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APNewsBreak: Gov't finds 'top secret' info in Clinton emails


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Did I read correctly that some of the classified e-mails contained the names of active intelligence agents?

Was it from an "unnamed source"?

I thought leaking the names of intelligence agents was a Republican thing, I must admit.

I doubt the the Republicans have a monopoly on that, but I would pass on an Embassy assignment under a Clinton.

It's funny how Republicans have selective memory when it comes to such things.

I would suggest that you look into Valerie Plame, who's name wasn't stored on a server but deliberately leaked. The Republican White House official responsible was convicted on four counts, but then pardoned by his own President... very convenient.

No prizes for guessing which President that was. Actually known for being a bit of a fibber himself.


No White House official outed Valerie Plame to journalist Robert Novak.

A State Department employee named Richard Armitage outed her name to Novak, who published it.

Scooter Libby was NOT convicted for any outing. Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the later investigation into the Plame affair. Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice.

Libby was convicted, fined $250,000 and sentenced to 30 months in federal prison.

President Bush commuted his prison sentence of 30 months but left all other sentencing in place. He DID NOT issue a pardon.

I think we all know who the fibber is in this case. thumbsup.gif

Scooter Libby took the fall for his immediate boss Darth Cheney and for Colin Powell's guy you mentioned, Richard Armitage who later confessed to the Valerie Plame leak. Libby probably took the fall for one other sleazebag too, the guy who put Cheney in the office of vice-president.

It is past time to point out the so called intelligence community is dominated by a bunch of rightwing superpatriots. Always has been from the start of the Cold War right up to the present. This includes the IG officers right to the top, i.e., the IG of the IC who's leading this charge into the muck.

The pro-Clinton group Correct The Record last week filed a Freedom of Information request to probe the suspected connections of DepState IG and the IG of the IC to certain Republican US Senators and their staffs.

This is the beginning of the end of it.

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So, proof positive she lied.

Fine her, jail her, then forget the "clinton's", these are not the kinds of people I would want running anything or setting an example.


During the time the information was not classified... You should read the whole story.

Hillary was the only employee of the State Department that had the authority to classify anything up to the Top Secret level.

She knew what was classified and what was not.

She also didn't want her email traffic to be subject to FOIA requests so elected to use a personal server in spite of being provided a state.gov account..

Nobody else is responsible but Hillary for her current problems.

End of story


Wrong again because it is an endless story. It is the story of the eternal right wing.

Scooter Libby had been chief of staff to Vice President Cheney.

Richard Armitage who you mentioned exposed Valerie Plame had been appointed Under Secretary of State by Pres. GW Bush who also appointed Armitage's long time pal Colin Powell SecState.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton tried to avoid the very thing that is happening, i.e., a wild free for all initiated by rightwing Republicans over something she did or did not do. Anything.

It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

SecDef Ashton Carter admitted a few months ago he too used his personal email account on occasion but only for some administrative stuff. So nobody's heard anything about it since cause he's not running for president and his name is not Clinton.

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It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

The Benghazi emails have led to "nothing" only if you read the left wing press headlines. For one, it shows Clinton (and the Admin) knew from the beginning that the attack wasn't because of a movie. They knew it was a planned terror attack. On the anniversary of 9/11. Days after the president claimed to have al Qaeda on the run and two months shy of the election. Clinton and the administration LIED to the American people and the world just so as not to hurt Obama's reelection chances. The film maker was thrown in jail and people in the Middle East died in protests thanks to the Obama admin bringing the world's attention to that seriously low-budget piece of crap "film". Remember Hillary promising to punish the film maker? Remember the TV ads the Admin bought in places like Pakistan apologizing for the movie? Heck, Clinton isn't the only one involved who should be in jail.

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It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

The Benghazi emails have led to "nothing" only if you read the left wing press headlines. For one, it shows Clinton (and the Admin) knew from the beginning that the attack wasn't because of a movie. They knew it was a planned terror attack. On the anniversary of 9/11. Days after the president claimed to have al Qaeda on the run and two months shy of the election. Clinton and the administration LIED to the American people and the world just so as not to hurt Obama's reelection chances. The film maker was thrown in jail and people in the Middle East died in protests thanks to the Obama admin bringing the world's attention to that seriously low-budget piece of crap "film". Remember Hillary promising to punish the film maker? Remember the TV ads the Admin bought in places like Pakistan apologizing for the movie? Heck, Clinton isn't the only one involved who should be in jail.


