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German Chancellor: Europe is 'vulnerable'


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As I understand it Germany needs 500,000 immigrants a year for the next 20 years to make up

for Germany's low birthrate.


Sorry post chopped for reflection.

This is a propaganda lie.

All European countries, but also Japan for example have low birth rates:

between 1.1 to 1.4 reproduction rate per couple.

Germany has currently more than 2.5 million unemployed.

Spain, Italy have unemployment rates among youth between 20-30%.

Therefore, there is no need to import "labor"!

All industrialized countries have a need for very well-trained engineers and scientists.

These are rare worldwide.

The Training of High Potential introduced usually 12-13 years school and 6-8 years university studies.

The aging society has a high demand for nurses and geriatric nurse.

It would be from this perspective much better for example to invite well-trained nursing staff from the Philippines.

Furthermore, simple tasks are increasingly being taken over by machines and robots.

To feed its own population, it does not take much staff; just think of the automated agriculture, where 1 farmer produces with his machines food for 1,000 people!

Also, people in developed countries are living longer, and are often longer fit and even longer independent.

The biggest problem is the proliferation rate of people in poor regions where there is no water and nothing grows.

Women have continued average 6-8 children in some countries.

Even animals cease to breed, if not enough food is available in their habitat.

This birth pressure, coupled with famine and religious fanaticism, now press into the "rich countries".

So-called first world countries can easily compensate the (desired) low birth rates through technology.

One thinks of the long propagated 1 child policy in China.

Clearly, if a country can no longer feed its own people, then they stream off into other countrys, and then there will be wars.

This is the situation into which we are now running.

Edited by tomacht8
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I hope it is the last time hopefully the Germans voted a former communist into power. She is destroying the future of the children of Germany and she hasn't even got any kids.

It makes one wonder what her real Agenda is ? because it certainly does not bode well for Germany and Europe !

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The most dangerous European leader since Hitler. Why don't the Germans get rid of her as she is poisoning Europe.

"German Chancellor Angela Merkel says a lack of order and control is making Europe “vulnerable”

Maybe she needs a new slogan.... How about "Ordnung Muss Sein"

or for the benefits and opportunities slogan she could try "Arbeit Macht Frei"

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if that is not immediately properly regulated, then we have civil war.

There won't be a civil war. Have you forgotten that they disarmed the European population "for their own good"? Now the only people with any power are the leaders and many of them unelected leaders within the EU.

This plan of a central EU and a powerless populace has been at work for many decades, one step at a time.


The EU has a plan for decades?


Many are so stupid, they would not even find the toilets without the direction signs in the Brussels Parliament buildings.

No one wants a civil war.


Do you know how many shooting and hunting clubs are there in Germany?

Shooting Clubs: 14.986

Aktive Members in Shooting Clubs: 1.357.000 (2014) (DSB)

Aktive Hunters: 369.314 (2014) (DJV)

Firearms: a total of 5.4 million legal firearms in private hands are registered. (2013)

The number of illegal firearms in Germany estimates the police union to up to 20 million.

source: http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/waffenregister-5-4-millionen-registrierte-waffen-in-deutschland-a-883816.html

Estimated Population: 80 million.

Statistically, more then every 4th, between 0 and 100 years old, has an access to a weapon.

Edited by tomacht8
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Merkel will go down in history as the most loved then later loathed German leader since Hitler.

This barren and sterile bitch has now destroyed everything the German people have worked so hard building. Social cohesion

The rise of the right is now almost guaranteed, and it will all be thanks to the insanity of the loony left policies that have been tearing the EU apart since it began.

They merkel and the rest of the mad PC brigade,tptb all want this chaos.

Bring it, see what happens because Europe when the chips are down will become a terrifying enemy when united, i pity the mulsims they havnt got a chance and the middle east is nearly out of time and options.

sub $25 oil coming soon unless Arabia help out Iran on pegging the oil price..... SA has many times said they will do nothing that helps Iran in any way even if it means sub teens... going to be interesting to see who blinks first.

Anyways all of this will cause even more unrest and migration.

