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Palin's re-emergence underscores GOP split


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It will be interesting to see how this plays out...once the genie is out of the bottle...it is almost impossible to put her back in again...I do not see Palin as as asset to anyone's campaign...Trump's numbers may begin to diminish as people realize the company he keeps...is not the company they would be seen with...

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The Donald is extremely intelligent.

He has assembled some astute political advisers who have polled and measured every voter sentiment.

The Donald is running a targeted campaign intended to win the GOP nomination.

First he would like to deliver the campaign ending blow to the creepy Cruz.

Once this is accomplished, the message will change.

We will see a more warm and friendly Donald.

Until then, the Donald shall march forward crushing his opponents. He sent that blowhard wuss Graham away. He sliced and diced the fake Carson. He pushed wacko Rand Paul out of the spotlight. What's left? Carly the failed CEO with her bad hair dye job? How about the morbidly obese sweaty pockmarked Christie who's response when getting caught in a lie is to scream and hurl abuse? How about the DOA drip Jeb? Does he even have a heartbeat?

The Donald will be victorious. Loud and ostentatious at times, but he says what many people want said, America loves the Donald. The anti Donald protestors will soon be a footnote because the Donald will build a wall and like the Titans they will be kept out.

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The fact that he would accept her nomination shows just how far off base this guy is. Though he is enough of a nut job to be able to get along with a freak the likes of Palin. Just the sound of her voice, and that false American bravado makes my head hurt. She is more phony than a three dollar bill. She does not have an allegiance to anything other than money, power and fame. So, that is another thing she has in common with Don the Destroyer.

Firstly, I'm a Brit.

You're right spidermike, they both make my flesh crawl. Loonies like Trump and Palin are a threat to us all as the President of America is in reality the President of the world the way other 'leaders' kowtow to him. The nightmare scenario of him as the President and her as the VP doesn't bear thinking about,

Palin:"Countries like Africa" facepalm.gif

Trump: 1) McCain disdain..... 2) Ban Muslims...... 3) Build a wall that the Mexicans will pay for....... etc etc.

Why do people like this even get air time to start with?!

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Oh, the thread is about Palin, LOL.

The liberal Public Policy Polling said, a couple of years ago before this was an issue:

"The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating." LINK

So, the expert TVF pundits may carry on, but Palin gave Trump a big boost in Iowa.


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I miss Bush already

There's a new bush to water and feed in this election campaign as there always seems to be.

People talk about 25 years of the Clintons but USA has had the Bush family in government and politics for a hundred years. It is safe to say there will be no Clinton dynasty.

So don't see what there might be to miss about the Bushes cause they're always right here in front of us. Better they just go away finally and forever.

Palin is herself only so they'll be no Duck Palin dynasty nor will there be a Mayberry Trump dynasty.

Trump has provided Sarah Palin with a cameo role this time around but Trump himself is more likely than not to end up as Palin has done. Trump would fall harder however from the top of the Republican party ticket instead of as number two as Palin had been.

Palin dragged down McCain's candidacy which was karma to McCain. Trump however will not settle for anything other than going down the electoral tubes as loser in chief.

The one benefit of this campaign is that after a hundred years of Bushes in politics and government a Bush has finally been politically shredded. That it's being done as a Republican party inside job makes it all the better.

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Well, there goes Trump's chance for nomination. Palin killed McCain's chance for election. She's lost the plot. It's all about money to her:

From $125k per year as a governor to this:


But an investigation by Forbes of Palin’s income since she left office last July (done as part of our research for the annual Celebrity 100 list, out last week), plus a review of her finances from a source with access to her business records, suggests Palin made a far smaller advance and that her earnings over the past 12 months were at best $10 million.

I'm not fan of Palin, I wish she would stay out of politics. But as long as you want to talk about politicians getting rich...how is it the Clintons who have spent their careers in "public service" are worth over $100 million?

