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Clinton struggles to defend Wall St. links


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Clinton struggles to defend Wall St. links

LONDONBERRY, New Hampshire (AP) — Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton struggled to defend herself against Bernie Sanders' insinuations that she's beholden to Wall Street, while Sanders faced fresh doubts about his experience on foreign policy, a day after jousting in a feisty debate.

Meanwhile, Marco Rubio shouldered intensifying attacks Friday from a herd of moderate-leaning Republicans who fear a strong Rubio showing in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary could spell the end for their frazzled presidential campaigns.

As candidates crisscrossed the state, the all-out push for votes despite a snow storm that forced Sanders and Republican candidate Donald Trump, to cancel afternoon events, illustrated the growing stakes.

For Clinton, who revived her campaign here in 2008 after a bruising Iowa loss, the final sprint in New Hampshire offered an unpleasant reckoning with reality: Once again, the former first lady is locked in a bona fide contest for a nomination most Democrats had thought was hers for the taking.

A Boston Globe/Suffolk University poll released Friday showed Sanders with an expanded lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, though the two are running neck-and-neck nationally.

Sanders and Clinton tussled aggressively in their first one-on-one debate Thursday, their last before the primary, with Clinton accusing the Vermont independent of an "artful smear" for suggesting her speaking fees and donations from Wall Street firms bound her to corporate interests. Sanders countered that Clinton "does represent the establishment."

Clinton's campaign tried to flip the script on Sanders by arguing she's the opposite of an establishment contender.

But Sanders was sticking to core messages in the final days before the primary: government-run health care, free tuition at public universities and an end to gigantic, all-powerful financial institutions.

"I want to see banking become boring again," Sanders said. "Remember boring banking?"

On the Republican side, polls showed Rubio on the ascent both in New Hampshire and nationally, raising his hopes that Republican Party leaders would soon unite behind him in a bid to sideline their two polarizing front-runners: Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Jeb Bush accused Rubio of a lackluster set of accomplishments. Bush, campaigning with his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush, summed up the Florida senator's achievements in one word: "Nothing."

Cruz, the victor of last week's lead-off Iowa caucuses, was struggling to put complaints about his campaign's tactics in the rear view mirror, as new evidence emerged of what challenger Ben Carson has dubbed "dirty tricks."

Fueling the dust-up were rumors spread by Cruz's campaign hours before the Iowa caucuses about Carson dropping out of the race. Trump has also cried foul, arguing Cruz "stole" the election by peeling off Carson supporters to surge past Trump.

Before New Hampshire votes, the Republicans planned one last debate showdown on Saturday.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-06

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"Her Royal Thighness"TM has always been a loser. If the Dems can't come up with something better than a loser and an inexperienced old white socialist they are going to need a lot more Wall Street money.

Why the heck did the establishment Dems decide early on to go with that bale of hay Hillary? In a country of 330 million people, that's their pick? Geez.


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"Her Royal Thighness"TM has always been a loser. If the Dems can't come up with something better than a loser and an inexperienced old white socialist they are going to need a lot more Wall Street money.

Why the heck did the establishment Dems decide early on to go with that bale of hay Hillary? In a country of 330 million people, that's their pick? Geez.


Bale of hay - surely that's a straw woman attack? Lol
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What this woman has to offer other than being Obama 2.0 ? she rides on the notion that just

because she's a woman, the US owes her to be elected as a PC jester to her gender,

She will not become the next president of the united state, she suffers a grate deal

of creditability and honesty issues, and it's very, very plain to see, no matter what

rhetoric she uses to mask it.....

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What this woman has to offer other than being Obama 2.0 ? she rides on the notion that just

because she's a woman, the US owes her to be elected as a PC jester to her gender,

She will not become the next president of the united state, she suffers a grate deal

of creditability and honesty issues, and it's very, very plain to see, no matter what

rhetoric she uses to mask it.....

I think more and more people are agreeing with you that Sanders will be the next president.

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Bringing happiness to the people has a certain ring to it. I wouldn't be happy with Clinton or Sanders if they had a race with walkers. I suppose mud wresting is also out of the question.

Sanders talks about a "rigged economy" and then wants socialism which is the ultimate rigged economy. Hillary wants equality so I'm going to ask her to split that $100 million or so she and Bill got peddling influence to Wall Street and foreign countries.

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How about $153 million in 14 years?

From a CNN article linked below:


$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented

Story highlights
  • In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address
  • The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS

(CNN)Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.


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It will always be difficult for Hillary to distance herself from Wall Street.

Her only daughter is married to a hedge fund owner, backed by some wealthy Clinton Foundation donors.

Strange how life works sometimes.

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"Her Royal Thighness"TM has always been a loser. If the Dems can't come up with something better than a loser and an inexperienced old white socialist they are going to need a lot more Wall Street money.

Why the heck did the establishment Dems decide early on to go with that bale of hay Hillary? In a country of 330 million people, that's their pick? Geez.


they got a guy whos father was a communist elected president. hillary doesnt look so bad.......................hahahaha.

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There are some "people" here that need to learn about Bernie and democratic socialism. In fact they need to go back to school period. Damn, the phony "red scare" of the 50's is over and the alcoholic jerk that started it has his place in history, at the bottom of the dump. Bernie's program is nothing but a rewrite of FDR's New Deal. The one that made America what it was until the Regan regime started the long, now accelerating downhill slide to mediocrity. As the old saying goes, "ignorance is bliss". Nobody in their right mind will vote for any of the buffoon car, they are dangerous to what is left of our democracy and country. No, I don't think Hillary will get the Democrat nomination, Bernie is the right person to put America back on the correct course.

