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Local police rounding up the foreigners


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Touch wood.....i have never had a visit from immigration, or the police. Never had any problem at immigration either, nothing that going and making another photo copy didn't cure. I have never bribed them, apart from paying 500 baht for a certificate of residency, but if you don't pay, you don't get.

Do you people steal cars, or rob banks or something?

A lot of people seem to get refused for this, and refused for that, because of missing paperwork, or worse, just having the wrong attitude. Think ahead, get what they want BEFORE going there, and be hassle free. cheers.

I stay at my girlfriends apartment she rents..... What is the certificate of residency and us that something I should get.... I visit on tourist visas staying for 3 month periods but will be getting a non O visa this year

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all these theories about immigration reporting to police, nonsense, its well known that all the paper is gathered together and sold to a paper recycler

the photos are just a bit more bulk, and the new business of photocopies of house owners id and book is just a bit more paper per foreigner, so they charge you to process the paper work and keep making money.

Also they found that if theyu make it wet paper it is heavier and they get a better price. This is why most rural offices will not go the computer way. photos also add to the weight.

And did n't you know that the handy copy shops at immigration offices pay commission to head honchos who suddenly demand extra copies of something or other......well, I would n't be surprised if they did !

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Immigration Police do not share info with the RTP & vice versa.

Kind of silly as immigration is part of the police organization.

Head of immigration police reports to head of RTP.

I assume it's more due to incompetence than secrecy.

Silly? Really? For those that are not aware what was discovered after the attack on the World Trade Towers USA NYC ( 9--11 ) the movements of the terrorists were known to different police organizations ( FBI , CIA , Homeland Security, NY Police ect) but none of them shared info with each other. They are supposed to now but not sure its in full effect.

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whistling.gif How long have you been sleeping?

There has been a law for many years that requires any Thai with a foreigner living in their house to notify the local police of that foreigner living there within 24 hours of his or her arrival.

That includes foreigners with Thai spouses who live with their spouse.

The owner of the house needs to file a form with the local police.

it is true that in many areas the local police have simply paid no attention to this law in the past..

Now they are being told to pay attention by their higher-ups.

I would guess that is what is happening

Not sure if this is off topic but a friend of mine flew in from USA 2 days ago and an immigration officer asked him where he was staying? He said with a friend of his (me) and his wife. They asked him for address which he could not remember and the paper with info was in luggage. They called me and my wife and she had to give the lady IM officer our address to write down on his form. He has been here twice before and this is the first time they have asked. Looks like they are cracking down on rules tht normally they overlooked.

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I stay at my Thai GF's house for a week, then she comes and stays with me in CM. I did ask the question once before about the TM30 form, and ubonjoe told me to not worry about it.

Amazing Immigration and and BiB won't talk to each other; however, TIT.

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Khon kaen provence. Wont mention ampur. We are not in tourist area and most local people very honest.

Just wondering why you thought it appropriate to mention "most local people are honest"... what the inference is....they would be mainly Thai, I presume?

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OP, do you have a yellow book? I used to have to report to the local police every 90 days until I got one. Now I just have to do immigration every 90 days - police said no further reports to them were needed.

Where are you living Harry?

In all the places I've stayed in Thailand, i have never reported to the local police.

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What a BS title this thread has, is this shock jock posting tactics just to get clicks? The police are not even remotely rounding up foreigners, you had a visit from the police to confirm your identity and your place of residence that's all, good grief!!!

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To me it's in the assumption that by doing these sort of "followups" that Thailand is attempting, to show a safe place to live, retire, raise a family, create a business, pay taxes by keeping out the miscreants.

IMO, follow the bouncing ball for whatever visa/extension you are on or want to be on. You will run into issues from time to time but if you follow what is published by the Thai Imm. and be well under control if something is questioned you will survive. Obviously Imm has been told to pick it up and pay attention to what they should have been doing. However, discretion is somewhat misunderstood. If you have done what's right you will be ok. Many are paying a penalty for lax attention to the rules already in place and how they could be circumvented. Many TV posters over time have proudly written about

All of this said, you can be at risk anywhere but there is too much knee jerk and face saving thinking without the root cause and proper forward thinking at the moment

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Only two of you in the same village? I'm not sure that 'two' constitutes a list.

However, I take your point.

