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UN's new refugee agency head says Europe could do more


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UN's new refugee agency head says Europe could do more

GENEVA: -- EU states could take more genuine refugees from Syria if they worked together better, the new head of the UN refugee agency has told the BBC.

Italian diplomat Filippo Grandi, who took over the post from Portugal's Antonio Guterres this year, was speaking on a visit to Lebanon.

Mr Grandi also urged the EU to do more for Syrian refugees outside Europe.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35396027

-- BBC 2016-01-25

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Quite right. Bankrupt Europe, whose governments can't slash the health and welfare budgets fast enough, should dig even deeper and spend what little left they have on others - others who hate us at that. That sounds like a great plan, doesn't it?

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Why Europe? Why isn't he chasing the rich Middle-east countries? The Muslim refugees/migrants would feel more at home there too!

Exactly! He represents the UN not the EU. He should be asking why all the other Muslim countries are doing very little to help.

But hey, easier to try and spend the EU taxpayers money because the Islamic republics would all tell him to fcku off.

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Quite right. Bankrupt Europe, whose governments can't slash the health and welfare budgets fast enough, should dig even deeper and spend what little left they have on others - others who hate us at that. That sounds like a great plan, doesn't it?

Yep. Screw your own people, tax them to the hilt, cut all their services in the interests of austerity and then give massive handouts to people whose own intolerance has fkcude up their countries and now they want to come and do the same to your country. People who have no gratitude because they regard you as infidels who should be murdered while your wives and daughters are raped and enslaved.

Yep, makes perfect sense to anyone familiar with the EUP and their army of bureaucrats.

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Methinks big permanent changes coming to Europe, better get used to it, Allah Akbar.

Sadly you might be right.

The one religion that is really a political / religious sect; the only religion that really gets on with communist dictatorships and despises freedom of speech and choices. Now being allowed, and actually encouraged, to spread into a Europe where left wing politicians want to establish a centrally controlled super state, controlled a la USSR.

Is it a coincidence that their apparent leader, Mutti Merkel, is a former communist leader, comes from a former communist state, openly advocates central control and is the one who encouraged this massive influx which shows no signs of ending?

The Islamic People's Democratic Republic of Europistan. And no prizes for guessing who the first leader would be.

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Not one leader, except for a few east European ones, have stood up to speak up, nor has the UN Annan guy.

They are so scared that standing up and attacking the REAL problem will cost them their jobs.

To me a bunch of pussies and not worth to be leaders.

EU in Brussels : you have failed or..... do you have an agenda we don't know about.

What happened to Mussolini? Yes, his own people literally hanged him by his feet.

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The UN is a hypocritical, corrupt and evil outfit which is a danger to us all as it is intended to herd us into a one world government dictatorship run by the worst psychopaths one could possibly imagine. The global warming/climate change issue is being used for the same purpose.

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The UN s inaction created this mess , now you want us to fix it and also tax us on climate , The Un is an expensive joke on taxpayers.

This is not the first mess the UN has created. They have inadvertently killed over 9,000 Haitians by infecting them with cholera, but they refuse to pay compensation to the victims by claiming immunity under a 1946 convention.

You couldn't make this stuff up: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/08/17/opinions/omalley-haiti-cholera-un/

Video: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/united-nations-being-sued-over-haitis-cholera-epidemic/

Edited by JetsetBkk
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