressive Left "Islamic Jihad does not come from Islamic ______ " this is exactly how people's frustration will emerge. Obama policy predicts this and we have predicted this and more for several months here.

Saying "starlight does not come from stars" stretches credulity to the point of madness. Of course people will increasingly act out.

removed video from my post to shorten reply.

I consider front to be that area of your head where your face is located and back the area where is not.

Perhaps you are right about the angle of the camera.

and from the video I provided it seems to me that she was to the front left and up, but I could be wrong. I searched for a video where the angle showed her behind him and honestly I could find non, not saying that is none , simply that I could find non.

If you could forward me a link to the video you are referring to, I would be happy to reconsider my opinion on this issue.

Sorry, you second sentence seems like what the definition if "is" is. I lost you. However, I did find this and other online. You can find the link. This was a video pulled from an amalgam of videos of the event. I grabbed this frame. I do not know the source. I have stumbled on it in multiple places. But frankly, this really is sophistry: of course this was planned. Here's Trump turning around to observe the surprise commotion. You can see roadkill hairdo of his full force. Of course this was the best seat in the house.


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Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time? What do I "like about Trump" is followed with a diatribe that clearly invites me to silence. Is this typical of you? I wouldn't think so. I think it is typical of the false liberal open discourse illusion Americans are sick of. There is none. But let me see if I can line item response.

How Trump handled this political ploy interests me. It was honest, not hiding behind guns and badges nor pre-screening like Obama and HRC. Without question political handlers know who is sitting behind the dais on screen. They allowed her there, sure. Had she sat silently they would have passively milked her presence as endorsement. But all her actions were her own. No one made her do anything. Thus, damned if you, damned if you don't.

The same formulas that predict Trump's unelectability predicted his demise for primaries many times. Still possible, though the numbers suggest an upset.

Trump's Birther rant toward Cruz is below the belt, and only helps Democrats. It is/was stupid.

"Only wingnuts would..." Sorry, I detest pejorative laced Leftist drivel. But ok, this would have value to those who are not smart enough to know better- agreed!

"Dangerous?" Of Trump, Obama, and Hillary only one has not waged wars, killed others, or/and openly regaled in the death of a human being on camera. Trump does not have Death Boards of unelected Americans meeting in secret on the life or death of American citizens and tallying collateral damage deaths. Obama does, and Hillary was counsel as SecState. "Dangerous?" You anticipate my response with an honorable closure. Thanks. No, it does not diminish Trump but it was you who offered Trump as "Dangerous." J. Turley "Obama is becoming the very threat the Constitution was created to prevent (para)." Hard to call Trump "dangerous" in this light. The word loses all meaning relative to Obama and the presidency.

Trump gains legitimacy in my eyes with this action. Under no circumstances should any leader have his podium commandeered by another. Its the equivalent of having to do your cell mate's laundry. Trump was correct to allow this upstart to be ejected. One more example of contrived exigency from the Left. Watch the Muslim Brotherhood wind up more of these Lawfare Drones.

"Why would you poison the well, and ask me to drink at the same time?"

ove it, I wanted to give you a "Like" but I did not want people to confuse it with agreement on your Trump stance.

any way, here it is, LIKE!!!smile.png

Now I will read the rest of your reply

:-) The thing that strikes me more about these pages is the often insightful points people raise, for and against my positions; but what strikes me most is the deeply seated venom that those on the Left (or, lets say opposing point of view) have for others. It seems impossible that those with the loudest voice on the Left can make their point without a back wound, a character inference, or assassination, or some other ridicule or abuse. This is the entire subtext of what Trump speaks to for others. People are sick of the political hostage taking, political isolation by contrived guilt, social debt, redistribution, bills of attainder, etc. People are tired of watching all their landmarks and institutions basically run asunder by American Brown Shirts and Modern Maoists (MO Professor- "Can I get some muscle over here?"). This is exactly what is happening. America is being destroyed by the very status quo that would be continued without a "Trump" galvanizing disgust and drawing lines in our sand (Real lines, not Obama Red Lines).

