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Import food from Overseas


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Just want some food items to be sent over from UK by courrier

But will customs at Bangkok have any problems?

It really does depend what it is, dry goods should be no issue.

Don't use a courier, Royal Mail parcels will likely get through with less customs hassle.

BUT, as you appear to be posting from the UK, just bring it with you.

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Need to send some sauces in Jars n few other things for my family. It would be nicely packed but just abit worried that they dont end up paying loads of import duty there


Could be an issue being fragile and liquid-ish, not with customs per-sé but with the shipping agent.

Check with Royal Mail what they will and won't ship, couriers will almost certainly attract customs attention and foodstuffs may need an import licence.

An awful lot of UK sauce stuff is available here anyway.

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My family regularly send parcels through normal post to my wife of things she likes. Sweets, fruit cake, chocolates, bottled jams etc.

All apart from one that went missing during the Bangkok floods a couple of years ago arrived without duty.

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If you declare the parcel as food it will fall under imported food and depending upon the commodity will be subject to a tariff ranging from 50% to 100% of the original value.

As others have stated the best way is in your luggage when you travel here. All international shipping companies require a bill of lading which is what the Customs official will look at and determine the tariff.

If your only getting one small item along with other non food items it may slip through. Good Luck

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