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Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing


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Here's some interesting news just out on the white trash potential VP's kid:

Cops: Sarah Palin's Son Track, 26, is Arrested on Domestic Abuse Charges


That's not a negative among the Palin supporters.
Nor is if to me.

Holding things like this against the parents is only sometimes justified

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Here's some interesting news just out on the white trash potential VP's kid:

Cops: Sarah Palin's Son Track, 26, is Arrested on Domestic Abuse Charges


That's not a negative among the Palin supporters.
Nor is if to me.

Holding things like this against the parents is only sometimes justified

Yes but for different reasonswink.png

with in the Palin crowd beating you wife is a sign of strength and caring , it shows that you care enough about your wife to bother getting out of the couch after a few six packs of beer to set her strait, it is only for her own good.

Edited by sirineou
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Well, while we Americans are watching Trump freeze out illegals and send them packing, we'll be glued to our TV sets watching the jihadists burn Europe.

How can people who've already allowed their countries to get overrun by countless and unknown Muslims be so gdddaammm smug? Americans are going to watch the European carnage on the six o'clock news while we drink a cold one and clean our M 16 rifles.

See ya Europe. It's been nice knowing you.

PS I doubt if Trump wants to go to Englandistan anyway... bah.gif

Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump. That had to hurt poor Cruz. Those two were BFF's forever before this.

How can anyone in the country who calls themselves Republican not be deeply blushing or openly weeping?

The beauty of seeing these two idiots finding one another on a national stage is magnificent in it's splendor. Only missing a Kardashian to make the Three Stooges complete.

The Trump campaign believes Palin campaigning for him would be as good as Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary. Really, they said that.

The circle of Republican life is now complete. The hatred and fear mongering Palin brought to the 2008 election, now gives us Donald Trump in 2016 who inturn gives us back Palin again.

You know what I'm hoping? Sarah accepts the VP nomination. A Trump/Palin ticket would be simply orgasmic. clap2.gif

Best election ever!

The most hate and fear is being spread by liberals.

It's ironic that you accuse Trump of generating hate and fear and basically write a post encouraging people to hate and fear Trump.

Left? Right? Hate Palin? Love Palin? Consider yourself objective and impartial? Read this post above again. This post on Palin is an object lesson in Leftist mechanics. Label, indict, ridicule, negative association, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Few words are required to elaborate a shocking manifesto as the one above, excerpted below; but as I have said, it is the entire Leftist playbook. At best Sarah Palin is annoying, irritating, and comical. But below? Insinuating her disabled child into the formula under the banner of indicting her and those who support her? Does any believe the diatribe of rage against Palin and the serial talking points hate paragraph do not clear tell us who the "retarded" child is? Just search "Palin retard or retarded child."

I have constantly said Leftist/Progressivism thrives on hate and co-opting word meaning; to wit. Under the banner of indicting others for "hate" have any of us really seen so much hatred and vitriol on display in a single short post? I have not. This is evidence of the unguarded nature of ego permitting the subconscious to run a muck on the keyboard. This entire mental (and leftist) playbook is on display. Hate? Who uses a disabled child as fulcrum to injure others with? (He is 7, not 3 any longer; the majority of leftist internet venom on Trig Palin is 3-4 years old). Who interjects children into political discourse? Who indicts entire swaths of the population only to target the subject of this OP- Palin? The post I reference makes my argument against Leftist/Progressivism far better than I ever could.

I have never seen an example of Leftist venom that so aptly proves the points I constantly try to make- the real hatred- the hatred that is destroying America- comes from the left in a nonstop assault on the social and intellectual fabric of the world. Thanks for this view of the Left's inner playbook.

"Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump." "...The hatred and fear mongering Palin..."



Edited by arjunadawn
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You apparently are incapable of telling the difference between "hating" and "mocking".

However, you are correct that making remarks about her disabled son should be off limits.


Thank you for your post. Nice to meet you 1/2 way sometimes.