Wanna measure the degree of vitriol in America and its source? Look at Liberal Ideology and their discourse with others. Wingnuts, deniers, extremists, racists, bigot, and Rightwingers (this last one we get). We too need a reference point and refer to the Left by their own self assigned labels- the Left, Leftist, Progressive. Yet the daily barrage of back and forth in the Right's discourse rarely if ever uses the personal attributes of those engaged as a target. The Right does not have a highly evolved lexicon on ad hominem fallacies. There is something base, contemptuous, and disgusting in using such language assassination. It is evident on this thread regarding Trump ejecting a woman from the venue. It is self evidently intolerant of others. Thus, to the contrary, the Left represents what is consistently worst about the human condition. Every social event and political moment is radicalized by the left, and the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Bomb-boy, and others know this. It is within this strategic framework the MB evolved its Civilization Jihad formula (See United States Vs Holyland Foundation).

This is what we are sick of: that poisonous alienation and isolation of the majority by a minority- the Left. America is a center right country and remains so today. The only thing the Left has going for it is the complicity of other forces that also want to destroy the world that raised them and in its place erect some corporeal Multicultural Zion- Read Utopia. One thing a Trump crowd will not put up with is bowing to such aggression especially when couched in a hijab.

You have devolved into preacher mode again. The End of Days stuff about the evils of the Left destroying America. This is to be expected from the right but what is quite extraordinary is your claim that the right wing is a paragon of innocent virtue in political discourse while the Left is a group of foul mouthed extremists. I wonder if you have any interaction at al with the middle class in America. By that I mean the real middle class, that is, the underclass who are duped into thinking they are middle class and not the gated community middle class. The underclass in America is comprised of marginalised groups for whom social justice is not just an intellectual exercise. What are the terms applied by the right to this underclass. You have the racial slurs. Talk of Thugs in when black children are gunned down by police. Endless perorations about black on black gun violence and black criminal statistics. What about the references to Latinos, particularly the undocumented aliens. Dehumanising and marginalising them as 'illegals' when it is their actions that are illegal and not themselves. What was the language used against the protesters against globalisation, most recently during the Occupy Wall Street. We have all sorts of comments like Romney's 47%. We also have pejoratives against LGBT people and most recently the whole anti-islamic lexicon. And you say the Right discourse does not use such language. You say only the Left is base and contemptuous. Fox News has created an extremely successful business model around exploiting the political divide in their use of language, in how they slant reports and how the present visuals.

On this issue I think you have gone into looney tunes country. I give you credit for not throwing up the infantile property rights argument or the fake outrage of people not being able to see past someone standing in front of them. That is just agitprop from the disruptors. But to lambast the Left as the only ones who resort to emotional argument; the only ones who use trigger words and flash points, is quite outrageous.

What this woman did was political speech. SCOTUS gives leeway to political speech, so much leeway that they issued the Citizen's United decision which means the more money you have the ore political speech you can have. Why does this woman threaten you? Is it because she demands to be recognised? No longer willing to be defined by those hostile to her, like Blacks, Gays and Women used to be? Or is it that she dares to indulge in political speech while wearing a hijab?

We can argue whose speech is the most egregious, the Right or the Left but what I do not believe you can say is that only the Left indulges in assertive political speech. I am part of a minority and have spent most of my life being defined by others and their bigotry. I do not suffer that any more. People want to be anti-PC and go back to hurling bigoted slurs that marginalise and oppress people? Well now they get push back. Sometimes they get a smack in the mouth. They can't do that any more. You may say you are sick of it but you cannot say that 'people' are sick of it because clearly the majority of people want to respect diversity, are against divisiveness and support social justice even if they are capitalist. That is why Trump cannot win because there are not enough old grumpy straight white men to get him elected unless he resorts to some artifice like another Reichstag fire.

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"Not if you're the person they are standing in front of. Try it next time at the cinema during a busy movie."

An absolutely ludicrous assertion.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with a political rally.

In your spare time, have a look at the video.


Gee, look at all the people standing...

