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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Has that rumpled old toad Sanders figured out how to give out Free Stuff yet?


Did y'all see where in Venezuela they are banning hair dryers as they're running out of electricity as well as toilet paper?

Socialism: Great form of government until you run out of other peoples money, eh?

You make my point rather well Boon Mee. Progressive Left Wing people are educated enough and sophisticated enough to understand that Publicly funded Health care and tuition paid higher education is not free. I am not sure I can break it down in cartoon form for you so that you are able to grasp the concept.

Bernie doesn't advocate a Socialist system of government and he is not a Socialist or a Communist. I know Right Wingers think that if they say something often enough and click their heels three times it becomes fact but alas in the real world you need to know what you are actually talking about. Again I don't think I can break down the vast difference between Socialism and key sector Social Investment in cartoon form for you.

If you really want to understand the issues and policies that Bernie has put forward you are going to have to expand beyond glib childish cartoons.

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Has that rumpled old toad Sanders figured out how to give out Free Stuff yet?


Did y'all see where in Venezuela they are banning hair dryers as they're running out of electricity as well as toilet paper?

Socialism: Great form of government until you run out of other peoples money, eh?

You make my point rather well Boon Mee. Progressive Left Wing people are educated enough and sophisticated enough to understand that Publicly funded Health care and tuition paid higher education is not free. I am not sure I can break it down in cartoon form for you so that you are able to grasp the concept.

Bernie doesn't advocate a Socialist system of government and he is not a Socialist or a Communist. I know Right Wingers think that if they say something often enough and click their heels three times it becomes fact but alas in the real world you need to know what you are actually talking about. Again I don't think I can break down the vast difference between Socialism and key sector Social Investment in cartoon form for you.

If you really want to understand the issues and policies that Bernie has put forward you are going to have to expand beyond glib childish cartoons.

It is exactly because they don't understand that they relay in the simplicity of cartoon characters.

That's exactly the appall of Trunp's cartoonisms to them,

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Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, bail-outs of banks, bail-outs for Wall Street Hucksters, bail-outs of businesses too big to fail (like AIS, GM, Fanny May, et al), NIH, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, PIK, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, SWAT, FCC, State and Federal prison systems, TVA, police, FDA, HUD, ATF, War Against Drugs, Secret Service, SSA, FBI, Gitmo, DEA, CIA, .....those are just some of the multi-million dollar programs which are partially or wholly socialist in the US. last but not least: $60 million/year to make sure America's 77 nukes aren't leaking (I could do the inspections for 59.9 million, and save Uncle Sam $100,000 tongue.png ).

If I was advisor to the prez, I would recommend cutting back all the programs mentioned above by 20%, and that's just for starters. I'd then go back with appointed select teams, using 'fine tooth combs' and see how to trim off added 10 or 20%, or stuff the programs (which are useless) forever, like PIK and the War Against Drugs. Police departments would howl bloody murder if funding was pulled from the ridiculous War Against Drugs (actually, 12% would be put back toward counseling addicts). Police and DEA know deep down the Drug Wars are bullshit (and actually encourage drug use/smuggling and make cartel bosses billionaires), but they're addicted to the funding.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Some of the above you are right on but you want to cut Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, FDA, HUD. <deleted>! I may have missed one or two but you are right on the others. When you want to cut the VA you are stepping on my toes. Admittedly some need some real reform and I don't mean privatize but they are vital to all of us. I agree 1,000% on DEA, some of biggest scum bags I have ever met.

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Some of the above you are right on but you want to cut Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, FDA, HUD. <deleted>! I may have missed one or two but you are right on the others. When you want to cut the VA you are stepping on my toes. Admittedly some need some real reform and I don't mean privatize but they are vital to all of us. I agree 1,000% on DEA, some of biggest scum bags I have ever met.

IMO this is the reason we never get anywhere on deficit, and hopefully later, debt reduction. Everyone is absolutely for money saving cuts, but adamantly opposed to cutting their favorite programs. Cut, cut cut, just not the programs that I like.

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Some of the above you are right on but you want to cut Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, FDA, HUD. <deleted>! I may have missed one or two but you are right on the others. When you want to cut the VA you are stepping on my toes. Admittedly some need some real reform and I don't mean privatize but they are vital to all of us. I agree 1,000% on DEA, some of biggest scum bags I have ever met.

Some of the above you are right on but you want to cut Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, FDA, HUD. <deleted>! I may have missed one or two but you are right on the others. When you want to cut the VA you are stepping on my toes. Admittedly some need some real reform and I don't mean privatize but they are vital to all of us. I agree 1,000% on DEA, some of biggest scum bags I have ever met.

