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CDC President: Election could be moved to the end of 2017


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I've been saying all along....it will not happen until mid 2020's. Worse still; by that time we will be living in a tightly controlled Police State and be unable to speak freely on most issues.

Maybe time to start thinking about uprooting wife and life and taking the money elsewhere...where it is appreciated !

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I've been saying all along....it will not happen until mid 2020's. Worse still; by that time we will be living in a tightly controlled Police State and be unable to speak freely on most issues.

Maybe time to start thinking about uprooting wife and life and taking the money elsewhere...where it is appreciated !

Agree, saw this after the PM Friday night speech. You could be right.


Edited by Wilsonandson
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What a farce.

The guy admits to drawing up a failed/flawed plan can you imagine that. Well its out in the open now democracy is dead. Maybe we could borrow the Burmese constitution or is that full of military clauses to. Who in their right mind would run for government office under these circumstances oh sorry the field would be full of Generals who are close to retirement ready to yet again "serve" their country and double dip. Remind you of anyone?

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I've been saying all along....it will not happen until mid 2020's. Worse still; by that time we will be living in a tightly controlled Police State and be unable to speak freely on most issues.

Maybe time to start thinking about uprooting wife and life and taking the money elsewhere...where it is appreciated !

Agree, saw this after the PM Friday night speech. You could be right.

If the charter failed the referendum, likely scenario to calm the disquiet internally and externally is to hand the government over to a civilian national government with Prayuth remaining as PM. A new CDC will be formed. Just my humble opinion.

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I have said it many times. There will be no election

for at least 5 to 8 years. Not really sure why the

government keeps acting like elections are coming

soon. Meanwhile the screws keep being cranked

down on the general population. .....

I have to say, this constant rewriting of the constitution

is funnier than hell . Wonder what the American

people would say if congress announced that the

current constitution was no longer valid, and a new one

was being written up that would benefit the people

that were in office.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Don't want to have an election too soon as it could result in Democracy.

How do you figure? None of the other elections led to democracy, why do you think the next one will?

Um, none of the other elections led to a democracy because the Military kept jumping in (21 times in 80 years) to stop one developing. Democracy cannot be imposed, it's organic. And in this country generally (no pun intended) strangled at birth.

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Who expected only a few years back that Birma Myanmar would be on the way back to democracy and Thailand be returned to the Middle Ages of Democracy.

Not only that, but regional economies are expanding while Thailand's is struggling. Who would have thought 10 years ago that, for example, little old Laos would have 3G phone service before mighty Thailand (actually, every country in the region had it before Thailand). Who would have thought that Thailand would have among the worst English skills in Asia, above only Laos and Bhutan. Thailand used to be the biggest rice exporter, once upon a time, but is no longer. I could go on. What will be the next embarrassment, I wonder?

Not to worry. On Monday the baht will strengthen yet again like most of last week and the SET will be up 20 points like Friday. Welcome to the new upside down world.

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Why don't they just stop this game of alluding to a certain date then changing it ?

It's easy to issue a definitive statement and for once truthful that there will only be elections when the PM decides and not a minute before, end of story.

That is the intended end of story for the public to buy into, but practically speaking, it is about maintaining absolute control to protect elitist interests as nature takes its course.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif taken for ride againnnnnnnnn.

They need more time to put a choke hold on the internet, Google and other media appliances. They need time to get the subs home and get the train to nowhere up and running. They need time to round up militant students and get them on the military bandwagon with the program. Tsquare in China and other incidents have taught them valuable lessons. Brain wash them not brain them. And well just being in power takes time to adjust to. The mantle of power when one looks in the mirror can be overwhelming "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most handsome powerful wonderful generous PM of the all" and the mirror answers back "You are dear General by far, you are a rising a kick**s star" And so the world churns.

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Why don't they just stop this game of alluding to a certain date then changing it ?

It's easy to issue a definitive statement and for once truthful that there will only be elections when the PM decides and not a minute before, end of story.

Quote stall the schedule of the NCPO’s road map. unquote. Newsflash we are not stalled on the road map we are at a complete standstill. All this talk of road maps and we are still wandering around in the wilderness. Moses come help us. Bring along the ten commandments and we will have our new constitution. Mission Accomplished. Where have I heard that before?

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Don't want to have an election too soon as it could result in Democracy.

How do you figure? None of the other elections led to democracy, why do you think the next one will?

And none of the other countless military Governments and strong men did anything to reduce corruption or reform the country. And despite their talk they have not done anything this time. If people are going to have dishonest and corrupt leaders at least let them select and deselect who it is.

Why does anyone think this military Government are any different to the countless number of them before. They have zero will to 'reform' anything, why would they when they when proper meaningful reform that would benefit the country as a whole would be a negative for their own interests.

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The question is who is going to be the next gov? is there seriously anyone that can do this country good? ive yet to meet a Thai i could trust... have you ever met one?

Indeed I have! However, neither my handyman, cleaning lady nor gardener would stand a chance putting themselves up for election. It's the bugger with baht you've to watch out for.

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I've been saying all along....it will not happen until mid 2020's. Worse still; by that time we will be living in a tightly controlled Police State and be unable to speak freely on most issues.

Maybe time to start thinking about uprooting wife and life and taking the money elsewhere...where it is appreciated !

Good Bye!!

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

So, in other words you would support and or happily sustain the Military Establishment lording over everyone and in effect everything while the military presence remains in quasi legal political partnership with the same Status Quo that has always lorded over the nation.

All other political parties and political entities would be crushed or subdued by the military on behalf of the same old Status Quo so the Status Quo can ( continue ) to enrich themselves while the Military entities can also continue to enrich themselves while no others political parties are allowed to ( share ) in the riches as that would be considered enriching themselves and illegal because only the long established Status Quo and the military entities are allowed to grossly enrich themselves....as they believe they are entitled to do so.

