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Thai Central says keen to bid for Casino's units in Thailand, Vietnam


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Thai Central says keen to bid for Casino's units in Thailand, Vietnam

BANGKOK, Jan 18 Thailand's largest retail conglomerate Central Group is keen to bid for Casino Group's Thai and Vietnam operations, a company executive said.

Casino owns 58.6 percent of Big C Supercenter Pcl, which has a total a market value of $5.5 billion. Casino said last week it was keen to sell this stake after announcing it would sell its Vietnam unit in the first quarter.

"We are interested in both Big C in Thailand and Vietnam," Prin Chirathivat, deputy chief executive officer told Reuters.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/casino-thailand-central-group-idUSL3N1521L2

-- Reuters 2016-01-18

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And the regulatory body responsible for ensuring that such M&As are not monopolistic and are in the public interest....doesn't exist or is nowhere to be found ( or doesn't care because these are the good people)

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This is not good news for consumers. Although Tesco-Lotus is run by Tesco, CP owns part of it as well as Makro (totally) and we may well end up with a duopoly in supermarkets as well as mini-marts.

As Prbkk says above there is no visible sign of any anti-monopolistic body involved.

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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Then there wouldn't be Topsy's in all Central malls i guess.

But is Topsy from Central? I have no idea.

Checked, and Central do own 25% plus of big C. That is why Cs are not found in Central's malls but are stand alone stores.. Better to get a rent from a competitor like Tops than dilute your group's profits by charging rent to what you already own.

Not too much of a problem re monopolies though. As said, we've got Tops, but alsoVilla, Foodland, and the excellent Japanese Max Value to offset this situation.

Also, freshness and value in most markets piss on the supermarkets. Stick with them.


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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Then there wouldn't be Topsy's in all Central malls i guess.

But is Topsy from Central? I have no idea.

Checked, and Central do own 25% plus of big C. That is why Cs are not found in Central's malls but are stand alone stores.. Better to get a rent from a competitor like Tops than dilute your group's profits by charging rent to what you already own.

Not too much of a problem re monopolies though. As said, we've got Tops, but alsoVilla, Foodland, and the excellent Japanese Max Value to offset this situation.

Also, freshness and value in most markets piss on the supermarkets. Stick with them.


Max Value is the worst supermarket i've ever seen. Everything old and expensive.

It's cheaper to eat in restaurants then going to the supermarket and cook, not that we do that often because we like good food and to stay at home.

If Aldo or Lidl ever open in Thailand it will put the country upside down.

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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Then there wouldn't be Topsy's in all Central malls i guess.

But is Topsy from Central? I have no idea.

Checked, and Central do own 25% plus of big C. That is why Cs are not found in Central's malls but are stand alone stores.. Better to get a rent from a competitor like Tops than dilute your group's profits by charging rent to what you already own.

Not too much of a problem re monopolies though. As said, we've got Tops, but alsoVilla, Foodland, and the excellent Japanese Max Value to offset this situation.

Also, freshness and value in most markets piss on the supermarkets. Stick with them.


Max Value is the worst supermarket i've ever seen. Everything old and expensive.

It's cheaper to eat in restaurants then going to the supermarket and cook, not that we do that often because we like good food and to stay at home.

If Aldo or Lidl ever open in Thailand it will put the country upside down.

You should try going to a sainsburys sometime.... It will blow your mind ;)

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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Then there wouldn't be Topsy's in all Central malls i guess.

But is Topsy from Central? I have no idea.

Checked, and Central do own 25% plus of big C. That is why Cs are not found in Central's malls but are stand alone stores.. Better to get a rent from a competitor like Tops than dilute your group's profits by charging rent to what you already own.

Not too much of a problem re monopolies though. As said, we've got Tops, but alsoVilla, Foodland, and the excellent Japanese Max Value to offset this situation.

Also, freshness and value in most markets piss on the supermarkets. Stick with them.


Tops is wholly owned by Central (Central Food Retail Company Ltd) so what you've posted is complete rubbish.

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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Then there wouldn't be Topsy's in all Central malls i guess.

But is Topsy from Central? I have no idea.

Tops was Robinson. Come the SEA financial crisis, Central (I think, then) took over Robinson; a Dutch company, whose name has briefly slipped my mind, the Tops stores. Then Central bought Tops from the Dutch company.

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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Then there wouldn't be Topsy's in all Central malls i guess.

But is Topsy from Central? I have no idea.

Checked, and Central do own 25% plus of big C. That is why Cs are not found in Central's malls but are stand alone stores.. Better to get a rent from a competitor like Tops than dilute your group's profits by charging rent to what you already own.