IMO this is the reason we never get anywhere on deficit, and hopefully later, debt reduction. Everyone is absolutely for money saving cuts, but adamantly opposed to cutting their favorite programs. Cut, cut cut, just not the programs that I like.

Precisely. All politicians (and many citizens) talk about lessening government programs, but they all have favorite programs which are sacrosanct in their views. That's why, for fairness, I recommend cutting all programs 20% - across the board. My personal favorites are: nat'l Park Service, pre-school, EPA, school lunch programs. I could write a thick book about Federal and State programs which are highly wasteful, unneeded, or just stinky pork. Americans have had over 200 years of adding and padding federal & state programs, to where it's beyond obscene nowadays. You'll notice I haven't advocated doing away with all Federal & state programs. Instead, I suggest cutting them all back, and then taking a good hard look at what more is needed, while always trying to cut wasteful spending. Republican and Democrat politicians have little idea of how to cut spending. McCain, in his 2008 campaign, suggested cutting back all Federal programs, with the exception of VA benefits (no surprise that McCain, a multi-millionaire, still gets VA benefits) - that proves my point.

McCain, if elected, would have possibly saddled the US with Sarah Palin as president, but that's another story. Imagine Palin as prez?! That could be scarier than Cruz or Trump. It would be Cruz's Bible-Thumping combined with Trump's flip-flopping/backtracking .....yikes! When wondering whether the USA will implode with fire or ice, it may instead happen with a Sarah Palin permanent smile fixated on all monitor/TV/Handheld screens.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Some of the above you are right on but you want to cut Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, FDA, HUD. <deleted>! I may have missed one or two but you are right on the others. When you want to cut the VA you are stepping on my toes. Admittedly some need some real reform and I don't mean privatize but they are vital to all of us. I agree 1,000% on DEA, some of biggest scum bags I have ever met.

Some of the above you are right on but you want to cut Post Office, National and State Parks, highways, bridges, tunnels, Weather Services, Hubble Space Telescope, K-12 education, Food Stamps, military services and veteran benefits, NPR, PBS, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Coast Guard, FDA, HUD. <deleted>! I may have missed one or two but you are right on the others. When you want to cut the VA you are stepping on my toes. Admittedly some need some real reform and I don't mean privatize but they are vital to all of us. I agree 1,000% on DEA, some of biggest scum bags I have ever met.

IMO this is the reason we never get anywhere on deficit, and hopefully later, debt reduction. Everyone is absolutely for money saving cuts, but adamantly opposed to cutting their favorite programs. Cut, cut cut, just not the programs that I like.

Precisely. All politicians (and many citizens) talk about lessening government programs, but they all have favorite programs which are sacrosanct in their views. That's why, for fairness, I recommend cutting all programs 20% - across the board. My personal favorites are: nat'l Park Service, pre-school, EPA, school lunch programs. I could write a thick book about Federal and State programs which are highly wasteful, unneeded, or just stinky pork. Americans have had over 200 years of adding and padding federal & state programs, to where it's beyond obscene nowadays. You'll notice I haven't advocated doing away with all Federal & state programs. Instead, I suggest cutting them all back, and then taking a good hard look at what more is needed, while always trying to cut wasteful spending. Republican and Democrat politicians have little idea of how to cut spending. McCain, in his 2008 campaign, suggested cutting back all Federal programs, with the exception of VA benefits (no surprise that McCain, a multi-millionaire, still gets VA benefits) - that proves my point.

McCain, if elected, would have possibly saddled the US with Sarah Palin as president, but that's another story. Imagine Palin as prez?! That could be scarier than Cruz or Trump. It would be Cruz's Bible-Thumping combined with Trump's flip-flopping/backtracking .....yikes! When wondering whether the USA will implode with fire or ice, it may instead happen with a Sarah Palin permanent smile fixated on all monitor/TV/Handheld screens.

Did I miss something or have you forgotten about the Pentagon and the defense contractors? You know, that military-industrial complex that Ike warned us about. I cannot recall the specifics of so many of the stories of wasted taxpayer money. However, I do recall that the numbers were in the millions and on things that were never or seldom used while located in faraway places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

And, doesn't the USA outspend the rest of the world on defense by some huge margin? Is this really about defense or about lobbyists from defense contractors?

