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Inquests shows Briton died in Thailand after 'downing buckets of Vodka and Red Bull'


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The English tend to like a bit of binge drinking but a very sad day indeed that his son will remember forever and will be able to thank his dads so called friends for looking after him so well, if my friends allowed me to get so drunk they would no longer be my friends thats for sure, and I am sure if they were good friends they would have said ok think thats enough for one day lets get a bit of sleep and there is always another day for a few drinks more.

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My mum is actually proud of me, doesn't have jack to do with the calculations here, nor different tolerances for intoxicating agents for that matter. I'm a small dude, and by every calculation I should be dead everytime (as I said a couple of times per year) I start drinking though I must be then a statistical miracle.

bet your mum is so proud of you,

its 20 bottles, not pints and that 29 must be a guess as he was drinking in bars, not at home.

20 bottles doesn't give you volume, and I was lenient, and took a pint of 5.5% vol bottle instead of the actual "strong lagers" in to account - so I must be somewhere in the medium with that initial calculation. I even gave it a 30minute extension since don't know the bodyweight, or regular consumption in "alcohol units", so I was being generous. Like I said earlier, much more likely to have come by methanol in the drinks, than an actual alcohol poisoning from legit booze (- where most likely cause of death would be suffocating from your own vomit)

Any particular reason that you need to drink that much ?

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Sadly there's a certain percentage of Brit tourists who are plain wallies, and it's been that way for a while.

I remember picking the grapes in Beziers in southern France back in the early 70s and we all went downtown on Saturday night. We were enjoying a nice meal with some wine when a bunch of boisterous English lads came in, within an hour they were dancing on the chairs bellowing in unison, 'We won the war! Bet you frogs waz (sic) glad we saved your skin.' etc. total idiots.

The owner just shook his head in disbelief. He should have called in the gendarmes and given them a good hiding.

Same experience with English tourists, in France. Often blind drunk and acting like total idiots (not an English thing but a drunk thing).

There is just a large drinking culture in the UK (sorry for the generalization but this one is far less as the one made about Thais on this forum)

Of course there are English who are not like that, just like I am not the same as all the other Dutch. Its just that certain things are more common among people from certain countries. Dutch are known for their drugs and attitude towards drugs. That does not mean each and every Dutch guy is a stoner.

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So Red Bull kills yet again and still no talk of banning it.

There has been more than talk , after numerous deaths of people drinking vodka and Red Bull mixed especially college students Massachusettts and other states in USA were going to ban its sale. REd Bull sued in court to allow continued sale as saying if taken alone it was not dangerous and therefore banning it because some decided to use it with other substances in a dangerous mix was not a fault of theirs. Some bars in Massachusetts voluntarily will not serve Red Bull and vodka mixes.

When normally drinking you will pass out before you consume enough alcohol to kill you. When mixed with Red Bull the stimulant effect keeps your brain more alert so you can get really drunk but not realise it ,you can consume more alcohol without passing out . Also too many cans of Red Bull can overstimulate you causing a heart attack.

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Ok how old was he? The report says "A 20 year old British holidaymaker, Peter Nicholson, 29" so was he 20 or 29? Sounds like bloody idiot. Was only a matter of time before he drank himself to death. It is a pity but not unexpected

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I'm not an expert, but red bull contains caffeine, caffeine dehydrates the body and increases heart-rate.

If you drink alot of red bull vodka and have an underlying heart-disease or family history of heart-disease.. chances are ...

How to combat this? Drink one bucket of water between each bucket of red bull vodka biggrin.png Should slow you down a bit and keep you hydrated, drink safe! biggrin.png

Edited by hobz2
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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit
From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according to


20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

Please tell me your real name so i never invite you to a party at my place, "you 'd cost me a fortune"

A question comes to mind! Did they actually do an autopsy to determine the cause of death? Or are they just assuming that he died from alcohol poisoning because they think he drank too much?

I, like others here, can easily polish off a 5th with beer chasers and still be functional and level headed and able to order more. Been there and done that quite a few times while in Thailand. Energy drinks should not override the effects of being drunk I would think. Maybe I am wrong about that though. It just strikes me this explanation because it seems too convenient and it is something that does not happen very often. Especially from Brits who are known to be able to handle their whiskey.

read the article in the link.

you are wrong about the energy drinks. Brits who are known to handle their wiskey, the older ones yes, the younger ones no

Edited by Crossy
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Sadly there's a certain percentage of Brit tourists who are plain wallies, and it's been that way for a while.

