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Student activist leader 'abducted' near Thammasat University


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Just last Sunday, I saw someone in one of these "Shutdown Bangkok- Restart Thailand"- shirts!

How is that working out for you, whistleblowers?


What I was trying to say: they all went out on the street, to protest the great injustice of an elected government, making some questionable policy choices!

That was their right!

But all these self- proclaimed Champions of democracy, justice etc. have been very quiet since then!

So they got their will: the government had to pack up and leave!

...and look at what we have now!


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What I was trying to say: they all went out on the street, to protest the great injustice of an elected government, making some questionable policy choices!

That was their right!

But all these self- proclaimed Champions of democracy, justice etc. have been very quiet since then!

So they got their will: the government had to pack up and leave!

...and look at what we have now!

Or one could say: Thailand, where two wrongs just make it worst :)

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Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

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Not sure if this place is better under military rule or not.

Help me please, where in the world did any country do well under a military dictatorship?

Iraq was a more stable country when SH was in control whether or not it did well is another matter, but for sure there are some countries that cannot survive without a dictator as the populous is rife with psychotics all wanting a piece, a bit like how the ME is today. Whether or not Thailand is one of them is definitely debatable.

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Holy s**t! Taken to a field and forced to kneel while being accused of traitorous behaviour for investigating corruption. Simulating extrajudicial execution technique is one way of "attitude adjustment". The way you know this was officially sanctioned is that they then dropped him off at the police station. Holy s**t!

Don't worry, someone will be along in a moment to suggest that it is quite a reasonable thing to do.

Key phrases to watch out for are: "but but but Thaksin" and I rather expect, "if you can't do the time don't do the crime...".

Well Jag .... that's a pretty well down-your-trousers type of comment. I think the point is that this type of abuse whether by Thaksin, his cronies, the red shirts, the police, the military or my wife is unacceptable in any decent society. Fortunately there are international NGOs who investigate these kind of alleged human rights abuses. My personal view is that I'd rather have the military here at this juncture than Thaksin (who was arraigned by AI in more than 18 human rights violations); I am also aware that massive changes need to be made in Thailand and in other countries too, to have proper functioning democracies. This ain't going to happen overnight and as long as people mistakenly think that Thaksin was/is a democrat, then it will take longer to achieve democracy here. The student has not been convicted of a 'crime' and in the world human rights book (if only there were such a thing) voicing opposition is not a crime. So I don't think people will make the comment that you anticipate.

I've never heard the expression "pretty well down your trousers expression" before. I suspect that it means you think I am a prick - given your normal approach to anything "remotely liberal" I will take that as a complement!

As for responses along the lines I suggested - already happened, post # 109.

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The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

I have some seaside property in Florida that you may be interested in.

I see you have anointed yourself as the spokesperson for all Thais. Many seem to disagree with you.

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Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

It's peaceful for the moment but if things carry on in this way it has the potential to get ugly. Yes it is a Thai problem and many Thais are very unhappy.

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Show trials next and detention camps.

Why waste time on show trials? They could build their own Guantanamo prison on some island in the Andamans. And then claim that these abductees are enemies of Thailand and no laws, Thai or International, are applicable. And keep them for 10-15 years without the need for even being charged of any crime!

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Men in military uniform arrested him. They were in uniform and did it quite openly, I cannot see how this is abduction?

Masked men in camouflaged uniform in a pick-up with no license plate at 10.30 pm and you say that that was not an abduction. Where is your sense of morality.

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First they came for the Red Shirts, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Red Shirt.

Then they came for the Democracy Movement, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not an Activist.

Then they came for the Overstaying Farangs, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not Overstaying.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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One glaring and ominous thing with this police "arrest" is that they are being directed by the military.

No civil code has been violated. The RTP would otherwise have no cause for the arrests. The basis for the arrest is violation of an NCPO directive.

If civil law had been violated, the police would be remanding the accused to an admininstrative criminal court for prosecution. Instead the RTP will be remanding the accused to a military court. How with such lawless obediance can the RTP ever say someone has said something to tarnish their reputation?

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No ..No ..Just another misunderstanding.

That was a unexpected free taxi ride service organized by some military guys....in a "pick you up truck" , regardless of what others say.

The seldom heard of: "Grab You" ( off the street ) taxi service in competition with the better known Grab Taxi service

The students will pay the charges later.


Edited by gemguy
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Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

Another one lacking moral fiber. Spineless and selfish.

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Holy s**t! Taken to a field and forced to kneel while being accused of traitorous behaviour for investigating corruption. Simulating extrajudicial execution technique is one way of "attitude adjustment". The way you know this was officially sanctioned is that they then dropped him off at the police station. Holy s**t!

Don't worry, someone will be along in a moment to suggest that it is quite a reasonable thing to do.

Key phrases to watch out for are: "but but but Thaksin" and I rather expect, "if you can't do the time don't do the crime...".

Well Jag .... that's a pretty well down-your-trousers type of comment. I think the point is that this type of abuse whether by Thaksin, his cronies, the red shirts, the police, the military or my wife is unacceptable in any decent society. Fortunately there are international NGOs who investigate these kind of alleged human rights abuses. My personal view is that I'd rather have the military here at this juncture than Thaksin (who was arraigned by AI in more than 18 human rights violations); I am also aware that massive changes need to be made in Thailand and in other countries too, to have proper functioning democracies. This ain't going to happen overnight and as long as people mistakenly think that Thaksin was/is a democrat, then it will take longer to achieve democracy here. The student has not been convicted of a 'crime' and in the world human rights book (if only there were such a thing) voicing opposition is not a crime. So I don't think people will make the comment that you anticipate.