If you think my view was based on not grasping the difference between parody and disdain you are mistaken. Of course I know mocking. Mocking does not stalk in repetition, by necessity. With repetition humor is lost. With repetition agenda is driven. The post in reference is agenda, not parody.

"Well, yea its white. But its not smoke, its fog" approach doesn't work here. Of course it was smoke.


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I didn't know her son was mentally disabled. But I did vaguely remember the stories of her daughter being some sort of poster child for the trailer park set, with embarrassing teen pregnancy for the bible-thumping Palin, etc... Certainly most everything about her is funny, and dim, and I love the parodies by Tina Fey, etc...

Certainly there isn't much about her that warrants an agenda. smile.png

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It's good for Trump to beat Cruz. For democrats no big surprise. Palin won't be on the ticket. Trump is too smart to do that.


Whatever one's opinion of Donald Trump, he is not a stupid man.

So when he says some things that appear to be "stupid", it makes me wonder what his game is; is he a serious candidate?

He is not my choice for President, but if it comes down to Donald or Hillary, he will get my vote.

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It's good for Trump to beat Cruz. For democrats no big surprise. Palin won't be on the ticket. Trump is too smart to do that.


Whatever one's opinion of Donald Trump, he is not a stupid man.

So when he says some things that appear to be "stupid", it makes me wonder what his game is; is he a serious candidate?

He is not my choice for President, but if it comes down to Donald or Hillary, he will get my vote.

An alternative would be to just not vote

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Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing

WASHINGTON: -- Donald Trump's Republican presidential bid has received the backing of Sarah Palin, the populist ex-governor of Alaska who was the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008.

Mrs Palin said she was "proud" to endorse the billionaire, in a statement released by his campaign team.

She and running mate John McCain were defeated by Barack Obama in 2008. Despite retiring from politics in favour of a media career, she remains an influential conservative voice.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35358209


-- BBC 2016-01-20

Now all he needs is George W Bush to endorse him.

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It's good for Trump to beat Cruz. For democrats no big surprise. Palin won't be on the ticket. Trump is too smart to do that.


Whatever one's opinion of Donald Trump, he is not a stupid man.

So when he says some things that appear to be "stupid", it makes me wonder what his game is; is he a serious candidate?

He is not my choice for President, but if it comes down to Donald or Hillary, he will get my vote.

An alternative would be to just not vote

Sometimes that is a tempting approach, but one I cannot quite bring myself to take.

It would be nice to vote for a candidate I like, rather than voting for the one I dislike the least.

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Well, while we Americans are watching Trump freeze out illegals and send them packing, we'll be glued to our TV sets watching the jihadists burn Europe.

How can people who've already allowed their countries to get overrun by countless and unknown Muslims be so gdddaammm smug? Americans are going to watch the European carnage on the six o'clock news while we drink a cold one and clean our M 16 rifles.

See ya Europe. It's been nice knowing you.

PS I doubt if Trump wants to go to Englandistan anyway... bah.gif

Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump. That had to hurt poor Cruz. Those two were BFF's forever before this.

How can anyone in the country who calls themselves Republican not be deeply blushing or openly weeping?

The beauty of seeing these two idiots finding one another on a national stage is magnificent in it's splendor. Only missing a Kardashian to make the Three Stooges complete.

The Trump campaign believes Palin campaigning for him would be as good as Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary. Really, they said that.

The circle of Republican life is now complete. The hatred and fear mongering Palin brought to the 2008 election, now gives us Donald Trump in 2016 who inturn gives us back Palin again.

You know what I'm hoping? Sarah accepts the VP nomination. A Trump/Palin ticket would be simply orgasmic. clap2.gif

Best election ever!

The most hate and fear is being spread by liberals.

It's ironic that you accuse Trump of generating hate and fear and basically write a post encouraging people to hate and fear Trump.

