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Shots fired in arrests in Oregon standoff


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Shots fired during arrest of members of armed Oregon group
REBECCA BOONE, Associated Press

BURNS: -- Authorities say shots were fired Tuesday during the arrest of members of an armed group that has occupied a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon for more than three weeks.

In a statement, the FBI said one individual "who was a subject of a federal probable cause arrest is deceased." No other information about the deceased was immediately released.

The FBI said authorities arrested Ammon Bundy, 40, his brother Ryan Bundy, 43, Brian Cavalier, 44, Shawna Cox, 59, and Ryan Payne, 32, during a traffic stop on U.S. Highway 395 Tuesday afternoon. Authorities said another person, Joseph Donald O'Shaughnessy, 45, was arrested in Burns.

Ammon Bundy's group, which has included people from as far away as Arizona and Michigan, seized the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Jan. 2 as part of a long-running dispute over public lands in the West.

He is the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a high-profile 2014 standoff with the government over grazing rights.

The FBI said the people arrested Tuesday face a federal felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats.

Federal law enforcement officers converged on the wildlife refuge after the arrests and were expected to remain at the site throughout the night. It was unclear how many members of the armed group, if any, were at the refuge when the law enforcement officers arrived.

Bundy's group, calling itself Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, came to the frozen high desert of eastern Oregon to decry what it calls onerous federal land restrictions and to object to the prison sentences of two local ranchers convicted of setting fires.

Specifically, the group wanted federal lands turned over to local authorities. The U.S. government controls about half of all land in the West,

Local and state authorities had criticized the FBI recently for not taking action against Bundy's group.

Local authorities and residents had urged Bundy's group to leave peacefully. Many locals feared the group would bring problems to the area.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-26

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Oregon armed protest leader Ammon Bundy seized in deadly clash

BURNS: -- One person has died during an operation by US police to arrest the leader of an armed occupation at a wildlife refuge in Oregon.

Ammon Bundy and five others were arrested during a traffic stop, police said. One person was injured.

It is not clear whether the police operation brought the standoff at the wildlife refuge to an end.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35416516

-- BBC 2016-01-26

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"The U.S. government controls about half of all land in the West."

Actually the US Government owns more than half of the land in the US W. of the Rocky Mountains. That is a massive, staggering amount of land. The farmers and ranchers, some who have land that's been in their family for much more than 100 years, lease government land mostly for cattle grazing to supplement their own land.

There will always be people who can rationalize about the taking of something that doesn't belong to them, and why it is justified. The truth is that it belongs to all Americans and the ranchers own only their own ranches.

If these guys have such a legit complaint they should take it to court. They are a fringe group and if they get violent they will "die by the sword".


PS I grew up in that area on a wheat and cattle ranch. We never thought the way these guys do. The federal government was very good to us, leasing us land for cattle grazing at a very favorable price. The leasing rights run with the land based on seniority and can be sold with the ranch.

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If it happens in Russia they were called as Fighters for Freedom

If it happened in Russia, they all would have been dead 3 weeks ago, along with who knows how many bystanders.

Congratulations to the US police for showing restraint and patience, which was, incidentally, the recommended course of action since these nutjobs were stuck in the middle of nowhere...and from the OP ("arrested on the road") the plan worked....the nutjobs were cold and hungry and were leaving.

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Wrong place, wrong time, wrong reason to make a stand. Ya'll should have heeded Steward Rhodes. Hopefully this will resolve without a Ruby Ridge ending, but I'm afriad Ammon, Ryan, and crew brought this down on themselves. Sad.

Edited by connda
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The federal government owns that land and takes preservation very seriously. I've never known them to sell any although they will do a trade such as trading landlocked pieces for contiguous pieces when it's to everyone's advantage.

The value of all of this land not to mention what they have E. of the Rockies and in Alaska is incalculable. Much of it is rich in oil, timber and or minerals, water and many other things. Cattle grazing is deemed to replicate nature in the way elk might do, and as long as it isn't over-grazed to the point of damage it is the highest and best use of the land. In many cases cattle (and elk) are grazing in timber among the forest trees.

These punks who are the subject of the story are loons who are lucky to be alive. The feds have been very patient with them, even risking lives in the arrest attempt. I wouldn't have that patience.


Edited by NeverSure
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Grand crackpots who threaten and menace, wearing the cloak of white priveledge whilst committing acts that would never be tolerated otherwise.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What is this "white priveledge [sic]" of which you speak (and grotesquely misspell)?

I can hardly wait...

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