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We have all heard the AEC-ASEAN 2015 rant going on for years now, so i decided to read up about it, and boy did i get disappointed, or should i say it was as expected. ??

When it comes to cars the "new" deadline is 2018. i guess that Thailand did not want to let go of its 300% tax on import of cars.....

It is funny to see a Toyota Pick-up produced in Thailand, exported to Laos and sold for less than 50% of the price it is sold in Thailand.

I was hoping to see a lot of second hand import across ASEAN from this year, but unfortunately we will not see that before 2019 (maybe)

ASEAN Bha-Humbugh,

since Thailand have decided not to follow up on the most important principle of free flow of labor force from their most important countries "importing" cheap labor from.

maybe before 2018 they have come up with a new excuse.........



New cars imported from ASEAN countries only have 5% import duty - and that rule has been around for years. Cars imported from non-ASEAN countries have up to 80% import duty.

The rest of the taxes we pay are Excise, Interior and VAT - Excise taxes were updated on January 1st this yet, the other 2 haven't changed.

In short, the AEC won't have any meaningful impact on the price of cars.

In Laos, there are no taxes on cars.

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