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need advice opening small-ish thai restaurant in pattaya.

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Best of luck, but getting reliable staff is a nightmare.

Also, be prepared for the staff to just walk away without giving any notice, leaving you in the lurch. It is not the same here as in the West.

Really, staff dont just leave business in the lurch in the western world... well, well, well........... clap2.gif

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Best of luck, but getting reliable staff is a nightmare.

Also, be prepared for the staff to just walk away without giving any notice, leaving you in the lurch. It is not the same here as in the West.

Really, staff dont just leave business in the lurch in the western world... well, well, well........... clap2.gif

I must be out of touch, not been back for nearly 11 years.

When I was there the norm was to give your employer some notice, to give them time to find a suitable replacement.

That way, you left on amicable terms.

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This is the best advice you will ever get,, DON'T ,, you are going into the most competitive business in Thailand every one and their dog sells food in Thailand, and you have no experience and your G/F has no experience and there is a Thai restaurant ever few meters in Thailand, best you give me the money I will give you a small interest on it, much better than going into selling food in Thailand.

Being serious please don't do it you will lose your shirt, take it from someone that knows. PM me if you want to know the real deal about it.

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Be aware that most Thai business owners have no concept of gross v. nett nor budgeting.

Most Thais have no concept of arithmetic at all.

I remember a restaurant owner, who used to count the empty bottles at night, to calculate his beverage sales, only to learn, that some of the staff disposed some empty bottles every day in the garbage can around the corner.

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Without you even knowing about it, your suppliers will be paying for the right to deliver to your business.

They pay to the boss who controls their business on his his/her patch.

You will eventually need to know who is the boss of your patch.

Whether you run a noodle shop or a car assembly plant, you are on someones patch.

You either comply with their demads, or for inexplicable reasons, your business will simply not flourish.

If you can live with that, you'll get on ok.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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Thai Restaurant in Thailand ? There is very little profit margin in Thai food, you don't see many Thais in the restaurants, too expensive and the majority of the Tourists eat farang food, the Chinese have their own places. I walk from Big C in South Pattaya on Pattaya Tai to Soi Bulkhao on a night, numerous pavement places selling food, loads of Thai Restaurants mostly empty, keep your money in the bank.

Best of luck though, where is it and what's it called ?

Edited by jamie2009
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hhmm . i guy i used to k now who built a nice business in soi post office when the lease came up for renewal the owner raised it so high to force him out and installed his own manager to grab the business .....its ok if you have a 10 or 20 year lease ,,but if its successfull they will force you out by fair means or fowl to take over the business

Yes, that's been done a few times....

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There are many second hand shops along sukumvit road in Pattaya selling what you need. You must haggle hard with them though. Get the best price and then tell them you will also look elsewhere, they eventually come down. It is a good idea to have an idea of prices for new stuff as well to compare.

However when it comes to staff it is best to pay them well if they are good workers. Many farang with businesses here churn through staff simply because in Pattaya has lots of opportunities and like any human anywhere in the world, they will go for a job that pays more. Then the tight farang bitches and moans that the staff leave all the time usually without notice and blame "thainess".

If you pay above the standard rate they won't leave. Pay average and you will have constant problems. Thais can actually be very loyal if you look after them. Feeding and housing them on the premises is a great idea if they want it. Harder to come up with fake excuses if you see them all the time.

Crunch suppliers, save on costs everywhere you can, but look after your staff. Learn as many Thai words as you can also that are related to the business. And be very hands on with the finances. Do daily checks and this will reduce opportunities for staff skimming. If they know you are "on to it " they won't even try ( in most cases).

Don't be scared to sack those who are incompetent. Pay them well and demand a high standard.

Good luck.

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dirtycash: i need to know where to look for chefs, how much salary i will pay them, one will work nights and one days.
- You honestly don`t know and you want to go into the restaurant business?

What about the legalities of Farlang ownership, how do you plan to get around that?

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Rule of thumb; food purchase multiply 3.2 for sales price; keep seasonal/product (non-)availability pricing in mind. Rent should not exceed 12% of turn-over, if 40K is adequate depends on size (two square metre dining space as you need kitchen, storage, location, infrastructure (toilets, offered parking etc).

You'll need to do a turn-over of THB 320'000/month (or THB 11'700/day as you'll close for 30 days a year like Songkran etc. ) to hit break even. If you make THB 200/cover (drinks and Thai food) you need 59 guests a day; if you generate only THB 150/cover, then you'll need 78 guests - each and every day - must be a suckling good location if you ask me.

My grain of salt - forget it; Pattaya is not a place to make money in your anticipated segment. People are out for the cheap and if they want to spend money they expect (naturally) befitting product as far as place, infrastructure, food, service etc. is concerned.

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If you really want the business to succeed, open a child-minding business instead. More affluent Thais love them. Do the research, however.

IMHO, you'd be better off just torching money than trying to sell food.

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Dont do it. I have 25years expirience in the restaurant trade, just retired last year. It has to be one of the hardest businesses to succeed in at the moment. We hhave a couple of buildings in great location but I would not consider opening a restaurant in the current economic climate, better just collecting the rent and let others do the long hours. No experience in hospiitality is a no no to start in this tough business.

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" .......... she has expirience of cashier,"

in Pattaya .........555!


Great lease deal, you will lose 40k a month for 3 years.

Easier just to give the gf 40k a month to stay at home.

One born every day.

one loser born everyday...guess who that is ? just look through your posts and topics and its not hard to figure 555

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" .......... she has expirience of cashier,"

in Pattaya .........555!


Great lease deal, you will lose 40k a month for 3 years.

Easier just to give the gf 40k a month to stay at home.

One born every day.

one loser born everyday...guess who that is ? just look through your posts and topics and its not hard to figure 555

In all sincerity, unless you know the trade, how to get around the laws, how to deal with Thai people and staff, then don`t dive into anything head first in Thailand. You either believe or don`t believe.

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You are courting a financial disaster, your gf wants money tell her to get a job or pay her a stipend out of the money you will lose on this project, your post tells the story you have not got a clue on Thailand, catering,business or females, .

This may sound harsh to you but you need to get a reality wake up call.

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