Oops! The last one is from a WWF show...





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"She is brave lady but needs to acknowledge that most terrorist acts are carried out in the name of Islam"

Another clueless one that lacks a grasp of history.

The jesuits have been raping and pillaging the planet for centuries.

For God and Country.

Just one example:


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"It remains to be seen" what Trump's success at the polls results in but not his waging war? How absurd. You concede you do not know the measure of the future but offer the measure of another's potential, capability, possibility as a human being. Such a Wise Counsel should certainly advise us on all manner of things. But regarding the premise of the future and possibilities we do know Obama was presumed to be a peacemaker and we assigned this erroneous value to him. Look how that turned out. "Give him a chance and he will." I would not race to quick to know the future. Though in your defense I too warned of Obama long ago. J.R.R. Tolkein "Even the wise cannot see all ends."

This is one camera angle, CNN, that you reference. CNN (The Emotional News Network) has not had credibility since faking bomb attacks from a studio in the US. Its also not the only game in town. The fact remains, a seat behind the dais is desirable for protests. Its obvious. I did not claim others are bad to make Trump seem good; read the post thread. I responded to the assertion that Trump is "dangerous." Unquestionably, this has meaning only insofar as it has context- leadership and the executive- Obama and Hillary- previous and current stewardship. This is what "dangerous" pertains to so the context is valid. Its the only context for Trump to be considered against- the Executive or other candidates.

Lastly, one thing did disturb but not surprise me- the venom to which this woman was denounced. While it was markedly less aggressive than that at TNTC (Too Numerous To Count) liberal protests, I was disturbed. The woman should not have had her egress blocked by some redneck in her face. She achieved exactly what she came for. She was a total success. If one thinks she desired less of a spectacle they're delusional. I am not surprised. Left with no responsible central narrative by the Progressive Left "Islamic Jihad does not come from Islamic ______ " this is exactly how people's frustration will emerge. Obama policy predicts this and we have predicted this and more for several months here.

Saying "starlight does not come from stars" stretches credulity to the point of madness. Of course people will increasingly act out.

removed video from my post to shorten reply.

I consider front to be that area of your head where your face is located and back the area where is not.

Perhaps you are right about the angle of the camera.

and from the video I provided it seems to me that she was to the front left and up, but I could be wrong. I searched for a video where the angle showed her behind him and honestly I could find non, not saying that is none , simply that I could find non.

If you could forward me a link to the video you are referring to, I would be happy to reconsider my opinion on this issue.

Sorry, you second sentence seems like what the definition if "is" is. I lost you. However, I did find this and other online. You can find the link. This was a video pulled from an amalgam of videos of the event. I grabbed this frame. I do not know the source. I have stumbled on it in multiple places. But frankly, this really is sophistry: of course this was planned. Here's Trump turning around to observe the surprise commotion. You can see roadkill hairdo of his full force. Of course this was the best seat in the house.

From this picture it looks to me like she is standing, like I said, in front of to the left and up,

if the camera had stayed on Trump, and Trump and his supporters had not reacted to her presence, no one would have known about her, except maybe a casual media commentary. By ejecting her, they played in to her hands, as I am sure you also agree,

If that is the case then you must also agree, putting everything else aside, at the very least it was politically inept.

This only underscores Trump's political ineptness.Stuff like this might work with his base, but his base has reached it's limit.If he is to be successful, god forbid, he would need to expand to the general population, and stuff like this does not help him on that respect.

I will state right now and right here,

Trump does not have the demographics to be elected president, only to ruin the republican chances, you can save this statement, and If Trump is elected president you can call me on it and I will publicly eat crow and change my avatar to this.


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This is about as obvious an act as imaginable. Consider video 1 where we see Hijab Girl and Judenstar Boy sitting conveniently behind one of the only two open seats behind Trump, allowing full frontal view. (I have yet to determine if these seats were picked/selected). At 1 minute we can clearly see Hijab Girl taking or giving orders on her cell phone. At 2 minutes into video #1 below Judenstar Boy removes the Judenstars from pocket. By 3 minutes we can see both now wearing the Judenstars identifying themselves with "muslim" written in the Star of David (kudos for this ballsy move). If any think this is coincidence they are fools. There is so clearly a gradual escalation while all the while every single person around them ignores them, even the person filming this video 1.