You do realize that is exactly what they are attempting to do ...but it is proving to be difficult to accomplish in a timely manner as first believed ...so they will simply grant themselves more time to orchestrate their master plan and their agenda that re-establishes their presence and power at the top of the pyramid...once again.....and if it does not work out to their satisfaction...they will simply orchestrate another "Political Intervention" ...to re-assert their status quo...once again.

Of course this is all said in a hypothetical manner ...for the record.


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NRSA member believes new charter will remove corruption from Thai society

BANGKOK, 30 January 2016 (NNT) - A member of the National Steering Assembly (NRSA) strongly believes that the new charter will eradicate corruption practices from Thai society.

Wanchai Sornsiri, spokesperson for the political reform committee under the NRSA, said he had seen the first draft of the new constitution and believed that it would meet the needs of the people as well as resolve the country’s problems especially concerning corruption.

He pointed out that corrupt politicians or those seeking to take advantage of the people will be “nervous” when they actually see the draft while adding that the new charter opens doors for honest people to serve this country.

Mr Wanchai said the new constitution is truly people-centered and that it was not written for politicians seeking personal gains.

Edited by smedly
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You really believe that? Or really even believe he believes what he is saying?

If you live here I seriously doubt regardless of which side of the political compass you lie on, that you can believe it.

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if polititians are complaining then it is probably on the right track

accountability - stop power abuse cheating and lying - those that are caught dealt with swiftly

what is there to dislike

I am also a little confused at this news report and where it came from, sounds more like a stunt by PTP in an attempt to throw a spanner in the works

It is the people who will decide if this charter is enough to keep future governments above board and honest, something that has never happened in Thailand before

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

So, in other words you would support and or happily sustain the Military Establishment lording over everyone and in effect everything while the military presence remains in quasi legal political partnership with the same Status Quo that has always lorded over the nation.

All other political parties and political entities would be crushed or subdued by the military on behalf of the same old Status Quo so the Status Quo can ( continue ) to enrich themselves while the Military entities can also continue to enrich themselves while no others political parties are allowed to ( share ) in the riches as that would be considered enriching themselves and illegal because only the long established Status Quo and the military entities are allowed to grossly enrich themselves....as they believe they are entitled to do so.

You do realize that is exactly what they are attempting to do ...but it is proving to be difficult to accomplish in a timely manner as first believed ...so they will simply grant themselves more time to orchestrate their master plan and their agenda that re-establishes their presence and power at the top of the pyramid...once again.....and if it does not work out to their satisfaction...they will simply orchestrate another "Political Intervention" ...to re-assert their status quo...once again.

Of course this is all said in a hypothetical manner ...for the record.


Hypothetical nonsense springs to mind!!

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if polititians are complaining then it is probably on the right track

accountability - stop power abuse cheating and lying - those that are caught dealt with swiftly

what is there to dislike

I am also a little confused at this news report and where it came from, sounds more like a stunt by PTP in an attempt to throw a spanner in the works

It is the people who will decide if this charter is enough to keep future governments above board and honest, something that has never happened in Thailand before

It is the courts who could quickly and easily reduce corruption by dealing with cases quickly and transparently and handing our long and harsh financial and prison time sentences.

Unfortunately the courts are compromised at every point, and have been shown time after time to be unfit for purpose, slow indecisive, and have extremely questionable other traits which means most people have zero trust in them.

You can have every law under the book, but if there is no trust in the judiciary and putting it mildly, that they come up with some 'interesting' decisions it is quite frankly irrelevant what laws etc you have.

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if polititians are complaining then it is probably on the right track

accountability - stop power abuse cheating and lying - those that are caught dealt with swiftly

what is there to dislike

I am also a little confused at this news report and where it came from, sounds more like a stunt by PTP in an attempt to throw a spanner in the works

It is the people who will decide if this charter is enough to keep future governments above board and honest, something that has never happened in Thailand before

It is the courts who could quickly and easily reduce corruption by dealing with cases quickly and transparently and handing our long and harsh financial and prison time sentences.

Unfortunately the courts are compromised at every point, and have been shown time after time to be unfit for purpose, slow indecisive, and have extremely questionable other traits which means most people have zero trust in them.

You can have every law under the book, but if there is no trust in the judiciary and putting it mildly, that they come up with some 'interesting' decisions it is quite frankly irrelevant what laws etc you have.

weren't politicians protected from prosecution while serving in office, I believe the new charter has dumped that one

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if polititians are complaining then it is probably on the right track

accountability - stop power abuse cheating and lying - those that are caught dealt with swiftly

what is there to dislike

I am also a little confused at this news report and where it came from, sounds more like a stunt by PTP in an attempt to throw a spanner in the works

It is the people who will decide if this charter is enough to keep future governments above board and honest, something that has never happened in Thailand before

It is the courts who could quickly and easily reduce corruption by dealing with cases quickly and transparently and handing our long and harsh financial and prison time sentences.

Unfortunately the courts are compromised at every point, and have been shown time after time to be unfit for purpose, slow indecisive, and have extremely questionable other traits which means most people have zero trust in them.

You can have every law under the book, but if there is no trust in the judiciary and putting it mildly, that they come up with some 'interesting' decisions it is quite frankly irrelevant what laws etc you have.

weren't politicians protected from prosecution while serving in office, I believe the new charter has dumped that one

If it has been dropped its a positive step, but again irrelevant if the courts do not function fairly, transparently and quickly, regardless of who is in involved. The law or removal of it is quite frankly irrelevant, given the lack of prosecution with or without it. But in principal it would seem a decent step.

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