Bottom line Islam hasnt learned that Europe is the one Christian part of the empire you do not mess with, last time they turned up at Venice it led to the crusades and losing half the crescent empire in response and never allowed a foothold in europe again,until post ww2

Europe will not roll over if pushed and boy can Europeans be brutally cold if they have to be.

Will not be surprised or even that bothered if it happens because its getting to the point of making the locals feel like its becoming a national cultural survival crisis..... thats when the Europeans start getting heavy handed.

Hope someone does a se dang on the bitch

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Hope someone does a se dang on the bitch

Agree with everything, only this se dang i do not support.

I think she is no longer tenable.

Europe and Germany has too many wimps,

but this idiocy will be stopped in Europe and also in Germany itself.

Her mentor Helmut Kohl showed her how history can be written.

He brought together East and West Germany.

No religious belief- and language differences.

The integration of East and West Germany has so far lasted for 25 years and is still not completed.

She thinks she can now put a memorial for her own Nobel Peace Prize.

She is childless and has completely lost her way.

She has sworn her oath of office: So help me God.

Wonder only that other EU politicians do not give her clear contra.

Hopefully the Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer, take over the scepter in the transitional period.

She has a full burnout.

she should immediately take over a function at the front in one of the 1000s refugee camps she has created,

but the leadership for the german people she have to give up, as soon as possible.

Edited by tomacht8
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Yes, Merkel, create the pretext to roll out your solution. While I don't recall the mechanism and legislation right now, currently there is a push for European nations to subordinate to a transnational police/military order whereby sovereign states would no longer have the right to defend, control, protect or manage their own borders (not NATO, a border authority).

I am sure all of the recent "surprise" actions of "refugees" will give impetus for Merkel's New World Order desire for a European transnational border enforcement authority. I remain unsure what is more sickening, the obvious manipulation of events to push and pass laws that people would not otherwise want or the collective stupidity of Americans and Europeans that think modern history is just this unfolding series of crisis and the reactions that just coincidentally have the State constantly rushing in with solutions to the problems they've created.

"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper."

T.S. Eliot on western culture

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The simplest solution would be initially completely seal off the EU borders.
All refugees are first returned to the first entry points in the EU.
Mostly Greece, Italy and Spain.
Here should massively money spent by this buffer camps quickly build.
Unambiguous identification of the identity on the spot.
Fingerprints, photo and DNA swap.

Economic refugees are returned promptly and can apply in their home countries at the foreign embassies for a visa or asylum
All North Africans: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya
All Central, West and East Africans:
All from Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

Parallel for the real war refugees the UN build up a Central Camp in Syria.
A coalition of Europe, Russia, USA and all other countries will send armed peacekeepers to Syria and backs up the camp for the refugees.
It is provided with sufficient food, drinking water and tents available.
Gradually this region is removed by peacekeepers of weapons.
Clean up from north to south.
The troublemakers can fight and get a bullet in the head, or may be surrender and give up their weapons.
For this purpose, no borders have to be changed.
Strategy is to bring back the issues, where they came from.
After, they can hold elections and take care of themselfs.

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Many posters use variants of "stupid" and "naive" to describe Merkel (or her statements and policies), while others choose to view it as a part of well planned conspiracy.

I seriously doubt she's stupid, naive or part of well-laid-out-long-term-plan.

More likely, she is a petty politician like most of the others: a few shreds of half-forgotten ideals from earlier days, a heavy dose of realpolitik, most efforts concentrated at dodging perceived threats to political survival, public image and popular support. Cynicism goes with the territory.

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The simplest solution would be initially completely seal off the EU borders.

All refugees are first returned to the first entry points in the EU.

Mostly Greece, Italy and Spain.

Here should massively money spent by this buffer camps quickly build.

Unambiguous identification of the identity on the spot.

Fingerprints, photo and DNA swap.

Economic refugees are returned promptly and can apply in their home countries at the foreign embassies for a visa or asylum

All North Africans: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya

All Central, West and East Africans:

All from Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

Parallel for the real war refugees the UN build up a Central Camp in Syria.

