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10-year-old raped by Iraqi migrant at swimming pool in Vienna


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ezzra, on 08 Feb 2016 - 10:49, said:

She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the

Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are

doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany

according to a mayor of that German city,....


It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

I'm not sure it's about being bi-sexual, a lot of men in places like Pakistan will frequently have sex with each other, not because they're gay or bi-sexual but because the women are covered up and off limits, they seem to have a completely different outlook on sex, FREAKS!!!!

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Our rage is visceral and automatic, but not surprising. These acts will not become aberrations soon corrected by migrant assimilation, social integration, peer pressure and law enforcement. We know this because it has never happened before, and never on the magnitude of scale as supplanting an entire population. Acts such as this will increasingly be commonplace and, like terrorism, will slowly over time numb the collective minds of those that hear or know about it. It cannot be argued this is the act of a lone behavior. An argument as this depends on stupidity. Of course this behavior is quietly tolerated and often encouraged in the regions these migrants come from. From Kabul to Lahore to Saana any traveler knows they use "pleasure boys" as both diversion and prestige. They will make the next place look like the last place.

The inferior moral equivalency argument regarding the catholic church does this or that... either requires great blindness or willful intent to offer as a counterpoint. Abusers in the church argument have no refuge in their scripture, culture, or injunction- it is clearly, always, only a violation of law and shared values. Here we import behaviors that have the cover for status of being shielded by their faith and culture and anathema values, and we import this for no other reason than self desecration. No equivalency.

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"Sexual Emergency?" Given the opportunity these animals will band together to destroy the world as we know it...raping women and children...means nothing to them...they are infidels after-all!

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The tolerance for child sexual abuse in Iraq is dealt with rather quickly. When I worked there, a man was accused of abducting, raping and killing young boys. The boys were all from displaced families, who were pretty universally not liked. The man had a trial in the morning and was taken out and shot within minutes of being found guilty.

Unfortunately, it appears that they got the wrong guy because a day later another abduction, rape and murder occurred.

The point is, it is not acceptable where he came from and if he were sent back, he most likely would face very, very swift justice.

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ezzra, on 08 Feb 2016 - 10:49, said:

She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the

Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are

doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany

according to a mayor of that German city,....


It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

So what! these guys enjoy the sexual relations with Camels or goats.........

Animals will always be animals......

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nowhere in the article does it state the rapist was a Muslim as many here have assumed. I assumed he must have been a catholihttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=158&t=893229&qpid=10401222c. 40,000 + cases (reported) and counting. And that is just rapes committed by the priests! And when exposed the church pays for their lawyers and just moves them on to another town to rape more kids. When I think of kids being raped and religion the Catholic Church is the first religion that comes to my mind.

Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris, Micheal Jackson? Were they also closet Muslims?

This is a fair observation but I do not think it reaches the conclusion you do. Why do people assume who the perpetrator was? The very fact that so many do at first glance suggests not a bias but experience. Besides, its now commonly known the details of migrant crimes are intentionally glossed over by the media of many countries. People are now tired of playing the game and refuse to be the product any longer of what the media tries to engineer- dolts. Remember, this news itself was not intended to be released. This act too was suppressed. The fantasy that because they obfuscate identity in order to manage the appearance of their social engineering no longer works. The gig is up. The moral equivalency of the catholic church has no refuge in faith; it is a false analogy.

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Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

You may be able to help me here. The gang of muslims jailed today in UK for grooming, rape and child rape, was that down to islamic culture or teaching?

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The tolerance for child sexual abuse in Iraq is dealt with rather quickly. When I worked there, a man was accused of abducting, raping and killing young boys. The boys were all from displaced families, who were pretty universally not liked. The man had a trial in the morning and was taken out and shot within minutes of being found guilty.

Unfortunately, it appears that they got the wrong guy because a day later another abduction, rape and murder occurred.

The point is, it is not acceptable where he came from and if he were sent back, he most likely would face very, very swift justice.

What they waiting for? Send him back! Quick!!!

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh that makes it alright then,

The fact he was a Muslim migrant who showed zero remorse is just an irrelevance to you.