Next time they come knocking, have a fake beard and wig at the ready - that will totally eff them up. whistling.gif

If it's on file in a gov't office; one name would constitute a list.

Nuh, I reckon one name would constitute a register, but not a list.

i.e A register of all the certified rocket scientists in Thailand might contain one name.

Whereas, if there were ten rocket scientists in Thailand, then the register would have a list of ten names.

A list must have more than one item.

A register can be blank, have one, or many items.

Note: No offence is intended to all (any) Thai rocket scientists out there. I considered using Thai space cadets as an alternative but thought that would be too confusing.

Jesus Mary Mother of God, I must be bloody bored today, thankfully golf tomorrow and I can give TV a rest. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

I thought you had to be a rocket scientist to play golf?

Mate, be careful out there. You're awfully exposed. Check your caddy for hidden microphones and cameras, and only use zinc on your nose. Bon chance, mon ami.

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Your thread title is bit misleading.

I could understand if you were running a card game up there and had more then 120 cards.

It feels like certain Thais wants everyone to leave!

Edited by MrTee
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Immigration Police do not share info with the RTP & vice versa.

Kind of silly as immigration is part of the police organization.

Head of immigration police reports to head of RTP.

I assume it's more due to incompetence than secrecy.

I'm sure somewhere along the line the consolidation and streamlining of all these data bases would provide more than sufficient information to prevent criminals like paedophiles and other fugitives from coming to Thailand to try to hide out?blink.png

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Only two of you in the same village? I'm not sure that 'two' constitutes a list.

However, I take your point.

Next time they come knocking, have a fake beard and wig at the ready - that will totally eff them up. :whistling:

If it's on file in a gov't office; one name would constitute a list.

Nuh, I reckon one name would constitute a register, but not a list.

i.e A register of all the certified rocket scientists in Thailand might contain one name.

Whereas, if there were ten rocket scientists in Thailand, then the register would have a list of ten names.

A list must have more than one item.

A register can be blank, have one, or many items.

Note: No offence is intended to all (any) Thai rocket scientists out there. I considered using Thai space cadets as an alternative but thought that would be too confusing.

Jesus Mary Mother of God, I must be bloody bored today, thankfully golf tomorrow and I can give TV a rest. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Think you'd be on a list, sorry register, of hair dressers, for the way you keep slitting hairs.

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We had visits after the Erawan fiasco. I didn't even bother going outside, just let the tiirak do the talking. Christ, I've lived here 8 years, locals all know me. Wasted gas money for immigration as far as I was concerned. I refuse to even deal with Immigration this year. I've already hired a Visa Agent. Chiang Mai. If you live here or have read the threads you understand the Cluster Fox Trot this immigration office has become. So I have a visa agent, and my wife of 8 years between me and the I/O who never talks to me anyway, even though I understand what they are saying, and I'm just fine with that too -- excessive hubris and nationalism. If The Land Of Smiles keeps pushing, they'll lose their 'cash cows'. I have no problem leaving the country. I won't return to my own either. I have other locations scoped out. It would destroy the world of my family and extended family, but if that's what Thailand wants, keep pushing. Not too much intelligence in the Land of Smiles bureaucracy imho.

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The US should seriously consider hiring the Thai police to keep up with US illegal immigrants...at this time...the US has no clue as to where they go or what they are involved in...

Yeah, but most of them are Mexicans, not western tourists and expats.

In Thailand the equivalent would be Burmese and Cambodians, and the Thai police wouldn't have a clue what they are doing.

You need to compare like with like.

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It's just all with the purpose of making us feel welcome and comfortable here...

It's all for our personal safety and to make sure the ISIL, ISIS, IS, Daesh boogeyman doesn't put a cap in our ass. I mean, really, what else could it be?

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Five years in Isaan an the only visit I have had was when they offered me a job teaching English to officers.

The pay they offered wasn't bad, but since no work permit was involved, I respectfully declined.

Now when ever I see them at local parties ( usually 5 or six of them sitting at a table) they always invite me to sit down and have some whiskey.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

If they ever did stop by the house for a visit, I'm sure it would be a nice relaxing afternoon.

I'd be happy to provide snacks and refreshments.

They are really a pretty nice group of guys.

It may depend on where in Thailand you live, or your attitude toward the police..

But I have never had any problem with the local police in my area at all.

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