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Local police rounding up the foreigners


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Touch wood.....i have never had a visit from immigration, or the police. Never had any problem at immigration either, nothing that going and making another photo copy didn't cure. I have never bribed them, apart from paying 500 baht for a certificate of residency, but if you don't pay, you don't get.

Do you people steal cars, or rob banks or something?

A lot of people seem to get refused for this, and refused for that, because of missing paperwork, or worse, just having the wrong attitude. Think ahead, get what they want BEFORE going there, and be hassle free. cheers.

Same for me, almost 30 years in Thailand, no problems at all from police or immigration, even never anybody have been asking for a ID, lived most of the time in Bangkok, but now for 7 years outside bangkok, still no problem

Same as driving, even at night, when i am at a police check-point, police come to the window, "sawadee krap" to him, and he waves you through, never been pulled over. Edited by Ghostnigel
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Only two of you in the same village? I'm not sure that 'two' constitutes a list.

However, I take your point.

Next time they come knocking, have a fake beard and wig at the ready - that will totally eff them up. whistling.gif

If it's on file in a gov't office; one name would constitute a list.

Nuh, I reckon one name would constitute a register, but not a list.

i.e A register of all the certified rocket scientists in Thailand might contain one name.

Whereas, if there were ten rocket scientists in Thailand, then the register would have a list of ten names.

A list must have more than one item.

A register can be blank, have one, or many items.

Note: No offence is intended to all (any) Thai rocket scientists out there. I considered using Thai space cadets as an alternative but thought that would be too confusing.

Jesus Mary Mother of God, I must be bloody bored today, thankfully golf tomorrow and I can give TV a rest. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

The guy with a gun strapped on , he'll tell you if it is a list or register or what ever he says it is it is.

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We had our police visit at Chiang Mai in 2014. Went personally to visit the police station. The policeman took my details and gave me a lecture on home security. In there for about 30 minutes.

Seems like the days when access into Thailand and Farlangs could do what they like are over. We are all coming under the watchful eye as potential lawbreakers. Living in paradise is starting to lose it`s appeal.

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Immigration Police do not share info with the RTP & vice versa.

So how did the police know that he or any foreiner lives at a particular address?

If you live in a village everyone will know all about you, including the Police.

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Immigration Police do not share info with the RTP & vice versa.

So how did the police know that he or any foreiner lives at a particular address?

The police have been doing this kid of stuff for years, eight years ago three of them showed up at the MIL's house outside Sukhothai whilst we were visiting, me and Mrs CM were out at the time so they quizzed the family about who, where, when, etc, they left after a while all their questions having been answered. When we returned we heard the story so we waltzed down to the local pokey to find out what the deal was. They explained very pleasantly that they, and everyone else, had been instructed by Bangkok to get a grip on the foreigners living in their respective areas, understand the who where etc. Cool I thought, police ought to know that kinda stuff in a country like Thailand so no problems for me. Now we're good friends with the local police down in Sukhothai, they came to our wedding and they've done us a couple of favours in the time since.

Where I live now my near neighbor is the second most influential police man in the North of Thailand, a recently retired general and a super guy with a great family, I bought my house from him. We socialize with him a couple of times a year but see him almost daily and frequently talk about farangs in Thailand and attitudes towards them, his input is that they want to get a tighter control on the illegals for obvious reasons, the drugs trade is a significant problem and much of it is in the hands of foreigners. So the message from Bangkok to get a better grip on farangs etc. has been interpreted differently in various parts of the country, as far as the honest visa holding farang is concerned, all of this means zero impact or implications.

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We had our police visit at Chiang Mai in 2014. Went personally to visit the police station. The policeman took my details and gave me a lecture on home security. In there for about 30 minutes.

Seems like the days when access into Thailand and Farlangs could do what they like are over. We are all coming under the watchful eye as potential lawbreakers. Living in paradise is starting to lose it`s appeal.

So only white Westerners, yes ?

Stop using the word if you don't know what it means, and simply substitute the word "foreigners", which is what you meant.

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It's just all with the purpose of making us feel welcome and comfortable here...

It's all for our personal safety and to make sure the ISIL, ISIS, IS, Daesh boogeyman doesn't put a cap in our ass. I mean, really, what else could it be?

No need for any external help, plenty of boogeyman here....

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We had our police visit at Chiang Mai in 2014. Went personally to visit the police station. The policeman took my details and gave me a lecture on home security. In there for about 30 minutes.

Seems like the days when access into Thailand and Farlangs could do what they like are over. We are all coming under the watchful eye as potential lawbreakers. Living in paradise is starting to lose it`s appeal.

