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'Metered' Taxi Under Scrutiny


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Looks like the police/military/city hall has called in all of Pattaya's city blue and yellow taxi to come in for a meeting tomorrow for a stern-worded warning about how they operate, if the measure only last a couple of weeks and they are back to the old ways, at least that's something.

Maybe they'll move on to the baht bus next, the way the temperature is dropping this past few days, we could have a chance of snowballs on the beach

Edited by digbeth
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Too much complaint about the blue and yellow taxis not using meter despite being equipped with one I guess, the military came down and had a chat with City hall last Thursday, and they are calling all taxis to report to Tiffany's theater tomorrow morning at 9, I guess it's the only venue big enough they can get in short notice... I could only fantasize that they might march the taxi drivers down the shooting range downstair though,

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It would certainly be a plus for the city if it was finally enforced

Just an after thought edit...

I would imagine tea money being paid to police, have you noticed on Pattaya Tai how they are allowed to park outside Tukcom even on the days when that side should be kept clear, they might as well let everyone park on either side, because these taxis cause a bottle neck anyway

Edited by donnybay
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Yesterday in front of Soi 9 police station they were pulling every taxi to 'check'

Well to check if they were running the meter, all they had to do is look at the red 'empty' for hire light which should goes out when the meter is engaged, if there are passenger in the vehicle when the red light is on, that means the meter is not being used...

so it looks like it was all for show and to get the complaints from 'up top' off their back, it'll all be back to business as usual in a week if not already

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Is there a hotline to call when you find drivers who won't turn on the meters in Pattaya? whistling.gif

I think you should call the hotline if you find one that does turn the meter on over there. biggrin.png

But there isn't a hotline, is there?

As expected, it doesn't seem they're serious.

They did this in Bangkok years, ago, so we know it's possible.

But you actually have to WANT to do it and that takes enforcement, fines, and even being kicked out of jobs.

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Is there a hotline to call when you find drivers who won't turn on the meters in Pattaya? whistling.gif

1584 is what's written on the side of the taxis here, seem to go to the department of land transport, Bangkok has 1197 too which is the police,

There's also an android app that you can take a picture and send it to relevant authority

Don't know how far you'll get in English, you'll need the licence number and the equivalent letter on the plate in English letters is hard to see sometime

Supposedly for repeat offence, they get fined 500-1000 baht plus around a week or two of suspension

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Is there a hotline to call when you find drivers who won't turn on the meters in Pattaya? whistling.gif

1584 is what's written on the side of the taxis here, seem to go to the department of land transport, Bangkok has 1197 too which is the police,

There's also an android app that you can take a picture and send it to relevant authority

Don't know how far you'll get in English, you'll need the licence number and the equivalent letter on the plate in English letters is hard to see sometime

Supposedly for repeat offence, they get fined 500-1000 baht plus around a week or two of suspension

But what counts as an "offense" in Pattaya?

I see no clear announcement saying they must use meters so going by that, they don't need to, so if they don't, there is nothing to report about.

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If you feel the compulsory meter thing is a legal grey area, try asking if they want to use the meter, if they refuse to go with the meter, just refusal to take passenger... that's an offense definitely

Big problem in Bangkok in tourist area where they refuse Thai passengers and prefer to take tourist that don't care about the meter and/or tip.

The Taxis are supposed to take you wherever you want and refusal is an offence

For Bangkok, I've seen the legal definition of the city area where they specified that meters must be used, I haven't been able to find this for Pattaya or even Chonburi

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In Bangkok I occasionally take a taxi and they usually turn on the meter like they should. If they don't, I always tell them to turn it on. I have never experienced that a taxi driver refuses to turn on the meter when I tell him to.

So you are saying that in Pattaya "TAXIMETER" refuse to drive you on the meter ? Well, then I will never take a "TAXIMETER" in Pattaya.

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Nybody try the grab taxi app it works well in other asian countries. Call up - get told how much - cab arrives - pay at destination.The drivers also are very polite.

Yes it worked well when it was first introduced but they too have got greedy now.

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From now on, Taxi in Pattaya can not park in the front of Central beach. And should be charged by meter. If they are not the customer should complain to Pattaya City Hall, tel. 1337 to inform the Taxi number and the driver name.

Yes. there are so many things people should do, but don't do.

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From now on, Taxi in Pattaya can not park in the front of Central beach. And should be charged by meter. If they are not the customer should complain to Pattaya City Hall, tel. 1337 to inform the Taxi number and the driver name.

Yes. there are so many things people should do, but don't do.

If people only do things that they're supposed to, I suppose there's won't be Pattaya

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What is this about? There never has been a metered taxi service in Pattaya. Never.

So what's the meeting about?

Yes, the way they're talking you'd think they were once using their meters and they've recently gone bad. They've been rotten from the very first day. I remember your first "slam the door and walk away" thread, eons ago.

They can't fix the problem in Bangkok (for foreigners), so what's the chances of getting the job done here.

Edited by tropo
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It would certainly be a plus for the city if it was finally enforced

Just an after thought edit...

I would imagine tea money being paid to police, have you noticed on Pattaya Tai how they are allowed to park outside Tukcom even on the days when that side should be kept clear, they might as well let everyone park on either side, because these taxis cause a bottle neck anyway

Fully enforce it or rip the meters out and rip the signs off their roofs, to stop misleading tourists who get hustled into paying big fares.

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Its been a sham from day one.

They must have plenty of mussel in the right places in this town.

Never given them one Baht, never will. bah.gifbah.gif

LOL. Never say never. I had to take one once when I got dumped by a baht bus far away from regular transport. It was either pay the baht bus scammer or the Meter-Taxi scammer. As it was the baht bus who put me there, I took the meter-taxi. I had suitcases so was not going to walk.

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