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Vitamins, How much is to much?


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As we get older we have trouble absorbing Vitamin B. I think this is the only vitamin that might be worth dosing up on if you are over 55. However, you need to take it as P-5-P and Zinc Picolinate for effective absorbtion and use by the body.

Of course vitamins and now passe and the trend is various drugs that are known to be beneficial to the way cells metabolise and as anti-cancer agents. Metformin is one such pre-diabetic drug that is supposed to be beneficial for older people in many ways. I think they are undertaking clinical trials about its alleged anti-aging properties. Metformin is dirt cheap and available at any drug store in Thailand.

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Doctors say that with a healthy diet, humans don't need vitamin supplements. They do more harm than good. Vitamin companies are brain washing you.

Listen to the man from NZ,

I used to run a guest house

in Australia, one pretty girl

there never ate food instead

consumed a concoction of

vitamin tablets, one day i had

to take her to the doctors, she

was very sick, i spoke with the

doctor, he said vitamin tablets

are not absorbed by the body

but gets peed right out, so there

you are, i've never had a vitamin

tablet, neither has my mum,

she will be 92 years this year.

We are very healthy.

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Coping with health problems I have learned that the most effective way to get vitamins and antioxidants is to include a lot of raw fruits, raw vegetables and berries in my diet.

"Doctors say that with a normal diet vitamins are not needed". Many doctors are uneducated about health, they just know a lot about disease. Very few people have a healthy diet, most often the diet is full of low quality cooking oil, too little or no vegetables, too little fruit. Processed foods.

Fish oil is another story. There was a study published that proved that 1 g per day does not provide enough to reduce the risk of heart problems. This is the one that the main stream media, and the doctors, have been pushing.There are several studies, some big, proving that more than 1 g per day clearly reduces the risk of heart disease.

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You first have to consider the quality of what you are taking. Much of what is sold in Thailand is cheap for a reason.

You need to consider what you are trying to acheive ... bold sugar reduction, cholesterol reduction, circulatory etc.

First off try to eat better. You can get most everything you need through food.

If I were you, I would drop aspirin: it will play hell with you stomach over time, drop the calcium you don't need it and an over supply is not great, drop flax seed get your omega 3 with the fish oil, drop the multi it gives too much of what you have and too little of what you need ... select the vitamin to target the task.

I suggest the following as a start point for everyone. Stay with the fish oil. It's not the amount of oil it's the amount of epa/DHA that matters. Good quality oil has lots, poor quality not so much. The easiest health hack is to start your day with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in warm water. This has many benefits but the must important is that it pushes your body ph to alkaline. Also, find some good probiotics (keep them refrigerated). Drop the calcium and replace with magnesium, many are magnesium deficient. Finally, vitamin D if not in the sun much. Then add to this list based on needs ... blood sugar too high - Celyon cinnamon, pain or inflammation Tumeric, testosterone issues DIM etc

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I used to take a lot of fish oil, dhea, multi vits, aspirin, statin, etc.....gave them ALL up a few years ago and get a full physical every year...my numbers are better now then when i gulped all that sfuff down every day....

of course everyone is different but i for one am glad to be done with the daily dose.....

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I'm 74 and have been taking a daily fish oil capsule for 30 years. Started when I became a marathon enthusiast. I can still jog around the lake here, walk 3 times a week around the golf course and can touch my toes etc etc.

Now, the only reason I say this, is that I was told those 30 years ago, that the fish oil was good for the joints and I am lucky I have never had a problem in the legs etc etc.

This might simply be a placebo effect, I don't know. Anyway, I'll continue taking them even though I note some of the above posts that refer to prostate cancer.

It seems everything we do,eat,drink etc these days increases the risk of cancer these days. Just see the Daily Express!!

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I'm 74 and have been taking a daily fish oil capsule for 30 years. Started when I became a marathon enthusiast. I can still jog around the lake here, walk 3 times a week around the golf course and can touch my toes etc etc.

Now, the only reason I say this, is that I was told those 30 years ago, that the fish oil was good for the joints and I am lucky I have never had a problem in the legs etc etc.

This might simply be a placebo effect, I don't know. Anyway, I'll continue taking them even though I note some of the above posts that refer to prostate cancer.

It seems everything we do,eat,drink etc these days increases the risk of cancer these days. Just see the Daily Express!!

i went to see a back consultant a few years ago when my back was playing up (think i was around 35), i suggested starting taking daily fish oil tablets, he didnt seem too excited with the idea, the impression i got was you need to be taking them from a young age to get the benefit. Edited by scubascuba3
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Depending on your age, the fish oil and aspirin would possibly be a concern for me. There seems to be some medical evidence that high doses of fish oil can possibly increase the risk of prostate cancer. As a result I stopped taking that supplement. Concerning the aspirin, if you have no history of heart problems, some medical opinions tell us that this could do more harm than good because it is a blood thinner. Again, with my heart in great shape, I avoid baby aspirin.

