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Donald Trump presidential bid gets Sarah Palin backing


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The Palin endorsement worked. The latest poll in Iowa has Trump ahead of Cruz by 11 (and Sanders ahead of Clinton by 8), proving once again Trump's political genius, while demonstrating his TVF detractors' clueless understanding of American politics.

Of course it worked, no one is disputing this. Trump knows exactly who his likely supporters are. And I post again....


I hope that New Yorker piece gets even more circulation. Nothing like the sneering condescension of elites to make Trump's numbers go even higher. Screw the lying media, vote Trump!

Not a fan of articulate, coherent and well-expressed opinions I see. More of a Big Boobs and Pick Up Trucks Monthly I guess. Since the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch–Kincaid_readability_tests when applied to Trump's speech reveals a 4th Grade reading level, what untruths are the New Yorker spreading? You do not have to feel inferior because you don't read the New Yorker. Just let those who do occupy their natural place in the social strata.

Irrelevant. Hysteria and hyperbole.

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It's funny how many people consider people with a different opinion from their own as "idiots".

The fact that they can't see how dumb that assertion is, makes you realize they wouldn't recognize stupidity if it was staring at them in the mirror.

You're familiar with the American right?

I used to live in Tennessee - do you have a point?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the capital of Wingnuttia. No wonder you're defending the idiots, former neighbors. whistling.gif

Sir, when I refer to idiots, it doesn't involve just a difference of opinion. It's the full scale, all out craziness of these people. The Fox News, koolaid swilling, gun toting, we're all gonna be killed, hate Obama and everyone who isn't us...idiots, who are the Republican base.

The GOP is rockin right now. Fabulous candidates, false outrage at every Obama/Clinton move, all hate and fear...and Palin is back! Thank you baby Jesus.

Pinch me, can it get any better/worse? clap2.gif The GOP is hilarious.

Congratulations. For condescending posts you win the first place.

Edited by Pimay1
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Of course it worked, no one is disputing this. Trump knows exactly who his likely supporters are. And I post again....


I hope that New Yorker piece gets even more circulation. Nothing like the sneering condescension of elites to make Trump's numbers go even higher. Screw the lying media, vote Trump!

Not a fan of articulate, coherent and well-expressed opinions I see. More of a Big Boobs and Pick Up Trucks Monthly I guess. Since the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch–Kincaid_readability_tests when applied to Trump's speech reveals a 4th Grade reading level, what untruths are the New Yorker spreading? You do not have to feel inferior because you don't read the New Yorker. Just let those who do occupy their natural place in the social strata.

Irrelevant. Hysteria and hyperbole.

So sorry to hit a nerve. Trump fanboy sensitive about his hero being endorsed by a incoherent lunatic? I mean carrying the weight of apologising for Trump's brain farts is one thing, to have to now be apologist for the most recognisably vacuous airhead on the planet must be too much to bear. The New Yorker got it right and said it well. Your puny attacks do nothing to tarnish their lustre. They merely endorse the New Yorker's perspicacity. Don't get lost on the way to the caucuses Buddy!

BTW, most of the anti-Trump comments are posted by Americans. Slagging them off is consistent with the Trump type but it is the strategy of a LOSER.

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It's funny how many people consider people with a different opinion from their own as "idiots".

The fact that they can't see how dumb that assertion is, makes you realize they wouldn't recognize stupidity if it was staring at them in the mirror.

You're familiar with the American right?

I used to live in Tennessee - do you have a point?

Every map has Tennessee to the right of the Mississippi River.

And to the left of West Virginia.

Tennessee's two Republician party US Senators seem not to hold Donald in too high a regard. The Knoxsville News seems to share the view....

Editorial: Tennessee’s senators hold to nation’s values

Tennessee's U.S. senators are right to challenge Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the country.

Republicans Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker stated recently that Trump's call for blocking Muslims from entering the U.S. runs counter to the nation's values.

Alexander and Corker were not alone in their criticism of Trump's comments. Many other Republicans in the U.S. as well as statesmen throughout the world condemned them.


Perhaps the two senators and the newspaper in Tennessee have a point.

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I was in Tennessee one time as Sales Manager for a company and went on appointments with three separate salesman. I switched cars three times that morning but all the salesmen listened to the same thing...Rush Limbaugh. I returned to San Francisco headquarters later that day shaking my head, worried about the future of the company and the country.

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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You feeling the Bern chuckd?