Perhaps the Austrian authorities should provide these male migrants with free vouchers for sex workers along with all the other freebies?

See, the decadent West at fault for not providing sexual relief.

Your Muslim apologies are becoming a total joke. Castrate the b/stard with a blunt rusty blade and deport him back to his missus.

Okay, dude...here for you and all your "likers": no, that does not make it okay!

At all!

The fact that he was a migrant with no remorse does not matter!

The fact that he was a rapist matters!

But of course it matters to you, that he was Muslim!

Because it fits your agenda!

Free vouchers for sex- workers?

The decadent west?

Projection much?

I am not apologizing for anyone!

How about your general attacks on everything and everyone Muslim?

That is just perverted!

Well, muslims are the ones causing most of the troubles around the world.

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The tolerance for child sexual abuse in Iraq is dealt with rather quickly. When I worked there, a man was accused of abducting, raping and killing young boys. The boys were all from displaced families, who were pretty universally not liked. The man had a trial in the morning and was taken out and shot within minutes of being found guilty.

Unfortunately, it appears that they got the wrong guy because a day later another abduction, rape and murder occurred.

The point is, it is not acceptable where he came from and if he were sent back, he most likely would face very, very swift justice.

Apart from that cases having been murder on top and on an ongoing basis... would it have been the same if the victim had been a non-Muslim? Was the outrage about raping a child or the fact is was a boy, i.e. because of the ingrained homophobia in those countries?

Muslim societies kind of work because of social, i.e. peer-pressure, and a socialization to care for Muslim brothers ans sisters. Not that the latter always works, same as here.

And the salient point here is "swift justice", which they know they don't have to fear in Western countries.

(Not that I am advocating death penalty or whatever has been mentioned on this thread, but it shows we're standing here empty-handed)

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Another shocking twist to this story is that the boy has now effectively been identified. Isn't he going through enough without now having his identity all over the media.

The attacker should be released on bail ! I don't think he would see a court case and if he did it would be in a wheel chair, probably also missing those parts that caused a 'sexual emergency'.

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nowhere in the article does it state the rapist was a Muslim as many here have assumed. I assumed he must have been a catholic. 40,000 + cases (reported) and counting. And that is just rapes committed by the priests! And when exposed the church pays for their lawyers and just moves them on to another town to rape more kids. When I think of kids being raped and religion the Catholic Church is the first religion that comes to my mind.

Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris, Micheal Jackson? Were they also closet Muslims?

The article stated that he was an Iraqi migrant.

How many Catholics are/were there in Iraq?

Here Unfortunately there is no date for this, out of over 23,000,000 Iraqis it quotes a maximum of 420,000


At Wikipedia they quote about 200 to 300,000 Christians and about 85% are Chaldean Catholics which is about 170 to 250,000 people.


What odds would you give that the person is a Chaldean Catholic? To me the odds would be very high against that.

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Source of OP original from islamophobic Breitbart. And was later 'confirmed' by extreme right news outlet Kroner Zeitung. Previously owned by an WW2 ex-Kriegsmariner and after his death his newspaper became very popular, but criticised for support to Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Haider and Barbara Rosenkranz.

Moreover, photoshopped pictures were published in the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


All other news outlets repeated the same texts almost word by word.

No austrian official made a press conference. Which I would look forward to read to make any conclusions.

At least I did my homework...

You did your homework?

This article cites to Kronen Zeitung.


Reported facts happened on 2nd of December 2015.

Aggressor was aware that child rape is a crime, but he continued to jump from the 3m springboard after the facts...whereafter victim and agressor met eachother again...

Edited by Thorgal
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There is a well established culture that accepts sodomy in the middle east….women do it to preserve their virginity before marriage and not get found out.

I would suggest that the only punishment for this man is to be on the receiving end instead of the giving….and the implement used should be a spiked cactus.

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There was an arab guy who was arrested for rape in london recently….he told the courts that he was drunk and accidentally penetrated her when he slipped and fell upon the woman.