Mmm,this is the first i have heard of this.I have been taking fish oil for 12 years and guess what,i am being treated for prostrate cancer right now.1 in 6 men get prostrate cancer and my Dad had it as well,so my odds were higher.Also my Dad had a stroke,so taking Aspirin as well,as told by a doctor.Who do you believe,new research every day.

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Depending on your age, the fish oil and aspirin would possibly be a concern for me. There seems to be some medical evidence that high doses of fish oil can possibly increase the risk of prostate cancer. As a result I stopped taking that supplement. Concerning the aspirin, if you have no history of heart problems, some medical opinions tell us that this could do more harm than good because it is a blood thinner. Again, with my heart in great shape, I avoid baby aspirin.

Mmm,this is the first i have heard of this.I have been taking fish oil for 12 years and guess what,i am being treated for prostrate cancer right now.1 in 6 men get prostrate cancer and my Dad had it as well,so my odds were higher.Also my Dad had a stroke,so taking Aspirin as well,as told by a doctor.Who do you believe,new research every day.


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The problem with fish oil is if the fish is swimming in contaminated water full of toxins the oil becomes somewhat toxic . Get the good fish oil and if you don't want to pay for the better quality use ground flax to get the omega 3 . Again I know little but uncovering much . The real issue is taking calcium supplements as most have calcification in arteries early in life already building up because calcium not in the right places . The newly discovered vitamin K2 is essential for helping keep calcium in the right places . Google ( vitamin K2 & calcification )

Are you taking calcium supplements? Watch out because you could be increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Dr. Kate points out:

“… For so long, we’ve been told to take calcium for osteoporosis… and vitamin D, which we know is helpful. But then, more studies are coming out showing that increased calcium intake is causing more heart attacks and strokes. That created a lot of confusion around whether calcium is safe or not. But that’s the wrong question to be asking, because we’ll never properly understand the health benefits of calcium or vitamin D, unless we take into consideration K2. That’s what keeps the calcium in its right place.”


Edited by Lumbini
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Just to throw a wrench into the 'grab the pitchfork and kill fish oil" crew:

The study findings were misinterpreted and the media made a link that the researchers did not.

Here is a scientific breakdown of the issues:

Bottom line : the study did not show any causative link in fish oil and prostate cancer,,,,statistically there is no link....just some observations from the researchers.


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...well, with all that sunshine , I can't see much requirement for Vit D3 tablets or capsules...

Doctors say that with a healthy diet, humans don't need vitamin supplements. They do more harm than good. Vitamin companies are brain washing you.

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I used to take a lot of fish oil, dhea, multi vits, aspirin, statin, etc.....gave them ALL up a few years ago and get a full physical every year...my numbers are better now then when i gulped all that sfuff down every day....

of course everyone is different but i for one am glad to be done with the daily dose.....

Have to agree with you. Despite obvious short term benefits in cases of low immunity, taking excess doses of various supplements puts pressure on your liver and requires huge amounts of water to process effectively and eliminate from your system.

It also leads to mild hypochondria.

The best doctor i ever had was a good friend, he never prescribed any pharmaceuticals. Once i was suffering from anxiety and restlessness he suggested i take some time out alone, drink a single malt amd smoke a cigar to help make some decisions.

When i had a bad flu and prolongued congestion he presribed stretching exercises to expand the chest and a large glass of warm water with honey and lemon every morning.

When i was fatigued and lethargic from work he prescribed food and rest.

Granted, i don't think the same type of prescriptions apply to the clap, but he got the drift.

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Just to throw a wrench into the 'grab the pitchfork and kill fish oil" crew:

The study findings were misinterpreted and the media made a link that the researchers did not.

Here is a scientific breakdown of the issues:

Bottom line : the study did not show any causative link in fish oil and prostate cancer,,,,statistically there is no link....just some observations from the researchers.


Thank-you for the link to an excellent article. As the man says in summing up 'keep eating fish'.

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Just to throw a wrench into the 'grab the pitchfork and kill fish oil" crew:

The study findings were misinterpreted and the media made a link that the researchers did not.

Here is a scientific breakdown of the issues:

Bottom line : the study did not show any causative link in fish oil and prostate cancer,,,,statistically there is no link....just some observations from the researchers.


Thank-you for the link to an excellent article. As the man says in summing up 'keep eating fish'.

Yep, thanks.

As I said in an earlier post I've been taking a daily cod liver oil capsule for over 30 years. It was done on the advice of my doctor when I went to see him at 40 y.o. for a check-up prior to taking on marathons. (All the rage then). I took them on the basis they were good for the joints - that's what he said. Fortunately I am still supple and have no joint problems at all at 74. So, I'll keep on taking them, whether they have worked or not or I have been extremely lucky.

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I drink a smoothie daily with coconut water, meat and oil, gogi berries, maca, bee pollen, hemp protein, spirulina, cacao, chia

A meat smoothie; that's disgusting.

i think what he means is coconut meat which is the white stuff on the inside surface of a coconut.

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