Left? Right? Hate Palin? Love Palin? Consider yourself objective and impartial? Read this post above again. This post on Palin is an object lesson in Leftist mechanics. Label, indict, ridicule, negative association, and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Few words are required to elaborate a shocking manifesto as the one above, excerpted below; but as I have said, it is the entire Leftist playbook. At best Sarah Palin is annoying, irritating, and comical. But below? Insinuating her disabled child into the formula under the banner of indicting her and those who support her? Does any believe the diatribe of rage against Palin and the serial talking points hate paragraph do not clear tell us who the "retarded" child is? Just search "Palin retard or retarded child."

I have constantly said Leftist/Progressivism thrives on hate and co-opting word meaning; to wit. Under the banner of indicting others for "hate" have any of us really seen so much hatred and vitriol on display in a single short post? I have not. This is evidence of the unguarded nature of ego permitting the subconscious to run a muck on the keyboard. This entire mental (and leftist) playbook is on display. Hate? Who uses a disabled child as fulcrum to injure others with? (He is 7, not 3 any longer; the majority of leftist internet venom on Trig Palin is 3-4 years old). Who interjects children into political discourse? Who indicts entire swaths of the population only to target the subject of this OP- Palin? The post I reference makes my argument against Leftist/Progressivism far better than I ever could.

I have never seen an example of Leftist venom that so aptly proves the points I constantly try to make- the real hatred- the hatred that is destroying America- comes from the left in a nonstop assault on the social and intellectual fabric of the world. Thanks for this view of the Left's inner playbook.

"Always go with hate and fear. It's a proven winner for Republicans. Don't underestimate hate and fear. When the Republican base is an open sewer of bigots, imbeciles and fascists, hate and fear RULE!!! With a base that wallows in hate and fear, if you're not pants-wetting paranoid every time you see a Muslim...then you support terrorism. The Republicans have no discernible ideology or policy agenda. All they present the electorate with is hate and fear.

Enter stage right, America's permanent stain, Sarah Palin. In what can only be described as a 20 minute, unhinged, word salad speech which sounded like it was written by a retarded 3-year old, the "Quitta from Wasilla" endorsed Trump." "...The hatred and fear mongering Palin..."


here some facts for you


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here some facts for you

Here's some qualifiers:

The unemployment rate is a hocus pocus long manipulated number that says little; in fact is malignant because of what it over looks and the false security it provides. More people are out of work now then in numerous years. The rate is manipulated based on numbers evaluated. Those out of work X months or longer are not counted. There are nearly 95,000,000 people out of work who could be working, but quit. Hardly a good fact.

It is only my opinion that the crash in oil prices is the result of collusion with the US and SA to break up OPEC long enough to crash Russian and US oil markets. Oil this low seems like a good thing but this is debatable. As Iran enters the market this will synergize the market massacre. Cui Bono? This is contrived market manipulation. I will stop here and redirect to OP but without question any numbers out of context can support the most absurd conclusions. Both Bush and Obama are equally losers, and often for the same reason. Many see this and this is why the desperate middle of America, and the right, hope Trump will change things. I remain less certain of this but the continued comparison of Obama to a former president is not even entertaining any longer, it is now ridiculous.

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All politicians lie.

All administrations juggle numbers to support their agenda.

Does anyone remember this gem from early in Obama's first term? "Jobs created or saved"

There is another meme floating around that has figures which show the opposite, that things are "worse" now than they were "however many" years ago...and the numbers probably have a basis in fact....depends on the facts used and how they are interpreted.

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Trump is in a tight race in Iowa with Cruz. Palin is still very influential in Iowa. This could put Trump over the top in the upcoming caucuses. Trump would have been stupid not to accept her endorsement as it will swing many votes his way.

You don't have to believe me but Iowa IS the Bible belt. Many Christians have been unsure about Trump's beliefs but not about Cruz's. This could be a game changer in the country's first Republican primary on Feb. 1st. Palin's Christian and conservative cred is 100% with these voters.


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