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Thai govt approves 20 billion baht for internet broadband, gateway


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I lived and worked for 11 years in Saudi and know exactly what a SINGLE gateway means. Monitoring you and blocking what they (gov) dont want you to see. There are always ways around this, a bit troublism, but there are and will be ways around.

Businesss will not like it, as it will slow down business. All the traffic going through a funnel, it will be slow.

Let us pray that this does not happen.

You want to make Thailand the digital hub of Southeast Asia, have the government put incentives in place for providers to make it faster and more secure, then will we be the hub.

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Thailand being a hub Thats a joke when they do not even like foreigners and do everything they can to dissuade them living and thriving in Thailand

Outdated Immigration laws Very poor for becoming a resident. While other countries embrace knowledable people coming to their shores.The Thai system

makes you jump through hoops that belong in the 1950s

This is the Computer age and things move fast If Thailand continues to ignore the changes they will be left in the dust

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"The Junta approved 20 billion baht on Tuesday to improve internet broadband in the kingdom"

I think their definition of "improve" is vastly different from ours.

Ignoring broken infrastructure, "fixing" things that aren't broken.... ah you can almost taste the happiness

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I lived and worked for 11 years in Saudi and know exactly what a SINGLE gateway means. Monitoring you and blocking what they (gov) dont want you to see. There are always ways around this, a bit troublism, but there are and will be ways around.

Businesss will not like it, as it will slow down business. All the traffic going through a funnel, it will be slow.

Let us pray that this does not happen.

You want to make Thailand the digital hub of Southeast Asia, have the government put incentives in place for providers to make it faster and more secure, then will we be the hub.

"All the traffic going through a funnel, it will be slow." Perfectly put!

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THey want to become a gateway for Asian with a single gateway This will never happen This is a load of ka ka Who would want to be in a single gateway in Asian when their are more options

Someone from Hong Kong Or Singapore I don't thinks so This is a dream and way to curb dissent on the part of the Government That is all

They're gonna do it anyway with all ears closed.......

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"Thailand hoped its gateway project would make Thailand a link between Asia and the West begin in 2017."

The Link between Asia and the west is determined to be where the Subsea FiberOptic cables pops up, namely Singapore and I believe Vietnam?

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

The amnesty bill was stopped by the democratic processes, the coup was a power grab, long in the planning between the military and various interested parties. So just quit that nonsense.

You were one of the most vocal fanboys telling everyone that the single gateway wouldn't happen. What's it like to have to eat your words?

Don't be niaive forever, join us in the light.

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

So let me get this right:

The single gateway to go ahead after all.

'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

What I am saying its not unusual for a government (the one you like) to do a U turn.. Thaksin would not be included in the amnesty bill.. we had garanties.. and all of a sudden by a secret change he was.

Now this junta pulls the same trick.. I hate both tricks.. but you guys seem to think only the junta pulls dirty tricks.. I just showed you that your beloved PTP did the same thing.

Again.. I am 100% against this single gateway. (can look it up in previous topics)

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

So let me get this right:

The single gateway to go ahead after all.

'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

What I am saying its not unusual for a government (the one you like) to do a U turn.. Thaksin would not be included in the amnesty bill.. we had garanties.. and all of a sudden by a secret change he was.

Now this junta pulls the same trick.. I hate both tricks.. but you guys seem to think only the junta pulls dirty tricks.. I just showed you that your beloved PTP did the same thing.

Again.. I am 100% against this single gateway. (can look it up in previous topics)

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So they were gonna do it....then they weren't.....now its funded? 20 Billion???? Take the usual 10-30% of the top for the bosses......quite a haul. No wonder it was approved.

Single minded single gateway.

I thought they dropped the idea after so much criticism but then the commission as you say.

Wonder hoe long after starting the project the financial investigation into skimming will start.

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"...the single gateway, which the government has promoted as an economic measure to position Thailand as the “digital hub” of the ASEAN community."

Hub of oxymorons and morons.

What a joke. The country has the slowest internet in the region. As always the leaders are living in a dream world where Thailand is the center of the universe.

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Robblok - That you are against this dreadful project is beyond doubt. No 'ifs', no 'buts'. I am rather disappointed at your "beloved PTP" barb however, as this is simply untrue and unbecoming of you. I agree wholeheartedly that both sides pull off dirty tricks, no 'ifs' or 'buts' there either.

Obviously we could start all that 'but one side was elected', 'no it wasn't' carry on, but I think you would agree that the subject has been done to death...

