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PM urges teachers to preach morality and discipline to help enhance Thai competitiveness


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These could be some of the questions on the exam.

You get a 1.1 trillion dollar private loan to improve the country do you

A Spend the money wisely accounting for all the money and improve the country.

B Spend most of the money on improving the country and keep a bit for yourself.

C Hire companies to create fake paperwork for projects that will never exist and keep and distribute the money among your friends.

You witness a murder.

A Tell the police who did it.

B Don't get involved it is too dangerous.

C Say some immigrants did it as Thai people would never do such a thing.

You get in a confrontation with someone do you

A Try to calm the situation

B Get in a 1 on 1 fight.

C Hit him from behind with a brick, and when unconcious call your friends and all use his head as a football.

You are building a park do you

A Build it properly accounting for all materials and charge people a fair price

B Build it properly and allow your friends in for free.

C Take the money, threaten anyone who tries to expose you , Charge your friends nothing and any foreigner 500 bht for entry.

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It is the job of parents, not teachers, to give children moral values and instill discipline. The abrogation of parental responsibility is one of the underlying reasons why Thailand is such a dysfunctional society.

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As in the West teaching morality and discipline is a neglected part of raising a child often overlooked by the parent and forced onto the teacher really doesn't have the time or often to inclination to raise someone else's kids.

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???? Quote He called on the debt-ridden teachers to initially help themselves by making a household spending statement and cut unnecessary expenditure while the government will look to assist in other areas. unquote. So much for consumer spending to backstop the economy. The government will help in other areas? Like what cheaper loans to put them further in the hole. What amazes me is that teachers as professionals are debt-ridden. Is it because of low salaries or excessive spending or both. It makes one wonder about the rest of Thai society and their debt levels. The rich well they are doing OK thank you very much. Yes the rich are doing OK in the wealth department but in the one vote per person department not so much as in this case they are the minority and they need a heavy hitter from time to time to step in and try and skewer things back in their favor but history has proven this only lasts so long.

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If the teachers of the CEOs of major "Too Big To Fail / Too Big To Jail" banks were taught morality by their teachers, they wouldn't be the heads of monopolistic Super Banks who are routinely being caught for major infractions, but receiving naught but a slap on the wrist by governments run by leaders whose teachers didn't teach them morality either. However, gotta disagree with the approach. Morality starts in the home and is reinforced by social role-models during their formative years. Role models like virtually everyone in a position of power who gets there by....what means here in the Land of Smiles? I'll leave that to the reader's imagination.

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It is the job of parents, not teachers, to give children moral values and instill discipline. The abrogation of parental responsibility is one of the underlying reasons why Thailand is such a dysfunctional society.

No lack of teachings from parents - Lao Khao and gambling...

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If the teachers of the CEOs of major "Too Big To Fail / Too Big To Jail" banks were taught morality by their teachers, they wouldn't be the heads of monopolistic Super Banks who are routinely being caught for major infractions, but receiving naught but a slap on the wrist by governments run by leaders whose teachers didn't teach them morality either. However, gotta disagree with the approach. Morality starts in the home and is reinforced by social role-models during their formative years. Role models like virtually everyone in a position of power who gets there by....what means here in the Land of Smiles? I'll leave that to the reader's imagination.

How many bankers were jailed for the sub-prime scam? ?

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It has been well known worldwide: those who can't do, teach!

Well known only to the most ignorant morons in society.

He's right you know. I can't be 13 years old (in essence ''do'' the 13 year old thing), so I teach 13 year olds hiw to be when they grow up ;)

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These are values that must be taught at home and supported by that actions and behaviour. It's not a subject area teachers can have much, if any, impact on.

I agree that morality and discipline should be taught by the parents and not the teachers.

However the teacher can enforce this by being a role model!

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Try getting a male Thai teacher to wear a Tie and gain respect from his students not by preaching but by showing thru leadership and professionalism. I was always the best dressed man at the schools I taught at, I led by example, not by preaching. At the end of every class my students would say "Thank you Alex."

I probably got more respect from dressing well, than most school directors.

Who needs Wai Kruu???

"Thank you Alex"???

Nice dresser, shame about the lack of respect. I'm nearly 72 yet if I met one of my old teachers now I'd still call him "Sir"

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Indebted poor teachers ???

To bring even the most silly Pisa down voters to the universities and colleges, a total of 640 million baht (!) were paid in "donations" for illegal registrations to the teachers and "educational institutions" from parents in 2014.

I do not understand why these blackboard morons receive a salary at all, even the Ministry of Education admitted that a lot of the teachers do not pass the tests in their subjects. This applies to 88 percent of specialist computer studies, 84 percent for mathematics, 86 percent in biology and 71 percent in physics!

Makes me wonder how many "teachers" would pass a morality and discipline test fulfilling the generals dreamy standards.


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Indebted poor teachers ???

