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Foreigners who brag about their status in Thailand

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Have you have never stayed in the Conrad?? if you think its cheap, your sadly mistaken, the upper suite floors have a Diamond rating and go between 8-15000 baht a night with many amenities and discounts - forget the websites selling them for 3-5000, those are the low end rooms with no added amentities. I have stayed there dozens of times over the years as a USG employee so get a Government rate on a decent suite on the Club floors.

As for the braggarts, I pay them no mind, haven't the time for that, those are the posters I skip.........enjoy Bangkok, and to hell with the petty posters that think they are rock stars because they pay 3 girls 500 baht each to massage him in a 5 star hotel.

Yes, I have.

I am comparing basic rooms which are still extremely nice compared to Super 8 and can be had for 3260 baht a night if you book in advance.

Maybe I need to make this point again.

All I am saying is that certain "prestigious" members who like to bag on certain posters by calling them cheap Charlies are nothing more than low class individuals who most likely can only afford Super 8 in their own country, yet here they feel so oh superior.

Advance rates booked on the same days



Super 8 advance rates....

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

You really think the average thai farmer has land more valuable than the average loud mouth farang bragging about being rich?
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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

You really think the average thai farmer has land more valuable than the average loud mouth farang bragging about being rich?

I do

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

You really think the average thai farmer has land more valuable than the average loud mouth farang bragging about being rich?

I do

At least the farmer can back up his claims with paperwork.

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

You really think the average thai farmer has land more valuable than the average loud mouth farang bragging about being rich?
Compared to the "Cheap Charlies" the average farmer must be a very rich man then :)

Soon the farang socialists will start to hate the average farmer who shows his land too, beware ;)

(This thread is not going anywhere...).

Edited by gerry1011
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Well I guess I have heard it all now on TV. The average farmer is wealthier than the average farang bragging about money. I really wonder what could possibly fill anyone's head with those thoughts.

I agree that a lot of people that brag about money are compensating for not having that much. But to say they are poorer than a farmer is quite a stretch.

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Cheap Charlie.

Why you come Thailand no money?

Farang have money him good man farang no money bad man.

I guess you must be Thai, I understand with you English.

Well there are many Thai who also live in other countries and have no money. They are also Farang in that country. Not everyone come to Thailand just fill up your pocket. Some people have little less and can not afford to take care of ladies here it doesn't mean they are bad man.

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Seeing yourself as better than others, due to wealth, is pathetic,

I see myself as better than others due to education and intelligence.
Modesty is clearly your strongest virtue.
Sadly, you may be right. I, on the other hand, am so wealthy that I have to rely on my looks, and so handsome that I rely on my charm. Can you buy chloroform at the chemists' here?


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The OP is seriously jealous of those who have a lifestyle he cannot afford.

Oops! I'm out of champaigne - better get the Ferrari fired up and go to the shops.

Maybe you could use some of your wealth to take spelling lessons ?

Apologies for the spelling old chap, but I normally get my personal private secretary to take care of my mail. I will see that she is severely reprimanded.

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I agree. You wouldn't know the multi-millionaires here at the beach in SoCal. They wear shorts and Ts same as normal folk. 5555

Bragging and flashing is done by insecure people?

Saw a Chinese guy at a seafood place in Pattaya. At the end of the meal he held up a bunch of 1000 B notes and fanned them out and toyed with them before choosing the ones to pay the bill. I was totally impressed.

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Well many people of Chinese origin are posting photos of their "red envelope" money that they got for Chinese New Year, including spreads of cash. Chinese people DO brag about their money and they will ask you about your salary and judge you by it.

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Actually I prefer being scoped as a cheap charlie..., I have no problems at all with it..., under the radar is the least bothersome way to get about LOS and neighbouring countries in my humble opine. This can sometimes confound people who know me..., but If needs must, I can always subtly, discretely tweak up the aesthetics somewhat.
Having said that.., I absolutely will not stay in some hipster backpacker ghetto !

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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sometimes in shop I say I m cheap Charlie.... very funny when I see their smile turning to a ugly face like they want to kill me. try it...

I don't know what is worse. You doing that or coming on here and telling everyone proudly.
How can some people complain about those who brag about their (higher) status... but at the same time not being disturbed by those others who brag about being Cheap Charlies... It starts to be complicated :) Edited by gerry1011
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sometimes in shop I say I m cheap Charlie.... very funny when I see their smile turning to a ugly face like they want to kill me. try it...