I just quickly found this one article, but I am sure there's much more about this topic elsewhere:


From that article:

"Republican right-winger, Mike Conaway (Rep. TX) used to be a CPA in private life. At a Congressional hearing in 2011, he told Defense Secretary Robert Gates: “I go home to folks in West Texas, and when they find out the Department of Defense can’t be audited, they are stunned.”"

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The thought occurred to me the other day, that if we curtailed our war / surveillance machine and fixed health care ... The American GDP would drop so far that China would be the #1 economy by GDP. Can't have that now can we?

After we curtail the killing machine we could start on the banks and corporations.

In the end we would see the true affects of off shoring everything except finance.

That would be revolution.

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There may be other politicians, but I get the idea that the only two who can lessen wasteful spending at the Federal level are Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Sanders may have an achilles heel, however, with wanting increased federal spending to offer free college to all.

College and Universities are mostly money-sucking institutions. They offer paper diplomas, but no guarantees. What other service or product providers offer no guarantees? Prostitution or drug dealers?

Asians can't fathom the concept of Universities being anything other than top priorities on the path to making lots of money. I like Sanders, but I don't completely agree with free higher education. Trade schools, ok, there should be assistance for schools which teach real-world skills like welding. But business schools? Fogedabowdit. Most biz graduates just wanna get as rich as possible as quick as possible by using other peoples' money - usually by scams - while offering no products and nothing useful to society.

There should be assistance for provable low-income (not for well-off or rich folks), on a sliding scale. . . . .

Trade schools: 80% of tuition.

college: 60%

Universities: 40%

Business-related topics: zero, which includes hotel management (can be learned in a day).

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I do and I voted for him in the primary. For the 1st time in my life I contributed to his campaign. boomerangutang, I agree with most of what you say. I to have a problem with free college for all, but understand the logic. No, I don't think little rich spoiled brats deserve a free education and I believe that is a legitimate point. Sound of Wall Street criminals & banksters along with various rednecks, misogynists, racists, bigots, homophobics, war mongers, neocon/neoliberals, military/industrial/spy complex, etc. when Bernie is elected, wa, wa, wa, boo hoo hoo, oh woe is us. Not many delegates but Bernie took Wyoming. New York is the one he has to at least tie, hopefully win, really needs to win that one.

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Hey spoke, there is no "deficit crisis" never has been. One of the right wing's heros Cheney/Bush et al ran up the deficit, not Obama, with an unfunded war. "Deficit crisis" is a lie. The US has a revenue crisis due to the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. Social Security is not a problem and anyone that says it contributes to the "deficit" is a liar. The military/spy/industrial complex throws away money to their buddies, see Haliburton etc. and Cheney. Let me add, government is not run like a business nor a family budget and it should never be. Government is there to provide for the people, not just the 1%, hence the constant call for cut, cut, cut from the right wing wacko Republicans who don't give a damn about the people.

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Hey spoke, there is no "deficit crisis" never has been. One of the right wing's heros Cheney/Bush et al ran up the deficit, not Obama, with an unfunded war. "Deficit crisis" is a lie. The US has a revenue crisis due to the rich and corporations not paying their fair share. Social Security is not a problem and anyone that says it contributes to the "deficit" is a liar. The military/spy/industrial complex throws away money to their buddies, see Haliburton etc. and Cheney. Let me add, government is not run like a business nor a family budget and it should never be. Government is there to provide for the people, not just the 1%, hence the constant call for cut, cut, cut from the right wing wacko Republicans who don't give a damn about the people.

Spoke here. I agree with you in that a large part of the cause of the deficit being those unfunded wars, but respectfully disagree on the part about corps and rich people.

Of course we can't every agree on everything. :)

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I do and I voted for him in the primary. For the 1st time in my life I contributed to his campaign. boomerangutang, I agree with most of what you say. I to have a problem with free college for all, but understand the logic. No, I don't think little rich spoiled brats deserve a free education and I believe that is a legitimate point. Sound of Wall Street criminals & banksters along with various rednecks, misogynists, racists, bigots, homophobics, war mongers, neocon/neoliberals, military/industrial/spy complex, etc. when Bernie is elected, wa, wa, wa, boo hoo hoo, oh woe is us. Not many delegates but Bernie took Wyoming. New York is the one he has to at least tie, hopefully win, really needs to win that one.

Wouldn't worry about that Sgt...

Just like k-12... The rich wouldn't be sending me their kids to public schools

Bernie is only talking about free tuition to public schools... NOT .. Private universities

So you can also take all of the money that is spent on Pell Grants and other forms of financial aid... That is being used at private universities and erase it...

