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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

Scratch that... Forgot about the 12th amendment...

4 way race would likely mean no one wins the electoral college


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Would just like to add that if you look at the economy 50 years ago...

Then the Republicans had it right.

Rich invest in new businesses , creating new opportunities for new middle class jobs in America.. Leading to continued growth and opportunities and wealth for all

The problem is that the world has changed...

The above is no longer true

Some of that investment is into Tech improvements that eliminate some middle class jobs

True that tech also may create a few middle class jobs, but you loose many times as many than are gained.. So a net loss

And a large portion of that investment is in factories overseas, which again does not create middle class jobs in the US

So the Politicians need to update their thinking to the modern world

So if the jobs are gone, as you say they are, then who the heck PAYS for all these social benefits?? Do you really think that by chanting "tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich" over & over again, you somehow regain consciousness in a miraculous new age of economic viability and balanced budgets? It's the working middle class who ends up getting taxed, and taxed right out of existence in the long run. Oh, wait a minute, I see now. Your plan is to just eventually just "cancel" that $17T (and growing) public debt and punish all those evil lenders (most of whom are actually bond-holding and fund-owning retirees, IRA- and 401K holders, and other middle class investors, not to mention public & private pension funds & trusts), is that it?

There's a REASON why investment & jobs go elsewhere, and growth stagnates until the new normal is a public debt that can never be repaid and a few percent growth per year (at most). And only a blind person can fail to see that over-regulation & profit-demonizing tax policy have a whole lot to do with it.

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I don't demonize the wealthy or rich

And to be honest , wish it was not the case that more and more middle class jobs are disappearing

Happy to hear thoughts on how to bring back middle class jobs

My only issue is what do we do to protect the most vulnerable in our society ?

Is there some minimum level that we decide that we must support to those who

Can not on their own?

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Would just like to add that if you look at the economy 50 years ago...

Then the Republicans had it right.

Rich invest in new businesses , creating new opportunities for new middle class jobs in America.. Leading to continued growth and opportunities and wealth for all

The problem is that the world has changed...

The above is no longer true

Some of that investment is into Tech improvements that eliminate some middle class jobs

True that tech also may create a few middle class jobs, but you loose many times as many than are gained.. So a net loss

And a large portion of that investment is in factories overseas, which again does not create middle class jobs in the US

So the Politicians need to update their thinking to the modern world

So if the jobs are gone, as you say they are, then who the heck PAYS for all these social benefits?? Do you really think that by chanting "tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich" over & over again, you somehow regain consciousness in a miraculous new age of economic viability and balanced budgets? It's the working middle class who ends up getting taxed, and taxed right out of existence in the long run. Oh, wait a minute, I see now. Your plan is to just eventually just "cancel" that $17T (and growing) public debt and punish all those evil lenders (most of whom are actually bond-holding and fund-owning retirees, IRA- and 401K holders, and other middle class investors, not to mention public & private pension funds & trusts), is that it?

There's a REASON why investment & jobs go elsewhere, and growth stagnates until the new normal is a public debt that can never be repaid and a few percent growth per year (at most). And only a blind person can fail to see that over-regulation & profit-demonizing tax policy have a whole lot to do with it.

"And only a blind person can fail to see that over-regulation & profit-demonizing tax policy have a whole lot to do with it."

My son has a very successful business in the south and deals daily with other small business owners.

He would roundly support you in your statement...as do I.

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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

Nice work CW. You did your part. I intend to do mine on Saturday.


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Bernie is not a Socialist

Sure he is. He started out as a member of the Socialist Youth Party back in the day which generated no traction nor interest and, as a result, has since attempted to modify his positions to gain more support.

So now he calls himself a Socialist Democrat.

Correct Bernie is a Social Democrat not a Socialist. Two VERY different species.

Keep telling yourself that. :)...
Socialism’s Bloody History Shows Millennials Should Think Twice Before Supporting It
Socialism, by the way, is just such a system. This is the case whether you call it by any other name, whether communism, utopianism, or collectivism. Oh, go ahead and slap some lipstick on that pig and call it “democratic” socialism or “progressivism” or “communitarianism.”
Lenin and his gang all started out calling themselves socialists. Social democrats, to be exact.


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Is he gone yet?

Tactics of the Republican Attack Machine: attribute false quotes to a candidate.

They can't make any headway with telling the truth, ....so they have to resort to lies.

False quotes? You mean like claiming that Trump said he would ban all Muslims from coming to to the US?

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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

Nice work CW. You did your part. I intend to do mine on Saturday.


I don't see that Sanders has much of a chance under this four way scenario either.

If the four way scenario ends up with no candidate getting, currently, 270 electoral votes, the House of Representatives then selects the President.

Each state would have one vote only and I still doubt Bernie can carry more than one state (NH) under these circumstances.

The Senate would then choose the Vice President.