I don't know what is worse. You doing that or coming on here and telling everyone proudly.
How can some people complain about those who brag about their (higher) status... but at the same time not being disturbed by those others who brag about being Cheap Charlies... It starts to be complicated :)
The worst offenders are the ones who brag about being wealthy and then also brag about not spending any of their wealth.
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sometimes in shop I say I m cheap Charlie.... very funny when I see their smile turning to a ugly face like they want to kill me. try it...

I don't know what is worse. You doing that or coming on here and telling everyone proudly.
How can some people complain about those who brag about their (higher) status... but at the same time not being disturbed by those others who brag about being Cheap Charlies... It starts to be complicated :)
The worst offenders are the ones who brag about being wealthy and then also brag about not spending any of their wealth.
Wow... One more category.

Shall we also have the "worst of the worst"?

The Greedy Cheap Charlies who don't spend anything?

Edited by gerry1011
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Bragging is just a bit of good fun, just as listening to someone bragging can also be good fun. For the bragger, the fun lies in getting away with it and for the listener the fun lies in seeing through the exaggerations.

Bragging has to be subtle and understated to be effective. I recall once going to a meeting wearing a cheapish but good, imitation Rolex watch. A girl across the table kept staring at it. After the meeting she sidled up to me and asked what is was worth. I told her it was just a cheap imitation but she didn't believe me, she was having none of that.

Bragging isn't just about wealth. Think of all the people you have met with fancy academic quaifications or stories about being the little known illegitimate son of Idi Amin and Margaret Thatcher.

Enjoy them for their amusing stories, just don't lend them money!

Edited by Rajab Al Zarahni
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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

The richest people I ever met were also the nicest,and really gave out the impression that they were interested in me,and we certainly never talked about

money, Perhaps I was lucky,but they were all true gentlemen!

No - you weren't lucky....It's a common trait among the extremely rich....Some of the most gracious and grounded/unpretentious people you'd ever want to meet....

There are exceptions like Trump, or is that just an American thing?

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An update. I was hoping to be able to thank those who so kindly donated to the "help GarryP rise to the ranks of the moneyed" fund. Unfortunately, due to a dire lack of donations (not one), I remain in abject destitution.

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An update. I was hoping to be able to thank those who so kindly donated to the "help GarryP rise to the ranks of the moneyed" fund. Unfortunately, due to a dire lack of donations (not one), I remain in abject destitution.

did the cheque i sent you bounce? ohmy.png

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

The richest people I ever met were also the nicest,and really gave out the impression that they were interested in me,and we certainly never talked about

money, Perhaps I was lucky,but they were all true gentlemen!

No - you weren't lucky....It's a common trait among the extremely rich....Some of the most gracious and grounded/unpretentious people you'd ever want to meet....

There are exceptions like Trump, or is that just an American thing?

Oddly enough there are alot of reports that he's a pretty nice/good guy with the "common" folk he happens upon or that happen upon him going back many years.....

On the other hand I'm not sure what he is like in the work environment .....

Seems pretty bombastic but it might be for show.....Didn't hear too much about him until the TV show.....

The others I alluded to are all in his ecconomic class if not above it....

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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

Those forum posters who think that millionaires and billionaires are all nasty, unhappy jerks looking down at anyone below their level... most probably actually (and knowingly) never met any.

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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

this is how smart people get rich.

if you don't believe me, do you think rich people give their money around? . if they were giving their money around them, they won't have any money left unless money cone from the sky.

people showing their money and spending won't stay rich very long as their money go down little by little. I know couple who parties and bought nice cars, put their kids in private schools, now they need to go work and getting older it s harder and harder.

I know another guy who wanted the hiso life and build a big house to discover at the end, he got nothing. he lost all.

I see plenty of farangs who are going to be scamed by a lady or by their gay partners. they all think they are smarter... in fact they have already spent all their money and their house worth no more than the price of second hand bricks.

the smart guy is the guy who keep his money outisde Thailand and use only what he needs.

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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

this is how smart people get rich.

if you don't believe me, do you think rich people give their money around? . if they were giving their money around them, they won't have any money left unless money cone from the sky.

people showing their money and spending won't stay rich very long as their money go down little by little. I know couple who parties and bought nice cars, put their kids in private schools, now they need to go work and getting older it s harder and harder.

I know another guy who wanted the hiso life and build a big house to discover at the end, he got nothing. he lost all.

I see plenty of farangs who are going to be scamed by a lady or by their gay partners. they all think they are smarter... in fact they have already spent all their money and their house worth no more than the price of second hand bricks.

the smart guy is the guy who keep his money outisde Thailand and use only what he needs.

i tried very hard to think of a guy who has less knowledge of money and people with money and their spending than you but... i tried in vain.


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