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There are some "people" here that need to learn about Bernie and democratic socialism. In fact they need to go back to school period. Damn, the phony "red scare" of the 50's is over and the alcoholic jerk that started it has his place in history, at the bottom of the dump. Bernie's program is nothing but a rewrite of FDR's New Deal. The one that made America what it was until the Regan regime started the long, now accelerating downhill slide to mediocrity. As the old saying goes, "ignorance is bliss". Nobody in their right mind will vote for any of the buffoon car, they are dangerous to what is left of our democracy and country. No, I don't think Hillary will get the Democrat nomination, Bernie is the right person to put America back on the correct course.

I wish people would stop seeing his policies as leftist or even progressive. They are centrist policies much more in the mold of JFK, LBJ and Nixon than Roosevelt's New Deal. Keep pushing that New Deal stuff and watch Bernie's numbers drop. America had been on track for these policies all along until Reagan's deregulation/Laffer Curve nonsense and Bill Clinton's sellout to Wall Street. Bernie's just trying to put the ship back on course.

Edited by lannarebirth
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How about $153 million in 14 years?

From a CNN article linked below:


$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented

Story highlights
  • In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address
  • The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS

(CNN)Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.


And to think on their tax returns under Occupation it probably says "Public Servant".

Edited by mopar71
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Her Wall street connections can not be defended by somebody who claims to want to stand up for the little guy and reduce the power of Wall street.

Arch Criminals Rubin, Summers and Corzine are among her closest economic advisors. Though they purport to deal in the world of paper finance, they've got a lot of blood on their hands.


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Her Wall street connections can not be defended by somebody who claims to want to stand up for the little guy and reduce the power of Wall street.

Arch Criminals Rubin, Summers and Corzine are among her closest economic advisors. Though they purport to deal in the world of paper finance, they've got a lot of blood on their hands.


ZeroHedge website is a standing joke globally so kindly try to do better next time. It is host to the economically depraved Austrian school of economists and their theories about "pure capitalism." Pure capitalism is of course much like the virgin Mary.

Central to the 'theory' is that the USD needs to be destroyed as the global forex reserve currency and the dominant currency of trade. This is the ZeroHedge agenda.

Anyone who would include HR Clinton in anything involving the zany Austrian school of anti-USA economists or its mouthpiece ZeroHedge is as wrongheaded as wrong can be. Very far out.

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Her Wall street connections can not be defended by somebody who claims to want to stand up for the little guy and reduce the power of Wall street.

Arch Criminals Rubin, Summers and Corzine are among her closest economic advisors. Though they purport to deal in the world of paper finance, they've got a lot of blood on their hands.


ZeroHedge website is a standing joke globally so kindly try to do better next time. It is host to the economically depraved Austrian school of economists and their theories about "pure capitalism." Pure capitalism is of course much like the virgin Mary.

Central to the 'theory' is that the USD needs to be destroyed as the global forex reserve currency and the dominant currency of trade. This is the ZeroHedge agenda.

Anyone who would include HR Clinton in anything involving the zany Austrian school of anti-USA economists or its mouthpiece ZeroHedge is as wrongheaded as wrong can be. Very far out.

I agree with you about Zerohedge, but I wasn't posting about Zerohedge, I was posting about Hillary Clinton's links to unindicted arch criminals working the finance sector. I just happened to find the picture I was looking for on the ZH website. But of course you knew that already.

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There is no grand jury. There is no prosecutor. There is no person who is, in FBI terms, a "target" of its inquiry ordered by the Attorney General at the request of the rightwing superpatriot intelligence community as it is called. (I'd prefer the term 'brotherhood')

All this constant talk of jail, prison, "the jury", charges, laws being violated, trial or indictments is make it up regularly stuff in the hope of the rightwhingenuts to mislead people known on the right as the LIV "low information voter."

The number 3 guy in the DepState IG office had failed years ago as an assistant US attorney to convict HRC's finance director cause the jury agreed with the Clinton guy instead of the political prosecutor. The political former prosecutor is now in the IG office sniffing around trying again to find something, oblivious still to the fact it doesn't stick.

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What makes me laugh this time around is the "right wing" has now actually morphed into the "left wing".

The Obama administration Justice Department, led by an Obama apointed Attorney General, an FBI led by an Obama appointed Director, a State Department led by an Obama appointed SecState with an IG appointed by Obama seems to be in the forefront of this investigation.

This isn't, in accordance with Hillary's wildest dreams, a right wing conspiracy.

It is a left wing conspiracy. thumbsup.gif

Think about it.

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It is already pointed out the 'intelligence community' has since the Cold War been dominated by right wing super patriots and that it continues to be so. Nature of the beast and all that.

It is also well established that rightwhingers and superpatriots are far and away at home in the Republican Party.

Yes, there have been, and are, Democratic party people as head of, respectively, CIA and DoD, FBI, State DoJ etc etc but there's no question the intelligence community brotherhood of the US Government is dominated by the boyz (and now some girlz) of the far right wrapped-in-the-flag superpatriots.

Some of 'em carry on quite a bit actually about things such as the SF-312 among other obscure and arcane matters of material irrelevance.

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Man, I can't stand this woman.

Come on, at least admit she did wonders for Libya. She could bring that kind of order and happiness to the American peoples, wouldn't that be just wonderful.

Gosh! Wouldn't that be wonderful! It would create all that work and boost the economy, what with gun sales, ammunition, body armour, armoured police cars etc. The housing sector would boom as they'd need all those new homes (to replace the ones burnt to the ground)!

Wonderful idea! biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

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