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Trump refuses to debate; calls Fox's moderator 'lightweight'


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Go Donald.

This guy is gold dust for newspaper editors. No story? Just go to Trump, he'll make you one.

"This guy is gold dust for newspaper editors."

Even better for comedians, especially when Sarah Palin endorsed Trump.


A pretty stupid skit...couldn't even get through it all...and instead of mocking Trump and his supporters as rubes, maybe the Coastal elites should listen to some of the fears and concerns of their not so elite fellow citizens.

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I don't blame him....she grossly mistreated him from the very start of the first debate.....I think she spent allot of time preparing her questions which were mostly statements.

Rubbish. She asked a question that contained HIS statements.

He didn't like it because it exposes him as the chauvinistic buffoon that he is, as shown by his idiotic complaints about her bleeding from "wherever".

He's running scared for sure.

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Go Donald.

This guy is gold dust for newspaper editors. No story? Just go to Trump, he'll make you one.

"This guy is gold dust for newspaper editors."

Even better for comedians, especially when Sarah Palin endorsed Trump.


A pretty stupid skit...couldn't even get through it all...and instead of mocking Trump and his supporters as rubes, maybe the Coastal elites should listen to some of the fears and concerns of their not so elite fellow citizens.

Well I guess i'm a coastal 'elite'.

Californian born & breed, except of course I'm slightly the wrong color, speak two languages, one of course is anathema to the 'real' true Americans from that non elitist middle America.

Maybe if you could actually get your small minded head around the fact that the US is not some version of 'Little House on the Prairie' and that there are are indeed non elitist voices that don't agree with you, which maybe don't look like you but still have a voice then maybe, just maybe you might understand why Trump is so toxic to so many of us

Edited by GinBoy2
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Conventional wisdom says that candidates who are ahead should not debate and risk losing support by saying the wrong thing. Candidates who are behind should always debate because they really have nothing to lose and might win some support.

Trump is going into the caucus with a measurable lead. Not taking risks is just sensible strategy.

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Oh dear, it seems Trump's underhand tactics are very much rebounding on him.

For many Fox News viewers, Kelly is their darling. Bad move.

I'm not quite sure what "rough couple of days" they are talking about, she kept schtum while the press harangued him for his "bleeding from wherever" comment.

In a rapidly intensifying back-and-forth between Fox News Channel and the campaign of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, the network Tuesday night accused Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski of threatening FNC host and debate moderator Megyn Kelly.

In a statement, a Fox News spokesperson said “in a call on Saturday with a Fox News executive, Lewandowski stated that Megyn had a ‘rough couple of days after that last debate’ and he ‘would hate to have her go through that again.’ Lewandowski was warned not to level any more threats, but he continued to do so. We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees.”


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The worm turns...

Although in this case I'm not sure which one is the worm.

So now, Trump has to double down and up the attacks/victim thing. Never admit you're wrong, it's a sign of weakness.

This is like a ladyboy fight. It's distasteful but you can't look awayclap2.gif

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Megyn Kelly can handle herself against Trump. She's certainly got him beat in IQ, education and class. I think Trump is not avoiding it because of her, rather strategically as has been mentioned above. He also probably wants to gauge how much weight Ailes and Fox mouthpiece of the party have as king-makers of the Republican nominee. This is a good chance to prove Fox is irrelevant to him...or not.

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This is more interesting than that. The Republican insiders have been doing everything they can to derail a Trump candidacy. They don't want to lose their power base and they will if an outsider - Trump - is nominated. They are in full panic mode. They can't even get another Bush noticed.

Fox News has indeed been anti-Trump and Kelly was indeed unprofessional with Trump in the first debate. They had their public spat afterwards but Fox is now stupid enough to make Kelly a moderator again when it's obvious she can't even pretend to be neutral.

Who but Trump would stand up to them and snub them and go hold his own competing event to support wounded warriors? Who but Trump would know this will just get him more attention? Who but Trump would tell Fox News to shove it? Sideways?

There's never a lack of entertainment when Trump is on the loose.