I remember picking the grapes in Beziers in southern France back in the early 70s and we all went downtown on Saturday night. We were enjoying a nice meal with some wine when a bunch of boisterous English lads came in, within an hour they were dancing on the chairs bellowing in unison, 'We won the war! Bet you frogs waz (sic) glad we saved your skin.' etc. total idiots.

The owner just shook his head in disbelief. He should have called in the gendarmes and given them a good hiding.

Not just the Brits who behave badly...

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The English tend to like a bit of binge drinking but a very sad day indeed that his son will remember forever and will be able to thank his dads so called friends for looking after him so well, if my friends allowed me to get so drunk they would no longer be my friends thats for sure, and I am sure if they were good friends they would have said ok think thats enough for one day lets get a bit of sleep and there is always another day for a few drinks more.

English??? and the Welsh, Scott's and Irish as well, and not forgetting other nationalities as well.

Edited by Basil B
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just like ANY nationalaty mate ANY YOU BRIT BASHERburp.gif

Seems Brits are psychologically similar to Thais when alcohol is involved...

And us Brits don't need a gang in reserve to help out....biggrin.png

Obviously forgotten the football hooligan era.

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just like ANY nationalaty mate ANY YOU BRIT BASHERburp.gif

Seems Brits are psychologically similar to Thais when alcohol is involved...

Exactly! And if any one, it must be the Russians and Scandinaciands that drink as much as the locals. Rip young guy my heart goes out for his kid that he left behind

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just like ANY nationalaty mate ANY YOU BRIT BASHERburp.gif

Seems Brits are psychologically similar to Thais when alcohol is involved...

And us Brits don't need a gang in reserve to help out....biggrin.png

Obviously forgotten the football hooligan era.

And the days of skinheads. mods, rockers, I could go on...

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Sorry especially for his family, and for his drinking buddies who perhaps failed to recognize his perilous condition.

I have always been surprised by the ability of heavy drinkers to sustain their habits despite the strong negative physiological feedback.

For me, a few binges at age 17-19, and the resulting hangovers, were learning experiences, after which I adapted.

Our brains are not all wired the same, and our cultures provide different levels of positive or negative reinforcement. Bars in Thailand? No restraints.

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Trans was a Mod.....and 60's Mod.........whistling.gif

Glad to see your taste in transport improved somewhat over the years.. ;-)

As you say possibly referencing gangs such as skinheads etc is a slightly different scenario.. But the British aren't actually that much different. I can remember school yard scraps where I got the upper hand, only to have to then deal with several of the other lads friends either joining in or coming to get me afterwards and giving me a kicking. Adults no different - just go to a pub at night and watch a fight break out between 2 guys and then the mates get in on the action too, often with guys sticking the boot in on someone already beaten and lying on the ground. Same thing on some housing estates around the UK - cross certain people and you have the whole family on your case - especially if different ethnic backgrounds are involved.

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His local pub will miss him.

Probably not as much as his son will. But never mind, you got your cheap shot in.

Gos Bless you my friend...sometimes I feel like packing it all in on this planet when I see how spiritually sick mankind can be.

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Seriously, I'm sure a lot of us here have gone over the top on a night out, but luckily only paid for it with a real bad hangover and a day off work. This poor guy, regardless of how much he'd drunk, probably didn't expect to pay with his life and leave his family heartbroken. Have some sympathy. Don't act like the numpties you're forever having a pop at on here. Sure he may have been reckless for drinking so much but have a heat for God's sake.

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Redbull could have given him a heart attack , if he was dehydrated even more so.

Apart from the alcohol I would be looking at the red bull killing him.

People come here thinking its the same as they get back home and it isn't even close . Stuff here is lethal and about 5 times stronger.

Guy that done handy work for us before was big strong fit guy , 30 years old and drove from Samui to Issan with out a break. He drank these energy drinks all the way there while driving and got there and went to bed. He never woke up ,doctor said it was due to the amount of energy drinks he had and they had affected his heart.

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My God, I grow happier and happier every day over the fact I don't consume alcohol.

Or cigarettes or drugs or other garbage.

People really should respect their bodies more......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

And my bank balance is now steady.

Just didn't realise how much l used to spend on alcohol.

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