The Wealthy will continue to send their kids to private kindergartens, private elementary schools, private middle schools, private high schools , private boarding schools .... And private universities ...

And they will pay the whole tuition for that ..

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Correct Publicly funded tuition fees for higher education is only for Public Universities and only for science based Degrees like Medicine, Law. Computers sciences, Architects, Engineers, Historians, Political Science, etc etc etc. You want to do a Phd in Origami you will need to pay for that yourself. Also you must pass a very high bar and show you have an absolute ability to complete and excel in that chosen endeavour. No bloody swimming pools or dining 5 star dining or Party Central BS. You are there to succeed and become the leader amongst your academic peers. If you want to eat or put a roof over your head you will need to get a job flipping burgers or digging ditches or whatever.This isn't a free ride on the Taxpayers dime. The next level of Taxpayer investment is skills based like plumbers, electricians builders bricklayers chefs nurses etc etc etc. Again it isn't Party Central you will be working full time within your industry sector with some time off for studies subsidised by your employer and studying after hours and weekends.

Not one dime is paid to Private whatever institutions. If rich daddy wants to send their little no hoper bratt to university but he or she can't pass the entrance to a publicly funded University then they can send them to a private university and spend all the money they want.

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This video will show how America has done a 180 in its economics / labor policies:


There is so much information out there that contradicts the 'accepted policies' of today..but you never see it unless you get off the beaten path.

Edit: Speaking of Michael Hudson, is this the new Cold War?


Edited by jmd8800
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This is got to be the absolute oddest article I have ever read..,

Hillary team is accusing Bernie of trying to win the Democratic nomination for presidency...

Ummm... Yeah.... Not sure what cave you have been living in...

Of course he is trying to win.. So odd that the tone seems to be that of disbelief and betrayal ??

As if they thought whe was running just for the fun of it with no intention of trying to actually win... As if he was was nominated, he would some how turn it down?


NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The war of words between the two Democratic camps heated up over the weekend, as the Clinton campaign accused Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders of “blatantly attempting to win the Democratic nomination for President.”

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the Clinton campaign spokesman Harland Dorrinson said that Sanders’s actions in the past few weeks “left little doubt as to what his true intentions are—namely, to be the Party’s nominee.”

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Yeah, Sarge is right about Borowitz, who is a regular columnist for The New Yorker. Sometimes his articles do sound like they are almost true.

I thought this was one of his funnier ones, which was mentioned in an earlier thread:


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Nice to read a bit of lighthearted humor during this election...

Everyone is so serious and hostility on all sides

At the end of the day, best to remember not to take our selves too seriously and that at the end of the day.. Who ever is elected..the world will not end

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Not at all. Don't confuse Left Wing Democrats with the loony Right Wing Republicans. Good candidates discussing the issues and speaking to an enlightened educated Left Wing electorate doesn't need or want racism or hatreds or bigotry and 'look at me mentality' to lift their profile.

An intelligent and educated enough electorate that knows Bernie is not advocating Socialism and that Sweden is not a Socialist Nation but a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. What Bernie is quite correctly pointing out is how better the Swedish Health Care system is than the expensive burdensome worse outcome US Health Care System.

This thread tends to be for major steps in Bernie's candidacy. New York is the next big obstacle for Bernie.

A few mistakes made by Bernie in the lead up. Attacking Hillary on personal grounds. That kind of childish behaviour best left to Republicans.

Rather than addressing the points the economist made about Sweden's decline as direct result of big government and wanting to be everything for everyone you move back to the liberal stock in trade - the evilness of republicans.

LOL. They just can't resist. It's in their DNA. Hilarious how they throw other stock-in-trade phrases like "childish behavior" around, isn't it? Every debate with a dem eventually devolves into playground name-calling.

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Not at all. Don't confuse Left Wing Democrats with the loony Right Wing Republicans. Good candidates discussing the issues and speaking to an enlightened educated Left Wing electorate doesn't need or want racism or hatreds or bigotry and 'look at me mentality' to lift their profile.

An intelligent and educated enough electorate that knows Bernie is not advocating Socialism and that Sweden is not a Socialist Nation but a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. What Bernie is quite correctly pointing out is how better the Swedish Health Care system is than the expensive burdensome worse outcome US Health Care System.

This thread tends to be for major steps in Bernie's candidacy. New York is the next big obstacle for Bernie.

A few mistakes made by Bernie in the lead up. Attacking Hillary on personal grounds. That kind of childish behaviour best left to Republicans.

