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Who's in the wrong? Motorbike crashes into pedestrian, 2nd moto flips


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The Motorcyclist did see the pedestrian and started to move slightly to the right and probably accelerated at the same time the pedestrian started to run when he saw the bike coming. The motorcyclist then had the helmet smashed off his head by the bike coming in the opposite direction which says a lot about the quality of helmets here!

It happens here all the time, the inability to assess risk and to not understand the consequences of inaction.

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" the first motorbike who hit the pedestrian was driving in the wrong lane, triggering the double crash."

I think that answers the question as to who is to blame.

It does. While walking between cars in unsafe, there are not always crosswalks here and the reality is pedestrians must and can cross the road at inopportune locations.

Important factor is the rain/wet road conditions and potentially reduced visibility of the first motorbike rider who is wearing a helmet (that eventually strikes the road like a hammer head) that may have had a visor that could have been wet. The motorbike encountering stopped traffic, when overtaking the cars stopped or slowed should have drastically reduced his speed and should NOT have crossed the line into oncoming traffic. The pedestrian should have been technically "safe" after crossing the line himself. It is a common mistake of drivers when attempting to avoid an obstruction to head for the leading part of the obstruction as opposed to the tail. Not sure why this is done when driving because it is not done when walking. Bottom line, if a car, pedestrian, animal or some other mobile object obstructs your path and you feel you cannot stop in time to avoid a collision because of, for example, a slick road surface, your best course of action is to swerve to the rear or tail section of the obstruction as the obstruction, if continuing on its path, will have additional time to clear you path. Aim for the ass. Sailors are adept at this because they are taught similar tactics when encountering other vessels in motion. The difference is you have a lot more time to think about your course when sailing or, as previously mentioned, walking. The brain can't calculate the same obvious course when traveling at higher speed. Solution...sloowww down.

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As is the case with many accidents both parties were negligent.

One seemingly jaywalking across the road and coming out between parked vehicles, and the motorcyclist on the wrong side of the road and not looking where he was going.

That's the way I see it.

The pedestrian was crossing the road and ran in front of the bike because he didn't look right and make a final check.

The motorbike was also riding too fast considering he was overtaking queued traffic in the oncoming lane and showed no caution when approaching the pedestrian in the road - it looks as though the motorcycle rider didn't even notice the pedestrian until the final second.

This is an accident - but it occurred because the pedestrian was ultimately careless and the motorcycle rider made no attempt to give way.

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

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apportioning blame is just not a constructive way to look at road accidents and shows how out of touch people are with current road safety.

Furthermore the video does not show the whole story e.g what is happing behind the camera.

The thing is to learn how to minimise these occurrences and how to mitigate the damage when they do occur.

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

Wow, someone got out the wrong side of bed. What a terrible racist post.

If you think that of Thai people, why on earth are you here?

I hope you are not married to one of these people. What would she say?

You are ignorant, as well as racist - 'Thainess' is a list of positive qualities that are part of the Thai curriculum.

Go home you sad old man.

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Just back from the school run,needless to say I Wai the spirit house and give them two bottles of Lao Khao each week and a bunch of bananas,it's the only way to be.

Please don't tell us you take your kids to school on a motorbike and boast about it on a public forum.

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That's not true, at the end of the clip a man in a helmet is walking out to help and the cars are just slowing down yet,

I see 4 people walking away and one lady even runs away like she wasn't there at all.

The motocy driver looks dead after it happened but nobody seems to care. He drove against traffic though so i guess it was his fault. He drove there because the pedestrians walked on the road on the left lane where the motocy should be driving.

They walked on the road because the sidewalk was probably loaded with advertisings and streetvendors.

This shows the position of motocydrivers, they are considered inhuman.wai2.gif

There definitely seems to be one person who walks out from the left to help. In defence of the guy that was hit, he was probably in shock.

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The motorcycle a meter on the wrong side of the road is to 100% blame, and it is inconceivable that he neither applied his brakes of tried to avoid him.

To those upset about the boy "Jaywalking" .. he proceeded with real caution .. and this is looks to be a situation where he would have to walk a very long way to find an intersection or walk over to cross. In other words ... stop splitting hairs ... he looked both ways four times and got nailed more than a meter into what should have been a safe zone.

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

Wow, someone got out the wrong side of bed. What a terrible racist post.

If you think that of Thai people, why on earth are you here?

I hope you are not married to one of these people. What would she say?

You are ignorant, as well as racist - 'Thainess' is a list of positive qualities that are part of the Thai curriculum.

Go home you sad old man.

I agree with some of your post but your definition of Thainess is not one of them...