A coalition of Europe, Russia, USA and all other countries will send armed peacekeepers to Syria and backs up the camp for the refugees. It is provided with sufficient food, drinking water and tents available.

Gradually this region is removed by peacekeepers of weapons.

Clean up from north to south.

The troublemakers can fight and get a bullet in the head, or may be surrender and give up their weapons.

For this purpose, no borders have to be changed.

Strategy is to bring back the issues, where they came from.

After, they can hold elections and take care of themselfs.

Safe Zones in Syria have been discussed for quite a while, though they would have to be capable of housing approx eight million Internally Displaced Persons. In any case right now the additional approx 4 million refugees in countries bordering Syria are still under funded & under resourced.

An opinion piece of why Safe Zones have yet to be established & unlikely to be put in place any time soon...


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I hope it is the last time hopefully the Germans voted a former communist into power. She is destroying the future of the children of Germany and she hasn't even got any kids.

Well let's face it, you'd have to be pretty drunk to go near that.

Edited by Chicog
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Safe zones inside a war zone don't tend to be very safe. Srebrenica comes to mind.

These places tend to be recruitment centers for various factions and they are very difficult to police and control. Allowing essentials to get in can also be a big problem.

The idea is a good one, but.....

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I fear it is to late,so many people who share nothing culturally with people from the west have been allowed in. You cannot or will not deport them and as the sh it hits the fan it is the ordinary citizen that will suffer,not the rich politicians ,they can just live out their lives in comfort far away from the madness,that us mere mortals have to put up with, so the hospital system collapses,no social security ,no schools ,why should they worry,they can just pay for what they need soon Europe will be the cesspit ,the same as where the immigrants came from

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Yes, Merkel, create the pretext to roll out your solution. While I don't recall the mechanism and legislation right now, currently there is a push for European nations to subordinate to a transnational police/military order whereby sovereign states would no longer have the right to defend, control, protect or manage their own borders (not NATO, a border authority).

I am sure all of the recent "surprise" actions of "refugees" will give impetus for Merkel's New World Order desire for a European transnational border enforcement authority. I remain unsure what is more sickening, the obvious manipulation of events to push and pass laws that people would not otherwise want or the collective stupidity of Americans and Europeans that think modern history is just this unfolding series of crisis and the reactions that just coincidentally have the State constantly rushing in with solutions to the problems they've created.

"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper."

T.S. Eliot on western culture

The proposal you refer to has already been rejected by some EU countries. One cannot definitely predict the final outcome, but probably will be by strengthening of Frontex by way of further resources and legislation.



You're very quick to critique every move by EU countries with template reactionary responses, but I do not recall seeing your proposed solutions to address current tensions.

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Yes, Merkel, create the pretext to roll out your solution. While I don't recall the mechanism and legislation right now, currently there is a push for European nations to subordinate to a transnational police/military order whereby sovereign states would no longer have the right to defend, control, protect or manage their own borders (not NATO, a border authority).

I am sure all of the recent "surprise" actions of "refugees" will give impetus for Merkel's New World Order desire for a European transnational border enforcement authority. I remain unsure what is more sickening, the obvious manipulation of events to push and pass laws that people would not otherwise want or the collective stupidity of Americans and Europeans that think modern history is just this unfolding series of crisis and the reactions that just coincidentally have the State constantly rushing in with solutions to the problems they've created.

"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper."

T.S. Eliot on western culture

The proposal you refer to has already been rejected by some EU countries. One cannot definitely predict the final outcome, but probably will be by strengthening of Frontex by way of further resources and legislation.



You're very quick to critique every move by EU countries with template reactionary responses, but I do not recall seeing your proposed solutions to address current tensions.

"Critiqu[ing]" EU governments (not "countries") often happens before they act, and I critique them when they bear obvious fruit. This before and after is hardly called "very quick."

The notion that having a position on something makes it incumbent on poster to offer a "solutions" for liberal madness is ridiculous. I have no duty to loan legitimacy to madness by offering to correct it- their madness should have never come to pass- they hijack their own people and inflict their will upon the whole.

