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Crazed driver beaten by angry mob after attacking Bangkok cop


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I have seen many fights in Thailand with mobs joining in and I would say this one was justified and they did not over do it. From the video they stopped when he was on the ground which is not the case here usually. I don't agree that there were farang helping in this, those two looked thai to me. The driver is lucky it was not worse, he took a full swing a the cop and anyone who has be sucker punched knows it can take time to recover your senses as I believe this is what happened to the cop.

A thai police friend of mine told me if you hit a policemen here it is a 6 month jail term so he will have time to think about before trying it again.

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Typical mob behaviour.

When one starts, everyone follows.

It was not about helping the policeman, it was not about restraint, no simply waiting till the situation us there to act as a mob.

Restraint of the public?

My, ehhhh, the part where I sit with.

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A few folks above mentioned about a Taser being used elsewhere in similar circumstances.

In my years living here, I can't recall ever hearing of or reading about Thai police tasing anyone. So I'm presuming they either don't have them or aren't routinely issued.

Perhaps the government spent all their high-tech budget on the fake bomb detectors, or are just saving up for their future submarines.

Or, perhaps even more likely, someone with some common sense figured that putting Tasers into the hands of routine Thai cops wouldn't be such a hot idea.

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Mentally ill an parks car across 2 lanes of traffic on a busy main road, gets out of car, shouts and screams at people, has a tantrum then goes on the attack.

Is this man a High Court Judge by any chance? blink.png

If he is, be very careful in what you say, you are not allowed to criticize judges of ex judges howevery crazy they might be - or you will have the wrath of the legal system knocking on your door.....

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This is the second incident within the last month. I wonder when the BIB say, 'Enough' and start policing for real?

Props to the citizens who again show that they will come to the aid of a uniformed policeman who is assaulted.

Edited by connda
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good on them, muppets commenting their disapproval must prefer being "back home" where passers-by either pretend they didn't notice, or just film it on their phones. Thailand still has a thing called community

If that had happened "back home" the guy would have got his arse whipped long before the copper showed up.

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To the crazed driver. Just claim you have a mental disorder and sue the people that atttacked you as well as the person who took the video as well as Khaosod for posting it just like the courts said in regards to the crazy former judge.

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good on them, muppets commenting their disapproval must prefer being "back home" where passers-by either pretend they didn't notice, or just film it on their phones. Thailand still has a thing called community

If that had happened "back home" the guy would have got his arse whipped long before the copper showed up.

If that had happened "back home........"

Do they do that sort of thing in the UK these days?

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I was wondering if the guy had left the key in the car? Nobody went to look, I would have moved it a long way away from there. Or pushed it. That was a dangerous situation, some of those motorbikes were (as usual) really chancing their luck.

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good on them, muppets commenting their disapproval must prefer being "back home" where passers-by either pretend they didn't notice, or just film it on their phones. Thailand still has a thing called community

If that had happened "back home" the guy would have got his arse whipped long before the copper showed up.

If that had happened "back home........"

Do they do that sort of thing in the UK these days?

What people behaving like <deleted> ?, yes it happens a lot.

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Great reaction of the crowd. Bystanders only stepped when this idiot started hitting someone. Quite some restraint.

Are you serious?
How would you have reacted?
Put guy down without extra violence. There were enough people to do that. Kicking to head mental ill guy on ground is unnecessary. There is law to punish such actions.

All criminals are "mentally ill" !! That may be a reason for their behaviour BUT NOT an excuse.

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Funny how the mass crowd only lashed out at him after he tried to hit the officer !

Was waiting the whole clip for either some guy getting out of a car and threatening him with a gun to move or some big dude getting out of a car , grabbing him and launching him through his own car window head first !!biggrin.png

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Without the public's help, I doubt the policeman's able to apprehend the crazy driver so fast. In my personal opinion, the video tells me the incompetence of a policeman, and the strength of unity.


From the video, the policeman didn't seem to be in control of the situation. If not because from the help of the public. Isn't that so?
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All criminals are "mentally ill" !! That may be a reason for their behaviour BUT NOT an excuse.

That's completely wrong statement. Morales and ethics are huge factor to be criminal. Probably you have committed many crimes (unlawful act) during your life? In case so ,do you consider yourself to be "mentally ill"?

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Can't believe the sudden violence.

Was that an attempt to be ironic? If not... i wonder how you can have 3000+ posts and not know this is extremely common thing in Thailand.

Edited by Asheron
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So we are talking about a crazed driver here....Right! Now I think that would follow under: Article 16 of the 2008 Mental Health Act, which stated that “No person shall disclose information relating to the health of a patient in a manner that may cause damage to them.”

Am I right or wrong here...

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There were clearly two farangs kicking and punching the guy..The one in black t shirt ..who flying kicks is a farang coffee1.gifgigglem.gif

Thats what I thought hope they get appraisel from the Thai Police for there help

This road rage thing is becoming more common daily lucky the idiot did not have a gun or might have been far worse.

Good work Falaangs and all who helped.

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