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Thailand asks Google to bend censorship rules


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That's pretty stupid as there are a host of other search engines that will find the stuff one is looking for just as easy as google. It sounds like these "committee" guys actually thought that google is running the web and hosting all those sites?

pretty sure these officials have no idea how the internet works, but neither do many Thais

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The fact that a country asks a company to do something with heavy political consequences says something essential about the world we now live in.

There are 196 countries in the world. There are 50 companies with an annual revenue of more than 100 billion dollars. Estimated budget of Thai government (in 2014) : 71 billion dollars. Estimated revenue of Google in 2015 : 45 billion dollars (source Wikipedia).

To say that these companies have no political impact on politics around the world would be not only ignorant but foolish and/or of deliberate bad faith..

Most of the West, and many voices in the South and East, call for democracy to become universal. How can that ever happen if countries are in effect reporting to/ or dealing peer-to-peer with/ entities which are in essence un-democratic, and whose primary goal is to make money, regardless of the consequences on humanity, the environment, moral ethics and the planet's future ?

All these calls for democracy are a sham a cover up. Its not universal. Germany has become sensitive in all matters dealing with adverse comments on the immigrants flooding in. Its damage control by all. Single gateway Facebook monitoring, now Google they want complete control here over what you think and do and that control is being applied through fear plain and simple fear us obey us end of story.

I should have been more precise. When I wrote 'most of the West calls for democracy' I was not thinking about our political buffoons, but the many good people of the West, who are still not racist, not stupid, not naive, not double-faced, and who simply wish the world would be run by their true representatives rather than by a handful of non-elected CEOs and their horde of manipulative power-greedy politicians who all come from the same breeding grounds and happen to know how to use democratic institutions rather than serve them.

From that perspective, there is very little difference, in Thailand, between the present administration and the former. At least the 'new' one does not pretend to be the result of a 'democratic process' which was, in effect, nothing but a massive manipulation of the poor by a greedy and cunning billionaire.

Edited by Yann55
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All the junta needs to do is to implement a 24 hour court that can issue court orders on demand, its not difficult.

That way they don't need to bend any rules... of course it would slow things down if the court required any evidence!

Just brandish article 44 that will be all the evidence they will need

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How does Google "remove content"? They can jigger search results I guess, but they're just a search engine (among many, BTW). They can neither remove actual website content, nor "take down websites", nor even block websites. Proposals like this just incite hacktivists, and in doing so no doubt biting off more than can be chewed...

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Google are only interested in money like most multinationals from the USA. They sold out to China, as did Cisco and Yahoo, already so if the Junta have the right amount of cash, no problem.

I'm no google fanboy but they didn't sell out to China. All google services are blocked in China, I have to use a VPN when there to access any google service.

If Thailand had the IT resources they would probably build a Thai baidu, baike, ditu, weibo, etc.

They must be so yearning for total control that the stubbornly decentralised nature of the internet must be extremely frustrating! My heart goes out to them.

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Google are only interested in money like most multinationals from the USA. They sold out to China, as did Cisco and Yahoo, already so if the Junta have the right amount of cash, no problem.

I'm no google fanboy but they didn't sell out to China. All google services are blocked in China, I have to use a VPN when there to access any google service.

If Thailand had the IT resources they would probably build a Thai baidu, baike, ditu, weibo, etc.

They must be so yearning for total control that the stubbornly decentralised nature of the internet must be extremely frustrating! My heart goes out to them.

Yes but they initially did until the US Supreme court told them not to.

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Google are only interested in money like most multinationals from the USA. They sold out to China, as did Cisco and Yahoo, already so if the Junta have the right amount of cash, no problem.

I'm no google fanboy but they didn't sell out to China. All google services are blocked in China, I have to use a VPN when there to access any google service.

If Thailand had the IT resources they would probably build a Thai baidu, baike, ditu, weibo, etc.

