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I got talking to a guy today here in the 'property business' and what he was saying was that pretty much all of the top end resorts/villas/hotels on Samui are on the market. The 2 - 8Mbht market (where Joe Bolggs can afford) is basically stagnent but the 50+Mbht property holders/investors are all wanting to sell and move elsewhere ... and quickly. I personally know of some big names here that are on the market but then anything is on the market if the price is right. Any insights?

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Yes, a lot of the people with money are leaving. They are fed up with the crap on a daily basis. It is completely over the top. Being stopped by Police all the time, is harassment. The bridge club saga is typical. It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.


Why not ask "Your big names"? <deleted> why ask on a forum? What you hear on the internet is better than the people you personally know in the business? This is just a troll post.

The only answers you're going to get here is pure speculation or wannabe's opinion.


Yes, a lot of the people with money are leaving. They are fed up with the crap on a daily basis. It is completely over the top. Being stopped by Police all the time, is harassment. The bridge club saga is typical. It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

"It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here."

Ah yes. THEY and US.

Second in popularity only to "the final nail in the coffin" nonsense.

It's all a conspiracy by the nefarious Thais against the noble farang.

Khun Farang feels he is not always accorded the fawning treatment to which he is innately entitled and suffers from perceived loss of face ... and the whining begins.


It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

But they want your money...

Why else would any country want foreigners visiting or staying long term? Do you think you should be welcomed for your decorative value?

Name one country that wants to increase the number of foreigners arriving and doesn't want the money or economic benefits generated by their presence.


No idea I am a simple guy with simple needs. People buy they stay a while get old sell and move back to their home countries when I'll health or homesickness calls. So people are always coming and going.


It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

But they want your money...

Why else would any country want foreigners visiting or staying long term? Do you think you should be welcomed for your decorative value?

Name one country that wants to increase the number of foreigners arriving and doesn't want the money or economic benefits generated by their presence.

The UK.


Some are leaving, some are arriving.

No news here!

Yup. I just spoke to two Europeans last night who said how much they love the place and want to move and live here so badly.

Another friend of mine who left has also just returned after a year, figuring out a plan to stay here for next 5 years.

No news. No news at all.


It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

But they want your money...

Most countries call it tourism!!

Imagine......all that money from tourists, but none of the inconvenience of actually having tourists in your country, like an airline without passengers, but they donate revenue.


I think you only need to look at the decrease in foreign investment since the junta took over to understand this.

we live in frightening times


Yes, a lot of the people with money are leaving. They are fed up with the crap on a daily basis. It is completely over the top. Being stopped by Police all the time, is harassment. The bridge club saga is typical. It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

"It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here."

Ah yes. THEY and US.

Second in popularity only to "the final nail in the coffin" nonsense.

It's all a conspiracy by the nefarious Thais against the noble farang.

Khun Farang feels he is not always accorded the fawning treatment to which he is innately entitled and suffers from perceived loss of face ... and the whining begins.

Good old nonsense post this one!! NO faring here i know wants to be fawned over like bigoted apologists might suggest. rather they would wish to be treated with a little politeness and respect as "most" of them deserve.

still, i have to admit i'd just love to hear your take on other general issues here as i think they would be a comic scoop.


It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

But they want your money...

Why else would any country want foreigners visiting or staying long term? Do you think you should be welcomed for your decorative value?

Name one country that wants to increase the number of foreigners arriving and doesn't want the money or economic benefits generated by their presence.



I wanted to reply to this posting in regards to the money leaving.

first of all in regards to the money leaving samui, In regards to ( resorts/villas/hotels ) getting out of the market this has been happening not just here but in phuket and bangkok as well as many times in the past 8 years quite a few properties have been sold. Some properties that do stay here though wind up even changing management companies or rebranding there hotel. Also Most people don't know but for a lot of properties that take out loans for renovations you have to pay back the bank plus interest within 5 years.

For a lot of properties though a lot of times they just fail to adjust, change or adapt to market changes.

all in all nothing new though, and for all the talk of money leaving just look at the amount of foreign capital outflows from china.


Nice place for a week or two…..never understood what's so compelling to make someone want to leave the educated world and settle among the money hungry peasants.


Nice place for a week or two..never understood what's so compelling to make someone want to leave the educated world and settle among the money hungry peasants.


Drivel from the usual suspects aside, big money is usually smart money (it didn't get "big" by being stupid), and most of it's obviously left already or in the process of leaving under best recoverable terms. But I suspect some portion of it will be replaced with money from within the region (e.g., China) where western scruples concerning ethical business practices have no meaning and where parties to an agreement are used to playing hardball. The thai working stiff can then decide for himself whether he didn't actually prefer the evil "kuhn farang".


What surprises me is the amount of short sighted and inward looking people one comes across on this forum. Hello, what has happened to the currency in Russia? Hello, what is the USA thinking on doing with it's interest rates? In the first case, many of the poor old Ruskies can no longer afford long family holidays in Thailand, or to buy the holiday home in Thailand because the ruble has dropped like a stone. Consequence, many have had shorter holidays or even stayed at home and I mean a lot of peeps. In the latter case, the Yanks are seriously thinking of raising their interest rates, which means for the World Investor, USA will provide better income than say Thailand. Consequence, outflow of funds from Thailand to USA. As for the comment that Hotels on Samui are closing is an unqualified generalisation. Yes some of the smaller ones might be changing hands or closing, which might be due to poor management or family reasons and if the correspondent thinks that the bigger players have come here without doing a very comprehensive business plan and risk assessment, I am sorry to say it shows a element of poor Business acumen.


It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

But they want your money...

Why else would any country want foreigners visiting or staying long term? Do you think you should be welcomed for your decorative value?

Name one country that wants to increase the number of foreigners arriving and doesn't want the money or economic benefits generated by their presence.

Erm..... UK?

There I've heard that they force foreigners to accept money and houses.


Yes, a lot of the people with money are leaving. They are fed up with the crap on a daily basis. It is completely over the top. Being stopped by Police all the time, is harassment. The bridge club saga is typical. It is becoming quite obvious, they don't want us here.

So , so true, me for one i am just about over the place will be back this week and see how things go I have been home for the last 3 months after being in thailand 3 months ago and was in thailand for 3 months and now I am thinking thailand is just not for me .

Just the visas s??t and the drivers gets to me I do like the place a lot and the thai lady's and no I am not in to thai lady's from the bars before someone gets in to me .

So going and coming for the last 7 years has me thinking I will look somewhere else I think and lots of people I know are thinking the same way .


There always be people coming and going,,,Some get sick of the place,,,some new ones come take there place,,so no big deal,, It evens out .


Some are leaving, some are arriving.

No news here!

Yup. I just spoke to two Europeans last night who said how much they love the place and want to move and live here so badly.

Another friend of mine who left has also just returned after a year, figuring out a plan to stay here for next 5 years.

No news. No news at all.


I don't understand all this talk about "they don't want us here". Been her many years and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, and mostly it's because of the Thais. Great place to live. I'll never leave.

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