To bring even the most silly Pisa down voters to the universities and colleges, a total of 640 million baht (!) were paid in "donations" for illegal registrations to the teachers and "educational institutions" from parents in 2014.

I do not understand why these blackboard morons receive a salary at all, even the Ministry of Education admitted that a lot of the teachers do not pass the tests in their subjects. This applies to 88 percent of specialist computer studies, 84 percent for mathematics, 86 percent in biology and 71 percent in physics!

Makes me wonder how many "teachers" would pass a morality and discipline test fulfilling the generals dreamy standards.


Like I have said, "Those who can't do, teach!".

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It should be the PM preaching to the teachers, even invite them in to attitude adjustments. mind you there would be nearly no teachers left to do the teaching......

Indebted poor teachers ???

Since i got here i have seen teachers take money / payments for grades,

teachers selling photocopies of books for profit.

collecting money in class to bring temple, (up to you, you don't have to give, but i mark down those who do not give, remember your grades!)

Forcing students to attend sport or other arrangement that has nothing to do with teaching subject, in exchange give points towards grades

Most of the time i see the teachers using senior students to check and mark the younger s work....

my experiences is from universities so i cant speak about the other schools, but i can only guess....

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"Those who can't do, teach".... try it some time and think if that is true. Left out section "Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, tell teachers how and what to teach".

"....educate students on topics of morality and discipline which could help enhance the country’s competitiveness..."

Say what? How about teaching real skills, critical thinking, questioning, problem solving? I can just see HR looking at skills on resume: studied morality and discipline. No computer skills, can't ask intelligent question, knows nothing of how world works. Hire that guy for sure...... does anyone in power position realize that in real world competition it is what you know, not who you know that is most important?

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It has been well known worldwide: those who can't do, teach!

How sad that you apparently never had a really good teacher in your life. Many of us, me included, still remember that certain teacher who through her/his skills lit a spark in us that changed our lives for the better.

Mine was Miss Cook. She weighed maybe 90 LBS and was less that five feet tall. But that little lady was smart as a whip and tough as nails. She taught multiple subjects and could make even boring subjects exciting and interesting and instilled in many of her students a life long love of learning.

That was 50 + years ago and I still remember how she single handed convinced me that being a good student would pay far more dividends and be far more rewarding then being a smart mouth ignoramus.

Thank you Miss Cook.(long dead). You changed my life for the better and I'll always consider myself very lucky to have run into you when I was a 15 y.o. kid. I often wonder what my life would have been like if i had never been so lucky as to have a great teacher.

Edited by pomchop
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It has been well known worldwide: those who can't do, teach!

It's also a well known worldwide that those who knows nothing should keep silence. Worldwide is quite a stretch even by your standard. Teaching is one of the most respected and sought after profession in many Asian and European countries. The entry levels for teaching are high and very selective.

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"Those who can't do, teach".... try it some time and think if that is true. Left out section "Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, tell teachers how and what to teach".

"....educate students on topics of morality and discipline which could help enhance the country’s competitiveness..."

Say what? How about teaching real skills, critical thinking, questioning, problem solving? I can just see HR looking at skills on resume: studied morality and discipline. No computer skills, can't ask intelligent question, knows nothing of how world works. Hire that guy for sure...... does anyone in power position realize that in real world competition it is what you know, not who you know that is most important?

I can just see HR looking at skills on resume: studied morality and discipline. No computer skills, can't ask intelligent question, knows nothing of how world works. Hire that guy for sure...

Isn't that the norm over here?

P.S. You forgot to mention: Candidate has perfect knowledge of when and where to wai and bow down...

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Coming from someone whose preferred method is autocracy, and whose career earnings don't reflect his bank balance..

So many negative analogies to choose from. Why pick only one

It is amazing that this dictator can tell others to respect democratic rule. He must have been miss quoted.

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He expressed congratulations to those award-winning teachers and suggested that they teach their students to respect democratic rule and discipline, adopt a habit of reading, enhance their capabilities which could lead to an enhanced competitiveness of the country. He said the future of the country will depend on the students under supervision of the teachers.

... like overthrow elected governments at gunpoint, or get absolute power (Art. 44) in violation of the most fundamental democratic rules (Separation of power), like constant violation of basic human rights such as freedom of expression and assembly, or...

What a hypocrite!

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"He called on the debt-ridden teachers to initially help themselves by making a household spending statement and cut unnecessary expenditure while the government will look to assist in other areas."

Well to start with tell them to stop buying things that are way above their pay grade. They do that to just show off.

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Preach morality and discipline or teach morality and discipline to back up the parents hard work and home teaching seems Thai teens have no respect for parents or any type of discipline or general rule of law from basic things like riding their motorcycles without a crash helmet, stabbing and shooting children from other schools, next students will be rebelling against their military junta soldier boy PM and associates, what is the world coming too.

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