Not too much of a problem re monopolies though. As said, we've got Tops, but alsoVilla, Foodland, and the excellent Japanese Max Value to offset this situation.

Also, freshness and value in most markets piss on the supermarkets. Stick with them.


Tops is wholly owned by Central (Central Food Retail Company Ltd) so what you've posted is complete rubbish.

Good to learn that and thank you for pointing it out.

The fact that I have officially posted complete rubbish makes me feel like a true TV member having truly reached the required standard. Mostly learnt how to do this from the Tottenham thread.

Acceptance at last and parity with the majority. A nice feeling.

Cheers, and b lucky.

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Good to learn that and thank you for pointing it out.

The fact that I have officially posted complete rubbish makes me feel like a true TV member having truly reached the required standard. Mostly learnt how to do this from the Tottenham thread.

Acceptance at last and parity with the majority. A nice feeling.

Cheers, and b lucky.

You're welcome. As you say, posting rubbish does seem to be a popular pastime on here.

Edited by eaglesflight
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Thought Central and Big C were part of the same co.

Must've been misinformed.

Big C was originally owned by Central, but the majority of shares sold to Casino after the financial crisis of 1997.

It has been quite obvious from the empty shelves for some time already that Big C is in trouble, but members have always laughed at my comments, but I think the announcement of Central doesn't leave any doubts about that anymore.

The irony however is that all those Thai companies, CP ( tesco - Makro) and Central ( Big C), who had to sell their shares during the 1997 economic crisis, are now buying them back, at a time when the mother of all economic crisis's is knocking at the font door.

Edited by TheCruncher
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Tax free.

Yeah what about dropping the import tax? Is that plan still alive or do we have still to go to Singapore for decent shopping?

If Thailand let's one company get monopoly on supermarkets then it's still a very undeveloped country. Cheap supermarkets are great and can help all kind of consuments, poor and rich.

Supermarkets will takeover Thailand within 10 years since the local markets are all crap and won't show their prices.

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it was said this week, by Oxfam I think, that 1% in the world have as much money as the other 99% put together and I'm sure in Thailand it would be 0.1% vs. 99.99%

I'm sure your statistic is as reliable as Oxfam's.

Oxfam's was widely reported on BBC and CNN but I doubt someone like you would care


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And the regulatory body responsible for ensuring that such M&As are not monopolistic and are in the public interest....doesn't exist or is nowhere to be found ( or doesn't care because these are the good people)

Not time for that....

Too busy counting the BIG FAT envelopes (could be suitcases in that particular case tho rather than envelopes) ... bah.gif

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it was said this week, by Oxfam I think, that 1% in the world have as much money as the other 99% put together and I'm sure in Thailand it would be 0.1% vs. 99.99%

I'm sure your statistic is as reliable as Oxfam's.

Well, just think what your net worth is as a % of someone like Bil Gates. Then realise you spend more on food in a day than Mary's Meals sez, as sponsored by Southhapton FC, could feed a starving kid for a year, ie 12.20 pounds.

U r wrong fellah and the previous post is true.

No doubt u have a good income, but I am sure it is less than 0.1% of that of Gates and his like.

Factor in the difference between western and 3rd World salaries, and Oxfam are bang on.

Just as a real example, I earn more than 3 times the average Thai salary for working about 25 hours a week, Is that morally right?

Bring in the poverty stricken parts of Africa, India, etc, and you have no arguement at all, let alone a conscience.

Get aware, and realise how sick this situation really is.

However, I am sure you are better informed than Oxfam, CNN, the BBC, NYT, The Times, Guardian The Economist etc.

Please therefore let us all know what the real figures are because your economic knowledge should have won you a Nobel Prize by now.

Looking forward to hearing what the real facts are from you, then we can all have a good laugh at your expense.

Please support your reply with credible economic data, if you know what that is.

Very much doubt you can, and sit here hoping the banks crumble again, you lose the lot you have then come back and give us the same garbage.

First thing you could do is tell us how many Americans live below the poverty line.

Would you know where to find that info?



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it was said this week, by Oxfam I think, that 1% in the world have as much money as the other 99% put together and I'm sure in Thailand it would be 0.1% vs. 99.99%

I'm sure your statistic is as reliable as Oxfam's.

Oxfam's was widely reported on BBC and CNN but I doubt someone like you would care


Ohhh Oxfam, that club with very high paid management and touts who get provision of what they make for charity. bah.gifbah.gif

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