Not feeling the bern at all. I want him to win the Democrat nomination.

I want to hear the explanation of his proposed $19.8 Trillion tax increase over the next ten years.

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“I make fun of Sarah Palin a lot, but PTSD is no joke,” Wilmore said. But, “she’s blaming this on Obama? … Excuse me, but you can’t just crawl out of your frozen bullshit shack once every election cycle just so you can become nauseatingly relevant and spew recycled partisan crazy sauce all over everybody. And then use an issue as serious as PTSD let alone pimp out your own son and his problems. I mean, none of our soldiers deserve to have these problems become partisan issues. Also, you say Obama’s a horrible president, I say you’re a horrible human.”

Larry Wilmore

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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You feeling the Bern chuckd?

Not feeling the bern at all. I want him to win the Democrat nomination.

I want to hear the explanation of his proposed $19.8 Trillion tax increase over the next ten years.

Let me guess '$19.8 Trillion tax increase' straight out of the Fox News handbook of BS. Right?

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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You feeling the Bern chuckd?

Not feeling the bern at all. I want him to win the Democrat nomination.

I want to hear the explanation of his proposed $19.8 Trillion tax increase over the next ten years.

Let me guess '$19.8 Trillion tax increase' straight out of the Fox News handbook of BS. Right?

We can not spend that kind of money to pay for health care and education, we need it to liberate countries like Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Get your priorities straight tongue.png

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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You think it's just the liberal progressives who are against Trump? I just watched Anderson Cooper on CNN this morning talking about how the National Review has on its cover "Against Trump" with about two dozen conservatives chiming in on why Trump is bad for the GOP and the conservative movement.


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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You think it's just the liberal progressives who are against Trump? I just watched Anderson Cooper on CNN this morning talking about how the National Review has on its cover "Against Trump" with about two dozen conservatives chiming in on why Trump is bad for the GOP and the conservative movement.


National Review? The open borders crowd bought it out years ago. That's why they've been against Trump since the beginning. In order they have backed Bush, Fiorina, Carson, Rubio, and now Cruz. BTW, after seeing this I went to National Review's website and they have a symposium of Trump bashers in their lead article. Guess who is at the top of the list? Glenn Beck. Yep, that's right. National Review is headlining their Trump bash with the biggest conspiracy theorist this side of the guys on the Ancient Aliens show on the History Channel.

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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You think it's just the liberal progressives who are against Trump? I just watched Anderson Cooper on CNN this morning talking about how the National Review has on its cover "Against Trump" with about two dozen conservatives chiming in on why Trump is bad for the GOP and the conservative movement.


National Review? The open borders crowd bought it out years ago. That's why they've been against Trump since the beginning. In order they have backed Bush, Fiorina, Carson, Rubio, and now Cruz. BTW, after seeing this I went to National Review's website and they have a symposium of Trump bashers in their lead article. Guess who is at the top of the list? Glenn Beck. Yep, that's right. National Review is headlining their Trump bash with the biggest conspiracy theorist this side of the guys on the Ancient Aliens show on the History Channel.

I actually agree with you, Glenn Beck is a certifiable nutbag. And the NR breeds them. But I was just pointing out to chuckd that it's not just the liberals dumping on Trump.

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Not a lot of brain cells burned up by the liberal progressives on this thread.

Just some sophomoric comments and fake elitism.

You think it's just the liberal progressives who are against Trump? I just watched Anderson Cooper on CNN this morning talking about how the National Review has on its cover "Against Trump" with about two dozen conservatives chiming in on why Trump is bad for the GOP and the conservative movement.


National Review? The open borders crowd bought it out years ago. That's why they've been against Trump since the beginning. In order they have backed Bush, Fiorina, Carson, Rubio, and now Cruz. BTW, after seeing this I went to National Review's website and they have a symposium of Trump bashers in their lead article. Guess who is at the top of the list? Glenn Beck. Yep, that's right. National Review is headlining their Trump bash with the biggest conspiracy theorist this side of the guys on the Ancient Aliens show on the History Channel.

I actually agree with you, Glenn Beck is a certifiable nutbag. And the NR breeds them. But I was just pointing out to chuckd that it's not just the liberals dumping on Trump.

True. It's also the GOP elite. And National Review is home to what some people call Conservatism, Inc., the system of lobbyists, paid shills, and Beltway cocktail party addicts in the Republican National Committee.

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