Edited by baboon
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Well done Khun Prayuth Chan o cha ..... !! more good governance implemented by the PM wai2.gif

What is good about it? Faster access to state controlled media?

Ever heard of irony?
Fair enough. I am full of gout today and feeling generally wretched. Please cut me a little slack...☺
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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif
I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.
Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.
So let me get this right:

The single gateway to go ahead after all.

'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

What I am saying its not unusual for a government (the one you like) to do a U turn.. Thaksin would not be included in the amnesty bill.. we had garanties.. and all of a sudden by a secret change he was.

Now this junta pulls the same trick.. I hate both tricks.. but you guys seem to think only the junta pulls dirty tricks.. I just showed you that your beloved PTP did the same thing.

Again.. I am 100% against this single gateway. (can look it up in previous topics)

What you "but but Thaksin" lot can't seem to grasp is that most of us realise that the PTP weren't perfect, but they were elected by the Thai people.
For my part if it had been the Dems ousted by the military I'd feel just the same. You either believe in democracy or you don't. You can't enjoy all the benefits of a democratic upbringing yourself but make a special case of Thailand.
The thing that disgusts me about you fanboys is that you're prepared to tolerate a junta rather than a political party that you don't support.
That to me is sour grapes gone mad.
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Robblok - That you are against this dreadful project is beyond doubt. No 'ifs', no 'buts'. I am rather disappointed at your "beloved PTP" barb however, as this is simply untrue and unbecoming of you. I agree wholeheartedly that both sides pull off dirty tricks, no 'ifs' or 'buts' there either.

Obviously we could start all that 'but one side was elected', 'no it wasn't' carry on, but I think you would agree that the subject has been done to death...

100% agreement sorry for the barb.

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I have always enjoyed having a maid, and getting" basic services" dead cheap. Liberating the serfs is a terrible idea: thai people should be kept in servitude, where they belong.

Ironing my own shirts? The notion is simply absurd! Imagine if thai people start to use their brains and question the status quo...... it would end in disaster for the elite.

Long live the single internet gateway!

Freedom on the information highway, no way, I say!

VPN is the order of the day.....

Other than a direct satellite internet link, wouldn't your VPN be accessed via the single gateway too?

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So let me get this right:

The single gateway to go ahead after all.

'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

Even more of a mute point considering the current lot gave themselves amnesty too....

Actually, the correct word is 'moot', however, you might as well say 'mute' because he hasn't provided any relevant content other than to - honourably, for sure - admit this is bad news for Thailand.

"Thailand hoped its gateway project would make Thailand a link between Asia and the West begin in 2017."

The Link between Asia and the west is determined to be where the Subsea FiberOptic cables pops up, namely Singapore and I believe Vietnam?

In Vietnam YouTube really doesn't stream very well, it kinda chugs along, which is bizarre because every other aspect of the internet here has excellent speeds. I can download Match Of The Day in about 5 minutes. Sometimes less for The Walking Dead.

your beloved PTP

The lady doth protest way, way too much: you are the only one here who is clearly utterly obsessed with them. I suggest you invest in a box of tissues so you don't get it on the furniture.

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I have always enjoyed having a maid, and getting" basic services" dead cheap. Liberating the serfs is a terrible idea: thai people should be kept in servitude, where they belong.

Ironing my own shirts? The notion is simply absurd! Imagine if thai people start to use their brains and question the status quo...... it would end in disaster for the elite.

Long live the single internet gateway!

Freedom on the information highway, no way, I say!

VPN is the order of the day.....

Other than a direct satellite internet link, wouldn't your VPN be accessed via the single gateway too?

I too have lived in a "single gateway" country.

A VPN link will go through the gateway, but it will be encrypted and unreadable to the authorities in real time. If they have really good systems, they might be able to decrypt limited streams after the fact.

The operators of the gateway will play little games:

- they will block the sites from which you want to download the VPN software; you will discover that some friend will have the download file and your problem is solve

- they will block certain services like Skype; you will discover the multitude of other IP phone apps

- they will occasionally block VPN traffic using a certain protocol; you will find out some VPN products offer options to get around that

- they will block and unblock specific web sites, porn, etc: you will find out what kind of influence the HiSo people have, since they access the same porn sites and they don't want to be blocked

As for the "digital hub" claim, that is a poor smokescreen for the real purposes of this initiative.

Of course, the equipment will have to be procured in a confidential way, since national security issues are in play. No worry. The Fox is guarding the hen house.

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