They must be so yearning for total control that the stubbornly decentralised nature of the internet must be extremely frustrating! My heart goes out to them.

Yes but they initially did until the US Supreme court told them not to.

Are you sure? I recall it being a matter of google not agreeing to the censorship demands of the CCP.

Another reason, whether widely reported or not, being that the Chinese distrust what they view, perhaps with good reason, as an incestuous relationship between google (and facebook) and the US government.

Maybe I'll go over to duckduckgo or ixquick and do a search on it wink.png .

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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.

That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet

ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.

Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.

How dare you ignore forum rules and call me stupid.

Make are you wear your helmet and seat belt and do as you are told.

You are a prime example of the type of person who is only here because of the internet and the adventurous types who discovered Thailand in the past.

Probably a retired civil servant or tax collector with a pet poodle.

Today's expats or more often than not retirees make Thailand and indeed Thai visa a dull place.

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If the reason for blocking websites was to stop people trying to make anthrax at home or trying out some stuff in the anarchists cookbook, i could kind of understand. But, this is the junta we are talking about. They don't want anybody to know about stuff like bent judges acting like mad dogs in public, bent coppers using scapegoats, murdering politicians hiding from justice. Self serving bs. I hope google told them where to go, otherwise anonymous will shame them more and more.

Say no More!

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"The second meeting between Google legal reps and a junta censorship committee was detailed in a document leaked by Thai net freedom advocates "

Obviously someone working in the government, who is unhappy with what the Thai leaders are trying to do, leaked this important discussion to the Thai net freedom advocates. Just like someone leaked the information about the single internet gateway project. So not all government robots are towing the party line.

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Sadly these smartphones and this new fangled "googling" internet along with social media are bringing some news/ knowledge into Thailand, something the Thai government does not want , just look at the education system its not designed to educate , indoctrinate yes

The present government wont be going anywhere soon, it's there for a reason!( i am sure we know that)

Things are not going to get better.

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Then we can all just switch over to using the Yahoo search engine. It will probably take another few years for them to realize that Google isn't the only search engine and then a few more years before they sit down to meetings with Yahoo and asked to be allowed to meddle with Yahoo.

In addition to Yahoo there's Yippie. And then there's Dogpile which compiles results from Google and other search engines. You may in fact be able to get around any Google special censorship for Thailand via Dogpile unless what the junta is proposing is that they be allowed to edit everyone in the world's search results, which would not surprise me if they were.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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Don't they know we are special?'

Don't they know their rules do not apply to us but everyone else's must abide by?

Don't they know we like to try and enforce our laws ( LM/deformation) on people in their own country's?

Don't they know I have 99.3% approval by the people?

Don't they know I have my super powers article 44 and I can do anything?

Don't they know that we are not censoring anyone accept you can't criticize us or police or say anything we don't like and clicking the like button is a crime?

Why don't they (the government) know that "bending the rules" for one group set's a precedent and therefor having rules will have no meaning?

If you don't like the rules then don't play the game.

Classical - someone wants to lay the law down for everyone else, but be above any laws themselves.

Thai mentality - tell everyone else what to do, but I can always please myself as no rules apply to me.

Until that changes, nothing else ever will.

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I'm wondering if this "request" to Google is at the behest of their paymasters or if the Junta is just getting out of control now they've had a good taste of total power? YL is not looking so bad now is she. BTW, if Google does get knocked on the head I believe you can still access their "power saving" site, blackle.com, try it!

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Generally but not always there is a certain pattern to having a General leading a nation , very few Generals can take criticism or negative feedback or being told by the people to naff off, hence censorship , restrictive freedom of speech , Asia is littered with despots over the centuries , Thailand is another case in Point , let the courts take Google to court under some censorship ruling, let them tie up the legal system, but better still Google should do the right thing under freedom of speech and remove its presence from Thailand , if it had the moral gumption that is..............................................coffee1.gif .

