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10-year-old raped by Iraqi migrant at swimming pool in Vienna


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She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the

Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are

doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany

according to a mayor of that German city,....

None so blind as those who will not see :(

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Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Edited by Jingthing
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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh well, then that makes it all right then does it? I guess child abuse by Roman Catholic priests makes it acceptable for Iraqi refugees who are being supported by the European taxpayer to rape 10 year old boys, does it?

In my opinion European governments need to 1) control the flow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere into their territory, limiting it to the truly deserving (prioritizing women and children might be good first step) and 2) vigorously prosecute the corrupt Catholic church for its crimes (as well as any other religious organizations who exploit people).

actually put them into camps and keep them until the trouble is over in their countries of origin and send them right back there

I agree, but Germany and Austria would have problems doing that, they would be called concentration camps

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Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:

Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

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Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:

Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

It's hard to take your post seriously.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

It hardly makes any difference to the 10 year old boy whether this sex starved cave-man raped him because of Islamic TEACHINGS or Islamic CULTURE.

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kill that rapist guy! muslim or christian does not matter! this is rape not about a certain religion.

what a big mistake for EU to accept all those immigrants though.

coming from a country and belonging to a religion were it is accepted for a man to rape kids and abuse women - it is his god given right, exactly why ISIS is getting so many people joining up - they are nothing but a dirty bunch of scum paedophiles - 21 virgins that they are promised are all under 10 years old, that is the way they think and they are allowing millions of them into Europe Australia N America and Canada

hmm, a small search over internet shows me that UK is the No 4 country in this world with the most child sex abuse cases behind Zimbabwe! followed by, surprise surprise, USA. Wonder where is Australia on the list.

for example, sources say there were '19 000' child sex abuse cases alone during 2012 - 2013 in UK! dont tell me these are all muslim immigrants.

we have to mention the constant pedophile cases at the churches by priests too.

so, shall we say Christians are worst offenders on this before muslim?

shall we say this is all about the christian culture or shall we say all Christians or brits or murricans are pedos? of course not! because you cannot generalize a certain crime to a certain group, race or religion etc. it is all about the individuals. hello?

Edited by Galactus
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Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

It hardly makes any difference to the 10 year old boy whether this sex starved cave-man raped him because of Islamic TEACHINGS or Islamic CULTURE.

Nobody said it did. DUH!

But don't be naive.

It DOES make a difference in the PUBLIC REACTION in a political environment during a wave of Middle Eastern refugees.

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There's a German professor that claims all Germans should now study Arabic at school. Think that sums up quite nicely the way the wind is blowing in Europe.

Absolutely agree, the one thing the Europeans are very good at is bending over backwards to the detriment of their own culture. This isn't a proof of the strength of ones own culture, it is stupidity. Mind numbing PC in Europe is a dictatorship of the the conformed sheep. University educated friends who visited me recently told me they feel afraid to voice an unpopular opinion in the UK now because it could have legal consequences.

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kill that rapist guy! muslim or christian does not matter! this is rape not about a certain religion.

what a big mistake for EU to accept all those immigrants though.

coming from a country and belonging to a religion were it is accepted for a man to rape kids and abuse women - it is his god given right, exactly why ISIS is getting so many people joining up - they are nothing but a dirty bunch of scum paedophiles - 21 virgins that they are promised are all under 10 years old, that is the way they think and they are allowing millions of them into Europe Australia N America and Canada

hmm, a small search over internet shows me that UK is the No 4 country in this world with the most child sex abuse cases behind Zimbabwe! followed by, surprise surprise, USA. Wonder where is Australia on the list.

for example, sources say there were '19 000' child sex abuse cases alone during 2012 - 2013 in UK! dont tell me these are all muslim immigrants.

we have to mention the constant pedophile cases at the churches by priests too.

so, shall we say Christians are worst offenders on this before muslim?

shall we say this is all about the christian culture or shall we say all Christians or brits or murricans are pedos? of course not! because you cannot generalize a certain crime to a certain group, race or religion etc. it is all about the individuals. hello?

Possibly because such crimes are actually investigated in these countries which raises the statistical numbers whereas in Muslim countries i doubt many if any such crimes are taken seriously.

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Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.


It certainly is reasonable to blame Islam for this crime as it is reasonable to blame the Catholic Church for having so many paedophile priest.

And you don't need to believe me, but nuns were worse for abusing girls.

Edited by tartempion
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She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany according to a mayor of that German city,....

Over 12 posts (including a few that have been removed) reminding the poster that it was a he not a she that was raped. I think that point has now been made.

Now please keep the discussion on topic and civil.

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Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:20, said:
SgtRock, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:15, said:
Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:

Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

It's hard to take your post seriously.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

A Putin tactic ! Seriously !

Lets take a few facts.

1. 1.1 Million refuges registered in Germany last year. Note, registered, not arrived.

2. It is estimated that only approx. 30% of those were from Syria.

I would doubt that Putin has any influence in Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Morocco, Afghanistan, Algeria and all the other Countries that they are flocking from.

I would guess it has nothing to do with Putin. It has a lot to do with 2 words. Merkel and benefits.

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh that makes it alright then,

The fact he was a Muslim migrant who showed zero remorse is just an irrelevance to you.

Perhaps the Austrian authorities should provide these male migrants with free vouchers for sex workers along with all the other freebies?

See, the decadent West at fault for not providing sexual relief.

Your Muslim apologies are becoming a total joke. Castrate the b/stard with a blunt rusty blade and deport him back to his missus.

Okay, dude...here for you and all your "likers": no, that does not make it okay!

At all!

The fact that he was a migrant with no remorse does not matter!