So only white Westerners, yes ?

Stop using the word if you don't know what it means, and simply substitute the word "foreigners", which is what you meant.

Pedantic, the English verbiage doesn't have to be as precise as in a court of law for us all to understand what was meant, well almost all of us!

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They explained very pleasantly that they, and everyone else, had been instructed by Bangkok to get a grip on the foreigners living in their respective areas, understand the who where etc. Cool I thought, police ought to know that kinda stuff in a country like Thailand so no problems for me. Now we're good friends with the local police down in Sukhothai, they came to our wedding and they've done us a couple of favours in the time since.

So Burmese, Laotians and Cambodians would never commit any crimes, just us white boys are bad uns?

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Pedantic, the English verbiage doesn't have to be as precise as in a court of law for us all to understand what was meant, well almost all of us!

I agree, all of us understand racism when we see it.

Racism against blacks/browns/yellows = bad,

Racism against whites = legit.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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They explained very pleasantly that they, and everyone else, had been instructed by Bangkok to get a grip on the foreigners living in their respective areas, understand the who where etc. Cool I thought, police ought to know that kinda stuff in a country like Thailand so no problems for me. Now we're good friends with the local police down in Sukhothai, they came to our wedding and they've done us a couple of favours in the time since.

So Burmese, Laotians and Cambodians would never commit any crimes, just us white boys are bad uns?

"had been instructed by Bangkok to get a grip on the foreigners living in their respective areas", I may be wrong but I think the nationalities you mention could fall under that headings!

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Pedantic, the English verbiage doesn't have to be as precise as in a court of law for us all to understand what was meant, well almost all of us!

I agree, all of us understand racism when we see it.

Racism against blacks/browns/yellows = bad,

Racism against whites = legit.

If you want political correctness in every written word, go back to the UK.

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Why don't people just follow the law and reside legally?

We all live here legally and follow the laws, it's just the Thai authorities like to harass white folk.

I'm not sure why they seem to hate us, but it's clear that a lot of them do.

(particularly the wealthy Thais and those Thais in power)

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Why don't people just follow the law and reside legally?

We all live here legally and follow the laws, it's just the Thai authorities like to harass white folk.

I'm not sure why they seem to hate us, but it's clear that a lot of them do.

(particularly the wealthy Thais and those Thais in power)

Not wishing to be argumentative, but judging from the number of posts here on a nearly daily basis about intentional overstays, I rather doubt everyone is here legally. Maybe it's a side effect of living in a more restrictive society as I do, but I don't really see the issue with law enforcement officers actually making sure the law is being followed.

Like I have said before, I (thankfully!) just don't get it......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

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Why don't people just follow the law and reside legally?

We all live here legally and follow the laws, it's just the Thai authorities like to harass white folk.

I'm not sure why they seem to hate us, but it's clear that a lot of them do.

(particularly the wealthy Thais and those Thais in power)

Not wishing to be argumentative, but judging from the number of posts here on a nearly daily basis about intentional overstays, I rather doubt everyone is here legally. Maybe it's a side effect of living in a more restrictive society as I do, but I don't really see the issue with law enforcement officers actually making sure the law is being followed.

Like I have said before, I (thankfully!) just don't get it......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

About 99 out of 100 Burmese, Cambodians and Laotians are in Thailand illegally.

Maybe 1 in 100 White foreigners are here breaking minor rules.

So why aren't the 'law enforcement officers' chasing the highest groups of offenders?

Could it be because fellow Asians are 'us', and whites are 'them'?

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whistling.gif How long have you been sleeping?

There has been a law for many years that requires any Thai with a foreigner living in their house to notify the local police of that foreigner living there within 24 hours of his or her arrival.

That includes foreigners with Thai spouses who live with their spouse.

The owner of the house needs to file a form with the local police.

it is true that in many areas the local police have simply paid no attention to this law in the past..

Now they are being told to pay attention by their higher-ups.

I would guess that is what is happening

Law abiding as me is, I have tried to register at the main police station. Result? I was sent from office to office and everybody told me to go to the Immigration office in town. A representative from the Tourist Police also turned up eventually, laughing. And yes, I must now hide my playing cards, just in case...

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I doubt very much that your statistics and ratio's are even close to being accurate but let's dream for a moment and say they are. In answer to your question "why", the answer is probably something along the lines of:

we know there's a lot of illegal Burmese etc in Thailand but the vast majority are working in the building trades or similar which is desperately short of workers because Thai's wont do that sort of work, they are working for low wages and essentially merely trying to put food on the table. White foreigners on the other hand come from countries that are quite prosperous by comparison so it doesn't make sense that they would come to Thailand to try and live (if they don;t have the requisite long term visa and funds) other than to perhaps run away and/or hide from something somewhere, especially since they are not allowed to work here without going through formalities and obtaining a job offer and work permit.

