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BREAKING: Suspicious package found in Pattaya

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Muppets had people actually worried and as someone jested, people did actually change plans today to avoid any potential issues.

I was going out but then wasn't. Twunts.


For exercise, for exercise!

But how easy would it be with the mountains of black plastic rubbish bags piled up all over the place?

Logically, where does one start, if they really want to make the streets safe?


I predict it's a false alarm. Hope so, anyway. Or it could be a clock.

On the other hand, for real terrorists, placing some false alarms could be used as a tactic so that people stop paying attention to such things.

Appears from the photos that people, especially the BIB, already have stopped paying attention.


Good to have a practice; however, did the experts think of checking the security cameras to see if they work. (probably not)

They say practice makes perfect.

But don't forget this is Thailand.


at least an hour ago we heard what sounded like a explosion, dont know if its related, anyone in the district hear anything what might seem like explosion

If that's so then maybe we will never know, evidence destroyed as it would be if suspected bomb


Many armchair experts who more than likely have never handled anything larger than a firecracker, never worked in pubic safety/military or arisen from a dry bed in the morning.

To be fair, many of them have watched all the episodes of CSI ( and use latex mattress covers).


Many armchair experts who more than likely have never handled anything larger than a firecracker, never worked in pubic safety/military or arisen from a dry bed in the morning.

I'm not sure, but I think I've worked in pubic safety. Cutting down the jungle down under counts, yes?

"The exercise was declared a success by organizers" LOL... Let us be the judge of that...

It was nothing more than a dumb publicity stunt to try and convince tourists that Pattaya is safe. Obviously no one would plant a bomb (more like place a bomb) in an open area with little foot traffic, in the middle of the day. It would be done in Walking Street, in the evening, with disastrous consequences... or during a special event.


Took some friends to the Baiyoke tower(Tallest building) in Bangkok last week ,Zero security on the ground floor lift area ,went up to 18th/19th floor to buy tickets wondered around there before going up to 77th floor still no security checks !!.Got to the revolving floor and there was a guy hanging off the side cleaning windows !! Couple of bolts undone to gain access to the outside of building easy for a jumper if so inclined !!

We were a party of five, Two of us a had back packs on and no search whatsoever, Plenty of nooks and crannies to leave something deadly behind if needed !!!,

After last years bombing I was most surprised at the lack of security !! Scary in fact!!


OMG. Craziness. Why didn't they say so?

You mean so all the first responders could have their people & equipment pre-staged and "looking good" with ever-vigilant commanders looking on approvingly for the also pre-staged local media? FPS - then what purpose would've been served? I'm actually amazed that the self-serving pre-announcements were somehow avoided!

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