The fact that he was a rapist matters!

But of course it matters to you, that he was Muslim!

Because it fits your agenda!

Free vouchers for sex- workers?

The decadent west?

Projection much?

I am not apologizing for anyone!

How about your general attacks on everything and everyone Muslim?

That is just perverted!

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Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:

Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

It's hard to take your post seriously.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

I have read what you said and do understand it to an extent but I am not sure you have an understanding of these people and how they think especially about women and having sex with children, the males tend to think of women as as property, you are probably right about the culture side of things as the same thing happens in India and Pakistan - they treat women like dogs, so yes maybe culture and in some cases attempted justification through religion happens also, but it all boils down to one thing - you wouldn't let your kids go out to play near these people and when they are in crowds sexual assaults and rapes are taking place because they believe it is their right

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Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

It hardly makes any difference to the 10 year old boy whether this sex starved cave-man raped him because of Islamic TEACHINGS or Islamic CULTURE.

exactly - or a mixture of both

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh well, then that makes it all right then does it? I guess child abuse by Roman Catholic priests makes it acceptable for Iraqi refugees who are being supported by the European taxpayer to rape 10 year old boys, does it?

In my opinion European governments need to 1) control the flow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere into their territory, limiting it to the truly deserving (prioritizing women and children might be good first step) and 2) vigorously prosecute the corrupt Catholic church for its crimes (as well as any other religious organizations who exploit people).

actually put them into camps and keep them until the trouble is over in their countries of origin and send them right back there

The sick pervert is a rapist and should be stoned to death in the street by the whole of the boys family.

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kill that rapist guy! muslim or christian does not matter! this is rape not about a certain religion.

what a big mistake for EU to accept all those immigrants though.

coming from a country and belonging to a religion were it is accepted for a man to rape kids and abuse women - it is his god given right, exactly why ISIS is getting so many people joining up - they are nothing but a dirty bunch of scum paedophiles - 21 virgins that they are promised are all under 10 years old, that is the way they think and they are allowing millions of them into Europe Australia N America and Canada

hmm, a small search over internet shows me that UK is the No 4 country in this world with the most child sex abuse cases behind Zimbabwe! followed by, surprise surprise, USA. Wonder where is Australia on the list.

for example, sources say there were '19 000' child sex abuse cases alone during 2012 - 2013 in UK! dont tell me these are all muslim immigrants.

we have to mention the constant pedophile cases at the churches by priests too.

so, shall we say Christians are worst offenders on this before muslim?

shall we say this is all about the christian culture or shall we say all Christians or brits or murricans are pedos? of course not! because you cannot generalize a certain crime to a certain group, race or religion etc. it is all about the individuals. hello?

you are almost right except, in the countries you mentioned it is against the law and also morally wrong so it is news and is recorded and reported in crime rates etc

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh that makes it alright then,

The fact he was a Muslim migrant who showed zero remorse is just an irrelevance to you.

Perhaps the Austrian authorities should provide these male migrants with free vouchers for sex workers along with all the other freebies?

See, the decadent West at fault for not providing sexual relief.

Your Muslim apologies are becoming a total joke. Castrate the b/stard with a blunt rusty blade and deport him back to his missus.

Okay, dude...here for you and all your "likers": no, that does not make it okay!

At all!

The fact that he was a migrant with no remorse does not matter!

The fact that he was a rapist matters!

But of course it matters to you, that he was Muslim!

Because it fits your agenda!

Free vouchers for sex- workers?

The decadent west?

Projection much?

I am not apologizing for anyone!

How about your general attacks on everything and everyone Muslim?

That is just perverted!

Here is a 10 year old boy scarred for life and his family devastated all because of letting this deviant, loser Muslim migrant into their country. Citizens that belong in their home countries need to be protected from this filth. Nasty immigrants such as this rapist come from a culture that condones abbussive and deviant behavior toward children and women. There is no effective way to screen and it is only a matter of time for some of these nasty little deviant f'ers start showing there true colors.

So yes, there are already deviants in the host countries, but there is no reason to let more in.

Is this anyway for a quest to treat its host by taking a young child, creating havoc, depleting resources and assaulting women. WTH is that all about. You would think they would act grateful and respectful, at least in the beginning.

Edited by F430murci
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Source of OP originated from islamophobic Breitbart. And was later 'confirmed' by extreme right local news outlet Kroner Zeitung. Previously owned by an WW2 ex-Kriegsmariner and after his death his newspaper became very popular, but criticised for support to Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Haider and Barbara Rosenkranz.

Moreover, photoshopped pictures were published in the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


All other news outlets repeated the same texts almost word by word.

No austrian official made a press conference. Even so, other, but unbiased austrian media outlets. Which I would look forward to read to make any conclusions.

At least I did my homework...

Note : Breitbart has no local reporters.

Edited by Thorgal
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Chemical castration, no more emergencies.

Why us chemicals when a blunt, rusty knife would serve the purpose. Is it anyway wonder why they behead, stone and amputate limbs as punishment in islamic countries. These people are illiterate, brainwashed scum and don't belong in a civilised Western country.

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Source of OP original from islamophobic Breitbart. And was later 'confirmed' by extreme right news outlet Kroner Zeitung. Previously owned by an WW2 ex-Kriegsmariner and after his death his newspaper became very popular, but criticised for support to Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Haider and Barbara Rosenkranz.

Moreover, photoshopped pictures were published in the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


All other news outlets repeated the same texts almost word by word.

No austrian official made a press conference. Which I would look forward to read to make any conclusions.

At least I did my homework...

You did your homework?

This article cites to Kronen Zeitung.


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