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Every Picture Tells a Story # 3


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Every Picture Tells a Story # 3


Every Picture Tells a Story # 3

Welcome to “Every Picture Tells a Story”, a weekly post about living in Thailand. Each week we’ll post a picture that illustrates some of the little things those of us fortunate enough to live here hold dear.

Problem Solvers

It really bothers me is when I hear foreigners visiting or living in Thailand complaining about Thai people’s intelligence or problem solving ability. We’ve all heard some know-it-all farang say that Thai people aren’t multi-taskers or forward thinkers. I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”

Well, I’m here to tell you that Thai people are some of the most innovative problem solvers on the planet.
A few years ago, I had just moved to Bangkok and found a perfect apartment in the mid-Sukhumvit area. As I sorted out my personal services like cable and internet, it occurred to me that I needed a maid.

My personal assistant was a crusty old ex-school teacher. She was tasked with sourcing me a housekeeper. I gave her my requirements. “I don’t have a regular schedule … I only want the maid to come when I’m not in my apartment … and I like my place to be clean all the time”.

Thinking I’d given my cagey old secretary an impossible task, I sat back and waited. Within a week she hired a maid and I proceeded to live in domestic heaven. My place stayed so clean, I felt like it was freshly painted. And always in the fridge was a fresh bag of papaya salad and some grilled chicken. Never once did I see that maid.

When I couldn’t stand the mystery any longer, I asked my assistant how it was possible. From the balcony she pointed out the somtam cart that was parked at the end of my street every day. “Somtam lady is your maid”. Whenever I left the house, the somtam lady would turn over the cart to her niece and come clean my place. Problem solved. “Not so hard” she shrugged.

You can in fact see examples of Thai ingenuity all around you every day. I’ve seen a guy carry a 46” TV on a motorbike. I’ve seen entire condo buildings go up using only bamboo scaffolding

And, in this week’s picture, we see an inventive restaurateur deal with the issues of overhead costs, parking and good location. Three wheels, two people and a whole lot of charcoal; that’s what I call a problem solver.

Orlando Barton

Source: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/every-picture-tells-story-3/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-01-21

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Inventive,innovative due to the fact that they haven't got much choice most of them.

Years ago people in the west were innovative my mother darned socks,my father shared a tin bath in front of an open fire,that was being innovative out of necessity.

Just like here now people in the west recycled tins,cans and bottles,there was a rag and bone man.

Rather than be innovative and inventive due to poverty and lack of income,how about giving these people a decent education and a start in life.

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A friend of mune who has been in Thailand for over 35 years summed it up one day when he said.They think different,hard to understand, but give them a tin can and they will make you a carbureter.

Then spend every other day "fixing " it

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Inventive,innovative due to the fact that they haven't got much choice most of them.

Years ago people in the west were innovative my mother darned socks,my father shared a tin bath in front of an open fire,that was being innovative out of necessity.

Just like here now people in the west recycled tins,cans and bottles,there was a rag and bone man.

Rather than be innovative and inventive due to poverty and lack of income,how about giving these people a decent education and a start in life.

Another story but Ive tried to help many Thais and poor people by giving them a job with good conditions and they really dont care one bit, they would rather live like pigs most of the time and always leave with no warning, latest one left 7 days ago.

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i see a lot of dumb/lazy problem solving too; i need to take my child somewhere so i'll take them and maybe the wife and a sibling too on a motorcycle with no protection whatsoever, or i need to get from A to B, do i follow the flow of the road, no, i'll drive/ride against the flow of traffic - at speed, or maybe just use the pavement.

i have to do some DIY, do i do the best job i can and take some pride in my work or do i just bodge it?

sorry, i have traveled widely and thais do not strike me as a nation of innovators or creative problem solvers

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The bamboo scaffolding is the dead giveaway.

Are you saying bamboo scaffolding is better in your country?

I've not really studied the scaffolding in Thailand closely, but I would expect on a decent site that the bamboo scaffolding would be securely lashed to the building, and of even and regular construction, with netting to prevent dropped objects incommoding the passers-by. What are your expectations for scaffolding?


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The bamboo scaffolding is the dead giveaway.

Are you saying bamboo scaffolding is better in your country?

I've not really studied the scaffolding in Thailand closely, but I would expect on a decent site that the bamboo scaffolding would be securely lashed to the building, and of even and regular construction, with netting to prevent dropped objects incommoding the passers-by. What are your expectations for scaffolding?


You must be new in town

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I think many of the thais do a lot with very little.

They are inventive, and not so unintelligent as many foreigners make out.

Considering the dumbed down education these people get, yes they do do a lot with very little. However, compare western children with their supposed superior education against Thai children, the Thai's win hands down with their inventivness. Mostly out of necessity.

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Lots of weird and wonderful vehicles in Thailand, people adapt stuff to suit their purpose. When I first went to Prajuap Khiri Khan, I got on one of these local samlors, ,excellent for panoramic views, fresh air and comfort.

attachicon.gifsamlor in prajuap.jpg

Not that anyone would care but these seems to be better than regular tuk-tuks. I can hardy see anything when I am in one. One has to slide down and sit on your back to see a decent view.

