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Farang men who have a problem with farang women in Thailand.

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Something doesn't ring true here..., for you to notice they spent the evening glaring.., you must have spent the evening watching them ?
Why would you bother if you were with your N n D ? Is it possible you were sitting at the locals usual table ?

That aside.., it's hard to say on simple one opinion..., stranger things often have happened in LOS...., could these people have known just who you both are ?

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So how did you know they were British and American? Did you have a conversation with them to figure that part out?

It's not all that hard to recognise the difference between a British and American accent, very easy for an Australian in fact. Although I will admit it's hard to pick the difference between a Canadian and American accent, which does tend to annoy the Canadians.


In your mind or your Wife's Mind ???? stigma creating further stigma ?

Sometimes eyes wonder, we all look around at others etc...

Could it be that the Older Western chappy's with their younger Thai Ladies felt they were being judged by your Western Wife ?

I find it difficult to comprehend anyone felling uncomfortable with anyone else, whoever they are, unless they are outwardly being inappropriate, behaving poorly etc..

Quote Could it be that the Older Western chappy's with their younger Thai Ladies felt they were being judged by your Western Wife ? unquote. Yes quite likely they wanted to stamp your forehead with the rubber stamp with a big "P" on it. If they were carrying a Bible then you know that you were a target.


Which city ?

Does it matter? I'd prefer not to make this about pointing the blame at one particular expat community.

I tend to agree it should not matter the place.

I have witnessed ill-feelings displayed by farang men toward farang women in Asia many times. I think it stems from the fact many farang men have had bad experiences with farang women--note all the comments to that effect here on TV.

I think men in general would like to think they are superior to women, would prefer subservient women, and are uncomfortable with strong-willed women.


This thread has certainly made it clear that some expat men feel an antipathy towards expat women - which would explain the reaction we received.

This thread has also shown how some Western ladies have antipathy with an older Western man enjoying the company of a younger Asian woman - which would also explain the reaction you received.


This thread has certainly made it clear that some expat men feel an antipathy towards expat women - which would explain the reaction we received.

This thread has also shown how some Western ladies have antipathy with an older Western man enjoying the company of a younger Asian woman - which would also explain the reaction you received.

My wife has no such antipathy.


This thread has certainly made it clear that some expat men feel an antipathy towards expat women - which would explain the reaction we received.

This thread has also shown how some Western ladies have antipathy with an older Western man enjoying the company of a younger Asian woman - which would also explain the reaction you received.

I never noticed that. Perhaps you could help improve my comprehension skills by pointing to the specific posts?

Yeah I look at farang couples. Who'd want a fat ugly woman with short hair and attitude, when there's dozens of available sexy women here. No offence to anyone, it's my opinion.

When I see some good looking 20something Western guy here trolling around with his Western bird on holiday...........just painful. LOL.


Yeah I look at farang couples. Who'd want a fat ugly woman with short hair and attitude, when there's dozens of available sexy women here. No offence to anyone, it's my opinion.

When I see some good looking 20something Western guy here trolling around with his Western bird on holiday...........just painful. LOL.

Why so?

I first came here on holiday, in my 20s, with a western girlfriend. We had a great time.


I tend to agree it should not matter the place.

I have witnessed ill-feelings displayed by farang men toward farang women in Asia many times. I think it stems from the fact many farang men have had bad experiences with farang women--note all the comments to that effect here on TV.

I think men in general would like to think they are superior to women, would prefer subservient women, and are uncomfortable with strong-willed women.

It would be disappointing if the last paragraph were true and in my experience Asian women are strong willed. As for subservient (submissive, obedient, compliant, passive, unassertive, subdued) Are you joking?


This thread has also shown how some Western ladies have antipathy with an older Western man enjoying the company of a younger Asian woman - which would also explain the reaction you received.

My wife has no such antipathy.

I was talking about some posters on this thread, not your wife, i thought that was fairly clear.

This thread has also shown how some Western ladies have antipathy with an older Western man enjoying the company of a younger Asian woman - which would also explain the reaction you received.

My wife has no such antipathy.

I was talking about some posters on this thread, not your wife, i thought that was fairly clear.

But like I said, my wife has no such antipathy - so why take it out on her?