Reading the MSM one finds two salient facts and realities:

1) The Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

2) The Republican controlled House Armed Services committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

GOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories


GOP House Armed Services Chair exonerates Obama, Hillary over Benghazi


In fact, the seven House inquiries by the Republican controlled committees found nothing as did a separate DepState report. The current Republican controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi is in hibernation after the October 22nd 11-hour questioning of former SecState Clinton turned up nothing....again.

The die-hards continue however to go on and on and on........

Edited by Publicus
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Just a reminder, the last batch of emails was released while everyone was busy celebrating New Years Eve. Hmmm. Interesting that our gov't will work New Year Eve but not on a weekend. I think they even used the "we always release these at the end of the month" excuse...unless of course the end of the month is a Sunday (as in this case), then they will release them late on Friday which also happens to be the traditional day our gov't releases bad news (it didn't start with this president either).

How can any honest voter really look past this and choose Hillary as president?

You do realize that New Years Eve is a regular working day, right?

If the State Dept were a cinema or restaurant, sure. Otherwise, nothing "regular" about it at all. Especially for gov't stiffs sipping coffee & playing Candy Crush until taking that early lunch at 11:00 and not returning to the office. If you really think that it is "regular" for the gov't to work after 5pm on New Year's Eve then, well, I'll let that speak for itself.

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I am completely baffled that now that the classification of the emails has been established that this person can still be allowed to even run for President.

particularly compared to the hu-ha they made over Pres Richard Nixon's mistakes. I mean between the two (Nixon and Clinton) which persons actions have posed a greater danger to America's national security?

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Another non-story.


State Department spokesman John Kirby said the emails were not marked classified at the time they were sent.



Late Monday afternoon, before the Iowa caucuses convened and after Clinton’s political folks had lobbied their former colleagues at the State Department to re-characterize what they found and revealed late last week, the State Department reversed itself and claimed that the 22 emails were not “marked” top secret. It was too little and too late. T

Full article here: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/02/andrew-p-napolitano/hillary-headed-slammer/

The air is getting thinner for Mrs. Clinton.

Edited by Scott
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Hillary was the only employee of the State Department that had the authority to classify anything up to the Top Secret level.

Source, please. Given what has been said about some material being 'born top secret', I am surprised that there are no state department classification guides stating that certain material is TOP SECRET.

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Hillary was the only employee of the State Department that had the authority to classify anything up to the Top Secret level.

Source, please. Given what has been said about some material being 'born top secret', I am surprised that there are no state department classification guides stating that certain material is TOP SECRET.

I provided the source in post number 87. The authority rests in the Secretary of State to approve Top Secret by virtue of Obama Executive Order 13526. No other State Department officials were mentioned as having this authority in the EO.

The SecState is the top approval authority for the State Department and whatever she says regarding top secret classification is the final word...for the State Department only.

She cannot change a classification put on by another authorizing agent outside the State Department.

Even documents born classified could be subject to her whim as the top authorizing agent for State Department communications. She could be overruled by the President but it is unlikely this President would pay any attention.

I am certain there are classification guidelines put out by the State Department but when have government rules and regulations applied to HRC?

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Hillary was the only employee of the State Department that had the authority to classify anything up to the Top Secret level.

Source, please. Given what has been said about some material being 'born top secret', I am surprised that there are no state department classification guides stating that certain material is TOP SECRET.

I provided the source in post number 87. The authority rests in the Secretary of State to approve Top Secret by virtue of Obama Executive Order 13526. No other State Department officials were mentioned as having this authority in the EO.

Are you confusing a supplement to the EO with the main part of the EO? I quoted the part of Executive Order 13526 that will give others the authority to apply the marking:

Sec. 2.1. Use of Derivative Classification. (a) Persons who reproduce, extract, or summarize classified information, or who apply classification markings derived from source material or as directed by a classification guide, need not possess original classification authority.

Or don't you see applying a classification marking to some information for the first time as being an act of classifying it?

There are hints around that some of this markingless material came from Obama. It seems that he too is partly to blame - his excuse will probably be that the normal procedures protected against his inadvertence.

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Source, please. Given what has been said about some material being 'born top secret', I am surprised that there are no state department classification guides stating that certain material is TOP SECRET.

I provided the source in post number 87. The authority rests in the Secretary of State to approve Top Secret by virtue of Obama Executive Order 13526. No other State Department officials were mentioned as having this authority in the EO.

Are you confusing a supplement to the EO with the main part of the EO? I quoted the part of Executive Order 13526 that will give others the authority to apply the marking:

Sec. 2.1. Use of Derivative Classification. (a) Persons who reproduce, extract, or summarize classified information, or who apply classification markings derived from source material or as directed by a classification guide, need not possess original classification authority.