By video 2 we now understand why Hijab Girl was treated so. Personally, I think it reflected poorly on the group to even thumbs' down her, but this is a perspective of the armchair. Everyone knows since Ten Days That Shook The World crowd hysteria is easily manipulated (Hell, Nero and others realized this collective pathology even earlier); certainly the Muslim Brotherhood Handlers (CAIR et al) of Bombboy and Hijab Girl know this. (Edit: I now note in another video Hijab Girl cites and discusses how the crowd evidenced a somewhat hateful rhetoric, etc. I think she is right, but I think it was predictable and desired on her end. Bravo to her from a purely military point of view. It was a tactical success for sure).

In video 2, below, we can see clearly what antedates the crowd's disgust with this simple silent testimony of her faith... physical confrontation of the law with an upstart conspirator. This was a choreographed escalation calculated to employ Trump's own greatest asset, the media, in their insurgent show stealing. Those that continue to follow this eagerly and still argue passionately, on both sides, are those who can no longer be reached by the other point of view, including me. Saying this woman did not contrive this is akin to saying the sky is really milk. Of course its not.

Note on the hijacking of history by the use of this Yellow Badge: this is a terrible offense and minimizing of history- this muslim women wearing the Yellow Badge, Judenstern. This device, to mark Jews, began under...(drum roll) muslim masters over 1,000 years ago. It continued as a means of marking Jews, later found a home in Europe, and found its infamy under Hitler. Hitler had infamous allies in his quest for world domination and to cleanse the world of those of wear the Judenstern. State actors are well known but less well know is the vital if not motivational role Islam played in allying with the Third Reich. No less than the Grand Mufti himself allied with Hitler in cleansing the Jews. Today, it is still not uncommon to see Nazi flags variously on muslims lands in the Levant. The Jews are doctrinally hunted, ground to subjugation or death, or driven to exile for millennia by Islam. The Yellow Badge is the symbol of this. The Jews placed no badges on others historically, cleansed no religion, and any analogy is not only false but outrageous. https://vimeo.com/151270729

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"Benjamin Netanyahu had said Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

"His remarks have been condemned by Israeli historians and politicians."

'Not true'

"The chief historian at Israel's memorial to the Holocaust said they were factually incorrect."

"You cannot say that it was the mufti who gave Hitler the idea to kill or burn Jews," Professor Dina Porat from the Yad Vashem memorial told the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth."


A audacious example of misinformation and misdirection.

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From this picture it looks to me like she is standing, like I said, in front of to the left and up,

if the camera had stayed on Trump, and Trump and his supporters had not reacted to her presence, no one would have known about her, except maybe a casual media commentary. By ejecting her, they played in to her hands, as I am sure you also agree,

If that is the case then you must also agree, putting everything else aside, at the very least it was politically inept.

This only underscores Trump's political ineptness.Stuff like this might work with his base, but his base has reached it's limit.If he is to be successful, god forbid, he would need to expand to the general population, and stuff like this does not help him on that respect.

I will state right now and right here,

Trump does not have the demographics to be elected president, only to ruin the republican chances, you can save this statement, and If Trump is elected president you can call me on it and I will publicly eat crow and change my avatar to this.


Sorry brother, I don't buy it. If she had not worn tight pants that night... or why did she have all that make up... what was she doing out after 10pm anyway? and other such garbage suggesting the victim is guilt. This was done to Trump, not to her. We can debate things all night, but not Trump's fault. Besides, I have already seen 3-5 videos which have her and comrade clearly in the video center on multiple videos. One must be looking quite hard to avoid this fact.

