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Lies and videotapes: Uninsured Aussie tourist finds himself in hot water


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All that muscle doesn't make up for lack of brains! Oh well, as Forrest Gump(?) said "Stupid is as stupid does". No great sympathy for him. The wounds will heal but there will be no increase in common sense. coffee1.gif

Edited by lvr181
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I can't help begging the questions,

Is this a publicity stunt for The Embassy, televised by the commercial Australian TV Channel 9 ?

Has this guy been well compensated financially by Channel 9 ?

Would the Australian Embassy be as enthusiastic to help an average Aussie tourist if a national TV was not so involved ?

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ezzra, on 03 Feb 2016 - 12:28, said:

The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

I thought the opposite was true. That with all the extra testosterone and other hormones, that you would be banging like a 18 year old.

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I may be wrong....but if you refuse to hand over your passport at rental time, then you got an advantage. I rented a scooter in koh chang, but refused to give them my passport. They did not document Anything, but still tried to claim i damaged their scooter . I won the contest against 5 old ladies. They never called the police. Scooters were swapped. Mine was not damaged.

You are wrong. The police seized his passport, not the rental agency.

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The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

One guy I saw had broken both legs and STILL thought he was invincible, he was on a motorbike trying to navigate the busy T-junction at soi buakhao, soi chaiyapoon and soi diana with both legs in plaster and wearing shorts, a singlet and thongs.

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Reminds me of a Trainee diving instructor who had a very bad accident on a motor bike, there was a big appeal to raise thousands of pounds to repatriate him, thing was there were claims that he could not get insurance as he was training to be a diving instructor... as a diver myself I know this to be totally untrue.

There are just two many chancres who believe that things will turn out alight in the end.

I think you meant chancers; however, I'll let it slide because the misspelling is also appropriate.biggrin.png


The spelling police

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Just watched the TV program. The guy falsely claimed his camera was broken in the accident as he had porno on the device having sex with Thai women, but Embassy staff said don't worry so handed over to BIB. BIB investigated and decided Tuk Tuk driver was at fault, the driver had insurance so paid the rental company for the damage. The Oz guy had no travel insurance so Embassy contacted his mother who paid the AUD$4k medical bills. End of story.

Edited by simple1
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Thai Immigration police would do well to enforce dress code at the border. They can say it more politely, but with words to the effect, ... with photograph: "If you resemble this dumb sack of sh*t, you will be refused entry."

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All these motorbike rentals that conveniently don't have any insurance for there bikes, of course they do, you cannot get a tax disk without at least the government tax which everybody has to have.

They should make it law that all rental bikes are fully covered including theft and not try and con tourists into paying over inflated price.

Good luck with getting anything more than 3rd class insurance for a bike/scooter under 250cc in Thailand. It doesn't exist. coffee1.gif

I have insured my 125cc Grand Filano with First Class Insurance through AXA. Yes, it does exist but is not promoted/known of by Thai dealers and Thai people.

Premium btw is less than 5,000 THB with a coverage of 80% of 50,000 to my own bike.

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ezzra, on 03 Feb 2016 - 12:28, said:

The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

I thought the opposite was true. That with all the extra testosterone and other hormones, that you would be banging like a 18 year old.

True if you take testosterone, but ezzra has absolutely no clue what his talking about (just like many in this topic). Sex life can be even better on steroids if you take the right ones and do it right. So much on the net about this from people who know not judgmental GOMs.

But sure if you do it wrong then you can have no mood until your natural production is restarted.

Why do you think many older guys take low doses (compared to bodybuilders) of testosterone.. not only to hold on to muscle but to stay sexually active too. That is what HRT is and many do it even under medical supervision.

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The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

The ladies can help you pick out dresses and shoes (if your feet are not too overgrown).

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Very simple answer, if you do not have valid insurance you should not be allowed in. What happens if there is a 3rd party involved who gets seriously injured.

O Steroids ! once a always a idiot always an idiot (edited cos I called him a t44t rhymes with cat).

Edited by madpat
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He doesnt look like the sharpest tool in the shed does he?

Cops moved fast to bring the scam into play.. Seize his passport and pay now farang !

Australians have been constantly warned in the media about rental scams in LOS but no-ones listening.

Seems like a civil matter. Why the police, and the passport seizure???

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The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

Just the opposite happens when you are on steroids. Since your testosterone level is many times higher than normal it's not too difficult to become aroused.

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Yeah, I think it's time the home country has to take the con and pay-up for a citizen @#$%ing up overseas. Maybe there needs to be proof of sufficient finances and insurance before the yayhoos are even allowed to leave their home country. Most countries prefer to dump their trash on the rest of the world though, don't they? Then take in refugees just to flaunt their humanitarianism.

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Poor Nath. But with those superhuman muscles he will be able to stretch the bars of his cell apart and make a quick exit. What a fine example of Australian manhood. To be sure the old gfs will be beating a track to his door to give him support. Put him out of his misery and send him home on the first plane out of town. What a tosser.

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The Thai mindset seems to be , they are entitled to screw the tourists out of much as quickly as possible. And do it before anyone else gets to take a wack at them.

There seems to be little considersation that individuals and even group tours could have such a good time, they book for a repeat holiday and may even recommend it to friends, who decide to come and experience it themselves.

If the population of much of the world were more informed and did a little research on ''ripoffs in much of Asia as well as the lack of support you can expect when you are screwed, the only tourists you can expect are as ruthless and uncaring as those hosting / making a living from them. Both groups would probably fit the profile of most of the worlds prison populations in many cases.That may be why many long time expats are considered 'grumpy old folks'' as they have experienced the decline in quality of both groups over the years, thus are not trusting or tolerent of many who try to strike up a conversastion.

Do you really think it's different for tourists anywhere else? You're a tourist, you do your research, take precautions and keep your wits about you. Most travelers, tourist or business get caught sometime, be it overcharging, fake good, the various scams.

Now look at our Aussie quality tourist. Here on his hols, doing the steroids and chasing the ladies. Do you think he gave a second thought to prices, insurance, consequences? Or even cared he might end up in hospital, with bills he can't pay and no insurance?

But you want to blame and bash Thai people. Not their fault he's a prize prat.

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