Or don't you see applying a classification marking to some information for the first time as being an act of classifying it?

There are hints around that some of this markingless material came from Obama. It seems that he too is partly to blame - his excuse will probably be that the normal procedures protected against his inadvertence.


There are three distinct ratings of classifications.


Lower ranking State Department personnel will have the authority to classify the two lower ratings, but in accordance with EO 13256, the Secretary of State is the approving authority for TOP SECRET...and that is what you brought up. The SecState may delegate certain of her powers but he/she is the ultimate approving authority for TOP SECRET.

I do not know what level of State Department employees have the authority to classify and approve the lower two ratings. I cannot find out what level is assigned this authority nor do I really care.

The excuse for Obama will be that it was Hillary's decision to run the private server rather than the normal state.gov and government provided Blackberry. His claim will be, as he has done before on other matters, that he knew nothing about her server until he read it in the news.

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There are three distinct ratings of classifications.


Lower ranking State Department personnel will have the authority to classify the two lower ratings, but in accordance with EO 13256, the Secretary of State is the approving authority for TOP SECRET...and that is what you brought up. The SecState may delegate certain of her powers but he/she is the ultimate approving authority for TOP SECRET.

I do not know what level of State Department employees have the authority to classify and approve the lower two ratings. I cannot find out what level is assigned this authority nor do I really care.

The excuse for Obama will be that it was Hillary's decision to run the private server rather than the normal state.gov and government provided Blackberry. His claim will be, as he has done before on other matters, that he knew nothing about her server until he read it in the news.

Have you ever originated classified material? If so, did you not mark it with a classification? By what authority did you do so? Derivative or original? I think you will find the derivative authority is the usual one used. Within the State Department, the Secretary of State is the only original authority for TOP SECRET. I see nothing that says that there is no derivative authority in the State Department for classifying items as TOP SECRET.

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It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

The Benghazi emails have led to "nothing" only if you read the left wing press headlines. For one, it shows Clinton (and the Admin) knew from the beginning that the attack wasn't because of a movie. They knew it was a planned terror attack. On the anniversary of 9/11. Days after the president claimed to have al Qaeda on the run and two months shy of the election. Clinton and the administration LIED to the American people and the world just so as not to hurt Obama's reelection chances. The film maker was thrown in jail and people in the Middle East died in protests thanks to the Obama admin bringing the world's attention to that seriously low-budget piece of crap "film". Remember Hillary promising to punish the film maker? Remember the TV ads the Admin bought in places like Pakistan apologizing for the movie? Heck, Clinton isn't the only one involved who should be in jail.


Reading the MSM one finds two salient facts and realities:

1) The Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

2) The Republican controlled House Armed Services committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

GOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories


GOP House Armed Services Chair exonerates Obama, Hillary over Benghazi


In fact, the seven House inquiries by the Republican controlled committees found nothing as did a separate DepState report. The current Republican controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi is in hibernation after the October 22nd 11-hour questioning of former SecState Clinton turned up nothing....again.

The die-hards continue however to go on and on and on........

Oh, the irony of you using the GOP as the purveyor of truth.

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DepState announced today emails of former SecState Powell and also former SecState Condoleezza Rice contained materials that were later classified. This is the end of this nonsense whether the rightwingnuts accept it or not.

Does anyone here remember how Hillary said there was nothing in her emails except boring stuff about yoga classes and wedding?

How long did her lawyers need to wipe clean her servers (no, not with a dust cloth). Hillary & company thought there was nothing top secret in the emails they have turned over. And now it appears that there were quite a few top secret and super-double-dare-secret info as well.

That makes her so incompetent it is SCARY. The only thing scarier is that there are tens of millions of American voters who would gladly vote for her.

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It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

The Benghazi emails have led to "nothing" only if you read the left wing press headlines. For one, it shows Clinton (and the Admin) knew from the beginning that the attack wasn't because of a movie. They knew it was a planned terror attack. On the anniversary of 9/11. Days after the president claimed to have al Qaeda on the run and two months shy of the election. Clinton and the administration LIED to the American people and the world just so as not to hurt Obama's reelection chances. The film maker was thrown in jail and people in the Middle East died in protests thanks to the Obama admin bringing the world's attention to that seriously low-budget piece of crap "film". Remember Hillary promising to punish the film maker? Remember the TV ads the Admin bought in places like Pakistan apologizing for the movie? Heck, Clinton isn't the only one involved who should be in jail.


