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Thailand’s foreign investment drops 78% under Prayut's military government


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The pound is getting worse against baht because of better dollar price/interest, uncertainty on UK exports and mad UK ideas about leaving EU by crazy right wing Tory nutters. So no it's the pound sinking and this will go on for months with EU exit threats. Baht at 52 last year got more for pound.

The Pound is getting worse due to soaring national debt and a lack of an economic engine to back it. That is unless you consider Muslim gate crashers to be an economic engine.

We don't need to worry about the UK making foreign investment in Thailand anyway, now do we? Does it have a car, TV set or computer it could build in Thailand? I think not.

Thailand needs to attract foreign investment from places that actually have something to invest in.


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The sooner Prayut and the military realise they are, and always have been Thailands biggest problem and stop interfering in politics, for which they have no ability, skill or knowledge, the better.

Then the political street protests will continue, and businesses will be interrupted again due to ongoing random violence on the street.................. either way the innocent, few common sense people in Thailand are doomed......

Either way, foreign businesses would have retreated any way.

No matter who is in power, as long as self serving face-sanity on either side rules, this country is screwed,

Totally agree and it deserves to get screwed. The population always get the government they deserve.

If the population are willing to put up with it by sitting on their collective hands and blaming everyone else but themselves for allowing crooks, thugs and gangsters to rule on their behalf, well..........."up to you them"

Edited by KarenBravo
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Foreign Investment in Thailand Plunges 78% in 2015 to 93.8 Billion Baht


BANGKOK: -- Official data released late on Tuesday indicates that foreign investment in Thailand plummeted 78% between the months of January and November 2015, down to 93.8 billion baht. The data is provided by the Board of Investment. The news is the latest blow for the military government that continues to falter since the coup took place.

High household debt, lower consumer confidence and slowing exports are causing Thailand’s economy to slow down majorly.

Thailand’s neighbors, Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia have all seen their economies remain stable in recent years, but Thailand continues to struggle. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha stated that the major drop in investment comes from Japan, which has historically been the largest foreign investor in Thailand. Japan’s investments dropped by 81% and 2015.

Full story: http://ethailand.com/business-news/foreign-investment-in-thailand-plunges-78-in-2015-to-93-8-billion-baht/1364/

-- eThailand 2016-01-14

There is only room for so many car factories and they all need water. Things hit a wall after a while. Besides these money grabbers are always on the lookout for cheaper labor lower pollution standards locations and with the TPP Viet Nam is filling the bill. Not to may more pristine countries with low wages available most have be used up by the big boys. Americans must be almost ready to work for $10 a day and jobs will migrate back. This was the whole purpose of this excersize to teach uppity union workers a lesson.

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The sooner Prayut and the military realise they are, and always have been Thailands biggest problem and stop interfering in politics, for which they have no ability, skill or knowledge, the better.

Then the political street protests will continue, and businesses will be interrupted again due to ongoing random violence on the street.................. either way the innocent, few common sense people in Thailand are doomed......

Either way, foreign businesses would have retreated any way.

No matter who is in power, as long as self serving face-sanity on either side rules, this country is screwed,

All of which should have been allowed to happen, as in other Democracies hard fought for 50 years ago, NOT dragging the country 50 years BACK. And yes, you're right, this little country is most certainly screwed. Kind of apposite that word, don't you think?

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The sooner Prayut and the military realise they are, and always have been Thailands biggest problem and stop interfering in politics, for which they have no ability, skill or knowledge, the better.

Then the political street protests will continue, and businesses will be interrupted again due to ongoing random violence on the street.................. either way the innocent, few common sense people in Thailand are doomed......

Either way, foreign businesses would have retreated any way.

No matter who is in power, as long as self serving face-sanity on either side rules, this country is screwed,

Totally agree and it deserves to get screwed. The population always get the government they deserve.

If the population are willing to put up with it by sitting on their collective hands and blaming everyone else but themselves for allowing crooks, thugs and gangsters to rule on their behalf, well..........."up to you them"

In 1976 half a million of them were out on the streets of Bangkok. Where are they now?

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I am waiting for this to be reported and the junta asked about it. I bet my house, the farm and everything I own that it will be the fault of those dammed 'mysterious forces'. They are the cause of all of the junta's and Thailand's woes after all.