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The federalist is NOT a source of information, it is a right wing lying online rag. Founded by red state and plagiarist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Domenech. That article was a crock of crap and has nothing to do with nothing. But, right wingers were always easy to fool. Cold War scare tactics and nobody in their correct mind believes that kind of crap. Only a fool would believe that is where Bernie would take us, jesus h. christus, Herr Goebbels would be amazed at how well his propaganda program has worked in America. The picture of Bernie with the LIE is just that, lying right wing propaganda. Are you actually claiming the Donald didn't say he would ban muslims from entering the US? Oh, I did my part too, voted for Bernie in the Texass primary. Bernie, win, loose or draw, it will be freezing in hell before I vote for a racist, proto-fascist like the Donald, I can't use his real last name anymore.

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The federalist is NOT a source of information, it is a right wing lying online rag. Founded by red state and plagiarist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Domenech. That article was a crock of crap and has nothing to do with nothing. But, right wingers were always easy to fool. Cold War scare tactics and nobody in their correct mind believes that kind of crap. Only a fool would believe that is where Bernie would take us, jesus h. christus, Herr Goebbels would be amazed at how well his propaganda program has worked in America. The picture of Bernie with the LIE is just that, lying right wing propaganda. Are you actually claiming the Donald didn't say he would ban muslims from entering the US? Oh, I did my part too, voted for Bernie in the Texass primary. Bernie, win, loose or draw, it will be freezing in hell before I vote for a racist, proto-fascist like the Donald, I can't use his real last name anymore.

Well done Sarge maintain the rage Comrade.

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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

Nice work CW. You did your part. I intend to do mine on Saturday.


Yeah just saw this...

Bernie win Democrats abroad

Voter turnout up 50% since 2008

Bernie gets 69% of the vote !!!


Edited by CWMcMurray
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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

The poster noted lol.

Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

Wrong again.


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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

Nice work CW. You did your part. I intend to do mine on Saturday.


I don't see that Sanders has much of a chance under this four way scenario either.

If the four way scenario ends up with no candidate getting, currently, 270 electoral votes, the House of Representatives then selects the President.

Each state would have one vote only and I still doubt Bernie can carry more than one state (NH) under these circumstances.

The Senate would then choose the Vice President.


Getting off-topic, but the "representation" from each state (in the House) gets one vote. In some states this could get contentious, couldn't it? Say a state has an even number of Representatives, and they split. Or what if the Representatives from a particular state collectively choose differently from that state's electoral college choice (i.e., the popular vote in that state) & citizens in that state then demand that the state be voted IAW the electoral college majority instead - and perhaps bring an equal representation/voting rights suit in federal court? And what happens if the whole thing does somehow end up in the courts over whatever bone, and gets to the still evenly-numbered Supremes? Another "executive order" from the great Organizer perhaps? Yikes. I think I'm glad we're just in wild-conjecture land...

You're undoubtedly right about Bernie, that would still leave a 3-way between Trump and the two Parties (and Bernie would've played a part in keeping anyone from getting a majority of electoral votes in the 1st place).

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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

Thomas Edison was old and experienced when he excitedly proposed building entire houses with pre-fab concrete slabs. It went over like a lead zeppelin.

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Democrats Abroad Results - March 21, 2016

Sanders: 69% (nine delegates)

Clinton: 31% (four delegates)

Sanders netted more delegates from the Democrats Abroad voting than Hillary Clinton netted with her narrow victories in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Missouri combined.

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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

The poster noted lol.

Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

Wrong again.


That's why I like Bernie. He has a really good sense of humour. They showed him footage of Saturday Night Live sending him up and he thought it was hilarious. Obama could easily make a living doing stand up a very funny guy. Although Republicans are a never ending source of material. I could never be a Right Winger seems you have to be miserable and hating someone or some thing all the time. Black people, Muslims, unwed mothers, poor people, Mexicans, orphans, protesters you name it they will hate it. I have never understood them ever. I am sure most people would see the humour in using the mixed term 'rocket surgeon' but the Right Wing? A total blank, humour just eludes them. Bernie would get it.

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Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

The poster noted lol.

Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

Wrong again.


That's why I like Bernie. He has a really good sense of humour. They showed him footage of Saturday Night Live sending him up and he thought it was hilarious. Obama could easily make a living doing stand up a very funny guy. Although Republicans are a never ending source of material. I could never be a Right Winger seems you have to be miserable and hating someone or some thing all the time. Black people, Muslims, unwed mothers, poor people, Mexicans, orphans, protesters you name it they will hate it. I have never understood them ever. I am sure most people would see the humour in using the mixed term 'rocket surgeon' but the Right Wing? A total blank, humour just eludes them. Bernie would get it.

A good sense of humor is the only true indication of intelligence.

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Today: Clinton 76 delegates, Sanders 32.

She's jogging home now.

Thanks Chicog. It does look that way. Maybe Bernie has planted a seed that will grow and American's will begin to understand how they are being exploited and manipulated. Very disappointing results. It really really saddens me. Your average American people are good people they deserve better.

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