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Whats with all this loud noise?......

Daniel Ingalls

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Old Farlang grumps that complain and get irritated about everything.

These guys in the photo are to young to retire. Get your noses back to the grindstone and pay your dues like we did. We paid for the right to gripe. Its all part of our right of passage into the "Golden Years" Which reminds me gold dropped in price this morning must watch the price this week.

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Haha this topic just reminded of one of the days last I went in to that diablo burrito place on the moat, I walked in, there was music blaring, there was 1 customer in not locking very happy probably didn't want to ask them to turn it down, I turned on my heals and walked straight out the door. This was around 2 in the afternoon. Crazy, they were probably wondering why they were having a slow day too.

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Those slow moving vehicles with the loudspeakers blaring away may take top spot in the stupidity stakes.

All they seem to do is piss off people and shop keepers they pass....partially cause they dont pass by fast enough!

And whatever they are advertising is beyond me as I dont yet understand Thai...whereas the Thai people view it as background noise.

Real dumb....maybe the BiB should target these clowns for noise pollution (Perhaps I need to throw a couple of decks of playing cards into the back of these pickups and then buzz the fuzz..... thats slang for calling the cops).

Totally agree, I am in Pattaya, these things are a menace and becoming more popular, so loud some of them they will drown out your TV, can't be right third world country or not

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Haha this topic just reminded of one of the days last I went in to that diablo burrito place on the moat, I walked in, there was music blaring, there was 1 customer in not locking very happy probably didn't want to ask them to turn it down, I turned on my heals and walked straight out the door. This was around 2 in the afternoon. Crazy, they were probably wondering why they were having a slow day too.

You walked in because you wished to eat there, right? But it was too noisy, so you left. You lost. they lost.

Why didn't you just ask them to turn the music down? Wouldn't that have been a simple win-win situation?

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Am I the only one that doesn't see the point of this topic? He starts off by saying "There's only one thing that dirives me batty" and later goes on to say that after all these years he has adjusted and doesn't hear the noise anymore, having grown built-in earplugs!

I too took the easy option of going midweek, mid-afternoon and even then only going if I absolutely must. The much quieter and peaceful, as well as convenient option, of Rimping is always my first choice for a supermarket. Malls, I avoid. I still haven't been to Central Festival or the inconvenient for me Maya Mall. I got dragged screaming to Promenada once, but absolutely refused to go within the first month of opening. Airport plaza, I can't remember the last time I went there, and twice a year I go to Kad Suangeaw to buy a new pair of tennis shoes - in and out. My wife took a bit of time figuring out that not only do I not see shopping as a pasttime, but I'm not a shopper.

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BIIIIG Advantage! Crowded, noisy places cause me no trouble at all. Turn off my hearing aids and it's as if I have cotton stuffed in my ears...

I can tell there are sounds around me, but waaay in the background. Instant tranquility even in a shopping mall!

I almost resent it when I have to turn them back on to talk with people. Sometimes I don't... I'll just read lips instead. Peaceful! :)

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Haha this topic just reminded of one of the days last I went in to that diablo burrito place on the moat, I walked in, there was music blaring, there was 1 customer in not locking very happy probably didn't want to ask them to turn it down, I turned on my heals and walked straight out the door. This was around 2 in the afternoon. Crazy, they were probably wondering why they were having a slow day too.

You walked in because you wished to eat there, right? But it was too noisy, so you left. You lost. they lost.

Why didn't you just ask them to turn the music down? Wouldn't that have been a simple win-win situation?

I wouldn't say I lost because I got exactly same meal I wanted across the road. I'm not interested in telling people how to run their business, if they want to blare generic, repetitive pop music in their restaurant that's their prerogative. I'll just go elsewhere.

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Haha this topic just reminded of one of the days last I went in to that diablo burrito place on the moat, I walked in, there was music blaring, there was 1 customer in not locking very happy probably didn't want to ask them to turn it down, I turned on my heals and walked straight out the door. This was around 2 in the afternoon. Crazy, they were probably wondering why they were having a slow day too.

You walked in because you wished to eat there, right? But it was too noisy, so you left. You lost. they lost.

Why didn't you just ask them to turn the music down? Wouldn't that have been a simple win-win situation?

I wouldn't say I lost because I got exactly same meal I wanted across the road. I'm not interested in telling people how to run their business, if they want to blare generic, repetitive pop music in their restaurant that's their prerogative. I'll just go elsewhere.

I guess second best choice works too. Well done.

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