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This is more interesting than that. The Republican insiders have been doing everything they can to derail a Trump candidacy. They don't want to lose their power base and they will if an outsider - Trump - is nominated. They are in full panic mode. They can't even get another Bush noticed.

Fox News has indeed been anti-Trump and Kelly was indeed unprofessional with Trump in the first debate. They had their public spat afterwards but Fox is now stupid enough to make Kelly a moderator again when it's obvious she can't even pretend to be neutral.

Who but Trump would stand up to them and snub them and go hold his own competing event to support wounded warriors? Who but Trump would know this will just get him more attention? Who but Trump would tell Fox News to shove it? Sideways?

There's never a lack of entertainment when Trump is on the loose.

I must say I fully agree ... it was the following Press release from Fox News that was the final straw:

“We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump

unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has

his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to

those meetings.”

Can't say I blame him for skipping after having seen that, they definitely have it in for him. And once again

Trump has controlled the news cycle all week and will continue to do so over this for the next few days.

On a historical note:

FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Skipped Last Debate Before IA Caucus – Went on to Win in Landslide


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A pretty stupid skit...couldn't even get through it all...and instead of mocking Trump and his supporters as rubes, maybe the Coastal elites should listen to some of the fears and concerns of their not so elite fellow citizens.

I couldn't get through Palin's shrieking like a Harpy. Was Donald gritting his teeth or smiling?.

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More proof, if any were needed, that Trump is not presidential material. I wouldn't even like to see Trump in any government position (maybe that's why he's never been elected to anything). Can you imagine Secretary Kerry or former secretary Kissinger or former Sec. of State Clinton not showing up at a serious discussion because they had a problem with a strong-willed woman in attendance? Trump is a satire of himself. He paints himself as a tough guy, but wilts at attending a debate where a particular woman may be a moderator. What a wimp.

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If Megan is so lightweight, what are you afraid of Trump?

What's he afraid of?...

attachicon.gifMegyn-Kelly.jpg wub.png

He's more afraid of her brain and courage to speak out.

He's not afraid of gorgeous blonde women. He married a few. As long as the smile when they're supposed to, and are impressed by his fat wallet and gaudy acoutraments, then he has no problem with beautiful blondes. Oh, and they must laugh at his jokes.

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Trump loves Sarah Palin now because she praised and endorsed him. If her mind changed (does a woman ever change her mind?) and wasn't adulatory, he wouldn't like her. Trump has the emotional maturity of a Junior high school football player. Love / hate, winner / loser, you're hired / you're fired. Everything is redneck variations of love or hate. Just the type of unhinged character the US doesn't need at the helm. ....particularly someone who controls the 'football' (that's the name of the briefcase with the codes for launching N missiles. It's always near the president.)

The arrested development candidate.

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I think it is funny to watch Crazy Trump wrestle with the fear mongering and factually challenged FOX (not) News. This must be driving the geriatric republicans crazy to have their two loved ones not getting along.

And Trump's pathetic lie of an excuse that he will be raising money for veterans??? You are a billionaire!!!! Just donate some money you tight ass!!!

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California's largest ethnic group is now officially 'Hispanic' (or 'Latino') they're a larger segment than whites or blacks or 'others'. Actually, there are probably millions of Thais in California also, but that's another tangent. I heard a recent debate with several Hispanics in Santa Barbara. They were different ages, different backgrounds/professions. They didn't all agree on everything, but one thing they did agree on: None are in favor of Trump. ....oh, and California (America's richest and most populous state) has a primary election coming up.

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I think it is funny to watch Crazy Trump wrestle with the fear mongering and factually challenged FOX (not) News. This must be driving the geriatric republicans crazy to have their two loved ones not getting along.

And Trump's pathetic lie of an excuse that he will be raising money for veterans??? You are a billionaire!!!! Just donate some money you tight ass!!!

Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens when Fox's debate coverage is up against everyone else covering Trump removing a small chopped onion from his pocket while telling everyone just how much he loves veterans. sick.gif

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More proof, if any were needed, that Trump is not presidential material. I wouldn't even like to see Trump in any government position (maybe that's why he's never been elected to anything). Can you imagine Secretary Kerry or former secretary Kissinger or former Sec. of State Clinton not showing up at a serious discussion because they had a problem with a strong-willed woman in attendance? Trump is a satire of himself. He paints himself as a tough guy, but wilts at attending a debate where a particular woman may be a moderator. What a wimp.

Oh, you are so wrong. Trump is a master at controlling the news cycle. He gets more publicity for free than the others can buy, even funded by their super pacs.

Trump wrote The Art of The Deal. Never believe that what you see is what you get. He knows exactly what he's doing and he'll get far more positive attention from this than he would by attending the debate.

Trump is one up and Fox is one down on this one. Who else would have the guts not to mention the savvy to realize just how much attention this will get him? People love to see someone punch a bully in the nose and that's what Trump is perceived by most as doing.

Every time we think that Trump has shot himself in the foot, he rises in the polls.


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He still stands no chance for the presidency..........no matter what he does.

Just stay tuned....

Should I hold my breath?

You're giving this shill, way way too much credit. Like he's a genius or something. No. He's an embarrassment to the GOP and America, a xenophobic buffoon.

We're seeing the final death spasms of the Republican party.

Oh we're going just stay tuned alright.

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Another move of political genius by Trump. He steals the press attention from the other candidates and leaves Cruz to be pounded all alone by the other midgets on debate night.

Genius or madman or both....

Another mad genius.

He may be a buffoon and entertaining, but certainly he is clever and smart as a whip. I doubt he is a madman, but he seems to be just toying with everyone and winning. He might just be able to take this all the way, in spite of what I and many people originally thought. This move to marginalize Fox is indeed brilliant; maybe even genius.

Trump is a strong personality, mentally agile and quick on his feet.

This however is not the campaign he'd planned. He in fact had no overall campaign plan or strategy. Except to wing it, shuttle his feet, attack and bash, be himself, speak directly and with the presence of mixed company somewhat in mind, slam the media and all opponents.

Trump did identify his constituency however and he did it effectively.

Donald Trump speaks to losers who think they can become winners by associating and voting for a billionaire who calls himself a winner. To Trump anyone who doesn't like him a loser, weak, pathological, a foreigner or even worse a Mexican or a Muslim, says his Democratic opponent is married to a sex maniac, and ridicules the physical appearance of Rand Paul to include offensive statements and gestures against a disabled (journalist) person he knows and who he doesn't like. He spoke of Megyan Kelley as a person oozing blood. This is by no means an inclusive listing of Trump's pathologies. He's a guy I wouldn't want to find approaching me on Fifth Avenue either.

There is no brilliance or genius in this or in anything about Donald Trump. It is due to the cultural deficits and intellectual deficiencies of his discipile follower fawns and admirers. This includes Birthers and those who believe Barack Obama is a Muslim of the Brotherhood.

Nothing brilliant in being a boor.

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Donald Trump is the Republican answer to Nikita Khrushchev.

His advisers talked him out of the debate after he'd told 'em he wuz gonna pound his wig on the podium while Cruz wuz speaking.

Prezidente Temper Tantrum Trump. blink.png

This is an insult to Khrushchev, who, if you remove the rabidly anti-communist blinders from the '50s, was one of the more effective, and reasonable Soviet premiers. Focusing on the shoe-pounding incident, and, "We will bury you", ignores his many accomplishments and accommodations in that era.

Trump is a buffoon, and the only scary thing about him is that there are so many uneducated, unsophisticated cretins in the US who take him seriously. Idiocracy, indeed.

" Ow my balls!"

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Trump's trying to figure out how far out there he has to go before people realize he doesn't really want to be president. Whatever he does, no matter how outrageous, he gets more support. His comment about shooting people dead in New York was a joke of course, but very telling. He won't go that far, but this is only the beginning. He doesn't really want this and he's crying out for help now. Call in the psychiatrists! Shouldn't be a problem in New York.

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