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'Maintenance Fee' for All Foreign Tourists Proposed by Tourism Governor

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what planet is this guy on

Departure tax visa fee and now another tax to help take care of all those poor officials



Yeah, and do you know why the Thai banana plantation went broke?...........They threw away all the bent ones. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The guy who thought up this one is most certainly a bent one, and indeed should be thrown out!


This kind of behavior is called opportunism. This is what a Thai professor who I work with said about the people who decide about these measures and who are raking in the billions of baht annually; for more than 25 years they have been ripping tourists and expats off on a large scale but still they keep coming. Actually the number of foreign arrivals has went through the roof despite the Thai tourist industry ripping them off as if there was no tomorrow. So it's only the next step in their 'little plan' to see how far they can go. I'm sure the foreign guests will happily pay another 10 dollars or euros to have the holiday of a 'lifetime' and if this is easily accepted there will be yet another 'bill' on top of that one, and another, and..............

The greed here has become so blatant and infinite. Just sickening. Makes one wonder what happened to that paradise that once was.


It is a shame that so many Thai officials don't put their brain into gear before being interviewed by the media.

The fact that many tourist sites already charge 10 times more than for locals should really cover this...



From the very moment a tourist sets foot on this land he pays TAX ...its called VAT @ 7% yes i know on some items you can claim it back but NOT on the vast majority. Especially bar fines, night ladies fee, pre session dinners and alcohol oh also on temple visits plus you cant claim it back on tours, beach chairs , jet ski (additional fees) etc etc

Who remembers last years brain wave that went no where ...Tourist hospital Insurance

If they let me pay for "the security of their attractions" i will go for the tax refund for everything i bring back out of thailand. That will be more then 10$ so they 'll have to come up with a better plan.

I allready have tourist hospital insurance and also lawyer insurance to sue them if they drive into me and make them pay Bungumrad hospital.


And the ATM-fee of 180 baht for EVERY transaction of 10.000 baht.

What 180 Baht fee? Are you getting confused with the 200 Baht one?

Not to mention the rip off foreign exchange rate they impose


Tourists already subsidizing the following:
- All national parks with double to tenfold admission fees.
- many public zoos with higher entry prices for tourists.
- Siam Ocean World with higher entry prices for tourists.
- King Palace, Wat Po and many other temples
with higher entry prices for tourists.
- All muay Thai fights
with higher entry prices for tourists.
- Many massage parlors with a foreigner
- The majority of museums with a tourist surcharge.
- and a lot more.

All other services are already taxed with VAT as, hotel stays, airport tax, food, drink, petrol, taxis, transport, cigarettes, etc.

Also the money withdraw, all Visas, and the departure are charged already with extra fees.

And now, for what this <deleted> maintenance fee will be charged exactly?
Free toilet paper for tourists then?


Why not just mug the tourists as the leave the airport,this plus increase in Visa on arrival,

they are slowly killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

regards Worgeordie

Apparently not,30 million and still coming.Can't imagine the Chinese coming year after year.


Let's face it, what tourist attractions does Thailand have except the beaches and islands? Many of them are national parks allready and charge the 10foulded prices.

Do they call the floating markets tourist attractions?

I guess the Grand Palace, Wat Pho, Wat Arun et al don't count?


Let's face it, what tourist attractions does Thailand have except the beaches and islands? Many of them are national parks allready and charge the 10foulded prices.

Do they call the floating markets tourist attractions?

Nat parks aren't much chop either.The countries tourists come from have better.


If I was them and I read this, I'd double it in the hope of keeping you whining cheapskates out of the country. Get a grip before you embarrass the rest of us any further.


"In order to support the tourism sector, which has been growing steadily.” Has TAT ever stated that the tourism sector has declined for any reason? This might do it. coffee1.gif


What 's irks me is the proposed charge is for every time a foreigner crosses into Thailand, with no limit on how many times it can be charged. So every time I return from a short trip to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, etc., I pay? I will be charged multiple times more than a person who stays in Thailand and thus is more likely to use tourist facilities more than a person who is in Thailand for less time? A money grab. Sorry for stating the obvious.


"In order to support the tourism sector, which has been growing steadily.” Has TAT ever stated that the tourism sector has declined for any reason? This might do it. coffee1.gif

Yeah. Because when you're spending a couple of thousand dollars on a holiday, ten bucks is going to put you off.

This is a non-issue for anyone other than a bunch of 'it's the principle' cheapskates who'll jump on any opportunity to talk down Thailand and its tourist industry. In the meantime, people will keep coming here and enjoying it more than you do.


Another win for Vietnamese tourism.

Actually you are very near the mark!!, also Vietnam has teams monitoring all surrounding countries, their policies and policy changes, visa charges, tax affairs the lot.

Vietnam does not intend to be in division two in the tourism stakes and is slowly but very surely getting its act together, it's also a very safe country and very clean in most parts with the positives way outweighing the negatives.

I am now a very regular visitor and just awaiting a few more changes in visas etc and will relocate for sure. A vast country, plenty to see, inexpensive, safe etc ' What's not to like! ' just the long term visa issues, which they are on with!

I just wish the language was a bit easier to learn and English was more widely spoken but it will come.


Vietnam is safe? Try walking round downtown Saigon with your phone in your hand for an hour or two and see how safe it seems then. I love Vietnam, but crime free it aint.


Since when has Thailand had 30 million tourists arrive in one year. Or do they plan to lump this onto all people who enter Thailand ?

that has been the sham for years. Counting all who pass thru swampy.

counted as tourists. Even me, who lived there for years. passed thru 2-4 times a year. not a tourist!


More good news. Hopefully it will be implemented and add to everything else that causes foreigners to go elsewhere.

..............and dont forget the ATM withdrawal fee has now been increasedto 200thb.............thieving bastards!!!


I thought that was what the entry/visa fee was for ?

No silly, that is for entering the country, this is for being here. Just wait for the fee to leave the country.

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