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U.S. father fatally shoots son mistaken for intruder


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Police: US man mistakes teen son for intruder, kills him

CINCINNATI (AP) — Police in Cincinnati say a man has fatally shot his 14-year-old son in their home, thinking he was an intruder.

Police say the man thought his son had caught the bus for school Tuesday morning, but the teen returned home soon afterward. Police say the man heard a noise in the basement and checked on it with a gun in his hand.

Police say the father fired after apparently being startled, hitting the boy in the neck.

Authorities say the boy was taken to a hospital where he died.

Police Lt. Steve Saunders says the father is being interviewed by police.

No names were immediately released.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-13

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U.S. father fatally shoots son mistaken for intruder


WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- In another tragedy highlighting the gun problem in the United States, a father in the state of Ohio on Tuesday shot and killed his teenager son mistaken for an intruder, local media reported.

The tragic accident occurred in the morning at a home in Cincinnati when the father fired his handgun into the basement, where he heard suspicious noise which he believed to be made by an intruder hiding inside, the reports said.

The victim was actually his 14-year-old son, who returned home through the back door after being dropped off by his father at the school bus stop earlier in the morning.

The father made a 911 call requesting emergency medical treatment of his son, who was sent to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

-- Xinhua 2016-01-13

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The wingnuts are a bit quiet on this thread. Probably just strategising how to play this. Their normal line, "If the kid had been armed, then he would have been able to defend himself," doesn't quite cut it somehow. I am sure they will spin it somehow.

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The wingnuts are a bit quiet on this thread. Probably just strategising how to play this. Their normal line, "If the kid had been armed, then he would have been able to defend himself," doesn't quite cut it somehow. I am sure they will spin it somehow.


Thanks for the Larf.

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They will probably say that the father was mentally unstable or the kid should send clear signals when going home : like yelling or ringing the bell..

They will blame Obama or just lie low until a more suitable set of shooting circumstances comes up tomorrow or the next day, as surely another innocent will die by then, afterall, it's America, lamd of the mass homicide.

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What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

Edited by chuckd
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What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

we dont expect it to do any good, you cant fix stupid, you can just marginalize it.

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Its not only the fact that a lot of people have guns its also the mentality and the culture of such hostility and fear.. "Oh some one is in the basement probably trying to steal a few of my belongings I better end his life"

In another country the first impulse would perhaps be to call the police and run over to a neighbour.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

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What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

Keep slaughtering your children in the name of some irrelevant nonsense in your constitution.

It seems to be some form of homegrown terrorism you seem to enjoy inflicting onto yourselves.

The rest of the world is perplexed by your apparent indifference to all the suffering that's ongoing there.

Your gun culture is just as bad, if not worse than Thailand's road safety culture, yet you get upset when foreigners comment, however you're not shy to criticise yourself.


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Its not only the fact that a lot of people have guns its also the mentality and the culture of such hostility and fear.. "Oh some one is in the basement probably trying to steal a few of my belongings I better end his life"

In another country the first impulse would perhaps be to call the police and run over to a neighbour.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

That is why an airplane pilot crashed behind enemy lines, has a better chance of surviving with out his side arm.

with out a gun you are in a defensive posture, hide ans evade,until such time as extraction, with a gun you confront and defend.

With a gun in your house, the prudent thing to do is to ask, whose there? you would not want to shoot your son, on the other hand the intruder knows who is there, the enemy. The home owner is in the distinct disadvantage of having identified him self and reveal his location, where the intruder has not.

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Yes and I would imagine the purpose of a run of the mill burglary in a residential area being theft and getting out before you are noticed. Not touting a gun and killing the occupant because of pure evil and malice.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

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What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

Strangely you don't come today with all your bullshitting arguments about safety and fear of death.

This tragic "incident" (yeah because there are so much events like this in USA that it is now called "incident) is the result of an outdated amendment, outdated mentality and outdated lobby.

Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

It seems when the President of the United States of America (guitar.gifO say can you see, by the dawn's early light,...) it is the same...

Keep going USA!

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What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

Keep slaughtering your children in the name of some irrelevant nonsense in your constitution.

It seems to be some form of homegrown terrorism you seem to enjoy inflicting onto yourselves.

The rest of the world is perplexed by your apparent indifference to all the suffering that's ongoing there.

Your gun culture is just as bad, if not worse than Thailand's road safety culture, yet you get upset when foreigners comment, however you're not shy to criticise yourself.


"Your gun culture is just as bad, if not worse than Thailand's road safety culture, yet you get upset when foreigners comment, however you're not shy to criticise yourself.

What are you talking about?

Most of your post is just boiler plate anti-American gun control rhetoric, but this last part has me perplexed.

How about explaining your very cryptic comment.

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Tragic accidental shooting of son by father? Time to change the Constitution and take guns from tens of millions law-abiding citizens.

Pre-planned terrorist attack invoking Islam? Deny Islam had anything to do with it, blame guns, change the Constitution and disarm law-abiding citizens so they are unable to defend themselves so that the next terror attack on American soil will resemble Paris, Norway or a Tunisian beach full of tourists.

At least liberals are consistent...take away Constitutionally guaranteed rights, turn every city into another Chicago or Detroit while enabling criminals and Muslim extremists...

Is the Left Even on America’s Side Anymore?

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Tragic accidental shooting of son by father? Time to change the Constitution and take guns from tens of millions law-abiding citizens.

Pre-planned terrorist attack invoking Islam? Deny Islam had anything to do with it, blame guns, change the Constitution and disarm law-abiding citizens so they are unable to defend themselves so that the next terror attack on American soil will resemble Paris, Norway or a Tunisian beach full of tourists.

At least liberals are consistent...take away Constitutionally guaranteed rights, turn every city into another Chicago or Detroit while enabling criminals and Muslim extremists...

Is the Left Even on America’s Side Anymore?


The kid was muslim maybe?coffee1.gif

Look at the stats mate : USA is clearly much less safer than France or Norway and even Tunisian

At least try to find a real "false" excuse

In a developed country, citizen don't take the law in their own hands.

Maybe you should ask for the US to create some "judge Dredd" licence, going with the sales of Guns in Wallmart

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Its not only the fact that a lot of people have guns its also the mentality and the culture of such hostility and fear.. "Oh some one is in the basement probably trying to steal a few of my belongings I better end his life"

In another country the first impulse would perhaps be to call the police and run over to a neighbour.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

That is why an airplane pilot crashed behind enemy lines, has a better chance of surviving with out his side arm.

with out a gun you are in a defensive posture, hide ans evade,until such time as extraction, with a gun you confront and defend.

With a gun in your house, the prudent thing to do is to ask, whose there? you would not want to shoot your son, on the other hand the intruder knows who is there, the enemy. The home owner is in the distinct disadvantage of having identified him self and reveal his location, where the intruder has not.

What a load of rot.

You may notice that the Police nearly always announce their arrival and entry into a premises and there's a reason for it (& a reason not to do it I some situations).

Nobody suggested the home owner should stand behind a plane of glass, lit up by backlight and call out, but surely AND MOST CERTAINLY in the eyes of the law, he should of identified his target prior to pullinthe bloody trigger <deleted>.

If only he had called out from Inside, 1. He woulda have identified it was his son & 2. If it wasn't his son and was a badman they may have very well done the runner after realising someone was home. BUT he chose to go for the kill and he smoked his very own son. What a fool and not the sort of person that should EVER carry a firearm.


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