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The WHOLE WORLD is economically "challenged" right now! Using the Junta as an excuse to bad-mouth seems like a "cheap shot" to me. But, what would I know?! I'm just saying what seems obvious!

English John, is that you?

No Eric... My Avatar wasn't a clue for you? Kiwi.

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The WHOLE WORLD is economically "challenged" right now! Using the Junta as an excuse to bad-mouth seems like a "cheap shot" to me. But, what would I know?! I'm just saying what seems obvious!

But in the mean time neighboring countries have increasing foreign investment, with Vietnam for example showing a record number.

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The WHOLE WORLD is economically "challenged" right now! Using the Junta as an excuse to bad-mouth seems like a "cheap shot" to me. But, what would I know?! I'm just saying what seems obvious!

Here's something you don't know if you didn't read the previous page of this thread.

Foreign investments in Vietnam = UP.

Foreign investments in Lao = Up

Foreign investments in Myanmar = Way Up

Foreign investments in Philippines = Up.

Foreign investments in Indonesia = Up.

Foreign investments in Thailand = Way Down and dropping steadily.

So much for "obvious".

Edited by 1duckyboy
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whistling.gif Nice try, but I suspect that the corruption and fraud that most investors experience in Thailand with their honest business deals is more likely the reason foreign investors don't want to invest in Thailand than any government.

Thailand may think it's political problems are important but to most foreign investors they are merely looking for a fair and honest return on the money they invest in a business deal in Thailand.

Quite frankly, what a Chinese or Japanese investor is looking for in Thailand is a fair business deal.

They do not really care about a small and meaningless political argument at an insignifigant country in the backwaters of South East Asia.

Their investment decisions are made on profit expectations, they simply do not care about Thai politics.

The reason that foreign investors do not want to put their hard earned money into a deal with a Thai partner because they frankly have heard to many stories of how the Thai partners tried to cheat the foreign partner.

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When you sit down and start considering all the reasons not invest here the mind just reels. To me it is just flabberghasting that anyone invests in Thailand at all, and the situation has not changed that much since the coup as far as what problems exist for a potential foreign investor. The mentality of the current regime is nothing new, they have quite a typical attitude and style about how they do things, in a way it s good that outsiders finally get to see what they will be dealing with if investing in Thailand straight away before wasting even a minute more thinking about it.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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so what 99.8% of the people have never been so happy,,,, you can't walk the streets these days for all the people doing cartwheels..... individually of course, not in groups.

They are allowed to do cartwheels in groups outside the US embassy, but not in certain parks.

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You think what is happening here is funny. You think it is amusing, you think Thailand is here just to amuse you.


I think it's funny because so many like to bleat on about how this Junta 'had' to 'intervene' to 'save' Thailand.

I find this current bunch of clowns in charge more tragically amusing than anything. They are completely out of touch with the world and actually with most of their own people.

I'll tell you what will be funny. Prayuth or one of his rent-a-quote generals give a response to this, what they say will be priceless. That is of course, if they say anything on it at all.

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I can't wait to hear what twist super general gonna give on this news.

FDI is 22% better than expected.

What's the difference between foreign investment and foreign direct investment?

Foreign direct investment is basically when a company or entity based in one country makes an investment in a company or entity based in another country, e.g., Coca Cola buys a 60% stake in ThaiBev (Chang brewery).

Foreign investment can be something as simple as Merrill Lynch buying stocks on the SET to add to its International portofolios.

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I can't wait to hear what twist super general gonna give on this news.

FDI is 22% better than expected.

What's the difference between foreign investment and foreign direct investment?

Foreign direct investment is basically when a company or entity based in one country makes an investment in a company or entity based in another country, e.g., Coca Cola buys a 60% stake in ThaiBev (Chang brewery).

Foreign investment can be something as simple as Merrill Lynch buying stocks on the SET to add to its International portofolios.

Or a foreign company buying a Thai company because they can't make both ends meet anymore ?

Edited by TheCruncher
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no ones going to like you post as they could be arrested

And we will all be sent off to be re-trained and with forced attitude readjustment so we can be part of this 'Happy Band' of Thai people that has had so much happiness brought to it cheesy.gif

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