Yes, I agree. I don't think Trump has a chance. "To ruin the Republican chance..." Long ago I heard a speech where a man said "Why are we always given the choice between the lesser of two evils? If we are going to choose evil, what is the rationale for choosing less evil?" I never forgot this. How does someone who thinks this way (me, others) rationalize choosing the worst of two bad choices? I am tired of such false options and the country is so totally F___d up right now that choosing conscience is finally the right thing to do.

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Trump urged to apologise after Muslim ejected from campaign rally


Muslim woman ejected from rally
Rose Hamid staged silent protest
Trump supporters suggest it was a stunt

WASHINGTON: -- US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is being urged to apologise to a Muslim protester who was forcibly removed from one of his campaign rallies.

Supporters say Rose Hamid’s eviction from the meeting in South Carolina sent a “chilling message” to the Muslim community.

What happened?

The rally took place in the town of Rock Hill in South Carolina.

Ms Hamid stood up in the crowd when Trump suggested Syrian refugees entering the United States were affiliated with militant networks.

The 56-year-old flight attendant and media commentator was wearing a head scarf and T-shirt with the words: “Salam, I come in peace.”

She was then escorted out of the rally by security officers. The crowd jeered as she left.

Ms Hamid, who says she is a registered Democrat, says she did not want to disrupt the proceedings. “I did not want to cause any problems. My goal was to stand up and to let people know that this is not an appropriate way for a presidential candidate to speak.”

Campaign group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), with which Ms Hamid has associations, has called on Donald Trump to apologise.

The context

Donald Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

The Republican front-runner for presidential contender has taken a tough stance against ISIL.

What they are saying

The overwhelming majority of reaction in the media and on Twitter has been supportive of Ms Hamid’s action.

Campaigners for Trump, however, say he should not apologise as her intention was to disrupt the rally.

Others, like Tim Carney from the Washington Examiner who was at the rally, says the situation was not as straightforward as it has been described.

Others have questioned the widespread interpretation of the events, describing Ms Hamid as an “activist”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-11

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"Benjamin Netanyahu had said Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

"His remarks have been condemned by Israeli historians and politicians."

'Not true'

"The chief historian at Israel's memorial to the Holocaust said they were factually incorrect."

"You cannot say that it was the mufti who gave Hitler the idea to kill or burn Jews," Professor Dina Porat from the Yad Vashem memorial told the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth."


A audacious example of misinformation and misdirection.

The Mufti/Islam were associates in Hitler's foreign policy with respect to the Jewish Solution, regardless of a central role or not! Even a topical analysis of geopolitics in and around WWII abundantly reflect the role of the Mufti during this era. Lots of historiography after WWII reinforce these facts. This is exhaustively detailed and a tangent here for this OP. This OP remains on a muslim woman opportunist conducting social lawfare at a Trump event. The above post is nonsense. This is an example of misinformation and misdirection.

Wearing the Judenstern Yellow Badge really was an awful thing for this woman to do; strategically brilliant for the aims of "Civilization Jihad," but morally repugnant. If successful this muslim effort can not only retroactively remove a victim status from their eternally damned brethren of the book- the Jews- but co-opt it as a protective feature as if mulims too were beyond reproach for their similar suffering. Its actually full mouth vomit sickening. Its like rapists insisting on attending the rape support group meetings.

Jews in WWII suffered genocide and now islam co-opts this mantle of victim? This ideology has killed far more humans than any other machinery in all of earth's history- save aging. ...stealing the archetypal symbol of Jewish Oppression and co-opting it as a symbol for modern islam to wave off circumspection of the source of jihad is outrageous. This alone should tell most people all they need to know about the moderate muslim majority. The woman is another tool in the MB/CAIR Civilization Jihad.

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

Exactly. I am sick and tired of this Western "Who me?" crap where as long as people think they have a clever cover for action they have cover for status. In other words, as long as JackAs-es think they can articulate a clever excuse for their actions they are therefore provided total cover and can allege anything-- if it makes sense in your own mind the world must believe it. "I am just an innocent muslim woman who got kicked out for... for doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the other people who were staring at me, pointing at me, shouting 'Trump,' 'Trump.' Its their fault, not mine."