Reading the MSM one finds two salient facts and realities:

1) The Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

2) The Republican controlled House Armed Services committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

GOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories


GOP House Armed Services Chair exonerates Obama, Hillary over Benghazi


In fact, the seven House inquiries by the Republican controlled committees found nothing as did a separate DepState report. The current Republican controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi is in hibernation after the October 22nd 11-hour questioning of former SecState Clinton turned up nothing....again.

The die-hards continue however to go on and on and on........

Something has turned up.


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DepState announced today emails of former SecState Powell and also former SecState Condoleezza Rice contained materials that were later classified. This is the end of this nonsense whether the rightwingnuts accept it or not.

Does anyone here remember how Hillary said there was nothing in her emails except boring stuff about yoga classes and wedding?

How long did her lawyers need to wipe clean her servers (no, not with a dust cloth). Hillary & company thought there was nothing top secret in the emails they have turned over. And now it appears that there were quite a few top secret and super-double-dare-secret info as well.

That makes her so incompetent it is SCARY. The only thing scarier is that there are tens of millions of American voters who would gladly vote for her.

I read about that today. The State Department IG found some 12 emails that might be considered classified.

Two of the emails were found on Powell's account and 10 of them were found on accounts belonging to Secretary Rice's Aides. Rice never used an email account, personal or government sponsored.

When Secretary Powell left the government, the personal account remained in the possession of the government.

Now which do you think is the more egregious?

Twelve emails found to be classified on two Republican Secretaries of State on a personal server...or...nearly 2,000 classified out of some 30,000 on a Democrat Secretary of State's private server, managed in her home?

When the left wingnuts begin accepting reality, then the right wingnuts can look into it as well..


Edited by chuckd
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It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

The Benghazi emails have led to "nothing" only if you read the left wing press headlines. For one, it shows Clinton (and the Admin) knew from the beginning that the attack wasn't because of a movie. They knew it was a planned terror attack. On the anniversary of 9/11. Days after the president claimed to have al Qaeda on the run and two months shy of the election. Clinton and the administration LIED to the American people and the world just so as not to hurt Obama's reelection chances. The film maker was thrown in jail and people in the Middle East died in protests thanks to the Obama admin bringing the world's attention to that seriously low-budget piece of crap "film". Remember Hillary promising to punish the film maker? Remember the TV ads the Admin bought in places like Pakistan apologizing for the movie? Heck, Clinton isn't the only one involved who should be in jail.


Reading the MSM one finds two salient facts and realities:

1) The Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

2) The Republican controlled House Armed Services committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

GOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories


GOP House Armed Services Chair exonerates Obama, Hillary over Benghazi


In fact, the seven House inquiries by the Republican controlled committees found nothing as did a separate DepState report. The current Republican controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi is in hibernation after the October 22nd 11-hour questioning of former SecState Clinton turned up nothing....again.

The die-hards continue however to go on and on and on........

Something has turned up.


Sharyll Atkinson tells it like it is.

Good find, Pimay. thumbsup.gif


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There are three distinct ratings of classifications.


Lower ranking State Department personnel will have the authority to classify the two lower ratings, but in accordance with EO 13256, the Secretary of State is the approving authority for TOP SECRET...and that is what you brought up. The SecState may delegate certain of her powers but he/she is the ultimate approving authority for TOP SECRET.

I do not know what level of State Department employees have the authority to classify and approve the lower two ratings. I cannot find out what level is assigned this authority nor do I really care.

The excuse for Obama will be that it was Hillary's decision to run the private server rather than the normal state.gov and government provided Blackberry. His claim will be, as he has done before on other matters, that he knew nothing about her server until he read it in the news.

Have you ever originated classified material? If so, did you not mark it with a classification? By what authority did you do so? Derivative or original? I think you will find the derivative authority is the usual one used. Within the State Department, the Secretary of State is the only original authority for TOP SECRET. I see nothing that says that there is no derivative authority in the State Department for classifying items as TOP SECRET.

All of our classified materials and equipment were static in nature. There was no need for me to originate classified material.

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The FBI actually is really investigating Hillary's use of a private server after all.


FBI acknowledges Clinton email investigation

By Sarah Westwood (@sarahcwestwood) 2/8/16 6:41 PM

An FBI official issued a rare acknowledgement of the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's private server use Monday in a letter filed in federal court.

Although FBI Director James Comey confirmed the existence of the probe in October of last year, agency officials have repeatedly declined to comment on the nature of the investigation and the direction in which it is headed.

James Baker, general counsel for the FBI, wrote in a letter filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that the FBI "has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to Secretary Clinton's use of a private email server."