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About 99 out of 100 Burmese, Cambodians and Laotians are in Thailand illegally.

Maybe 1 in 100 White foreigners are here breaking minor rules.

So why aren't the 'law enforcement officers' chasing the highest groups of offenders?

Could it be because fellow Asians are 'us', and whites are 'them'?

I'm sorry, but I am barely qualified to speak for myself, let alone Thai law enforcement officials. But after reading some of the posts on here, I would purely speculate that the non-Asian farangs are presumed by the locals to have the money to pay any fines, whilst the neighbouring Asians might not?

Sorry, it's totally a guess on my part. But why doesn't that percentage of non-Asian farangs simply fall in line with the law?

It's very possible I am just missing something here......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

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I doubt very much that your statistics and ratio's are even close to being accurate but let's dream for a moment and say they are. In answer to your question "why", the answer is probably something along the lines of:

we know there's a lot of illegal Burmese etc in Thailand but the vast majority are working in the building trades or similar which is desperately short of workers because Thai's wont do that sort of work, they are working for low wages and essentially merely trying to put food on the table. White foreigners on the other hand come from countries that are quite prosperous by comparison so it doesn't make sense that they would come to Thailand to try and live (if they don;t have the requisite long term visa and funds) other than to perhaps run away and/or hide from something somewhere, especially since they are not allowed to work here without going through formalities and obtaining a job offer and work permit.

Precisely. FAR better said than by me

Thank you!! smile.png

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cool.png Didn't read through the whole thread. These things have been going on for years in Thailand. I lived in Hua Hin for 7 years and never had any problems but heard of other people being paid a visit. The 30 day thing has always been on the books, I heard of one instance where the police wanted to see the couple (Farang/ Thai Wife's) bedroom and toothbrush in the bathroom. I think mostly they are fishing hoping to find someones visa or paper work out of order so they can shake them down. As long as you are legit no need to worry. In all of my dealings with Thai Police they have been friendly. More than I can say for my experience here in the US. I joke with them and speak a little Thai.


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Something seems strange about cops wearing leather and waiting for this guy in his house, and not being interested in interviewing the other foreign women there.
Smells like manly stuff, and musty leather, and men needing to straighten things out with other men.

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I guess one of the advantages of living in Bangkok is that you get none of this.

I don't live in Bangkok and in nine years have neither been visited by immigration or police nor registered any residence with them; yet I do report my address every 90 days and get retirement extensions yearly.

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Touch wood.....i have never had a visit from immigration, or the police. Never had any problem at immigration either, nothing that going and making another photo copy didn't cure. I have never bribed them, apart from paying 500 baht for a certificate of residency, but if you don't

pay, you don't get.

what about the bank letter? Do you have to make it on the day of the visa? And what province are you living in?

Do you people steal cars, or rob banks or something?

A lot of people seem to get refused for this, and refused for that, because of missing paperwork, or worse, just having the wrong attitude. Think ahead, get what they want BEFORE going there, and be hassle free. cheers.

Edited by jerome2
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sheet , police visited us three times already, but the never asked for the farang. They were to arrest the 17 year old do.no.good of a lazy boy the son of my girlfriend. The officers even asked me for a photo, showing us in arms and smiles.

Never been asked who , where from ,what i'm doing here. Just a nice photo.

I am beginning to wonder what the threadstarter was into before them came check him

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Visa agents are the only sensible option I can see, who wants to try and be King Canute!

Farangs are not Thailand's cash cows, get over yourself.

Whatever Sunshine. Push us out and yes, there will be a dent in the GDP. You live in La La Land Province? Fine with me. Don't let me interrupt your pipe dreams.

Maybe they wont push out all the foreigners, just you. Oh, the tragedy...

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What a BS title this thread has, is this shock jock posting tactics just to get clicks? The police are not even remotely rounding up foreigners, you had a visit from the police to confirm your identity and your place of residence that's all, good grief!!!

Agree. The title is at best melodramatic. At worst, a downright lie. .
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What a BS title this thread has, is this shock jock posting tactics just to get clicks? The police are not even remotely rounding up foreigners, you had a visit from the police to confirm your identity and your place of residence that's all, good grief!!!

Agree. The title is at best melodramatic. At worst, a downright lie. .

Tell that to the bridge club next week.

Edited by Rob13
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