People who observe and note them doing this do not have to offer a solution to their deceit and social engineering. They create the problems and I must offer solutions? In any event, the obverse of my observations are the solution. Most EU governments are Statist, inflicting their good on their citizens irrespective of consensus- Social Engineering. To wit their Multicultural Zion. Stop using host populations to execute utopian fantasies. Real people suffer and they are sick of it.

"One cannot definitely predict the final outcome..." (Definitely... final...) Of course; this is a statement of fact. However, with higher than reasonable certainty we can project the trajectory of an arrow in flight. We know what comes next based primarily on what has always come last. We know political balloons go up, water temp checked, then the citizenry are rolled over by State machinery. We know what comes next. Cause and effect are fairly predictable. What comes next is easily gleaned because underlying much of the madness in the West is a socialist pathology. Socialism poisons the well and all the water is then tainted. We know what comes next from people such as Merkel & her elitist European leftist sycophants.

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Yes, Merkel, create the pretext to roll out your solution. While I don't recall the mechanism and legislation right now, currently there is a push for European nations to subordinate to a transnational police/military order whereby sovereign states would no longer have the right to defend, control, protect or manage their own borders (not NATO, a border authority).

I am sure all of the recent "surprise" actions of "refugees" will give impetus for Merkel's New World Order desire for a European transnational border enforcement authority. I remain unsure what is more sickening, the obvious manipulation of events to push and pass laws that people would not otherwise want or the collective stupidity of Americans and Europeans that think modern history is just this unfolding series of crisis and the reactions that just coincidentally have the State constantly rushing in with solutions to the problems they've created.

"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper."

T.S. Eliot on western culture

The proposal you refer to has already been rejected by some EU countries. One cannot definitely predict the final outcome, but probably will be by strengthening of Frontex by way of further resources and legislation.



You're very quick to critique every move by EU countries with template reactionary responses, but I do not recall seeing your proposed solutions to address current tensions.

"Critiqu[ing]" EU governments (not "countries") often happens before they act, and I critique them when they bear obvious fruit. This before and after is hardly called "very quick."

The notion that having a position on something makes it incumbent on poster to offer a "solutions" for liberal madness is ridiculous. I have no duty to loan legitimacy to madness by offering to correct it- their madness should have never come to pass- they hijack their own people and inflict their will upon the whole.

People who observe and note them doing this do not have to offer a solution to their deceit and social engineering. They create the problems and I must offer solutions? In any event, the obverse of my observations are the solution. Most EU governments are Statist, inflicting their good on their citizens irrespective of consensus- Social Engineering. To wit their Multicultural Zion. Stop using host populations to execute utopian fantasies. Real people suffer and they are sick of it.

"One cannot definitely predict the final outcome..." (Definitely... final...) Of course; this is a statement of fact. However, with higher than reasonable certainty we can project the trajectory of an arrow in flight. We know what comes next based primarily on what has always come last. We know political balloons go up, water temp checked, then the citizenry are rolled over by State machinery. We know what comes next. Cause and effect are fairly predictable. What comes next is easily gleaned because underlying much of the madness in the West is a socialist pathology. Socialism poisons the well and all the water is then tainted. We know what comes next from people such as Merkel & her elitist European leftist sycophants.

Merkel's main political partner are conservatives who have demanded cutting the asylum seeker intake to 200,000 in 2016, have to see how the negotiation unfolds. You would be aware of other proposed changes to legislation to address social problems. Merkel and other EU governments are under massive pressure, IMO they will make concessions to try & win the next round of elections e.g. a recent example being Denmark where legislation is on the table to reduce welfare payments to those granted asylum by 45%, rigorous border controls etc.

As you're so sure of your political analysis how about bullet pointing some next steps from 'Merkel & her elitist European leftist sycophants'.

Edited by simple1
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Yes, Merkel, create the pretext to roll out your solution. While I don't recall the mechanism and legislation right now, currently there is a push for European nations to subordinate to a transnational police/military order whereby sovereign states would no longer have the right to defend, control, protect or manage their own borders (not NATO, a border authority).