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The FOI petition was filed last week to inspect the emails of the several IG offices that initiated the current brouhaha.

There already have been leaks from IG offices to Republican senators, Charles Grassley in particular but as one among many.

Given the intelligence community and brotherhood has for its entire history been right wing super patriots it will be interesting to see what their contact is and has been with fellow rightwhinger Republicans in the Senate.

Until then the emails stuff is no better than Cong Kevin McCarthy and his oops Ben Ghazi political scheme exposed.

No doubt however the predictable whining right will continue in its scheme to drum up, not only a case, but a case of the most serious violations they can create along with the most drastic penalties imaginable.

Banging away as ever.

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...and the death by 1,000 cuts continues:


Pressure on Lynch to step aside in Clinton email probe

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 06:00 AM EST

Loretta Lynch is on the edge of the spotlight, about to be dragged to the center.

If the FBI finds sufficient evidence to launch a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton or one of her top aides for mishandling classified information, Lynch’s Justice Department will have to decide whether to press ahead.

Even if no evidence of wrongdoing is found, Clinton’s many critics are unlikely to take the word of an appointee of President Obama’s and will doubt that justice has been served.


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Given the intelligence community and brotherhood has for its entire history been right wing super patriots it will be interesting to see what their contact is and has been with fellow rightwhinger Republicans in the Senate.

So, the FBI is part of Hillary Clinton's imaginary "right wing conspiracy". Edited by Ulysses G.
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Let me get this straight.

As Sec of State, HRC would have been given secure means of communications, including phone and email.

She decided in her infinite wisdom to use a personal server for email communications that included State Dept material.

A crime was committed with the 1st email that contained State Dept material that went through her personal server. That would suggest to me that the investigation is to establish the level of criminal responsibility.

Not got a leg to stand on. What would I know, I am just a right wing nut job blink.pngblink.png

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Yet another little cut announced today.


Hillary Clinton Forwarded Huma Abedin Classified Info. for Printing

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released nearly 70 pages of State Department records that show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their non-state.gov email accounts. The documents, also available on the State Department website, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, lawsuit filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)) after it failed to respond to a March 18 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking:

  • All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-“state.gov” email address.

Article continues here: www.mediaite.com/online/donald-trumps-new-hampshire-win-means-these-media-members-are-winners-losers/2/

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It was the Republican les enfants terribles in their endless fishing expeditions on the select Ben Ghazi committee who discovered the emails. The Ben Ghazi emails led to nothing of course. So had it not been this emails fuss, it definitely would have been some other Republican led bruhaha to nowhere.

The Benghazi emails have led to "nothing" only if you read the left wing press headlines. For one, it shows Clinton (and the Admin) knew from the beginning that the attack wasn't because of a movie. They knew it was a planned terror attack. On the anniversary of 9/11. Days after the president claimed to have al Qaeda on the run and two months shy of the election. Clinton and the administration LIED to the American people and the world just so as not to hurt Obama's reelection chances. The film maker was thrown in jail and people in the Middle East died in protests thanks to the Obama admin bringing the world's attention to that seriously low-budget piece of crap "film". Remember Hillary promising to punish the film maker? Remember the TV ads the Admin bought in places like Pakistan apologizing for the movie? Heck, Clinton isn't the only one involved who should be in jail.


Reading the MSM one finds two salient facts and realities:

1) The Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

2) The Republican controlled House Armed Services committee concluded its inquiry into the events of Benghazi and said everyone did whatever they could and that there were no failures in anything Washington did.

GOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories


GOP House Armed Services Chair exonerates Obama, Hillary over Benghazi


In fact, the seven House inquiries by the Republican controlled committees found nothing as did a separate DepState report. The current Republican controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi is in hibernation after the October 22nd 11-hour questioning of former SecState Clinton turned up nothing....again.

The die-hards continue however to go on and on and on........

Oh, the irony of you using the GOP as the purveyor of truth.

Respect goes where respect is due.

Be advised certain committees of the congress maximus need to maintain a reputation for integrity, to include objectivity. They need to be above partisanship. This reality is true of each member of each of the two committees I cited and linked in my post.

This is why their findings --which stated no missteps occurred-- have a significance. It is why the same-same findings of each committee -- which is that SecState Clinton did no wrong -- are definitive and conclusive.

This poster hasn't ever said all Republicans are liars, or that all Republicans are always liars. I have voted for many Republicans in my state elections. I was employed by a Republican in Washington. Which is how and why I vote for Democrats 98 percent of the time and would advise others to do likewise.

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