Rather than addressing the points the economist made about Sweden's decline as direct result of big government and wanting to be everything for everyone you move back to the liberal stock in trade - the evilness of republicans.

LOL. They just can't resist. It's in their DNA. Hilarious how they throw other stock-in-trade phrases like "childish behavior" around, isn't it? Every debate with a dem eventually devolves into playground name-calling.

For a start I am not a Dem. As a Global Citizen of the World I support moderate Left Wing leaning politicians around the world, simply on the basis they are aligned with my ethical and moral values and generally are respectful of human rights and protect the vulnerable.

So please enlighten us to how you describe Republican Politicians who get in a debate about hand and penis size? How on earth that passes muster as intellectual political debate of the issues is beyond me. To be a supporter of the Republican Party one has to set the bar very very very low when it comes to standards of intelligent debate.

What is typical, is Republicans who present xenophobic racist bigoted views and then whine about being held to account, advocate torture and threaten other sovereign Nations and then have a cry because they are labelled war mongers, threaten to kill innocent civilians and then moan because they are accused of committing crimes against humanity and breaking international laws, threaten to exclude people based on their religion and then have a hissy fit when they are accused of violating their own Nations Constitution, enshrine 'trap laws' to circumvent Federal Laws and then throw a tantrum when they are accused of being slimy back door operators, incite violence and then when their rallies turn into a free for all they start playing the victim.

I was being critical of Bernie and making the point that personal attacks on an adversary are best left to Republicans and yes it is very much part of their DNA because they continually do it and wonder why they are unelectable. My criticism of Bernie may have been a little harsh as there was a qualifying preamble to his question posed as to whether Hillary is 'qualified' to be President. Most of witch revolved around her voting record in Congress. So Bernie probably makes a fair point.

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Not at all. Don't confuse Left Wing Democrats with the loony Right Wing Republicans. Good candidates discussing the issues and speaking to an enlightened educated Left Wing electorate doesn't need or want racism or hatreds or bigotry and 'look at me mentality' to lift their profile.

An intelligent and educated enough electorate that knows Bernie is not advocating Socialism and that Sweden is not a Socialist Nation but a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. What Bernie is quite correctly pointing out is how better the Swedish Health Care system is than the expensive burdensome worse outcome US Health Care System.

This thread tends to be for major steps in Bernie's candidacy. New York is the next big obstacle for Bernie.

A few mistakes made by Bernie in the lead up. Attacking Hillary on personal grounds. That kind of childish behaviour best left to Republicans.

Rather than addressing the points the economist made about Sweden's decline as direct result of big government and wanting to be everything for everyone you move back to the liberal stock in trade - the evilness of republicans.

LOL. They just can't resist. It's in their DNA. Hilarious how they throw other stock-in-trade phrases like "childish behavior" around, isn't it? Every debate with a dem eventually devolves into playground name-calling.

For a start I am not a Dem. As a Global Citizen of the World I support moderate Left Wing leaning politicians around the world, simply on the basis they are aligned with my ethical and moral values and generally are respectful of human rights and protect the vulnerable.

So please enlighten us to how you describe Republican Politicians who get in a debate about hand and penis size? How on earth that passes muster as intellectual political debate of the issues is beyond me. To be a supporter of the Republican Party one has to set the bar very very very low when it comes to standards of intelligent debate.

What is typical, is Republicans who present xenophobic racist bigoted views and then whine about being held to account, advocate torture and threaten other sovereign Nations and then have a cry because they are labelled war mongers, threaten to kill innocent civilians and then moan because they are accused of committing crimes against humanity and breaking international laws, threaten to exclude people based on their religion and then have a hissy fit when they are accused of violating their own Nations Constitution, enshrine 'trap laws' to circumvent Federal Laws and then throw a tantrum when they are accused of being slimy back door operators, incite violence and then when their rallies turn into a free for all they start playing the victim.

I was being critical of Bernie and making the point that personal attacks on an adversary are best left to Republicans and yes it is very much part of their DNA because they continually do it and wonder why they are unelectable. My criticism of Bernie may have been a little harsh as there was a qualifying preamble to his question posed as to whether Hillary is 'qualified' to be President. Most of witch revolved around her voting record in Congress. So Bernie probably makes a fair point.

Bernie certainly makes a fair point.I remember when Bill Clinton was running

against Paul Tsongas for the Dem. nomination, Tsongas called him "Pander bear"

Hillary seems to take a page from Bill's book and pander to every group she feels will help her get the nomination, even though her record indicates otherwise. It is up to Bernie to point out the discrepancies.

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