I never noticed that. Perhaps you could help improve my comprehension skills by pointing to the specific posts?

One of the Posts about not being able to go into a restaurant without seeing old men and their prostitutes got a lot of attention. Not an excuse but too long to go back over the thread but there are others as well.


Pretty ironic use of the word 'judgemental' there, considering the way you're roundly passing judgement on what you see as my flaws.

As it happens, the place was empty when we arrived, and as I've said we were simply minding our own business and sitting in a quiet corner eating and drinking by the time the other customers turned up. My wife isn't the type to 'size up' other women - despite what you seem to think, this isn't a universal female trait. To be fair to them, the other women present didn't seem at all interested in her, either. It was the men they were with giving her the stink eye.

A lot of farang men here in Thailand have a big problem with western women.

These are the guys who never got laid in college, the men who struggled to find attractive girlfriends in their twenties or thirties, and the older guys who got cleaned out in the divorce courts.

Bitterness abounds!

To see examples of this, check out some of the comments leveled at Nancy during the POTY contest. Better still, PM Nancy and discuss this with her.


True dat!!

There is a bizarre misogyny afoot here on TV, from the all Thai women are whores brigade to the All western women are harridans crew and beyond into the bunch who can't conceive that someone could actually be uninterested in bargirls.

It's dysfunctional across the board, too many bitter divorces around, yet none capable of living alone.

It's laughable.

I don't care what colour or culture a woman is from as long as she engages me both in the sack and in conversation and she has her own thing going on. In other words someone I consider an equal.

I'm raising a daughter and I already have a housekeeper, why would I marry either?


We were just quietly sitting in the corner minding our own business. No inappropriate behaviour or judging involved.

They were showing their insecurity issues. They were maybe with ladies who before were "working" ladies and now feel looked down on.

Their problem, not you or your wife's.


This thread has also shown how some Western ladies have antipathy with an older Western man enjoying the company of a younger Asian woman - which would also explain the reaction you received.

My wife has no such antipathy.

I was talking about some posters on this thread, not your wife, i thought that was fairly clear.

But like I said, my wife has no such antipathy - so why take it out on her?

Apparently all western women look the same.

Thailand changes people in strange ways, I personally will never do my laundry or clean my own toilets again, others resent a woman they percieve to be equal.

This place is a refuge for broken men with failed marriages and relationships. I ignore them, with the exception of TV I rarely encounter them socially, they wouldn't be comfortable around my circle of friends.

I suppose I keep returning out of something akin to schadenfreude, or regard many of the posters here as a cautionary tale.


t's dysfunctional across the board, too many bitter divorces around, yet none capable of living alone.

An interesting comment HooHaa and i am sure true for a lot, but i see quite a few divorced guys here who are not only very capable of living alone but want to live alone. Unlike in the West where i found it relatively easy to find a weekend only type relationship (both parties live separately / have their own funding) that is one thing not so easy to achieve here relationship wise. Options seem to me more a case of either co-habitation or PAYG.



Which city ?

Does it matter? I'd prefer not to make this about pointing the blame at one particular expat community.

I've been here over 20 years and never seen it happen in

any city I've been in. So yeah, I guess it might matter.


I live near a small city such as you described - and have been with foreign ladies who are friends and never had any such issue - it is hard to imagine what happened.

They were looking at you in some way that you did not like?? I get no picture from this of what might have happened - what do you think it was?


As someone who has been here for eons- I remember when any Farang in even Bangkok received the same reaction. It used to be so bad that people actually stopped in their tracks and stared and pointed at you. The OP was in a rural area not visited by many tourists. His wife probably seemed an oddity to the other foreigners who hardly see anyone other than their group. However, staring at people for a long time is considered impolite. Thai's themselves do it and other Thais will respond- ' Mong Arai'- meaning What are you looking at!. Sometimes, when a Farang man is with his Thai wife/girlfriend/friend and goes into a Thai restaurant- comments are made in Thai by groups of Thai men and they are anything but nice. Don't feel uncomfortable- have a good laugh and enjoy the food. It will happen again and again. You just ignore it.