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There clearly is a middle line in the road that should not be crossed by any kind of vehicle. The boy thought he was safe by reaching the middle and taking that last glance to his back to make sure he was safe. Before he crossed across the street motorbikes were already driving on the wrong side of the road. The fault lies with the kid crossing the street in the middle of traffic and that motorcycle driver that hit the kid. No matter who sees the video... nothing will stop people from crossing the road at the wrong place (crosswalks,zebra crossings)..... nothing will be done to stop the motorcycles driving up the wrong side of the road or passing cars on both sides while they are stopped....nothing will be done to stop businesses from putting signs on the sides of the road so people have to walk in the road.. So the real person at fault here is the person with the Dashcam making every one realize that NOTHING CAN DONE no matter what you record!

there are cities without crosswalks and zebracrossings
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After watching this video a number of times and reading prior post. My opionion is the pedestrian is at fault. Had he been in a cross walk then the table is turned. He is another unwise person in the middle of traffic failing to look both ways then he darts and is struck.

Had this been me I still looking both ways before I dart across the street. This being Thailand you always have stray dogs and not wise pedistrian making the decision to cross the street when not safe. As in the video here. My 2 baht!

Nonsense. If you look at the video again, he look both ways.

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What a question... Of course it is the motorbike driver who hit the pedestrian first who is to blame. It's a solid line and he's not supposed to ride on the opposite lane. Typical Thai self-centered, egoistic and superficial behavior - welcome to your daily dose of "Discover Thainess" !!!

In the end - of course - they'll suck every Thai Baht available out of the one survivor of this mayhem who has the biggest bank account, or if a foreigner is involved, he'll take the fall... Why not blame the car with the dash cam filming the accident? Welcome to yet another dose of "Discover Thainess"...

Wow, someone got out the wrong side of bed. What a terrible racist post.

If you think that of Thai people, why on earth are you here?

I hope you are not married to one of these people. What would she say?

You are ignorant, as well as racist - 'Thainess' is a list of positive qualities that are part of the Thai curriculum.

Go home you sad old man.

Thai is a nationality, not a 'race'. When it comes to conduct on the roads here remember only an African country has worse unnecessary death totals from 'accidents' Thainess on the roads is a total disregard for health and safety, ignorance of the rules, driving like they are the only ones on the road, or as if trying to commit suicide.Then when they have caused an 'accident' to take no responsibility and blame somebody else, when they cannot run away of course. The monkeys around our way have more awareness of the danger on the roads than the humans, at least they keep a look out and get out of the way! As for Thainess taught in Schools, - cheesy.gif

Edited by jacky54
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to all those worried about the pedestrian ...."jaywalking".

Have you ever seen a Thai driver/rider actually STOP at any type of pedestrian crossing /pedestrian lights........................ if they even exist in this country outside of the major cities.

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Really, it doesn't matter who is wrong, first guy, second guy, both, not too important. There is something more alarming in the video, the guy and his three/four friends just walking way without even a second glance at the mess a few feet from them, even if it wasn't their fault, curiosity? humanity? value of life?

Why were they so eager to leave the scene? When accidents usually warrant several minutes of road-side entertainment, facebook photos etc..

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The pedestrian took as much care as was possible in the circumstances...

He checked before starting to cross, and got to the middle of the road where he waited until it was safe to cross the other carriageway. Continually checking both ways.. When he saw the m/c approaching directly towards him he tried to move further away, but the m/c tried the same move and caused the collision.

I suspect the m/c was in the nearside lane behind the car with the dash cam, and moved out at the last minute to overtake the car as it pulled away - and didn't see the pedestrian. Clearly the m/c was 100% at fault for overtaking when it was unsafe to do so.

It's not immediately clear if the car was parked or waiting for traffic ahead to move forwards - if he was parked then perhaps some blame could be apportioned to him/her for pulling out without checking if anything was coming from behind or indicating.

As an aside, I often see motorcycles pull out to overtake at the last possible minute - sometimes without looking back (or even using their mirror), either being hit directly or causing another accident as a passing car has to swerve to avoid them... This and turning left onto a main road without looking are probably the cause of more than half of their accidents. When I'm on my m/c and I want to overtake a slower moving car, I pull out (after indicating AND looking over my shoulder) at least 40-50 m before getting to the car, giving me plenty of time to see what's in front of the car, or slow down and pull back in if its unsafe... Seems like the only sensible thing to do but perhaps I was properly taught (in the UK about 40 years ago).....!

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The pedestrian is the one that is causing this accident.

He is walking down the middle of the road while the motorcycle is overtaking the traffic, as he looks back several times he must have seen that the motorcycle is coming and still he just step out in to the lane!

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