However during the last civilian government the opportunity for democratic change existed, through the ballot box.

The fact that no change would have occurred was not the fault of the then government.

It was the fault of the opposition who had/have nothing to offer to a large percentage of the electorate.

That's what happens in a democracy. That's what the plutocrats can't get their heads around because it means, in many spheres, "redistribution".

Instead they keep coming up with "reforms" in an effort to forestall that eventuality.

In it's rise to supremacy the West went through a lot of "redistribution". In some countries it was a lot more painful than in others.

In all cases it took more than just saying "we are now a Constitutional Monarchy or a Republic, do as you are told".

Poppycock. Displays a total lack of understanding of politics here on the ground in Thailand.

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The average person is under siege for sure and they have been that way for a long time. However, one day that average person will say enough is enough as there are more of them than those who have the control. History is replete with examples.Governments everywhere just cannot understand that the people hold the real power and those in Government are there to provide service.

In a vast majority of countries this would be true, but alas this is Thailand.

The vast majority of the population are completely ignorant to what is going down or simply aren’t interested.

What they have eaten or going to eat is far more important to the current "political" situation, sad but tragically true.

i agree 100%.....if you know a bit this country and the people living in it ....this is easy to get to a sad conclusion like this....sad for them, not for me....but who cares?


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Call it what you want but this man has done nothing other than disagree with the junta. If you think that's fair then shame on you.

Just as a matter of interest, what would be your reaction if the same thing happened in your home country?

I didn't express an opinion on whether i thought his arrest was morally justified or not ( i don't think it was justified ) Having said that i do disagree with hysterical reactions and exaggerations. My argument was only about the terms used, he wasn't abducted by dark forces, he was arrested openly by the authorities who had a valid arrest warrant. The fact that most of us regard the reason for his arrest as distasteful is neither here nor there, it wasn't an abduction it was an arrest, and no he wont be murdered in a dark cellar.

He was bundled into a car with covered number plates at 10.59 pm by persons not identifying themselves nor showing a warrant of arrest. Oh, then taken to a field and slapped about a bit. That constitutes normal arrest procedure for you? blink.png

How do you know his story is true though?

In terms of plain clothes arresting officers - that is normal for law enforcement world wide. Not every law enforcement officer turns up with a shiny helmet.

As for the rest of the story - no-one has any way of verifying it. We do know the fella has an axe to grind though.

I'm neutral on it until evidence comes to light.

"In terms of plain clothes arresting officers" ? Do you know what you are talking about? It was clearly shown in the photos yesterday that the "plain clothes arresting officers" were wearing military fatigues. Sure I have see a few Thais wearing the camo pants around the place but I would say it could be considered "plain clothes". The were in full uniform ( shirts, pants and boots ) putting the guy into the pickup with no number plates on.

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you mean sixty years in prison, reduced by half for pleading guilty

sentenced to ten years each for six Facebook posts, thus confirming a trend whereby the Thai secret police are closely monitoring Facebook posters

.... wheels well and truly off this train wreck coffee1.gif

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Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

Another one lacking moral fiber. Spineless and selfish.

"The Thais love their coups"

Some people severely lack awareness.

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Men in military uniform arrested him. They were in uniform and did it quite openly, I cannot see how this is abduction?

So if your family member was taken in the same fashion, you all cool with that?

the 2 pick up's had their number plates obscured, the 8 soldiers were masked, there was no arrest warrant provided, there was no ID of any one provided,

he student was blind folded, abused verbally and physically, taken too a field with a little more abuse, then taken too police station. and that's all good with you?

S it's not quite as simplistic as you portray now is it?

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Thailand has had 20 coups, in the last 70 years. Election in 2 years; street demonstrations in 2 more years , by either Red or Yellow. Followed by another coup. Another constitution , election in 2 more years, followed by street protests; follow by coup. The next two coups will take us to the years 2026. The only difference is the General. This is Normal for Thailand. It is very peaceful now, yes ? So why get upset.

Stay calm and carry on. I enjoy the peace we have now in Thailand. The General is doing, what he has been asked to do. Maintain Peace.

Why do Farang always want to stir up problems. It is a Thai issue not yours.

Enjoy your life, you are living in a great country.

I bet, a bunch of people say that about North- Korea, too!

And quiet frankly: I am sick of hearing it!

This is not a "great" country!

It is a country like any other: some things good, some things bad!

End of!

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The irony of this situation is that the Redshirts tried for years to get students involved in their movement, with very little success.

In one day this poorly thought out military crackdown did more to invigorate are a real opposition opposition movement than Thaksin's millions did in 10 years.

The military's expertise is in controlling large numbers of young men, not in running a country. It's time for them to realize this and schedule new elections.

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Who says I agree with the charges (I don't) commenting here on the snatching / abducting thing. I see this as normal practice when going after high profile targets that could cause a disturbance. Its no different in other countries. I don't agree however with the charges and hope he gets cleared.

Normal practice when going after a civilian unarmed, non-violent target is for the police to make an arrest. Don't you think it strange that it was carried out by the military?

Remarkable that anyone thinks the RTP are a normal police force who operate normally in a normal justice system in normal circumstance.

Edited by Baerboxer
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