I wonder what this guy would say….I was just floating on my back after doing a lap your honour, minding me own business, when a little boy jumped off the diving board and landed right on my ****

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'... A 10-YEAR-OLD Austrian boy has been brutally raped at a public swimming pool by an Iraqi migrant, who told police the attack was a “sexual emergency”.' Presumably an acceptable excuse in Iraq. I assume he will be incarcerated in a place where 'sexual emergencies' are a daily hazard, then duly thrown out of Europe.

But wait, there is the ass known as the European Court to defend his rights. Take it back. Whatever else, he'll only be deported when the European electorate demands their government ministers and the associated departments find their spine.

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The tolerance for child sexual abuse in Iraq is dealt with rather quickly. When I worked there, a man was accused of abducting, raping and killing young boys. The boys were all from displaced families, who were pretty universally not liked. The man had a trial in the morning and was taken out and shot within minutes of being found guilty.

Unfortunately, it appears that they got the wrong guy because a day later another abduction, rape and murder occurred.

The point is, it is not acceptable where he came from and if he were sent back, he most likely would face very, very swift justice.

Apart from that cases having been murder on top and on an ongoing basis... would it have been the same if the victim had been a non-Muslim? Was the outrage about raping a child or the fact is was a boy, i.e. because of the ingrained homophobia in those countries?

Muslim societies kind of work because of social, i.e. peer-pressure, and a socialization to care for Muslim brothers ans sisters. Not that the latter always works, same as here.

And the salient point here is "swift justice", which they know they don't have to fear in Western countries.

(Not that I am advocating death penalty or whatever has been mentioned on this thread, but it shows we're standing here empty-handed)

The boys that were raped and murdered were from the displaced population, which was primarily Arab and were very much disliked by the Kurds. There was little, if any, sympathy for the Arabs. He was executed for abusing children and especially for sodomy. So, yes, I believe that had they been Christian, the outcome would have been the same and the punishment just as swift.

At this point, I doubt that the EU would send him back to Iraq simply because the EU does not return people to a country where they face the death penalty.

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kill that rapist guy! muslim or christian does not matter! this is rape not about a certain religion.

what a big mistake for EU to accept all those immigrants though.

coming from a country and belonging to a religion were it is accepted for a man to rape kids and abuse women - it is his god given right, exactly why ISIS is getting so many people joining up - they are nothing but a dirty bunch of scum paedophiles - 21 virgins that they are promised are all under 10 years old, that is the way they think and they are allowing millions of them into Europe Australia N America and Canada

hmm, a small search over internet shows me that UK is the No 4 country in this world with the most child sex abuse cases behind Zimbabwe! followed by, surprise surprise, USA. Wonder where is Australia on the list.

for example, sources say there were '19 000' child sex abuse cases alone during 2012 - 2013 in UK! dont tell me these are all muslim immigrants.

we have to mention the constant pedophile cases at the churches by priests too.

so, shall we say Christians are worst offenders on this before muslim?

shall we say this is all about the christian culture or shall we say all Christians or brits or murricans are pedos? of course not! because you cannot generalize a certain crime to a certain group, race or religion etc. it is all about the individuals. hello?

you are almost right except, in the countries you mentioned it is against the law and also morally wrong so it is news and is recorded and reported in crime rates etc

yep. same as all those cases at churches not reported due to community pressure or fear. all i know tens of thousands of child abuse cases never get reported and even if reported on 0.1% of the priests reported get jail sentence.

so it is never about religion or a race or nation.

Edited by Galactus
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The tolerance for child sexual abuse in Iraq is dealt with rather quickly. When I worked there, a man was accused of abducting, raping and killing young boys. The boys were all from displaced families, who were pretty universally not liked. The man had a trial in the morning and was taken out and shot within minutes of being found guilty.

Unfortunately, it appears that they got the wrong guy because a day later another abduction, rape and murder occurred.

The point is, it is not acceptable where he came from and if he were sent back, he most likely would face very, very swift justice.

Well, yeah, any Asylum seeker who rapes children, should be given asylum .

"It would be too dangerous for me to go back, because I may get the death penalty"

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