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No information on entry of IS militants to Thailand - Thai PM

Jonathan Fairfield

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This attitude is beginning to get really disgusting, especially when it's coming from the top: "Nevertheless, the Prime Minister also advised media in the country to treat the issues carefully so as not to create panic among the public which could create problems for the stock market and the economy."

So all they care about is money. Never mind the lives at stake. Then again, what's new?

Corrupt and being run-to-the-ground as it is, at least the Malaysian authorities and law enforcers (also known to do a much better job than the Thai brown clowns, when push comes to shove) issued an official notice that several areas (mostly touristy ones) are being targetted by 'terror groups'. When it comes to economy, I'd say Malaysia's economy is in far worse shape than Thailand, and would welcome any and all sorts of income possible but still, that did not stop them from issuing a warning to its citizens and tourists, for the simple reason of safety and securuty.

Personally, I refuse to believe that Thailand is immune to these terror threats. From the looks of it, it's the softest target amongst the few major SEA countries. I hope I am completely wrong, but I feel Thailand is just a time-bomb. Anecdotally-speaking, Thailand and specifically Bangkok, has an even larger collection of targets - more foreigners, more 'institutions' that go against the teachings of Islam, bumbling security at every level (or so it seems) and it's not even a Muslim country, unlike Indonesia and Malaysia.

Anyway, let's not talk about this and affect the stock market and economy.


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This attitude is beginning to get really disgusting, especially when it's coming from the top: "Nevertheless, the Prime Minister also advised media in the country to treat the issues carefully so as not to create panic among the public which could create problems for the stock market and the economy."

So all they care about is money. Never mind the lives at stake. Then again, what's new?

Corrupt and being run-to-the-ground as it is, at least the Malaysian authorities and law enforcers (also known to do a much better job than the Thai brown clowns, when push comes to shove) issued an official notice that several areas (mostly touristy ones) are being targetted by 'terror groups'. When it comes to economy, I'd say Malaysia's economy is in far worse shape than Thailand, and would welcome any and all sorts of income possible but still, that did not stop them from issuing a warning to its citizens and tourists, for the simple reason of safety and securuty.

Personally, I refuse to believe that Thailand is immune to these terror threats. From the looks of it, it's the softest target amongst the few major SEA countries. I hope I am completely wrong, but I feel Thailand is just a time-bomb. Anecdotally-speaking, Thailand and specifically Bangkok, has an even larger collection of targets - more foreigners, more 'institutions' that go against the teachings of Islam, bumbling security at every level (or so it seems) and it's not even a Muslim country, unlike Indonesia and Malaysia.

Anyway, let's not talk about this and affect the stock market and economy.


You forgot tourism although it could be considered part of the economy. When you have only a few eggs in your basket that might get broken you protect them.

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"Since the September 11 attacks in the US, Thailand has been listed as one of the top rendezvous places for ill-intentioned elements to plan their attacks. Some would go even further and view this country as a possible recruiting place for potential extremists."

"The country's central location and easy access, coupled with an inefficient immigration control system, has encouraged individuals and groups shunned by other countries to come to Thailand. Some have successfully used the country as "sleeper cells" and a "strategic planning centre".

"Top news last year concerned the utter failure of intelligence and the loose immigration regime in detecting and recording dubious persons visiting this country, especially persons entering through the land border across Cambodia. Thailand has well over 80 permanent border checkpoints with four neighbouring countries - Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia."



Edited by iReason
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A positive note is that lots and lots of normal Thai's own guns meaning that Thai citizens are not a soft target for ISIS militants as people in Europe are [ except Swiss ] and the UK . Imagine if ISIS militants tried to rape women in Texas !.... Bang!....brains splattered all the way back to the middle east.

Yeah, just like the high levels of gun ownership in America has practically eradicated all crime and random shootings. It's one of the many reasons why America is so respected by the rest of the world.


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Surely they will pop up soon, they must be due for their 90 day report?

Watching the CBS evening news in the USA recently about the California terrorist shooter woman from Pakistan.

They said, "Authorities asked her if she was a terrorist when she applied for her entry visa, but she said she wasn't a terrorist".

Apparently 'Authorities' the world over expect terrorists to be honest and never lie.

Lying is a time honored profession best left to politicians, so I'm sure these honorable ISIS folks will dutifully report to their friendly local immigration office every 90 days.

Your problem is watching CBS News. Stop that. You'll be better informed.

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