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Obama to declare nation's future depends on fixing politics


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Obama to declare nation's future depends on fixing politics

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lamenting the nation's persistently deep divides, President Barack Obama will declare Tuesday night that opportunity and security for American families "will only happen if we fix our politics."

In excerpts released ahead of his final State of the Union address, Obama says that while better politics doesn't mean all parties are in agreement, "democracy does require basic bonds of trust between citizens."

Obama's election-year call for political civility amounts to an admission that he's failed to make good on the lofty promises to bring Democrats and Republican together that were at the core of his political rise nearly eight years ago.

The president's address to Congress and a prime-time television audience comes three weeks before Americans begin voting in the race to succeed him. Seeking to put his imprint on the race, Obama will cast an optimistic vision for the future that builds on his eight years in office, while acknowledging that sweeping change has sparked anxieties for some citizens.

"America has been through big changes before," Obama says in the speech excerpts. "We made change work for us, always extending America's promise outward, to the next frontier, to more and more people. And because we did — because we saw opportunity where others saw only peril — we emerged stronger and better than before."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-13

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Let me get this straight...the one man who has single-handedly taken over writing the laws of the country...by passing Constitutional checks and balances...totally ignoring both the House and Senate...the same man who uses every opportunity to politicize his personal disdain for Republicans...he is going to talk about fixing politics to move the country forward...

Let me give you a hint Mr. President...when you are removed from office...most of the political problems which have crippled this nation for the past 7 years will leave with you...

You can not leave quick enough to suit many...go bye and may the force be with you...

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We need privileged access by company lobbyists and campaign bribes to cease. Currently government policies in EU, UK and US are run by big business for big business. The citizen only functions as a consumer and/or worker and has no legislation to benefit him/her. TTP will make things even worse, with governments unable to do anything to serve the public interest if it harms corporate profits. There will be no progress for the 99% unless the 1% are stripped of their government influence.

There will be another giant baking crash soon, same story as last time since no meaningful curbs were put in the control excessive risk taking and indeed, in the US, the taxpayer was put on the hook for derivative losses as well…this is massive….a multiple trillion bail out is on the cards.

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Let me get this straight...the one man who has single-handedly taken over writing the laws of the country...by passing Constitutional checks and balances...totally ignoring both the House and Senate...the same man who uses every opportunity to politicize his personal disdain for Republicans...he is going to talk about fixing politics to move the country forward...

Let me give you a hint Mr. President...when you are removed from office...most of the political problems which have crippled this nation for the past 7 years will leave with you...

You can not leave quick enough to suit many...go bye and may the force be with you...

"Fix Politics." Now, what exactly is the definition of the word "Fix" in the mind of the executive branch? Sort of like "Change America?" How's that working out for everybody by the way?

Let's fix the problem.

Let's fix American by allowing small and medium business to innovate and thrive.


Let's conspire to fix commodity prices.

The fix is in for the championship fight. Lefty will take a dive in the 7th round.

Same word; polar opposite connotations. My guess from watching history is that the TOTUS is attempting to project an image of the former while his handlers actually mean the later.

Example: "Have those Diabold voting machines been fixed yet?" That statement will elicit two distinctly different conceptual ideas in the minds of US citizens based on: their knowledge of how the American 'system' works; their susceptibility to state, corporate, and media propaganda; and their political and cultural affiliation.

Edited by connda
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Let me get this straight...the one man who has single-handedly taken over writing the laws of the country...by passing Constitutional checks and balances...totally ignoring both the House and Senate...

That's just rubbish though - another feeble Faux News soundbite.

And you talk about being divisive, guess who the Republicans invited to sit and glare at him through the whole thing?


Edited by Chicog
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We need privileged access by company lobbyists and campaign bribes to cease. Currently government policies in EU, UK and US are run by big business for big business. The citizen only functions as a consumer and/or worker and has no legislation to benefit him/her. TTP will make things even worse, with governments unable to do anything to serve the public interest if it harms corporate profits. There will be no progress for the 99% unless the 1% are stripped of their government influence.

There will be another giant baking crash soon, same story as last time since no meaningful curbs were put in the control excessive risk taking and indeed, in the US, the taxpayer was put on the hook for derivative losses as well…this is massive….a multiple trillion bail out is on the cards.

Agreed, the US Congress is out of control and completely corrupt and dysfunctional.

The law makers are sworn to represent their constituents, not big business and special interest groups.

Lobbyists should be outlawed and labeled for what it really is, illegal bribes for corrupt politicians.

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Well "politics" in the US is a broken process. There is too much money and greed. They need campaign funding reform, corporations, special interest groups, and elite families own too many politicians. They need to get rid of Lobbyists and elevate financial due diligence on elected officials. These are things that can be fixed. What is more difficult to fix is the declining IQ of the population that seems to never question what is happening. A media that lives on sound bites and sensationalism but never does the heavy lifting of questioning and exposing the ugly truth. Political parties that have lost their way. Leaders with no vision or substance.

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