I am so sick of all these people. This behavior is not a muslim thing; most would never try this crap anywhere else in the muslim world because they would be beaten to death with a shoe for speaking such BS. This is an American thing where we teach everyone to claim victim hood and afford them goodies and jewels and free stuff because they "feel" hurt. This is an example of "Lawfare," using the existing legal and social constructs of our society to disable and blind us to what is right before us. The goal here is to perpetuate the fallacy that muslims are sacred cows in the US, above circumspection.

Both of you are spouting nonsense.

Standing silently is HARMLESS and non-disruptive.. It's the people that reacted to her STANDING SILENTLY that are idiots and disruptors.

I asked a question in a previous post...thus far nobody dares answer, so I'll ask again: Why was she ejected? Was it for standing. was it for being silent, or was it for being Muslim?.

Are you blind?

Make this in a mosque with a thick Christian cross around your neck, analogous to her headscarf.

Since you will not come out without having lost all your teeth!

You're the second person to compare it with walking into a mosque, and a few have made the comparison to Muslim countries.

A ludicrous analogy, of course, but interesting that you equate a Trump political rally with religion and zealotry.

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This is about as obvious an act as imaginable. Consider video 1 where we see Hijab Girl and Judenstar Boy sitting conveniently behind one of the only two open seats behind Trump, allowing full frontal view. (I have yet to determine if these seats were picked/selected). At 1 minute we can clearly see Hijab Girl taking or giving orders on her cell phone. At 2 minutes into video #1 below Judenstar Boy removes the Judenstars from pocket. By 3 minutes we can see both now wearing the Judenstars identifying themselves with "muslim" written in the Star of David (kudos for this ballsy move). If any think this is coincidence they are fools. There is so clearly a gradual escalation while all the while every single person around them ignores them, even the person filming this video 1.

By video 2 we now understand why Hijab Girl was treated so. Personally, I think it reflected poorly on the group to even thumbs' down her, but this is a perspective of the armchair. Everyone knows since Ten Days That Shook The World crowd hysteria is easily manipulated (Hell, Nero and others realized this collective pathology even earlier); certainly the Muslim Brotherhood Handlers (CAIR et al) of Bombboy and Hijab Girl know this. (Edit: I now note in another video Hijab Girl cites and discusses how the crowd evidenced a somewhat hateful rhetoric, etc. I think she is right, but I think it was predictable and desired on her end. Bravo to her from a purely military point of view. It was a tactical success for sure).

In video 2, below, we can see clearly what antedates the crowd's disgust with this simple silent testimony of her faith... physical confrontation of the law with an upstart conspirator. This was a choreographed escalation calculated to employ Trump's own greatest asset, the media, in their insurgent show stealing. Those that continue to follow this eagerly and still argue passionately, on both sides, are those who can no longer be reached by the other point of view, including me. Saying this woman did not contrive this is akin to saying the sky is really milk. Of course its not.

Note on the hijacking of history by the use of this Yellow Badge: this is a terrible offense and minimizing of history- this muslim women wearing the Yellow Badge, Judenstern. This device, to mark Jews, began under...(drum roll) muslim masters over 1,000 years ago. It continued as a means of marking Jews, later found a home in Europe, and found its infamy under Hitler. Hitler had infamous allies in his quest for world domination and to cleanse the world of those of wear the Judenstern. State actors are well known but less well know is the vital if not motivational role Islam played in allying with the Third Reich. No less than the Grand Mufti himself allied with Hitler in cleansing the Jews. Today, it is still not uncommon to see Nazi flags variously on muslims lands in the Levant. The Jews are doctrinally hunted, ground to subjugation or death, or driven to exile for millennia by Islam. The Yellow Badge is the symbol of this. The Jews placed no badges on others historically, cleansed no religion, and any analogy is not only false but outrageous. https://vimeo.com/151270729

It's NOT a judenstar at all. Jews do not have a monopoly on yellow. The six-point judenstar is quite different from the Wal-Mart mass-produced kindergarten card advertising multi-purpose things they have got.

There's an antisemite under every bed, isn't there.



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