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Finland: street patrols ‘essential’ but ‘cannot assume authority of police’ – PM

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Finland: street patrols ‘essential’ but ‘cannot assume authority of police’ – PM


FINLAND -- Civilian street patrols are on the increase across Finland following the alleged “widespread sexual harrassment” of women by asylum seekers on New Year’s Eve.

Groups such as the so-called
Soldiers of Odin have been described as anything from “just a bunch of people” to “right-wing extremists.” They say their patrols are to “increase people’s feeling of security.”

The government and police appear to have mixed opinions.

Finnish Prime Minister, Juha Sipila, said:

“In principal, the police are responsible for law and order in the country. It’s obvious. (…) Of course, it’s essential, what the patrols do, but civilian patrols cannot assume the authority of the police. That’s very clear.”

The Helsinki Times quotes the National Police Board as saying
“Voluntary community work should be supported,” in the context of backing up “the efforts of law enforcement authorities.”

At least two Iraqi nationals were arrested in connection with the New Year’s Eve incidents.

Finnish officials say staff at migrant reception centres tipped them off about the suspected perpetrators.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/01/12/finland-street-patrols-essential-but-cannot-assume-authority-of-police-pm/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-13


sad development

civilian street patrols?

this middle east refugee stuff is in the process of tilting over normally sensible countries


Normally sensible? The police can't be everywhere at once and there is real danger. Look at the recent mass rapes. Let those wacko Muslims try that in Texas and see what happens to them.

What are people expected to do? We have an OCD thread running about American guns, but it isn't going to be long before Europeans are crying for guns. Either that or they are just going to get smashed.



What can one expect from laying down the welcome mat to Third World adherents of Islam - a religon which regards all non-Muslims as heretics and thereby gives sanction to the rape of "infidel" women?

What we are witnessing is just the tip of an iceberg which could scupper the Titanic of the European experiment in multiculturalism. Germany, Finland, Sweden - the dominoes are starting to fall as the truth about rocketing rape and sexual abuse figures leaks out.

Political leaders and their mouthpieces have shamefully covered up the scale and scope of this most egregious form of terrorism - for that is, in effect, is what this is - committed by groups and individuals who clearly have nothing but contempt for their adopted countries and their citizens.

And why are feminists not speaking out on behalf of their manhandled sisters? Had the assailants been white indigenous males, our ears would be ringing with shrill cries indicting our "patriarchal society" and "rape culture". Has the cat of political correctness got their tongues?

That is their problem.For the rest of us, what is happening across Europe is a wake-up call we ignore at our peril. Unfettered immigration from Muslim countries cannot be allowed to continue unless we are prepared to see our own cultures undermined and - if the demographic forecasts are correct - replaced by something far worse.

The last great Islamic wave reached Venice before it was broken by the Crusaders. I wonder what these noble knights would say if they were alive today?


Normally sensible? The police can't be everywhere at once and there is real danger. Look at the recent mass rapes. Let those wacko Muslims try that in Texas and see what happens to them.

What are people expected to do? We have an OCD thread running about American guns, but it isn't going to be long before Europeans are crying for guns. Either that or they are just going to get smashed.


Do you mean "smashed" as in, having men, women, children and infants getting blown away in the streets on a daily basis, as they do in the states ? Is that what you mean by "smashed".

Your idiology of guns, or fettish or whatever it is, thankfully isn't shared by the rest of the world. Thank god.

Seriously, you think the answer is more weapons, more violence?

Perhaps the best way to solve the 'terrorist issue' around the world is to get more terrorists.

This idea of 'civilian patrols' is an old idea, one that has worked well in some instances,a form of new purposed watch can work very well if run in conjunction with local law enforcement authorities.

Forget the guns, better policing practice and smart acting citizens is a much bett idea than flooding the streets with weapons and ammunition.


This is tacit admission that the extent of the migrant invasion problem is beyond the manpower of the police to handle. I predict vigilante groups will become widespread throughout Europe due to the total abdication of responsibility from their governments.

If it is not already apparent a police who can't control hostile aliens will not be able to control the vigilante groups set up to resist them.


Normally sensible? The police can't be everywhere at once and there is real danger. Look at the recent mass rapes. Let those wacko Muslims try that in Texas and see what happens to them.

What are people expected to do? We have an OCD thread running about American guns, but it isn't going to be long before Europeans are crying for guns. Either that or they are just going to get smashed.


The Europeans do have guns - at least the police and the government militias.

However, unlike the US, they still feel somewhat reluctant to open fire on random groups of brown-skinned people - call it political correctness......


This is tacit admission that the extent of the migrant invasion problem is beyond the manpower of the police to handle. I predict vigilante groups will become widespread throughout Europe due to the total abdication of responsibility from their governments.

If it is not already apparent a police who can't control hostile aliens will not be able to control the vigilante groups set up to resist them.

Although, if recent events in Germany are any guide, police are much readier to take suppressive action against their own citizens than they are to control the Muslim migrant hordes.

Cologne sex attacks: German police arrest 200 extremists after anti-migrant rally


This is tacit admission that the extent of the migrant invasion problem is beyond the manpower of the police to handle. I predict vigilante groups will become widespread throughout Europe due to the total abdication of responsibility from their governments.

If it is not already apparent a police who can't control hostile aliens will not be able to control the vigilante groups set up to resist them.

Although, if recent events in Germany are any guide, police are much readier to take suppressive action against their own citizens than they are to control the Muslim migrant hordes.

Cologne sex attacks: German police arrest 200 extremists after anti-migrant rally

You could be right here. I would observe law and order will break down first in Sweden seeing as their threadbare police force has been underfunded to such a degree. Look at the rise in gun licenses, they tell what's coming.



What can one expect from laying down the welcome mat to Third World adherents of Islam - a religon which regards all non-Muslims as heretics and thereby gives sanction to the rape of "infidel" women?

What we are witnessing is just the tip of an iceberg which could scupper the Titanic of the European experiment in multiculturalism. Germany, Finland, Sweden - the dominoes are starting to fall as the truth about rocketing rape and sexual abuse figures leaks out.

Political leaders and their mouthpieces have shamefully covered up the scale and scope of this most egregious form of terrorism - for that is, in effect, is what this is - committed by groups and individuals who clearly have nothing but contempt for their adopted countries and their citizens.

And why are feminists not speaking out on behalf of their manhandled sisters? Had the assailants been white indigenous males, our ears would be ringing with shrill cries indicting our "patriarchal society" and "rape culture". Has the cat of political correctness got their tongues?

That is their problem.For the rest of us, what is happening across Europe is a wake-up call we ignore at our peril. Unfettered immigration from Muslim countries cannot be allowed to continue unless we are prepared to see our own cultures undermined and - if the demographic forecasts are correct - replaced by something far worse.

The last great Islamic wave reached Venice before it was broken by the Crusaders. I wonder what these noble knights would say if they were alive today?

Very well said +1


The last great Islamic wave reached Venice before it was broken by the Crusaders. I wonder what these noble knights would say if they were alive today?

Actually Vienna 1683, Sept 11/12, date was selected for 9/11 to coincide with their great defeat, broken mainly by the Poles not crusaders. Muslims never forget or forgive getting pushed back when invading other nations. They are on a mission and always have been, the western politicians have let in the biggest Trojan horse in history, now Europe is paying the price for their treachery and stupidity

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