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I own zzindustries and yes every day is the same here as in America. Some are innovative and some are just plain stupid and lazy. They want everyone to give them a handout but comparing one country that has had it so difficult to adjust to the world isn't right.

Thailand is a very good country and the King of Thailand is a ingenious man with a very adaptable son.

He wellSincerely be the next king like it or not

Thailand has helped America in the Vietnam war we would have lost many more soldiers.

Speaking from knowledge I'm a 2nd lieutenant in the United States of America Army. And I'll tell you what my boys Alexander and Zachary Wall are beautiful

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'I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”'

Okay, I'm the belicose buffoon. Tell me anything, anything at all, that the Thais have invented. A friend of mine came up with Thai boxing. Big deal, and of no use to anyone. Silk? An industry rescued from obscurity by an American. Red Bull? Just a local product until an Austrian got involved and marketed it properly. Food? Based almost entirely on Chinese and Indian, except the masses of deep-fried stuff.

Come on. You raised the subject and insulted the person who said it. Let's see you tell us then what Thais have invented. I'd love to know.

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The reason there is very little innovation in Thailand is because the system does not teach "thinking out of the box. From a very early age they are taught to follow rather then lead.

They are taught not to rock the boat . If they have an opinion to keep it to themselves .

If you are taught not to question anyone or anything then don't expect innovation or invention beyond a useful tool for themselves.

On the flip side of the coin The west have people like the founder of Microsoft or Facebook or twitter or someone that invented a new mousetrap

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13,365 laws of any sorts( maybe more) would prevent this to happened in every nanny states tongue.png



I'm not sure, but maybe Blaze's point was that in Thailand, scaffolding training is not as good as it is in Hong Kong, or whether his point was that bamboo scaffolding is easier and quicker to erect than steel, and cheaper, and is safe if it's put up and maintained properly.


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'I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”'

Okay, I'm the bellicose buffoon. Tell me anything, anything at all, that the Thais have invented. A friend of mine came up with Thai boxing. Big deal, and of no use to anyone. Silk? An industry rescued from obscurity by an American. Red Bull? Just a local product until an Austrian got involved and marketed it properly. Food? Based almost entirely on Chinese and Indian, except the masses of deep-fried stuff.

Come on. You raised the subject and insulted the person who said it. Let's see you tell us then what Thais have invented. I'd love to know.

Som tam ?

PS: I will not say you are buffoon...but bellicose...for sure ! tongue.png

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I own zzindustries and yes every day is the same here as in America. Some are innovative and some are just plain stupid and lazy. They want everyone to give them a handout but comparing one country that has had it so difficult to adjust to the world isn't right.

Thailand is a very good country and the King of Thailand is a ingenious man with a very adaptable son.

He wellSincerely be the next king like it or not

Thailand has helped America in the Vietnam war we would have lost many more soldiers.

Speaking from knowledge I'm a 2nd lieutenant in the United States of America Army. And I'll tell you what my boys Alexander and Zachary Wall are beautiful

Zackattack, did it ever come to your mind that your country would not have lost any soldier in Vietnam, had they stayed out of there ?

And Vietnam would have been spared the aftermath of agent orange as well as the death and mutilations of millions.

Any reparations been paid to Vietnam ?

Any justice done to the many US veterans who suffered from multiple traumas caused by the war ?

Are you aware that that war was based on a lie just like the Iraq war ?

Recommending you the documentation of Ex US Defence Minister Robert Macnamara: The Fog of War

Yes, your boys may be beautiful, but what about the thousandas of beautiful boys and girls your people have killed,

poisend and mutilated ?

it's time to start thinking. You also have been abused, you just didn't seem to have realised it yet.

I am so sorry for you guys.

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Interesting but most of the examples you use undermine your argument and strengthen the case of those who contend that Thai's are not terribly bright.

you confuse education and intelligence. The poorer Thai have for multiple reasons a lack of education or less education then we Westerners, but prove daily how creative and competent they are in their field of work.

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'I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?”'

Okay, I'm the belicose buffoon. Tell me anything, anything at all, that the Thais have invented. A friend of mine came up with Thai boxing. Big deal, and of no use to anyone. Silk? An industry rescued from obscurity by an American. Red Bull? Just a local product until an Austrian got involved and marketed it properly. Food? Based almost entirely on Chinese and Indian, except the masses of deep-fried stuff.

Come on. You raised the subject and insulted the person who said it. Let's see you tell us then what Thais have invented. I'd love to know.

Thai girls invented 1001 ways to make Farang men; give them all their money. And then when the money is gone, they are able to tell the Farang man that they have nothing to live for ,and to jump off a 10-20 story building. Not too bad !

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"A picture says a thousand words".

For me this is the most beautiful story of all....notice that it is the elderly Ma Ma that is feeding her daughter.


From this one picture; they could be saying, " Why is there a fly in my soup " ?

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