It is now a punishable offence to criticize the PM ,so take care

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Google are only interested in money like most multinationals from the USA. They sold out to China, as did Cisco and Yahoo, already so if the Junta have the right amount of cash, no problem.

You are not well informed, Google did not bend to China. That's why there is no mainland China Google search engine, only in Hong Kong and it's not fast to access from China. You also cannot access services such as maps, and it,s nearly impossible to access gmail. So it's not likely that Google will bend in this case.

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That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet

ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.

Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.

How dare you ignore forum rules and call me stupid.

Make are you wear your helmet and seat belt and do as you are told.

You are a prime example of the type of person who is only here because of the internet and the adventurous types who discovered Thailand in the past.

Probably a retired civil servant or tax collector with a pet poodle.

Today's expats or more often than not retirees make Thailand and indeed Thai visa a dull place.

lol - I agree with you re the boring old retirees. Back in the day you could meet very interesting people by walking into a pub or meeting the rare farang out in the sticks. These days many of the oldies I meet were holidaying in Benidorm back in the good old days. Living a life of boredom, never taking any risks, to retire and possibly die tomorrow. I agreed 30 years ago to live life one day at a time, like the old hippie I am.

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If the reason for blocking websites was to stop people trying to make anthrax at home or trying out some stuff in the anarchists cookbook, i could kind of understand. But, this is the junta we are talking about. They don't want anybody to know about stuff like bent judges acting like mad dogs in public, bent coppers using scapegoats, murdering politicians hiding from justice. Self serving bs. I hope google told them where to go, otherwise anonymous will shame them more and more.

What Thais do not realize is this is a consolidation of Power down that slippery slop to a full authoritarian government. No rights No condemnation of the powers to be Absolute Power is coming

This is the beginning of 2016 By 2017 I will be surprised if there are elections

Edited by realenglish1
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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.

That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet

ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.

Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.

How dare you ignore forum rules and call me stupid.

Make are you wear your helmet and seat belt and do as you are told.

You are a prime example of the type of person who is only here because of the internet and the adventurous types who discovered Thailand in the past.

Probably a retired civil servant or tax collector with a pet poodle.

Today's expats or more often than not retirees make Thailand and indeed Thai visa a dull place.

Well, let's see.

First off, if you were intelligent enough to actually read what I wrote, I never personally called you stupid. I said you were a perfect example that stupidity is not limited to Thai.

Second, yes, I wear my helmet and seat belt. Not because I am told to, but because I know that doing so can save lives. Especially the helmet, AND the body armor I wear on my CB300f when I'm doing 140kph on the highway.

Third, I am here not because of the internet or was the "adventurous type" in the past. I am here because I love the country, the people, and my wonderful Thai family.

Fourth, no I am not a retired "Civil Servant". However, I was a 20 year Combat Veteran U.S. Marine, who retired with the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, and with more than a few medals on my chest. And after that, I started, and owned, my own high security and body guard service that did quite well, thank you. And, no, sorry to say, but I don't have a pet poodle. Can't stand the little fur balls.

Fifth, if you don't like the retirees, and the people of Thai Visa, you are always welcome to find someplace else that suits you better, and find a better forum to be a part of. On the other hand, if you've been here for as long as you claim, you probably couldn't function in any other society, including that of your native country.

Sixth, just as I fully expect any foreigner who comes to the U.S. to abide by U.S. laws, I abide by the laws of whatever country I happen to be in. (Okay, except for the one on speeding when on my CB300 haha). Life is much less of a hassle that way.

Have a nice day. smile.png

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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.

That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

Amen to that brother...

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Several posts referring to the Thai government as a dictatorship have been removed from this thread.

From the pinned topic in the News Forum:

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. Any posts which can be construed as rumor mongering are not allowed.

Posters violating these rules and the forum rules will receive a warning, a possible suspension of posting privileges or a ban from the site.

Please check the entire list of forum rules: http://www.thaivisa....tion=boardrules

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