As recently as six years ago, I got the "space alien" reaction when traveling through small towns in Isaan. It was certainly not a hostile reaction, more like surprise. Small children would walk right up and touch my arm as Mama looked on approvingly. laugh.png If I went into a store, Thais would invariably be pushed aside so that I could be served first. I found this absurd, but no Thai seemed to take offense. This is much different than the nasty reception I sometimes get from farang women who are simply unable to mind their own business. I never display affection in public but once a middle-aged farang woman sees that I am with a Thai woman, they seem to think it incumbent upon them to make a rude comment.bah.gif


I think men in general would like to think they are superior to women, would prefer subservient women, and are uncomfortable with strong-willed women.

Disagree. Thai women can be just as strong-willed as any Western woman, they are just more subtle about it.

I think you'll find the problem most divorced expats have with Western women is that the women were lazy fat cows who were quite happy to bludge off the hardworking husband. Then when it wound up in the divorce courts, a spineless judiciary awarded the women assets they had done SFA to earn.bah.gif


The attempted point of the OP is rather clear:

"You are a sad old codger living with a young Thai peasant wife, who's living with you because you pay her to. You probably met her in bar.

I am a successful professional that certainly never had any issues with having Western women want to sleep with me. Unlike you!"

Bit sad really. But hey, there ya go. biggrin.png


Once you've had black you never go back, but in my case I'll settle for brown, but definitely not white.

Once you go black , nobody wants you back . I like all sugar .


The attempted point of the OP is rather clear:

"You are a sad old codger living with a young Thai peasant wife, who's living with you because you pay her to. You probably met her in bar.

I am a successful professional that certainly never had any issues with having Western women want to sleep with me. Unlike you!"

Bit sad really. But hey, there ya go. biggrin.png

Not at all. My point was that I don't give a shit who you are or who you're with - I'm just trying to have a quiet meal with my wife, so quit glaring at her.

If you're reading more than that into it, the issue is in your head, not mine.


The attempted point of the OP is rather clear:

"You are a sad old codger living with a young Thai peasant wife, who's living with you because you pay her to. You probably met her in bar.

I am a successful professional that certainly never had any issues with having Western women want to sleep with me. Unlike you!"

Bit sad really. But hey, there ya go. biggrin.png

Not at all. My point was that I don't give a shit who you are or who you're with - I'm just trying to have a quiet meal with my wife, so quit glaring at her.

If you're reading more than that into it, the issue is in your head, not mine.

Yeah, sure it is. whistling.gif


Perhaps, if I may suggest, you and your wife should go to someplace a bit more upscale for your quiet meals.

Your hotel for the evening didn't have a decent restaurant? Hmmmmm.


The attempted point of the OP is rather clear:

"You are a sad old codger living with a young Thai peasant wife, who's living with you because you pay her to. You probably met her in bar.

I am a successful professional that certainly never had any issues with having Western women want to sleep with me. Unlike you!"

Bit sad really. But hey, there ya go. biggrin.png

Not at all. My point was that I don't give a shit who you are or who you're with - I'm just trying to have a quiet meal with my wife, so quit glaring at her.

If you're reading more than that into it, the issue is in your head, not mine.

Yeah, sure it is. whistling.gif


Perhaps, if I may suggest, you and your wife should go to someplace a bit more upscale for your quiet meals.

Your hotel for the evening didn't have a decent restaurant? Hmmmmm.

It had a very decent restaurant, yes. Delicious food, pleasant surroundings, and a surprisingly wide range of imported beers and wines.


The attempted point of the OP is rather clear:

"You are a sad old codger living with a young Thai peasant wife, who's living with you because you pay her to. You probably met her in bar.

I am a successful professional that certainly never had any issues with having Western women want to sleep with me. Unlike you!"

Bit sad really. But hey, there ya go. biggrin.png

Not at all. My point was that I don't give a shit who you are or who you're with - I'm just trying to have a quiet meal with my wife, so quit glaring at her.

If you're reading more than that into it, the issue is in your head, not mine.

Yeah, sure it is. whistling.gif


Perhaps, if I may suggest, you and your wife should go to someplace a bit more upscale for your quiet meals.

Your hotel for the evening didn't have a decent restaurant? Hmmmmm.

It had a very decent restaurant, yes. Delicious food, pleasant surroundings, and a surprisingly wide range of imported beers and wines.

Nice. What hotel was it? Your info might help other board members. :)

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