Agreed. But Hilary and Bill are very smart people. One was a 2 time president and a Rhodes scholar, the other has held many high level positions. And may be our next president. I'm not a big fan of hers, but she deserves respect. Look at her credentials here:



Rhodes Scholar? So was Pat Haden, quarterback for the Rams 35 years ago. And even Tony Abbott! Several American footballers and some rugby players. Interesting list:


btw - Rhodes was apparently a racist, colonialist, monster according to modern far leftwingers in the UK these days so the Clintons may want to keep the Rhodes Scholar thing quiet. shhhhh

Edited by mopar71
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The fact that he would accept her nomination shows just how far off base this guy is. Though he is enough of a nut job to be able to get along with a freak the likes of Palin. Just the sound of her voice, and that false American bravado makes my head hurt. She is more phony than a three dollar bill. She does not have an allegiance to anything other than money, power and fame. So, that is another thing she has in common with Don the Destroyer.

Firstly, I'm a Brit.

You're right spidermike, they both make my flesh crawl. Loonies like Trump and Palin are a threat to us all as the President of America is in reality the President of the world the way other 'leaders' kowtow to him. The nightmare scenario of him as the President and her as the VP doesn't bear thinking about,

Palin:"Countries like Africa" facepalm.gif

Trump: 1) McCain disdain..... 2) Ban Muslims...... 3) Build a wall that the Mexicans will pay for....... etc etc.

Why do people like this even get air time to start with?!

Because the US has descended to a level where only the mediocre, the crude, the vulgar, and the corrupted will run for this sad office of president. We no longer attract the best and the brightest, and we have not done so in quite some time. The media feeds right into this. That is why they suck up what this man of mediocrity and vulgarity has to say. If this were three centuries earlier, he might be a court jester. He can entertain. But, at what expense? Palin is disgusting. She is such a phony. She would sell her grandmother for $50. Talk about a lack of substance. I think they would make a great ticket together. Both people completely lacking substance. They compliment each other, if what they are striving for is mediocrity, a lack of sincerity, and a lack of talent.

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Well, there goes Trump's chance for nomination. Palin killed McCain's chance for election. She's lost the plot. It's all about money to her:

From $125k per year as a governor to this:


But an investigation by Forbes of Palin’s income since she left office last July (done as part of our research for the annual Celebrity 100 list, out last week), plus a review of her finances from a source with access to her business records, suggests Palin made a far smaller advance and that her earnings over the past 12 months were at best $10 million.

And of course there's the skeletons in her closet:


SARAH Palin’s eldest son was busted on domestic-violence and weapons charges in a drunken assault that allegedly took place hours before his mum endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential bid on Tuesday.

Track Palin, 26, was placed in a prison cell overnight following the Monday night incident in his hometown of Wasilla, Alaska.

In addition to allegedly recklessly injuring the unidentified victim, he was accused of interfering with her attempts to call the cops, and with possessing a handgun while intoxicated.

This is what is so exciting about a Trump Palin ticket….no Republican President for another 8 years. And the opportunity to reshape the Supreme court into a more liberal body.

And that presumes that with a Trump Palin ticket WWIII can be avoided. Talk about the possibility of a monumental error in judgment (Trump nor Palin have much of that), offending the wrong party with statements that do not belong within the diplomatic arena, or just a plain desire to pick a fight, and go to war. My guess is, that Don the Destroyer would love to play some war games. I would not trust him for a nanosecond, as a driver of my car, much less the leader of the free world. He scares me to no end. He is a dangerous man. Why would we want to give him control of anything, much less the country? And Palin? The further away from public office she remains, the better off all of humanity will be. Rarely have the American people seen a woman who is more phony than this snake oil saleswoman. And that says alot. Washington is the land of phony.

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Listen to the endorsement and you will see that Caribou Barbie hasn't changed, she still runs off at the mouth and is for all intents and purposes unintelligible (and pay special attention to Trump's body language as she prattles on and on and on )


That voice just grates on me! I can't take it. 55555

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