I am sure all of the recent "surprise" actions of "refugees" will give impetus for Merkel's New World Order desire for a European transnational border enforcement authority. I remain unsure what is more sickening, the obvious manipulation of events to push and pass laws that people would not otherwise want or the collective stupidity of Americans and Europeans that think modern history is just this unfolding series of crisis and the reactions that just coincidentally have the State constantly rushing in with solutions to the problems they've created.

"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper."

T.S. Eliot on western culture

The proposal you refer to has already been rejected by some EU countries. One cannot definitely predict the final outcome, but probably will be by strengthening of Frontex by way of further resources and legislation.



You're very quick to critique every move by EU countries with template reactionary responses, but I do not recall seeing your proposed solutions to address current tensions.

"Critiqu[ing]" EU governments (not "countries") often happens before they act, and I critique them when they bear obvious fruit. This before and after is hardly called "very quick."

The notion that having a position on something makes it incumbent on poster to offer a "solutions" for liberal madness is ridiculous. I have no duty to loan legitimacy to madness by offering to correct it- their madness should have never come to pass- they hijack their own people and inflict their will upon the whole.

People who observe and note them doing this do not have to offer a solution to their deceit and social engineering. They create the problems and I must offer solutions? In any event, the obverse of my observations are the solution. Most EU governments are Statist, inflicting their good on their citizens irrespective of consensus- Social Engineering. To wit their Multicultural Zion. Stop using host populations to execute utopian fantasies. Real people suffer and they are sick of it.

"One cannot definitely predict the final outcome..." (Definitely... final...) Of course; this is a statement of fact. However, with higher than reasonable certainty we can project the trajectory of an arrow in flight. We know what comes next based primarily on what has always come last. We know political balloons go up, water temp checked, then the citizenry are rolled over by State machinery. We know what comes next. Cause and effect are fairly predictable. What comes next is easily gleaned because underlying much of the madness in the West is a socialist pathology. Socialism poisons the well and all the water is then tainted. We know what comes next from people such as Merkel & her elitist European leftist sycophants.

Merkel's main political partner are conservatives who have demanded cutting the asylum seeker intake to 200,000 in 2016, have to see how the negotiation unfolds. You would be aware of other proposed changes to legislation to address social problems. Merkel and other EU governments are under massive pressure, IMO they will make concessions to try & win the next round of elections e.g. a recent example being Denmark where legislation is on the table to reduce welfare payments to those granted asylum by 45%, rigorous border controls etc.

As you're so sure of your political analysis how about bullet pointing some next steps from 'Merkel & her elitist European leftist sycophants'.

I have.

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The biggest mistake was the fall of the wall. Then there wouldn't be a German chancellor with the name Merkel.

Please Google her past and you will understand what she did in the Ex- DDR. A Stasi employee who brought many people into prison.

First all the Turks, then the Russians and Albanians, now the Syrians, North Africans and the list goes on and on.

The one million $ question: " Who's going to pay for her mistakes?"

And that includes Greece and a few other European countries. My relatives are scared shirtless.

Just happened a week ago in a German supermarket. My sister was shopping and waiting in line to pay her bill.

An Arabic refugee man pulled his cart in front and told her: " You woman, I man. You wait." My sister was so speechless that she let him go.

Do we really need to hear more stories of raped woman, etc? facepalm.gif

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Merkel's main political partner are conservatives who have demanded cutting the asylum seeker intake to 200,000 in 2016, have to see how the negotiation unfolds. You would be aware of other proposed changes to legislation to address social problems. Merkel and other EU governments are under massive pressure, IMO they will make concessions to try & win the next round of elections e.g. a recent example being Denmark where legislation is on the table to reduce welfare payments to those granted asylum by 45%, rigorous border controls etc.

As you're so sure of your political analysis how about bullet pointing some next steps from 'Merkel & her elitist European leftist sycophants'.

I have.

Missed it - got a link?

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